Your body remembers your ancestor’s stories

Lately a lot of ancestral stuff comes to surface to be addressed and healed.

I worked with someone last night who has having a lot of judgement towards herself.
When we went deep into her story we discovered that her story was in fact her ancestor’s story that was haunting her and was very confusing.
The story was of the witches burned at the stake.

All the anger, fear, and negative emotions from the past were accumulated in her heart chakra and needed to be released so badly.

Like any good movement in this world, witches movement (true healers, nurturers, herbalists who used natural remedies to help people heal) were infiltrated by the bad guys.
This type of infiltration we see nowadays everywhere.

Everything that is good and of light is either being infiltrated, destroyed by manipulation or if it cannot be manipulated the leaders of movements are killed or destroyed emotionally or financially.

Remember this strategy of the dark side.
It has been working for centuries.
Not anymore because now people have awakened and started to have discernment.
Discerning is such a beautiful empowering vibe that belongs to the LIGHT.


The releases of heaviness needed to be grounded through her feet.
Her heart was heavy, and the intense heaviness was carried from the past from her “female” lineage.
The judgement she was carrying was also transferred from generation to generation and she found herself always swimming in this never-ending judgement pool.
She was so ready to “break this pattern” by forgiving her ancestors and by realization of these deep wounds.
She felt an amazing liberation of heart.
She has done so much work on herself and this was the missing link. Heart liberation!!!

Ancestors have stories to tell and they are kept in our bodies.
If the stories are not fun they don’t belong into our bodies. What’s in the past has to stay in the past.
Yes, gratitude for ancestors is what we need to focus on because without it we cannot heal.
At the same time what’s detrimental to our emotions has to be released to explore the depths of our soul and grow it.
Extremely powerful session.

If everyone would do their inner work the entire world would shift overnight.
Ancestors want us to do the work.
Focus on their blessings and not their wounds.

Remember: obstacles and blocks we face are just steps to clear out and detox our shadow side. And when we come to this realization and work through it, we are not only clearing out our own stuff but also our ancestors and world’s shadow. You chose this. We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for.

Healing sessions > Book them here

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*** EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life ***

Sacred Readings Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Feet Chakra Balancers Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Sacred Readings
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Feet Chakra Balancers
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Mercury Retrograde, Grounding and Emotional Healing

emotional healing

Mercury Retrograding can be intense time and heavy on emotions.

Everyone can react in strong emotional ways and energies can be confusing.
However the retrograde time is offering second chances, do over, rethink, readjust, correct.

What lessons need to be learned?
Time for emotional healing, old wounds, even past lives wounds. Be aware of incidents or even accidents. SLOW DOWN!!!

It is not the TIME to be the HERO.
Take it easy, and think twice before you act.
Time for cleansing, specially emotional cleansing.

I know so many of my friends behaving really weird or going through a range of wild emotions during retrograde periods.
Deep breaths, introspection, meditation.

I see again and again how people resist their emotional work.
This is the very reason people don’t heal.
Heal the soul and emotions and watch how the body heals.

The other day I worked with someone who had a large block in the heart due to losing someone dear. She needed grounding big time!
She said that every time she was thinking of that person she would start shaking and feel sick. That led to some other issues.

We started by grounding her emotions and moving them slowly downwards. The block moved from heart into her solar plexus where she had more emotional wounds.
Long story short we managed to move her emotions into the Earth through her feet. She felt a BIG shift and immediately felt better!
Tears on her face followed by a huge smile, deep understanding and gratitude.

By the way during chaotic times we tend to lose our grounding. I see everyone going nuts losing their center.

Mercury Retrograde is really forcing us to do the work on releasing what has been blocked in our psyche for a long time. We think that pills or doctors can solve our issues, where the work is in our emotional body.
It always starts there.
The fastest way to be grounded is to validate how you are feeling.
The only reason we are not grounded is because we don’t want to deal with our emotions. Who wants that? It’s not easy!

But here is the thing: as soon as you give your feelings a chance to be felt, you will understand what’s missing so you can start the healing journey. Or…
Even better the blocks will simply just disappear!

Bottom line we need grounding, we need emotional healing.
Orgone Feet Chakra Balancers are not only amazing grounding tools but also help to relax the body and mind so we can sleep better and heal faster.

Check them out – they are amazing helpers.

For emotional healing work with me go here:

Please take it easy,

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Related Articles:

Mercury Retrograde? Time to Chill

Powerful Grounding Technique


5G dangers and concerns. What are the solutions?

5 G is here. 5 G is everywhere.
5G is a serious spiritual battle in the Spiritual world.

5G is an entirely different from the 4G and is 10 times faster.

5G will not kill but will suppress the immune system.
Then infections, viruses, bacteria, parasites and such will take over the body.

The 5G devices are as small as a smoke detector and are placed roughly every 12 houses.

They are connecting with the  ‘home smart devices’ which are continuously pulsing with radiation and we wonder why everybody is sick with: migraines, headaches, insomnia or trouble sleeping, brain fog, fatigue, increased cancer rates, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, difficulty concentrating, light sensitivity, weakness, hormone imbalance, pain in the joins, pain in the muscle.

5 G affects the eye, skin, nervous system and sweat glands experiencing anger, frustration and irritability. They are constant surveillance.

No one can predict the harm this technology is going to cause.
Birds and animals died near 5G towers.

5G causes mutation of our cells and ultimately cancer.
These harmful EMFs are dehydrating our cells and our DNA is under attack.

They want to create a smart grid where everyone and everything is plugged into the Matrix. 5G will be like a spider web all over the planet which is devastating for humanity on mental level, physical and emotional level.

5G is artificial intelligence taking over the human brain to control our emotions and our thinking. It’s used as mass surveillance, global control. 5G technology is created to implement the artificial intelligence and plug you in by force.

5 G is a silent weapon!

It is militarized and China is using it. 6 G apparently is not militarized; others say that 5 G is also used by the deep state.

Note there is no testing of the 5G.

What are the Solutions?

There is always a door way out, always a solution if we chose to focus on that.

Unplug, Unplug, Unplug

Unplug the router when not in use specially at night.
Your phone broadcasts all the time.
Don’t hold cell phone to your head, put it on speaker phone and minimize conversations.
Don’t sleep with phone next to your head. Turn it off when you sleep and take it out of your bedroom.

Remove smart meters if possible, if not place a piece of orgone (5G orgonite EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life) on them to create a safe environment, protecting from negative EMF’s

Spread the word, cooperate with others and start brainstorming.
Become educate, became involved, educate your children.
Don’t be overwhelmed or scared, we are powerful, we need to rebuild our confidence.

Raise Vibrations
Our thoughts and emotions give out a certain frequency.
Meditation is proven to help repair our cells and can raise our vibes so high that can go beyond the mind control.

One of my healing tools that have special effects to impress upon subconscious mind is cellular joy meditation. I use it every night and morning to help repair and detox my cells and heal my body: It’s power house for the mind: Happy Healthy Detoxed Cells Guided Meditation

Build Immune System (Royal Jelly is an immune booster)

Good Foods, organic, non GMO, colorful plate.

Conscious Breathing (pranayama)

Detox –focus on cellular detox

Parasite Cleanse
Parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus thrive on microwave radiation.

(use herbs like clove, raw pumpkin seeds, garlic, oil of oregano, mimosa puddica etc)

Cleanse your Lymphatic System
Lymphatic Massage – you can also do it yourself

Detox Baths (clay baths, ACV and baking soda baths, add essential oils)

Castor Oil Packs

Heavy Metals Cleanse
The heavy metals in us are sprayed through geo engineering (chemtrails).
These new wi-fi frequencies are depleting the Oxygen levels in our body and cells.  We are more oxygen deficient and we wonder why we are so fatigued. If you are heavy metal toxic you are more sensitive to EMF’s.
Heavy Metals in the body are like 5G antennas. Address heavy metals.

Grounding, Earthing natural EMFs are healing
Solar energy, planetary, weather events, nature, trees,  produce GOOD natural organic EMF’s but those created by man (5G) have a detrimental effects on health.

Number 1 antioxidant in the world is the EARTH.
Take your shoes off and let yourself be grounded in nature. By walking barefoot our bodies receive a charge of energy that can make us feel good.

If you have trouble sleeping I suggest the feet chakra balancers orgone as they are not only very grounding but they help with a good night sleep. They are also great to keep your emotions balanced.

Emotional Health
Pay attention to your body and how you feel in particular emotions. You need to deal and process your own emotions. When you raise your vibrations you are less susceptible to their radiation.
5G is like a forced opportunity to take health and life more seriously.

Emotional Health is crucial as it interferes with the ability to detox.
In order to overcome health issues, emotional health is the first one that needs to be addressed. Make emotional work a priority.

Emotions are just reactions to belief systems or opinions that are rigid and detrimental to health. Emotional blocks come from the past usually from childhood and body cannot get healthy as emotional trauma gets stuck in the body.
People try everything but nothing works for them because they go around and around without addressing the root of the problem.
I offer emotional work healing sessions. Check it out:

Orgonite with Shunghite

EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life Orgonite (orgone energy) is frequency, it is used as a protective shield against harmful EMF and radiation.

Shungite amplifies the energies of orgonite (orgone life force energy).

Shunghite is one of the most powerful stones that cannot be corrupted.
Shungite is always teaching something new. It is a purifier, a cleanser and adds value to orgonite in our world filled with toxicity and pollution. Orgonite transmutes harmful energy into healthy energy.

I have created a protector/neutralizer (EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life) that work on cancelling these harmful EMF’s and it does make a huge difference.

The power is in shunghite and peridot combo along with other gems and essential oils, purified water etc. The shunghite neutralizes the negative effects, dispels the harmful radiation and cleanses through peridot which is such a sweet warm, positive vibration stone, an amazing heart opener and DNA activator.

So this is a great piece to place on a router, laptop, computer, phone, microwave ovens and some newer TV’s as they all emit radiation but the most affecting to human psyche are the routers, smart phones and smart meters.

Take things orally that support the body from EMFs

Propolis which is antimicrobial
Rosemary herbal tincture (minimizes the impact of the EMFs fortifying the body)
Walnuts, Cilantro, Dates

Plants absorb some EMFs
(Place aloe plants in your home as are great for absorbing radiation)

Vitamins and minerals, vit C,  D, B vitamins and magnesium which reduces the effects of harmful EMFs)

Support adrenals and endocrine glands
Adaptogenic herbs may reduce EMF induced oxidative stress (I love ashwaghanda and rhodiola rosea)

Exercise, sweating, sauna (specially for heavy metals detox)
Combine exercise and sweating (sauna) with deep rest.

Baking soda helps with radiation

Cancel Evil Contracts

We need to cancel all contracts that are made either consciously or unconsciously with the dark entities and tell them that you we not consenting to their mind control programming.
There is a free will and if they do it by force then they will suffer because we are not consenting.

Sleep is Crucial – it restores hormones
Reduce stress, meditate before you go to sleep, pray, reduce caffeine, stop drinking coffee after 2-3 pm or quit coffee.
Take your electronic devices which emit a red light out of your room or unplug them. Never have a TV in your sleeping room.

Stop 5G/EMF’s the legal way

“There Is a Way to Legally Stop the 5G, under the terms of Assault! And assault is where you cannot enjoy a peaceful life in your own home. We need to find out what constitutes an assault and use that. We need an army of good lawyers”

Microwaves are not allowed in Russia.  Brussels, Belgium and Geneva, Switzerland have decided to stop installing the latest 5G technologies until more studies are conducted.

5 G is used also for surveillance.
All this 5 G radiation is pure danger for ALL biological life.

We are going to win this battle but we need to stay focused, healthy, protected and centered to do the good work.

To your health,


May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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The Axis of Earth Titling. Massive Shift. What’s next?

Everything is changing including You!
Our planet is purging, detoxing, shedding skin. We are purging, detoxing, shedding skin.
Earth’s Axis is Tilting, some say 18 degree tilt.

The earth is slowly shifting (thank God it’s not a fast change) and it’s shifting from current field to magnetic field.
The shift is erratic, all over the place, it seems chaotic. We all feel its effect.

We are shifting for many years, but soon will be coming to a point of equilibrium.

This Month the Shift is increasing big time and I personally think/feel we are half way through already. This is why we feel out of sorts and lately it seems like everybody is feeling it. Because of the shift, solar activity is increasing and we experience geomagnetic storms and solar flares.

Do not be afraid!

We are getting help from the forces of light.
A new system is already in place and we are protected. Darkness is almost gone.

Seeds of Awakening have been planted since 2002 by Forces of Light.
This is when I first learned about Orgone.

The forces of light forces thought us how to create and spread orgone to awaken masses’ consciousness. Since then so many of us used orgone to help not only with our own individual growth but also with planetary shift.

The Earth has survived. She will always do, but most important we humanity survived.
We are still here.
Aren’t you grateful?

Why do you think we are going through so many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc and the damage is very little and we don’t hear much about it?

The helpers have been known for many years as White Great Brotherhood, Great Masters, The Galatics, Forces of Light, etc.

Many of us work with them and I believe the White Hats work closely with them.

The Matrix that was operating on greed, mind control and lust is now being restructured where toxic programming of evil forces is now being deleted, canceled, annulled, restored.

Many of us have cancelled our contracts with the dark forces and that created a big glitch in their matrix which allowed the Good Forces to take over.

Last week while I was doing spiritual awakening work in the Matrix with two of my friends something big happened.
One of my friends who is very psychic saw a few flashes of light out of the window.

I said: “these are the good guys working from the invisible world letting us know that something is coming. So let’s see what happens next”. We were getting ‘underground bases’, ‘inner earth’ and ‘shaking of the world’.

After about 20 min I decided to lie down in bed.
and then Boom!
That’s when an Earthquake happened. 4.6 Magnitude!
I asked my friends:
“Did you guys feel it? An earthquake!!”
They said No.
I called my other friends.
No one felt it.
If I wasn’t lying in bed I wouldn’t have probably felt it.

So what happens?
Our Helpers are doing the work behind the scenes, quietly, diligently, without much fuss, so we don’t feel the shift so massively which would create havoc. If we could see what is going behind the scenes we would have a breakdown and that would interfere with the progress and take us back in time.

This is just an example of how our helpers work behind the scenes keeping the fear out of the matrix, so the frequency of planet stays high.

The planet is restructuring, readjusting, resetting. And it’s done with the help of our Brothers and Sisters from other dimensions.
No fear!
Bad Guys are being taken down. Darkness is leaving. We get our integrity back. Cabal almost eliminated.

We are ONE consciousness. (not the fake “consciousness” based on fake reality led us to believe and manipulated by the dark side of the Cabal).

We are One Consciousness emerged from Integrity, common sense, work, love, compassion and Truth.

This is not the time to indulge in drugs and alcohol or any addiction. Be sober; go on a detox with fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, gentle exercise, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, sauna, essential oils, herbs and lots of prayers.

Time to let go of all toxins including toxic thinking and align with the magnetic Earth.

By being grounded, in the heart, fearless, detoxing and trusting the flow of Mama Earth.

By the way we have a special offer of 10% off for our grounding feet chakra balancers until Friday.
Use coupon ‘pisces’. First come first served, as they are handmade and stock is limited.

Next as we grow our awareness, the Forces of Light are working with us diligently to help others awaken to the new dimension of Earth.

We are angels in training.
…we are getting our ‘wings’ accustomed with the upcoming energies of light.
Get ready.

I give Thanks to Everyone who has been part of my Journey.

Have an Easy Shift Everyone.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Related Articles:
300 Earthquakes in 9 days – Archangel Uriel’s Protection
Shifting Energies are Amplifying and How to stay Safe

Dreams and Dark Entity Attacks

If you are a light worker, sensitive, starseed, indigo, crystal, which works continuously with light you could easily get attacked by the dark side.

When do they attack?
All the time, specially during the night in our dreams.
This is not something to be ashamed of or feel guilty.

We need to learn to be aware of the dark ones who pretend to be light, learn to discern and become responsible.

When I get attacked in my dreams (not often though) is when I am not grounded and I don’t wear my feet chakra balancers.

The last pair of feet chakra balancers I have gifted them in one of my last gifting missions. (i strategically place orgone gifts at sacred locations or places of energy that need awakening).

Last night in my dream I got attacked by some weird entities and tried to get out of the situation.
I tried to scream but it was very hard, almost impossible. A very weak noise would come out of my throat.
However I insisted as I knew that if I make noise I would come out of the dream.

Have you ever had a dream when you are conscious that you are dreaming?

My partner woke me up asking if I had a bad dream.
I said “don’t worry I am okay”. I said a prayer and thanked him for waking me up.

Next time I will wear my feet chakra balancers, I said.

They are amazing protectors, specially during night when we are more vulnerable to attacks.
If you don’t have yours invest in them.

So I am sharing 2 powerful tips to come out of a nightmare or when you get attacked during sleep.

1. Ground yourself ( feet chakra balancers, grounding mediations, walk barefoot during the day)

2. Be aware that you can change the outcome of your dream.

If you are aware you will remember this during your dream.

So how can you change the outcome?
By waking up.

How do you do that?
In your dream try to make noise like I did, try to move a finger, hand, leg, neck, etc. You will wake up.

Why grounding through feet is so important?
When we are grounded/earthed we develop a protective filed around feet that will block intrusion of unwanted energies (entities).

We draw energy from earth into our chakra system through feet chakras.

Feet chakras are not only the main centers of vitality and grounding they are also centers of detoxification as energy travels from upper chakras to lower chakras and then down into the earth where energy is being recycled. An imbalanced (blocked) foot chakra will affect people negatively and can become portals of psychic attacks, in particular earthbound spirits.
Sweet and safe dreams.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Eclipses surface pain and suffering and the Fasting Message

The dark Forces are leaving.
And when they are leaving they are creating havoc.
Deep breath…

As New awareness is rising, we get to experience an end to a cycle and the beginning of a new one.

The Solar Eclipse (Aug 21st, 2017) was a main turning point for humanity.

I have had such hard time before and during the eclipse.
Many sensitive people also reported having a hard time during the eclipse.
What happened in the Cosmos happened also within us.
The energies of the Cosmos aligned, so did our energies.

While many people were together enjoying the eclipse, I stayed by myself as I needed to spend some time in silence to remove anything that was clouding my perception.
The energy before the eclipse was so intense that I felt the urge to ground and clean myself on a deeper level.

When pain needs healing, it wants to surface

Few days before the eclipse I felt extremely agitated, highly emotional and at some point really nauseated.
I was un-grounded, although I took hikes in nature, I was unbalanced (feminine/masculine) although I was doing all the necessary meditations.
Or was I picking up other vibrations of un-grounding and unbalancing?

I had a few Visions of two spiritual teachers who left this dimension due to depression.
I felt their intense pain. It was the energy of desperation.

Some spiritual teachers in the New Age movement pretend that everything is perfect, while their life sucks.
Darkness is also part of life. It just needs to be acknowledged in order to be healed.

As I felt their pain I asked Spirit why is this happening to me is.
I am not a depressed woman.
However in order to work with my clients who deal with depression I needed to go through their emotions to learn how to be empathic in this respect.

Let me tell you. The energy of depression was nothing I have experienced so far.
I sat down in prayer and asked for help.

The next morning Spirit said: “Fast”.
So I did, for 3 days.

Rewiring thought process in regards to fasting

I juice fasted before but never tried a water fast.

It was hard but I prayed, meditated and used my orgone feet chakra balancers during the night.

I prayed that Christ’s Light will help me cleanse and purge what was heavy in my mind body and spirit.
I prayed that God would help me to resist the temptation of eating.
It wasn’t so hard, at some point I felt quite energetic.

During this time I listened to the powerful guided meditation Shiva Shakti to get back into balance and used my feet chakra balancers to get grounded, detox and sleep well.

For the first time in a few weeks I had a good night sleep without waking up at 3 am.
When I broke the fast I drank water with a bit of lemon. Then I had a ginger/mint tea with lemon and honey. I then went into my meditation (Shiva Shakti) .

After a few hours I made myself a juice: Beetroot, carrots, peaches, parsley root and greens.
What I yummyness! My energy was immediately up!

During this period I was so grateful, the sense of peace came back, the new positive visions came back.
Even my face cleared up a bit.

Studies tell us that fasting for 3 days can reset and rebuild the immune system and even trigger stem cells.
Other benefits are longevity, anti-ageing and cancer prevention.
No I am not a nutritionist or medical doctor.
I listen to my body, Intuition and Spirit. I believe that we should listen to our body; it’s a great messenger from Spirit when we need advice.

We always shift.
Eclipses are well known to bring our “shadow” to the surface.
We are never the same; we are always work in progress.
The purpose of eclipses is to do shadow work and anchor the frequency of love… so we can keep this world going…

Eclipses teach us to be more understanding to each other, to embrace own imperfection, self acceptance and to be okay with what is.
After the fast I felt so refreshed, positive and clear in my thoughts. My psychic vision has increased and all the old trauma and suffering has left.

It was such a deep purge, a deep cleanse.
During the eclipse I was sick to my stomach, extremely agitated, anxious, felt like I was trapped in my body, short of breathe and nauseated.

These are ascension symptoms and some of us feel more. Let’s face it not everyone is awakened and in order to make it as humanity we need to work extra hard for those who are not awakened.

There are many spiritual workers who do their work silently, extremely humble and for that I am so grateful. If you read this send them some prayers as they chose this life to keep the balance for the betterment of humanity.

Feel free to share and comment.
Healing Sessions, Spiritual Counseling available.

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant
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Never Ending Fire, Earthquakes and our Fears

The place where Mama Earth shakes first

Just got back from a journey of fire where we visited a few power spots in Romania in Vrancea Mountains: the ‘Living Fire’ and Nereju.

Sacred spots (power spots) on earth are packed with tremendous spiritual energy and life force. These places lend knowledge and wisdom to the awakened ones.

This trip took place just before a Super New Moon.
During Super Moons energies and emotions are usually amplified.

It felt emotional because this place, Nereju is the main epicenter of the most Earthquakes in Romania.
Also around this area there is a mysterious place called “Focul Viu” – Living Fire where there are natural emanations of gas coming from the Earth.

When flames get as high as 6 feet they indicate an earthquake is ready to happen.

Locals say that Nereju is the place where Mama Earth shakes first.

The flames burn eternally here. If the fire is put off by heavy rains or by man, it starts again.
The flames are considered by locals the protectors of animals.

Fire and the balance of all elements

The elements of fire and earth are very powerful here.
There is also a small river nearby and the element of water is present.
Doing some sacred prayer at the spot, the wind started to pick up.
The perfect balance of 4 elements. Nature is the perfect balance.

Fire spells out the word TRANSFORMATION.

Fire is the element of leadership.
It is masculine in nature, and signifies change, motivation, passion, creativity, will power, drive and sensuality.
It is also associated with faith, inner wisdom, intuition, psychic awareness.

Fire is necessary for digestion to keep us alive.

Fire element can be used to destroy and burn negative thoughts that are not serving us.
Too much fire however can be destructive: too much sex, too much passion, abuse of power, control and so on.

When all the 4 elements are in balance we create harmony, healing and peace in our life, and we can connect easily with the realm of Spirit.
When we have a great individual balance we can help harmonize the worlds’ balance.

The balance of the 4 elements opens you up to new infinite possibilities because it leads to wisdom, understanding and mastery of your own energies.

When we bring just one element into balance, the rest of the elements will come organically into balance.

Use this meditation to bring in balance the 4 elements.

On my way to Nereju I had butterflies in my stomach.
Seismic movements are born here. It’s where the Earth shakes first.
If you are familiar with my work, I use orgone energy for harmony and peace. So I usually make offerings in the form of orgone to many power spots on Earth.

Making an orgone offering was very emotional here. This time it felt like I was releasing not only my own fears and sadness but worlds fears and sadness.

I prayed that Mama Earth forgives us for all the wrong doings, our ignorance, greed, anger and all the negatives.

Earthquakes: the Spiritual Meaning

Sometimes our lives need to be shaken up in order to stop living a life of complacency and start living our truth.
Spiritual earthquakes are coming in our lives often.

If we refuse to go to the root of our own issues and face our fears we either get sick or we lose our happiness.
All fears are just testing our faith in the Higher Intelligence, All that Is.

We are here on Earth to serve, to experience life, and serve others and the Divine Will.

The Earth is evolving, we are evolving.
The Earth is shaking because it is moving into a higher vibration.
We also shake with her.

The shaking is nothing but a wake up call to evolve and transform.
We are put through tests.
Pass them.

Balance of the 4 Elements Meditation

You can book a healing session with me here:

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

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Spirit Guides Messages ~ St. Barbara (Varvara)

We are not alone. We are connected to our spirit guides and soul tribes.
Higher dimensions are guiding, protecting, assisting.

Magnetic Storms bring upgrades to our bodies, particularly during full moons.

So this is what occurred during one of my spiritual outings on a Full Moon.
I usually send an intention before going on a spiritual journey and chose to wear one of my orgone pendants. That sets the spiritual mood/theme for the day.

This time I picked the Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant.
I love all my pendants and each and everyone holds a dear vibration to me that I need to tune into at a particular time.

My ‘orgones’ behave like spirit guides: taking me places, showing me paths that I need to take, lessons that I need to learn, people that I am supposed to connect with, healing vibes that I need to embrace.

Divine Goddess took me to this Church in Romania which is carved inside of a salt mine.
The saint patron of this church is St Varvara or Barbara.

St Barbara is the protector of the miners, underground workers.
Before building tunnels, construction workers set small shrines to Santa Barbara at the tunnel portals to invoke her protection.

Salt is being considered in many parts of the world the white gold of the Earth.
Salt is used for protection, vitality, longevity, abundance, purification, releasing unwanted energies. It is also known for anchoring spiritual energies.

Take a salt bath whenever you feel you need spiritual purification.

Entering the church I felt the gentle sweet divine feminine energy and remembered I was wearing the Divine Feminine around my neck.

The Icon of St Varvara emanated a very strong energy. The altar, icons and the entire church were vibrating high.

My friend and I were the only ones in the church enjoying its silence, peaceful and purifying energy.

I love to send my Moon Transmissions from Sacred Places, time permitting.
This time the Moon was Full in Virgo and I started sending healing vibes to my family, friends and the world.
If you are not familiar with my Moon Transmissions, check them out: I send healing vibes during Full and New Moons.

The prayers were intense. My hands were tingling; my heart was filled with so much peace and love. I felt goose bumps all over my body, up and down my spine.

The Spirit of St Barbara was present.
Energy feels very cleansing here.
After all we were inside Mother Earth’s womb where there is so much cleansing going on.
As I was taking a “selfie”, my friend was also taking a picture of me. As he was taking the picture he saw something strange moving in front of the camera.
I felt a warm sensation.

When I looked at the picture, I saw these lights forming a ‘mandala’ on my forehead: on the third eye, extending towards the crown chakra.
Someone said to me: “It’s your higher selfie Lilly”… 🙂

Regardless of the origin of the lights, to me this is a synchronistic event, a confirmation of communion with Spirit, in this case Saint Barbara’s Spirit.

St Barbara’s message during these transitional times is filled with grace and love.

She reminds us to stay true to our faith and believe in the higher power, to be gentle in a cruel world, to speak the words of truth and never give up on hope.

Mother Earth and Divine Feminine are speaking to our hearts assisting into moving into the 5th dimension.
We have the assistance of our guides and angels.

We are all part of the Divine. Accept that there is no separation.
Live in the vibration of love and harmony and you will attract goodness into your world.

If millions are aware enough to stay in the heart, the world will respond to prayers beautifully. What we see in our world is the result of our consciousness.
We are going through energies integration.

All the painful symptoms that we are experiencing are purging old energies. We are reaching new peaks of awareness, and we are receiving new downloads.
Pray and meditate to embrace your truth and become your true authentic self.

When we pray with passion and genuine heart, Spirit Guides are answering prayers and help us heal.

I was having a cold, stuffy nose and felt pressure in my head when I arrived to the church. I left healed.

I believe in miracles. Do you?
Santa Barbara is a healer and protector.

Have you experienced similar? I know some people did.
So what do you think? Share your spiritual experiences.

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

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Be Assertive, Say No when you mean it, Listen to Intuition


In our month long trip to Thailand and Cambodia, we got many messages and lessons and we are still spinning high from the trip… Everything was perfectly magic and beautiful until the last day when we had a motorcycle accident. Ouch!!!

It wasn’t that bad.
But something big surfaced from the entire “thing”.

We decided to go check out a secluded beach and in order to get there we had to go off road. When we got to the top of the hill, we stopped and got off the motorcycle. I told my husband Constantin. “I don’t like it, I don’t feel good about it, let’s go back”.

But he didn’t “hear” me. All he said to me was Let’s go.
I just couldn’t say “No”.

We got back on the bike and went downhill.
Seconds before the accident, I had foreseen it, and still couldn’t say NO.

…and the motorcycle did not stop. We fell.

I hurt my tailbone and scratched my right butt cheek and some other scratches.
My husband got some scratches and bruises, however I was the one in more pain.

After the accident I was upset and angry because I didn’t stand my ground and said NO to Constantin.
My upset came because I could have prevented it.

But then Constantin with a smile on his face said: “well that was all part of the plan. The big plan.”

Deep down I realized that although I saw it coming and let it come it was to realize that I was aware,
awakened, I knew how to be present. I was alert and in control. And that was enough.

Yes we don’t need to suffer and go through pain, but we chose this life, we came into this life with a mission, and whatever is supposed to happened to learn the lesson will happen.

On our life journey we travel from point A to point B in different ways: dancing, spinning, laughing, and smiling or via accidents or challenges. We still get to the destination regardless of the medium of traveling. Perhaps it is time to change the medium into something light and happy.

Its part of Divine plan why we are on this earthly plane.

Lessons Learned – I hope you resonate to some or all:

1. Say NO when you mean it!! Be assertive!
Say No with grace without putting up a fight.
I could have said to Constantin: “Hey I don’t feel good about this, I decided to stop here and if you want to go by yourself then I will wait here.” Period.
No more, no less, no harsh feelings, no taking it personally.
Empathic, sensitive people just cannot say NO when we really mean it.
Although I have been working on this for quite some time, I needed a rude awakening to finally start to say NO to what is not in agreement with my soul and intuition.

2. Listen to that Gift you have: Intuition.
We all have it, yet we don’t listen enough.
Although I received a message in the shower that very morning about the accident I didn’t do anything to stop it.
Do you resonate?
How many times you ignored your intuition and cost you something valuable?

3. Use protection when on a high mission.
The higher the light the more the darkness is trying to balance it.
A day before the accident we received some powerful messages of light from Spirit about working with sacred geometry (sand dollar medicine and 5 pointed star) Powerful stuff, we’ll release soon.

The day we had the accident we completely forgot about protection and left our orgone pendants at the hotel. Although we have an energy protective field around us and angels are always with us, we need to pay attention to common sense, safety and use some spiritual protection.

4. Grounding, Grounding and more Grounding
Tailbone is the root, the grounding chakra.
Sensitives need to ground themselves on a regular basis.
We love roaming in the higher dimensions and it takes a Spiritual Slap to realize that we are still human and we belong to our beloved planet Earth.

When we spend time in high realms, we need to come back to earth and consciously ground ourselves.

Although I had the feet chakra balancers with me on this trip, (we take them everywhere), I was way too comfortable to wear them. Grounding takes work and dedication, but makes an empath’s life easier.
5. Lesson Reinforced:
Be responsible for all your actions, thoughts and behaviors.

6. Manifest with High Precision.
As my tailbone hurt, it was hard for me to sit down.
Let alone sitting for so many hours (24 hours and 3 flights).
So I asked Spirit for solutions. I sent energy out to my goals: manifest extra leg room on all 3 flights.
Everything worked as magic: I got extra leg room seats on all 3 flights!
What was the secret?
Determination and Focus! When your butt hurts like hell you better find the solution!

7. We create our reality – it might sound cliché
As soon as we fell, I heard the word “creation”
Did I create this?
Yes we both did. How?
Some negative vibrations prior to this.
We are human and negativity is part of life.
However we need to have the courage to recognize and break the ‘spell of negativity’ in an instant.

A friend of mine told me: Ask Universe to go through this Awakening Process easier.
And don’t forget that You are the Universe.”

Have you ever learned any of the above lessons? If so which one?
Was it the hard way or the easy way?
Would love to know. Comment below.


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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Aura Cleansing: How to Cleanse Your Aura with the Trees


Trees that are so “alive” although they look dry they have so many spirits in them and
beautiful sophisticated and wise characters.

I always have a great time exchanging energy with them.
Trees are true gifts of Mother Nature.

If you pay attention they talk to you, give you messages
they even connect you with your spirit guides and ancestors.

My favorite tree is over 3000 years old which lives, outside Las Vegas, at Mt Charleston.
Every time I approach this tree, I feel chills in my body, because its aura radiates so big and its impossible not to feel humble and gratitude.
Imagine the wisdom that this tree holds. It has been here longer than us.

Trees have the ability to cleanse negativity in the emotional and mental bodies that reflect as tension or pain in the physical body.
They are well known to detoxify negative thinking.
That’s probably why we feel so good in the nature, specially around trees.

To protect your aura grounding is necessary, and trees are extremely grounding, they teach us to be stable and have a solid foundation. That’s why we feel so grounded when we are around trees.

There are many ways and one of the most popular methods is to imagine that you are growing roots from your feet deep into the earth, like a tree.
I love this method because feet are the main points of connection with the Earth.

When you feel heavy, dull, tired and need aura protection imagine that you are merging with a tree.

A lot of us healers or energy sensitive people can easily pick up negative energy from around us.
When people awaken, they face negative issues first and most of the time is not pretty.

This is part of the Spiritual Awakening.
We need to learn how to keep our aura clean without picking up on others energies, instead allow them to experience their own awakening.
This is crucial.

If you start being around trees and connect with them via your awareness you can find and learn the truth.

Trees are sacred.
Treat them with respect.
Trees and humans have a very deep and special connection.
In fact Native Americans refer to the trees as “standing brothers and sisters.”

Set an intention before approaching a tree.
Here I am sharing 6 steps to connect with trees so you can cleanse your aura, heal and receive messages.

Step 1. Intuition
Let your intuition pick a tree.
If there are many trees around or if you are in a forest, just feel what tree is calling you.

Step 2. Ask for Permission
Once you have felt a deep connection within, approach the tree with respect and high awareness… In other words ask permission to enter their energy field. They will always give you permission, but by asking you establish a high connection with them. Be humble in your approach. Trees have told me that when you enter their energy field with a high awareness they will help you not only clean your aura or heal but also teach you and reveal sacred knowledge and give you psychic insight.

Step 3. Talk to the Tree
Ask for healing, cleansing your aura, or anything you need to know. Don’t be afraid to talk to the tree even if might sound weird. I had my round of ridicule comments and laughter about me hugging or talking to the trees but I continued talking and hugging to the trees anyway.
Like Gandhi said: “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
So don’t be shy to communicate with the trees.

Step 4. Physical Connection

Touch the tree, hug the tree, sit under the tree. Make that physical connection.
Personally I like to place my forehead on the tree to receive information from the tree,
and I like to hug the tree for aura cleanse and just show the tree my love and joy.

Step 5. Presence and Let go of negative thoughts
Just be present with the energy of the tree, try to feel its vibrations and allow any information from the tree come to you, be in the receiving, healing and cleansing mode. See if you can let go of negative thoughts and try to see if you can become one with the Tree, merging both energy fields: yours and the tree

Step 5. Gratitude
Say a thank you prayer before you leave the tree’s space and smile at the tree.

Step 6. Tree Connection Aftermath
After you leave tree’s space, look at the tree from the distance and see if you can see, feel or hear any fairies, or spirits of the tree.
There is another chance that you might get a message from the spirit of the tree.
Al trees are cleansing.
They all have spiritual essence and hold different energies and different spirits.
I remember one time I came back from a hike and I counted 100 trees I have hugged on the way down.

Each and every tree had a different energy.
For example some of them reminded me of a dear auntie who passed away and shared with me some beautiful truth and lessons, another one had an energy of a dear teacher, another one the energy of my father that had to share some insight with me… It was such an empowering experience.
My aura was not only extremely clean but I felt so good and joyful…

So go out and Experiment with different trees.

Share this information with others who need a good tree connection and aura cleanse.
Let me know how this works for you.

Tree Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings

Listen to the Audio Version in my Free Podcast below:
May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Aura Gem Elixir

Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Aura Gem Elixir
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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