Lions Gate Portal 8-8 – Time of Great Potential and Power

Peace to you,

We are standing on the cusp of great change.
Lions Gate (August 8th) is a very special time.
It’s an expansion of energy that is happening since the end of July and ending mid August culminating on Aug 8th.

8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal Energy is connected with the fixed star Sirius which is brighter and bigger than our Sun.
In fact last night (early morning) I woke up for a few seconds to see the star of Sirius shining brightly in the sky. It did activate me and I am sure if you tune into it will activate you.

Star Gate is supporting our mission opening up more cosmic energies. It is a doorway in consciousness that makes you understand your soul and become aware of your POWERS.

During this time we are truly entering into an accelerated time. Be ready to receive light codes activation, DNA activation, divine information, downloads.

8-8 is associated with GREAT manifestation, magnetizing, transformation, spiritual and material wealth, abundance and prosperity. Imagine “number 8” over your chakras with the meeting point at heart chakra.

Imagine that anything that is stuck in your chakras is clearing out with the energy of number 8 or infinity symbol.

There is also an activation of solar plexus energy as Leo is connected with fire in the solar plexus.

Lions Gate is an activation and clearing at the same time.

The clearing of energy happens mostly in the emotional body in particular clearing in the maternal lineage.
The maternal lineage energy came in the last healing sessions with my clients releasing and clearing stagnant energy.

I have been working on myself through maternal lineage and a lot comes through via dreams and intuitive hunches.

Release what no longer resonates with you and is not supporting your soul’s growth and your truth.

Clear detrimental ancient programming, cancel contracts, cut cords and heal ancestral energies.

Any detrimental low frequency like anger, guilt, shame etc that was used in your family for generations and was passed to you is clearing out if you allow it and consciously chose to work through it.

There is a lot of healing energy beaming from Cosmos and waits for us to receive it in the form of Unconditional Love.
The energy of the portal will last through September.

Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies are working together supporting each other to create healing.

The Cosmic clearing happens to the entire planet. Notice any visions, dreams, ideas, hunches, pay attention and trust whatever shows up for you.

Be aware of any cycles that you don’t want to repeat.
If you are present in your awareness you can transit through the portal and create a new cycle in your life that is charged with Cosmic Energy.
And because you are reading this, I am confident you will make the transition to a new cycle of Creation.

Your intentions have to be clear and your focus sharp to manifest your life purpose for the next cycle.

For many of us sensitives it can be quite an intense time. If storms happen in your life remember to come back to your essence, hold the peace and stay grounded.

This is the time when you need to care not only for your soul but also for your physical body. Your body might feel tired as it has to go through these intense energies. Relax, rest and mediate, so your body can acclimate to these energies.

Don’t give your powers away to chaos, fear or drama. Stay true to yourself.

We are guided to make new choices that are more in harmony with our higher self so we can move forward creating HEALING, abundance, peace and joy in the New Reality.

Remember who you are and why you are here on Earth to experience.
We are blessed to be awake during these transitional times.
Be awake, be aware, stay empowered, stay blessed.

To book healing sessions or sacred readings with me go here

May we suggest:
Leo Orgone Pendant
Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Leo Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Great Awakening vs Deceit

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Dramatic Shift for the rest of 2020

What the next half of 2020 has in store for us?

“When is the craziness going to end” many people ask.

The entire world is still feeling the intensity of 2020.

The craziness that’s happening in the world is supposed to happen so we can release, transmute and heal. 
The chaos is necessary to destroy old energetic patterns so evolution can take place. Many planets beings retrograde bring to the surface our deepest challenges.

We need to root our thoughts in faith to manifest the Grace of God.

Many are saying this intense period will last and we will go into another period of restriction.

For how long?

Well…  I keep hearing “non resistance

2020 is year of clarity, clear vision with truth finally surfacing from deep sleep. 2020 is split in two energies:  2 meaning restriction, limitation and 0 meaning relaxation, letting go.

For this Question I pulled a card – Lady of Lightning which came Reversed
Unexpected news, unpleasant news, shock, we might feel powerless, challenged, intensity, we might be forced to make changes we don’t like or want, difficult times.

We are in a POWERFUL Thunder Storm. Very powerful energy, very electric in nature.

Storms will always pass.
Imagine the beauty, fresh air, new Life, rainbow after the storms passes.
Relax and wait for the storm to pass.
Have faith that all will be well.

There is such a big positive shift happening and if we don’t see it, is because it’s hidden very clever under world’s drama.

Clients that I work with lately are dealing with a lot of anxiety, depression and anger. That is because the new energies are surfacing things from the past that need healing.  Personal work is a must during this time in particular healing on emotional body.   

Ground any anxiety through feet chakras into the Earth via heart energy center to find peace in the heart.

The second message that came is The Diamond Dreamer a very powerful positive awesome card.
Watch the Video

For the next half of the year we have a Cosmic surprise
Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries for the next 6 months – half of the 2020
Things are changing for the better.
There is nothing that we cannot overcome.

This means we will feel full of energy, passion, vitality.
We will come out of the storm recharged, reenergized, and fresh with a great appetite for life, strong positive energies ahead, karmic rewards for the work we have done on ourselves.

Expect success, miracles, great opportunities.

Our DNA is restructured in order to function at a higher frequency. 

Chaos is about “Coming Alive”.

The word Apocalypse means, lifting of the Veil… The fog is dissipating

Old cycle is getting to an end and the New Reality is dawning.

Before we were asleep and blind now our eyes are wide open.
God has opened are eyes, hearts and souls.
We are destined for the Great Awakening with Golden Years coming ahead.
Bliss, Enlightenment, True Prosperity and Miracles are yet to be experienced.

Work with me > I offer sacred readings and distance healing.

Love and Blessings,


May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Chaos World: System Being Replaced
Great Awakening vs Deceit

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Flying and Currency Exchange Dream: Financial Systems Replaced?

Hate him or love him, that’s just a lesson to learn.

He might be perceived as evil by some and God’s sent by others.
He could be both as he is a Gemini.
Duality at its best. Yet Duality is part of life.

I like Rabindranath Tagore’s quote:
“Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.”

Last night I had a dream with someone famous.
My dream was Weird!
In my dream he was piloting a small airplane.
It was just the two of us in the airplane.
I was enjoying the flight as I could see the ground from above through very large windows.

We landed in a country that I don’t recall and walked together in a building where he took out a stack of money and asked me: “how much money should we exchange?”
My reply was a small amount.
He put on the table a lot of money, way more than I suggested.
I said: “what are you going to do with so much money!!”
He didn’t say anything and carried on with the exchange.

Money dreams can be hard to be interpreted.

I woke up asking myself:
“What if this has to do with a change in currency or change of financial systems?”

And because this dream happened around a powerful Full Moon it might be prophetic.
We shall see what unfolds.

Dreaming about flying an airplane at high elevation could be interpreted as great awareness and high consciousness.
Money Dreams are not only about material wealth but also spiritual wealth and relate to overall being.

I want to believe that golden age is coming where everyone has enough food on the table, enough water, a roof over their head, be joyful, free and at peace.
I wish this would come true.

In fact how about saying a little prayer right now?
Pray for individual abundance and also the entire worlds’ prosperity and well being.

Money Belief Systems

One belief system (detrimental) is insecurity around money, thinking never have enough, not being able to enjoy anything in life because of always thinking ‘lack of money’ or ‘putting aside’.
This is telling the Universe ‘there is never enough’.

Another belief system which is healthier one could be ‘there is more than enough, plentiful’.
Also being responsible comes to mind. Using money in more responsible ways.
The small amount of money to exchange (in my dream) could mean either a limited belief financial system or a healthy belief system, depends on how we look at the situation.
Some people are happy with more while others are content with less.

The dream was about exchanging money.
Money is also perceived as energy.
Perhaps exchanging energy with others?
Being social, spending more time with family and friends.
Connecting on deeper levels; more in person not only through social media.

May All Beings have enough, be joyful and free.
Much Love,

How to create your Abundance and Prosperity Corner?

Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant

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May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Love Yourself Meditation Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Love Yourself Meditation Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Money Chakras Relationship

If you want to know if your money belief is doing a disservice to you look at your level of abundance.

In this podcast you will get some insight on your money-chakras relationship
Find out which chakras that are out of balance might prevent you from achieving success and create the abundance you want in your life.

This is an uplifting, informative and INSPIRING Podcast according to listeners…

I sometimes listen to it to get my abundant dose of INSPIRATION. 😉

“Lilly, as always informative, uplifting and inspiring. “ ~ Katherine

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Hope you enjoy it and if you find it interesting please share and leave a comment.

Abundant Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings

May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:

How to create your Abundance and Prosperity Corner?

Abundance and Prosperity Teachings from Lemurians

True Abundance in the Hands of the Right People

True Abundance in Hands of the Right People

AbundanceSpiritualThese Messages came in a Full Moon/Eclipse Transmission.
This year for my birthday I received a very precious Gift: a Nautilus. It came from the depths of the Ocean and it has profound messages for the entire humanity.

One of the Nautilus chambers was being activated for all of us. The chamber is the abundance and prosperity chamber.
The Truth about abundance wants to surface. We need to change our perspective and stop supporting the big corporations based on greed and profit only. We need to start supporting business based on heart and truth and true service. So the message was to shift perspective.

We will survive as human species if we know in our hearts that true abundance is a natural state and that there is enough and more than enough for everyone on this planet.

Big corporations create lack, limitations. We need to start growing our own food and share with others. Plant organic gardens, support local farmers, support creative people and cook from the scratch with good real healthy ingredients.

“I am the TRUE Abundance, Prosperity and Wealth” – The Nautilus said.

This way we shift on redistribution from the corporate greed and dirty deeds to small mama and papa businesses, people who work in integrity with heart and Spirit, with righteousness. It is already happening, and we need to keep the momentum going.

Mantra that came in this transmission:

“SatChitananada” which translates to “Truth, Consciousness and Bliss”. These are three main energies that we need to be aware and stay present with on our journey.

Work and be passionate about your work. And Yes! Work is important, part of evolution.
Serve others, do SEVA work.
Find your passion and follow it.
Put yourself out there and offer your gifts to the world.
Meditate on abundance, go within and feel your abundant Spirit.
Team up with others who have the same passion, integrity and Spirit.
Get really busy with what you LOVE to do.
Do it for free first being willing to pay your dues in the Cosmic Arena at first. This way you gain confidence.Then start using exchange energy in a form of money for now for your goods that you create and services you offer to others.
Educate, educate, educate yourself.
Be happy! Abundance and Happiness are closely interrelated.
After all your hard work, leave ALL to Spirit.

Lilly Natures Blessings

Related Articles:
Abundance and Prosperity Teachings from Lemurians
How to Create Abundnace and Prosperity Corner

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May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Bees and Orgone (Life force)


Yesterday as I was working on a unique healing creation for someone with a higher consciousness, I was visited by a bee.

The bee was checking out the orgone healing pendant for quite some time and let it bless the pendant with its energy.

Then the bee left.

At the completion of the pendant while I was infusing the pendant with the last prayers and blessings the bee showed up again for its final pendant blessings.

That was super amazing!
Bees are master healers and messengers from Spirit.  They represent good luck, abundance and wisdom.

Bee medicine like orgone is life force energy. They remind us of our gifts of healing and rebirth.

Bees, birds and animals are very attracted to orgone, as is great life force.


Lilly Natures Blessings

Check out our unique customized orgone healing pendants

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Bagua Feng Shui – 8 areas

Feng shui is based on a idea that we are connected to everything. The main tool in feng shui is bagua which is the energy map that shows you about the energy in your home or office.

8 feng shui areas with their feng shui elements

Check out my abundance and prosperity feng shui corner.

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How to create your Abundance and Prosperity Corner?

AbundanceCorner1Everything starts in the invisible world. The world of spirit is the world of intentions and prayers.

If you want to manifest abundance in your life start with an intention and bring the physical aspect into the picture (abundance altar).
Choose the North West corner of your house or room (farthest away and to the far left of the front door) to create your abundance and prosperity altar there.

What to use for your abundance and prosperity altar?
Items that you are connect your mind to the vibration of abundance and prosperity.

Statues:   laughing Buddha, Lakshmi – the goddess of wealth, prosperity (material and spiritual), Ganesha – the remover of obstacles

Gemstones and crystals for abundance and prosperity

Abundance yantras (sacred geometry)

Business card if you own a business or a picture representing your work, any picture that represents abundance to you.
AbundanceCorner2Orgone – Abundance and prosperity orgone

I use abundance and prosperity orgone coins and cones. Orgone is an energy generator that amplifies the intentions very powerfully.

Here you can find the abundance and prosperity orgone coins and other orgone goodies.

Spray your altar with holy water or abundance prosperity gem elixir. I like to do that once in a while to enliven and reinforce the energies of my abundance altar.

Make sure you keep your abundance corner clean and add or replace some items as you go along.
Meditate in front of your abundance altar, say a prayer or just smile while looking at it and then go about your day. The abundance frequencies of your altar are impressing upon your subconscious mind and stay with you.

Have patience. Rome was not build over night. I built my altar many years ago and watched how abundance grew and expanded in all areas of my life.   Patience is the main ingredient as it teaches you how to earn and value your abundance.

Abundance altar is just a part of creating your abundant life. It is a very important part as it starts with an intention that impresses upon your subconscious mind.

However you have to do whatever it takes to work on your physical part of abundance.

The last part is to let go of stress and thoughts on lack and poverty. Instead focus on gratitude.

Abundant Blessings,


For abundance counseling sessions with me check out our services

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May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Love Yourself Meditation Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Love Yourself Meditation Abundance Prosperity  Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Abundance and Prosperity Teachings from Lemurians

abundanceBuddahAbundance is a state within.

The mistake people make is that they focus their entire energies outside of themselves which results in getting off balance.

Focus on what works and replicate that over and over again.  In other words look back in time when you created success in any area of your life, get into that emotional mood and recreate the energy so you can replicate that success in any area of your life.

People think of abundance as money only.
Money is a part of the abundance state as a medium of energy exchange but it is not the entire picture.
Money is a byproduct, a result of the effort, work and energy you put out into the world. However money can create mixed feelings as money was and is still used as a tool of greed, destroying nature and enslavement by lower entities that operate out of fear.

At the same time money is used for great purposes to help and empower humanity.  That is why money has a mixed energetic imprint in your consciousness and you must do individual money consciousness cleansing and healing work on your DNA, ancestral, soul and conscious levels.

Change the vibrations of money energy; see it as your individual value.

How much do you value yourself?

How much do others value you?

How much do you value others?

These 3 questions are very important to ask in order to work on value that is closely connected with abundance.
Another mistake people focus on is the poverty issue.  Focus on “lack of poverty” that creates the opposite which is the state of abundance.

Abundance is the state that Nature exists in.  If you are not connected with Mother Nature you are not abundant.

Think of the trees, animals, birds, plants, mountains, oceans.  See, watch, listen, hear how nature gives birth to itself how it unfolds and learn from it. Let it be your guidance, your teacher, your friend.

Don’t take from the earth more then what is needed. Do not disrespect nature.  Do not waste!
Nature, Mother Earth is a living being. Do not try to change the course of nature.
It has a rhythm, it lives in cycles, respect that.
Respect the low tides and high tides of the rhythm of life.
When abundance moves into the low tide, it is time to go inward, spend less, eat less, perhaps go into fasting mode: physical as well as spiritual. That allows for bringing cleansing into ones thoughts, emotions, mind.
After the cleansing ends, the “fest” begins and you find yourself in the high tides, enjoying your abundance.
Think, rethink, and master the concept of birth, death, rebirth of the nature.
Learn, learn and relearn.

Sharing and giving is allowing the flow of abundance in your life.  If you can give, if you can share you have plenty, you are plenty.

Declutter, let go, release: thoughts, emotions, stuff.  The more you release the more you receive…
Knowing how to manage and be on charge of your abundant life is key. Be wise!

Abundance is about balance: give and receive equally.  Do not be afraid to say NO for the sake of keeping the balance.

Learn to Respect balance: it is closely connected with abundance.
Choose to be happy. Have trust and faith always: you have enough, you are enough.

Message received from Lemurian Nation on Abundance on Dec 28, 2012 Cancer Full Moon – brought forth by Lilly Natures Blessings

For energy healing session, spiritual counseling, work on abundance issues check out Lilly’s services.

Check out our abundance and prosperity orgone pendant which helps put one in the high abundant state of mind.
May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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