Aliens, Bros and sisters from the Stars, The Lions Gate


The Spiritual War continues and energies in the collective are heavy.

There are two types of galactic beings, the bad ones (aliens) and the good guys (brothers and sisters from the stars).

The difference is that the bad ones will pretend to save us and pick us up on their UFO’s to take us some other planet and the good guys who work with us to assist us and empower us.  In fact we assist the good guys as well, it’s a continuous communication and synergy with the good guys.

You might want to focus on discernment regarding galactic beings.

Lion’s Gate is a portal that is opening with the Galactic New Year July 26 and closes around Aug 12, with culminating energies on Aug 8.

Lots of Cosmic activation happens around this time, lots of messages, Spiritual Guidance, Healing, Awakening and Light Codes.

Each and everyone of us is affected and we need to do the WORK.

I share in my video about 4 pillars of health that we need to focus on during this Portal time.

I drew 3 cards for a Sacred Reading of the Collective during this time.

No one is going to save us. We might as well change perspective, do the inner work to empower ourselves and win this Spiritual War.


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*** EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life ***

Sacred Readings Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Feet Chakra Balancers Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Sacred Readings
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Feet Chakra Balancers
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Lions Gate Portal 8-8 – Time of Great Potential and Power

Peace to you,

We are standing on the cusp of great change.
Lions Gate (August 8th) is a very special time.
It’s an expansion of energy that is happening since the end of July and ending mid August culminating on Aug 8th.

8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal Energy is connected with the fixed star Sirius which is brighter and bigger than our Sun.
In fact last night (early morning) I woke up for a few seconds to see the star of Sirius shining brightly in the sky. It did activate me and I am sure if you tune into it will activate you.

Star Gate is supporting our mission opening up more cosmic energies. It is a doorway in consciousness that makes you understand your soul and become aware of your POWERS.

During this time we are truly entering into an accelerated time. Be ready to receive light codes activation, DNA activation, divine information, downloads.

8-8 is associated with GREAT manifestation, magnetizing, transformation, spiritual and material wealth, abundance and prosperity. Imagine “number 8” over your chakras with the meeting point at heart chakra.

Imagine that anything that is stuck in your chakras is clearing out with the energy of number 8 or infinity symbol.

There is also an activation of solar plexus energy as Leo is connected with fire in the solar plexus.

Lions Gate is an activation and clearing at the same time.

The clearing of energy happens mostly in the emotional body in particular clearing in the maternal lineage.
The maternal lineage energy came in the last healing sessions with my clients releasing and clearing stagnant energy.

I have been working on myself through maternal lineage and a lot comes through via dreams and intuitive hunches.

Release what no longer resonates with you and is not supporting your soul’s growth and your truth.

Clear detrimental ancient programming, cancel contracts, cut cords and heal ancestral energies.

Any detrimental low frequency like anger, guilt, shame etc that was used in your family for generations and was passed to you is clearing out if you allow it and consciously chose to work through it.

There is a lot of healing energy beaming from Cosmos and waits for us to receive it in the form of Unconditional Love.
The energy of the portal will last through September.

Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies are working together supporting each other to create healing.

The Cosmic clearing happens to the entire planet. Notice any visions, dreams, ideas, hunches, pay attention and trust whatever shows up for you.

Be aware of any cycles that you don’t want to repeat.
If you are present in your awareness you can transit through the portal and create a new cycle in your life that is charged with Cosmic Energy.
And because you are reading this, I am confident you will make the transition to a new cycle of Creation.

Your intentions have to be clear and your focus sharp to manifest your life purpose for the next cycle.

For many of us sensitives it can be quite an intense time. If storms happen in your life remember to come back to your essence, hold the peace and stay grounded.

This is the time when you need to care not only for your soul but also for your physical body. Your body might feel tired as it has to go through these intense energies. Relax, rest and mediate, so your body can acclimate to these energies.

Don’t give your powers away to chaos, fear or drama. Stay true to yourself.

We are guided to make new choices that are more in harmony with our higher self so we can move forward creating HEALING, abundance, peace and joy in the New Reality.

Remember who you are and why you are here on Earth to experience.
We are blessed to be awake during these transitional times.
Be awake, be aware, stay empowered, stay blessed.

To book healing sessions or sacred readings with me go here

May we suggest:
Leo Orgone Pendant
Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Leo Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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