Dismantle the Toxic Matrix and the Guinea Fowls Messages

Constantin and I went on an orgone gifting mission in the mountains of Rodna in Romania. Our orgone gifts awaken and activate the frequencies of the location on a large scale. They bring vibrations of truth to the surface as people awaken.  We have been going on these missions for many years and each and every time we gift a powerful place, truth will surface.

The mountain peak “Pietrosu” (Rocky Mountain) and actually the entire area is a portal of energy.
This place like many others in nature is so beautiful and energizing. We build resilience and endurance when we hike. The energy of the mountain is very empowering and grounding.

The entire hike was a bit challenging energetically, although the beauty overrode the challenges. The more powerful the location the more challenging it seems to be.
We experienced different mixed emotions, pain and discomfort, annoying mosquito bites, a small incident, rain and hail.

As we reached the top of the mountain both of us gifted the peak with orgonite and did our individual prayers and chants on top. A few seconds after we completed our gifting/offering we heard a very loud thunder.  It was a wild “Thank you” acknowledgment and that was the first and last thunder we heard.

After completing the hike we visited a very peaceful and beautiful monastery and we got rewarded with instant peace and lots of wild berries.

Although Romania is known for sacred locations and places of spiritual power there is so much corruption and dirty play at work. In fact not too long ago Romania dismantled human trafficking and human exploitation, mostly minors. (Hint: we have been gifting Romania with a lot of orgone).

After we visited the monastery I decided to shoot a short clip on location about a dream I had a few days before this adventure.

The dream was about dismantling the planetary matrix entangled in corruption and darkness.

Inpangela (Guinea Fowls)
Right at the beginning of shooting of the video a group of very noisy guinea fowls showed up.
I walked away from them and focused on peace and they suddenly became very quiet.

Guinea Fowls known as Inpangele are very powerful protectors and guardians when they show up in our life.

Guinea Fowls are very noisy but when we see them in a shamanic way as totems (spirit animals) they tells us to be vigilant, stay alert to confront any danger, stay focused and work on accomplishing our mission, connect with higher self and intuition and keep our feet grounded in the earth.
Peace is all we need and focusing on peace cancels all the noise and propaganda that exists in the 3D world.

The spirit medicine of Inpangele brings the message of:
 “Now it’s the time to be active, do the inner work, stay alert, stay focused on your mission, roam free and create your own entertainment.”

In fact I meditated this morning and got that we need to use caution, be vigilant, open our spiritual eyes more than ever to see the truth and stop feeding the fake narrative.  We need to use common sense and be cautious during these transitional times.  

When the Inpangela birds show up they remind us of the power of expressiveness. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth.

Close your eyes for a minute or two, take a few deep breaths and allow the Spirit of the Guinea Fowl (Inpangele) to come to you and bless you with its energies.It is said when the Spirit of this bird comes to you it brings magic in your life. So allow to receive the gift.

Matrix Dream

Now coming back to my dream.
In my dream I saw something strange protruding from my left knee: something like a cap or a stopper made out of hard plastic or rubber the size of a nickel.
I said to myself that looks like a nasty implant.

I wanted to get rid of it and I started digging underneath the implant.
As I was digging I saw a mesh made out of plastic/rubbery thing that was spreading out to my entire leg and then my entire body. I woke up, meditated and continued my dream to see where this was going.

I got the message that this is my own matrix which needed to be dismounted as it is connected to the global matrix which is extremely toxic to humanity. If we want to get rid of global matrix that is imprisoning our consciousness we need to get rid of individual matrices first and foremost.

Then I asked spirit how do we do that?

And Spirit answered:
by being aware
by doing personal inner work and
by being in nature.

I saw my entire matrix being vacuumed, disappearing completely (vanished) into the Cosmos and my entire aura clearing up beautifully.

I was ‘aha’!!!
That’s what we need to do to help with transitioning from 3D world based on fear, misery and negative enslaving though forms, to move into the 5D world filled with joy, kindness, prosperity and beauty.

We don’t need the entire world to do that, but the more of us doing the work of awakening, the faster the global toxic matrix is being dismantled as we cut the supply of its “food”.
Without energetic fear based food, the matrix cannot survive.

I was also getting that the entire cell phone, media and social media network is keeping this matrix alive.  But instead of getting rid of the technology we can raise our vibrations and kill the detrimental, toxic energies that want us enslaved in technology and staying isolated. And this is how we cut their power supply.

The implants that are being planted into us ethericaly are actually locations in our body that are weakened by past trauma. The trauma resides in our physical bodies and unless we decide to address our issues on emotional levels we cannot heal.  The moment we work on our individual trauma  we start cleaning our bodies from enslaving matrixes.

We are social beings by nature and we need to get together as tribes and communities and do the work: meditation, dance, laughter, yoga, healing, breathwork, hiking in groups, games etc.

Work doesn’t have to seem a burden but it has to come from a high awareness with high intentions. The work will then seem very easy and flawless.

We have the power to shift to a timeline that is absolutely benevolent, a world that works for everyone, without being in separation but in unity. And that’s when the many of us awaken.

I am sure so much of this is already happening. Matrix is being dismantled as we speak. Just be kind to each other as the toxicity is coming out.

We need to remind each other of the beautiful world that we WANT to create: the one that WE are the creators in it, being responsible, we the organic loving beings that want unity. We are shifting and we are faced with evolutionary opportunities. Each and everyone of us has a piece to the puzzle, we are unique yet we are all part of the ONE Divine plan. We are part of the Great Awakening and we are creating realities that are based on high vibrations.
Being responsible is virtue.
I pray for all the people who are suffering right now to rejoice and reclaim their power. Let’s all reclaim our Power and raise vibrations of our beloved planet.
Let’s return to our essence >>> LOVE.

We can do this!

Have the courage to be part of this work.

I love you,  stay blessed.

Lilly Natures Blessings

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Sacred Readings
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Flying and Currency Exchange Dream: Financial Systems Replaced?

Hate him or love him, that’s just a lesson to learn.

He might be perceived as evil by some and God’s sent by others.
He could be both as he is a Gemini.
Duality at its best. Yet Duality is part of life.

I like Rabindranath Tagore’s quote:
“Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.”

Last night I had a dream with someone famous.
My dream was Weird!
In my dream he was piloting a small airplane.
It was just the two of us in the airplane.
I was enjoying the flight as I could see the ground from above through very large windows.

We landed in a country that I don’t recall and walked together in a building where he took out a stack of money and asked me: “how much money should we exchange?”
My reply was a small amount.
He put on the table a lot of money, way more than I suggested.
I said: “what are you going to do with so much money!!”
He didn’t say anything and carried on with the exchange.

Money dreams can be hard to be interpreted.

I woke up asking myself:
“What if this has to do with a change in currency or change of financial systems?”

And because this dream happened around a powerful Full Moon it might be prophetic.
We shall see what unfolds.

Dreaming about flying an airplane at high elevation could be interpreted as great awareness and high consciousness.
Money Dreams are not only about material wealth but also spiritual wealth and relate to overall being.

I want to believe that golden age is coming where everyone has enough food on the table, enough water, a roof over their head, be joyful, free and at peace.
I wish this would come true.

In fact how about saying a little prayer right now?
Pray for individual abundance and also the entire worlds’ prosperity and well being.

Money Belief Systems

One belief system (detrimental) is insecurity around money, thinking never have enough, not being able to enjoy anything in life because of always thinking ‘lack of money’ or ‘putting aside’.
This is telling the Universe ‘there is never enough’.

Another belief system which is healthier one could be ‘there is more than enough, plentiful’.
Also being responsible comes to mind. Using money in more responsible ways.
The small amount of money to exchange (in my dream) could mean either a limited belief financial system or a healthy belief system, depends on how we look at the situation.
Some people are happy with more while others are content with less.

The dream was about exchanging money.
Money is also perceived as energy.
Perhaps exchanging energy with others?
Being social, spending more time with family and friends.
Connecting on deeper levels; more in person not only through social media.

May All Beings have enough, be joyful and free.
Much Love,

How to create your Abundance and Prosperity Corner?

Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant

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May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Love Yourself Meditation Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Love Yourself Meditation Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Dreams and Dark Entity Attacks

If you are a light worker, sensitive, starseed, indigo, crystal, which works continuously with light you could easily get attacked by the dark side.

When do they attack?
All the time, specially during the night in our dreams.
This is not something to be ashamed of or feel guilty.

We need to learn to be aware of the dark ones who pretend to be light, learn to discern and become responsible.

When I get attacked in my dreams (not often though) is when I am not grounded and I don’t wear my feet chakra balancers.

The last pair of feet chakra balancers I have gifted them in one of my last gifting missions. (i strategically place orgone gifts at sacred locations or places of energy that need awakening).

Last night in my dream I got attacked by some weird entities and tried to get out of the situation.
I tried to scream but it was very hard, almost impossible. A very weak noise would come out of my throat.
However I insisted as I knew that if I make noise I would come out of the dream.

Have you ever had a dream when you are conscious that you are dreaming?

My partner woke me up asking if I had a bad dream.
I said “don’t worry I am okay”. I said a prayer and thanked him for waking me up.

Next time I will wear my feet chakra balancers, I said.

They are amazing protectors, specially during night when we are more vulnerable to attacks.
If you don’t have yours invest in them.

So I am sharing 2 powerful tips to come out of a nightmare or when you get attacked during sleep.

1. Ground yourself ( feet chakra balancers, grounding mediations, walk barefoot during the day)

2. Be aware that you can change the outcome of your dream.

If you are aware you will remember this during your dream.

So how can you change the outcome?
By waking up.

How do you do that?
In your dream try to make noise like I did, try to move a finger, hand, leg, neck, etc. You will wake up.

Why grounding through feet is so important?
When we are grounded/earthed we develop a protective filed around feet that will block intrusion of unwanted energies (entities).

We draw energy from earth into our chakra system through feet chakras.

Feet chakras are not only the main centers of vitality and grounding they are also centers of detoxification as energy travels from upper chakras to lower chakras and then down into the earth where energy is being recycled. An imbalanced (blocked) foot chakra will affect people negatively and can become portals of psychic attacks, in particular earthbound spirits.
Sweet and safe dreams.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Who are these Beings of Goodness and How they Assist Humanity?

Dark forces exist. They are creating havoc and chaos in the world.

Nowhere is safe but in our very heart.

Just came from a month sacred journey and I got so many messages but the main ones are:

1. There is a invisible force of good that is working continuously with humanity to maintain safety, harmony in this world in spite of all the unleashed fury of darkness

2. Regardless of any circumstances or experiences that radiate negativity, don’t lose yourself in fear.

3. Be aware and conscious about the balance/harmony between feminine/masculine, yin/yang, black/white.

Dark forces are using manipulation to divide.

Being fully in the heart allows for protection.
Take time to breathe deeply to release all the pain accumulated in the heart.

I woke up in a hotel room in Montenegro at 1:54 am on September 23rd.

The light from the ceiling that was flashing woke me up. I didn’t know what to make of it.
I tried to go back to sleep or ignore it but couldn’t.
I turned the lights on, woke up my partner to ask him if he sees what I am seeing.
He confirmed he was seeing the flashing light and went back to sleep.

I felt a sense of urgency and so I started boosting.
Boosting is a way of sending heart energy to a circumstance, situation or person.
Then I heard telepathically the word “redirect” and continue the boosting.
After a few minutes I heard: “redirectedd”. “Mission completed.”

Tears of relief were rolling down my face and pillow.

I looked at the watch it was 2:00 am.

Then I started questioning these invisible beings:

“What in the world was that? Who are you?

Then telepathic answers and messages came in…

It was Sept 23rd when an object/meteorite was supposed to hit the earth.

There is this invisible force of good or light if you will, that works with humanity to help and assist us maintain the balance and harmony on earth.

I am reluctant to give it a name because I am at the point where I don’t trust any organized group any longer.

But I believe there is a higher power that is helping us and one has to feel it and experience it to believe it.

Dark forces are working hard to destabilize peace on earth and create chaos.
So I asked this force of Good (beings of goodness) why didn’t they warn me in advance and left it for the very last minute?

They said these dark forces are extremely intelligent and work with artificial intelligence so they can alter, manipulate and even read thoughts.

There was an object or meteorite that was supposed to hit the earth. Many people knew about it and worked on redirecting it. Forces of good, brothers and sisters from other dimensions using high advanced technology worked on this redirection; however human interaction/heart energy was also needed for this redirection to be completed.

And then I asked: why me?
I got the answer: like many others you are a small piece of the puzzle who signed a contract to assist humanity when needed. Apparently I am on call or work for with these beings part time.

Many people who are healers, light workers or simply just good empathic people are also called to the mission.
We all hear the call in different ways. For me this experience was extremely powerful and wanted to share it with you to remind you that you are also part of this mission to keep the world in balance.

Guess what happened next?
After the redirection/mission completed the ceiling light stopped flashing.

These beings that assist humanity might be invisible to us.
They achieved mastery by cultivating qualities such as humility, love, compassion, kindness, wisdom, understanding. They are dedicated to help humanity through the darkest times and main purpose is Unity.

They work individually yet telepathically they are connected.

When we go to sleep we work with other people and also with these beings.

Most of organizations including Spiritual or new age groups have been infiltrated by dark forces that use manipulation, division and so on.

We have to be discerning and question everything.
However heart must remain open and we need to work on raising our vibrations continuously.

I know you are also called to do this work, so my suggestion is to stay centered, grounded, remember to breathe deeply when you are faced with fear.

Do whatever it takes to raise vibrations and stay in the heart.
Blessings and All Good.

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant
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WORK during sleep to keep us and the planet balanced and safe

We do a lot of work during sleep; WE meaning: empaths, sensitives, beautiful souls, light workers, earth angels, healers, nice people.

We interact with other souls: we help, we assist and at the same time we get assistance and help from other souls including our spirit guides.

I say this because with the chaos that happens in the world we need to stay in high vibrations and be protected. We need to remember our light; we need to remember our love.

If you remember the work you do during sleep, that’s awesome because you have an idea on where you need to focus on your life.

If not you might want to work on connecting with and trust your intuition and psychic vision.
Orgone does that. It helps you tune into the Universes’ network and open up our psychic centers.

I get insight about expanding our light everyday.

The shift that we are going through is HUGE!

Lately I feel trapped in my body at times and when I ask Spirit what it is I get the message that the energy that upgrades us is happening so fast that our body has a hard time adjusting.

That’s why we need to move energy by exercising, moving, walking, hiking and specially doing yoga or thai chi.
Old, non beneficial, stagnant energy leaves our body so we can welcome the new healthy, light energies.

And if you are a light worker/empath/earth angel you are helping with the transformation of the old into the new. Old programming that no longer work is being changed into new ways of free thinking for a world that works for everyone.

There are also many dark entities being released into the world to stop this massive influx of light, that’s why we see so much chaos happening at both individual level and global level.

I saw it psychically: the dark entities have power over and feed off negativity, fear and inflated ego. But once they have been hit by light they vanish fast. That’s why our work conscious and unconscious (during sleep) is important to keep the balance of ourselves and the planet.
Expand your energy filed (aura) and send light to these dark entities.

Tip: before you go to bed intend that you will wake up refreshed and revitalized and before you fall asleep send light and love into the world. Fall asleep doing that.

I am very grateful for all the free spirits, light workers, human angles, healers, lovers of life, smiley faces, positive thinkers, peace makers, peace activists, warm hearts for keeping this planet a beautiful place. In this crazy, insane modern world we need to stay positive and in high vibrations. I honor you! THANK YOU for all your work! You know who you are!!! You are unique! You are amazing!
~ Namaste ♥ ☮ ॐ

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

The Matrix: Break Free from Mental Enslavement


The more I travel, meditate, dream, elevate, live and Love, the more I find myself breaking free from ‘the Matrix’.

I got so inspired to write about this due to a dream I had two nights ago.

In my dream I was playing a game with some people.
The room we were in was filled with beds.
There were two types of people standing on the beds: the players and their assistants.

The players were lifted using harnesses by their assistants until they reached the ceiling and then they were just floating there. Ha!

I was like: hmm… what is this weird game?
It makes no sense. But at the same time looks like so much fun!!!

When my turn came to be lifted to the ceiling, I found out I was struggling with the harnesses.
I felt the heaviness of my body and felt resistance.
Then I got an idea and imagined I was a balloon that was very light in weight.
As soon as I shifted my thinking I found myself floating up the ceiling. So much fun!!! It is a total different perspective to see things from above. Really cool!

I woke up feeling so light and so good.
This was an out of body experience. A meaningful one.

I asked Spirit what was the meaning of this dream.

Spirit replied: “The Matrix!!!!


Remember The Matrix movie?
In particular the first of the series?
It was extremely significant as people realized the nature of a controlled society.
What in the world my dream has to do with the Movie The Matrix?

And Spirit goes on…
What is happening right now on our planet is extremely amazing, and at the same time crazy! There is change in frequencies and the controlling factors can be high.
The Control programming continues to break down as more and more people chose to wake up from an unreal dream. Isn’t that what happened in the movie?

So… What is the Matrix?

Some will say it’s just a mathematical system that allows for the computation of equations, just weird math.

Others say: matrix is Control, birth, artificial intelligence, a system, our enslaved minds, a cage, a prison for our minds, perhaps a GAME (a learning tool), a movie, the Church, a computerized dream world, an advanced technological society coming to its full fruition, nothing, everything…

The matrix – “Man made world reality” locks us into past, present and future.

We live in the 3rd dimension and we are chained by time (an illusion). This linear time can create fear, boredom, frustration, anxiety, and tension if we are only focused on it.

I was fortunate enough to swim with wild dolphins in different sacred locations and learned so much from them. One thing that makes them so special and intelligent is that they don’t operate in linear time, as they are multidimensional beings.
Well, they do not have to pay bills, struggle financially, not having to wash the dishes, or take the garbage out …
We chose to come in this world as humans and not dolphins, though.

But we can learn from them: to tap into upper non linear dimensions and find our truth.
In the Spirit world there is no such linear time. When we elevate to higher dimensions we gain a deeper understanding of this past-present-future – timeless concept.

In the fourth dimension and higher, we become unchained from time and space measurements.
There we have freedom in moving around space/time and travel, moving objects with our minds, performing miraculous healings instantaneously and effortlessly.

I personally, cannot do any psychic or healing work if I am fully in the 3rd dimension.
I might go in and out of 3rd dimension, which btw is super powerful, but most of the time the work is done in a higher dimension.

We still live in this 3RD so we need a foot planted into this world and the other planted into the spiritual world in order to keep balance and harmony. Spirit and physicality requires a harmonious marriage.

How can you rich a higher dimension?

By freeing the mind!!!

Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is.
You have to see it for yourself
.” ~ Morpheus -The Matrix

“Stop trying to hit me. Hit me!”… “What are you waiting for? You are faster than this. Don’t think you are, KNOW YOU ARE”. ~ from The Matrix movie:

Remember my dream?

When I let go of the concept of body being heavy, switched perception and envisioned a balloon, I was floating on the ceiling in a split second.
Metaphorically speaking the Ceiling represents the higher world/dimension, higher perspective, seeing the big picture, having clarity, thinking out of the box, out of the Matrix, deeper understanding. Even if my physical body was assisted by physical equipment, freeing my mind made the floating happen.

The bed represents the dream state. Just in case people would fall they would land on the bed, so they would not get injured.
Spiritual Awakening shouldn’t be so fearful or painful.

Awakening doesn’t happen overnight.

It happens in layers; as we all grow and evolve in layers.
Getting out of Matrix (inbox) is not so dangerous.
Even if you decide to come back, you still land on a cushion (bed). In other words just try to see how it is to free your mind from limitations; the worst thing that can happen is having an experience.

Freeing the mind can be achieved in a deep state of relaxation, meditation, when the body travels astraly or in a dream state.
It is about shifting awareness. The not-knowing mind (intuition) is in fact a very high state of consciousness.

Working with different people, I have learned that most of the time someone has a bad or negative experience when in an altered state of awareness is because of fear or mental programming that is closely related to fear. Fear keeps us enslaved and trapped in our own believe systems and minds.

What the balloon symbolizes?

Light energy, freedom, letting go of heavy energy.
It is time to let our minds become light as a balloon in order to roam freely and break free from programming and believe systems that don’t serve us well.

The Matrix exists in this reality because of fake believes created by fake believe systems.
All the helpers and guides from the Angelic and higher Realms cannot help us unless we make a conscious decision to rise above the Matrix, to shift perspective.

This is how healing works.

Free your Mind,
Lilly Natures Blessings­

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May we suggest:

Clairvoyance Orgone Elixir Clairvoyance Orgone Pendant Intuition Orgone Pendant

Peace Manifestation,
RELAX Orgone Pendant

Dream – Addictions – Spiritual Yearning


Some time ago I had an insightful dream about addictions.

In that dream my spirit guides talked about addictions:  sex addictions and any kind of attraction that’s not healthy.

A lot of people are addicted to celebrities. Mass Media created a cult for celebrity that leads to addictions: addictions to teacher, guru, celebrity etc

Spirit guides showed me this technique and I am happy to share it with you.

Ground your feet on Mother Earth and pull this Earth Energy into sexual chakra (bellow navel). Then stop there for a bit, breathe and acknowledge the “addiction”.

Be brave, it’s okay.

Then move up the energy to your heart center and let it out of your system with forgiveness. Forgive the one you are attracted/addicted to and forgive yourself.

Do this as much as you need it.

Spirit guides also mentioned martial arts people know how to control and balance this chakra, so you might want to consider martial arts if the issue is deep and you need to strengthen this chakra. Martial arts also help with self confidence and grounding.

Yoga and other gentle arts open our channels beautifully but at the same time by being so open we can easily be manipulated unless we are centered and grounded. I know quite a few women who are attracted, some quite obsessed with their yoga, spiritual teachers/gurus. And this is because of not having the lower chakras balanced, in particular feet, root and second chakra.

At the base of each and any addiction is the thirst for spirituality, wholeness connection with divinity, God.

There is something missing that needs to be fulfilled and that’s why we crave what we crave. Almost all of us have addictions: starting from foods, sex, alcohol, drugs to smart phones, technology, gossip, criticism, infatuation, ego etc…

When we have the same habit of doing the same thing knowing that it doesn’t serve us well but we do it anyway, then that’s an addiction. Once we accept and acknowledge that we do have an addiction no matter how minor it might be we can work on minimizing it without suffering.

Spiritual practice is the answer.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant

Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

What is Lucid Dreaming and How To Lucid Dream…

Lucid Dreaming is when you are aware that you are dreaming during a dream.
That gives you control over your own reality which can be crystal clear.

You can travel or go everywhere you want during lucid dreaming. Instead of watching your dream you are in control.

Sky is the limit!

Lucid dreaming is a very powerful and can be a beautiful and useful experience.

How to Lucid Dream:

1. In order to lucid dream you can keep a journal and write immediately in it upon waking up. If that happens during the night and you are serious about remembering your dreams that do yourself a favour and write in your journal. 🙂

2. Before you go to bed meditate on lucid dreaming and remembering your dreams.

3. Before you go to bed Keep repeating and tell your subconscious mind phrases like: “I am relaxed and I will lucid dream tonight” “I will remember my dream tomorrow morning” or whatever feels true to you.

4. Stay in the vibration of “lucid dreaming” during the day, in other words where you put your awareness and attention during the day will reflect in your dream state. Read, educate yourself in this subject, practice meditation techniques stay in that lucid dreaming vibration.

5. Also a very important step is to “KNOW” that you can do it. Tell your subconscious mind that over and over until it gets it.

6. Go to bed on time. The more you sleep the better the opportunity to dream.

7. Keep your emotions a little over neutral state. Do not get overly excited and in a high expecting mode or the opposite don’t be in a total passive state. Be happy and excited but not extremely excited. Accept whatever experience come your way.

7. Whatever method you use stay with it for 21 days. Like everything you want to achieve, it takes practice, patience and energy.

Happy Lucid Dreaming,

Lilly Natures Blessings

Suggestion: Mini Orgone Dream Enhancer for safe and pleasant dreams

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Connect with Angels through Dreams and Intuition

ascensionThis is a great article about connecting with angels when you open channels of intuition and opened to your dreams.

“Two of the ways in which you can connect with Angels is through dreams and being open to receiving guidance through your intuition, the still-small voice within.
Reaching through the veil between realms can be a challenge if you are resistant to raising your vibration. Angels have a very high energy which is why they are difficult to see with physical eyes. It is much easier to see with your inner-sight or sense Angels through emotion and through energy.

It is possible to connect with Angels during your sleep-time when the veil between the Realm of Spirit and the physical realm is thinner, more transparent.
A dream is another type of language, a means of communication by-passing the conscious mind.
One of the best ways to connect with Angels during dreamtime is to meditate just before going to sleep. Try lighting some incense focusing your thoughts on the scent allowing your thoughts to drift softly.
Ask your Guardian Angels to connect with you in a way you can easily understand and recognize, asking for any messages they may have for you while you sleep.
Don’t be surprised if you remember your dreams when you wake. You might choose to have a notebook and pencil to record any thoughts or images before you start your day. Trust what you write down, you can always come back later to ask what the images and thoughts mean to you.

Another way to connect and communicate with Angels is through intuition. Asariel is the Angel of Intuition and Insight, he encourages people to trust their inner-voice and act upon the guidance received. This Angel assists people with developing their creative imagination which is an essential part of manifesting your heart’s desires.
What is intuition? It is a non-thought, a physical sensation which resonates in your Heart or Solar Plexus Chakra energy centers. It is the still-small voice or a thought that just “pops” into your mind.
Intuition is not something that can be validated in the physical realm nor is it easily explained. It is the other voice, emotion or thought that is not from Ego mind chatter.Intuition is a knowing that resonates deep within your heart. It is a sense of absolute trust that what you are experiencing, sensing, thinking or feeling is centered in something, an energy that is not physical in nature. It is the “voice” that nudges forward along your path. It is a way of receiving guidance and messages that are for the most unexplainable.
Whether you choose to connect with Angels through your dreams or choose to develop and expand your intuition, it requires more than practicing meditation. Either choice asks you to trust the information you receive, to have faith as you practice quieting your conscious mind, you open your inner channel connecting you with Divine Source.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terrie_Marie

Have fun connecting with Angels,


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The Spiritual Molecule – DMT in Ayahuasca

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), is produced by the pineal gland during dream. It is found in many plants and animals. It allows us to perceive and interact with the spirit world beyond the veil of illusion of physical reality.

I was fortunate enough to work with shamans in Peru in a very spiritual environment and experienced the miracles of Ayahuasca that contains large amounts of the spiritual molecule – DMT.

Check out my trips to Peru: 2009 and 2010

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By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Natures Blessings, 8106 Merlewood Ave, Las Vegas, NV, 89117, http://www.natures-blessings.org. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact