How to see aura in 5 minutes


Everything is Energy and energy is everywhere.

Everyone can see energy. Everyone can see aura. All you need is practice and some guidance.

People experience seeing aura for the first time when they didn’t expect it and when their minds were in a very relaxed state.

I suggest to meditate often if you want to see aura.

Here is a video exercise that talks about how to see others aura as well as your own aura.

Have fun and don’t take it too seriously.


Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Clairvoyance Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Awaken Meditation Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Clairvoyance Orgone Pendant

 Intuition Orgone Pendant

Healing, Manifestation, Awakening Meditation
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Spiritual monthly Flow: Cycle aligned with New Moon or Full Moon?

WomanMoon1Each of any of the moon phases has a specific quality and an energetic level.

Women have DEEP connection with the moon.

In my spiritual practice I noticed that every time there is a very powerful Cosmic event my moon cycle will do whatever it takes to align with this powerful event.
This time my monthly flow waited for the New Moon (in Aquarius) where I felt there was a battle between the dark and the light/ good and evil.

Usually the energies of the Full Moon are more intense where New Moons are more subtle energy wise.
However sometimes New Moons can be very powerful and felt more profound.
As my lunar cycle was late, (3 weeks) I asked Spirit what could be the reason, as I knew I was not pregnant. I have had a different experience (very powerful) in Summer of 2012 where Venus Planet was making big waves in the Cosmic arena, so a lot of women were impregnated with the Spirit and in particular with the idea of giving birth to ‘new self’ and Mother Earth.

At the time I was still going insane because I didn’t know what was happening to my body, and after numerous ‘forcing the answer’ I gave up. And when you give up, the answer usually comes. It happened that I was at this large spiritual conference and a lot of women included shaman women, medicine women, psychics went through a very similar experience around this time.

In 2013 we gave birth to a new Spirit and helped our beloved planet Earth to give birth to itself although at times it feels like the planet is dying, due to so many abuses, toxins, pollution.
Anyway this time when I asked Spirit what is happening to my body, I got an answer that was immediate, as I was not forcing the answer. By the way if you need an answer from Spirit keep yourself cool and let go of the idea of getting the answer ‘right now’. It will not happen. You have to let go of the urgency of getting it.

So the answer was to allow and embrace my divine feminine with New Beginnings.
Everything in divine timing. So I did. Just a few hours after the Moon turned NEW in Aquarius I got my moon flow! Celebration! 🙂

When a woman is menstruating her psychic powers and Intuition are heightened.
Honor this time where energies are amplified. Men who have their feminine side well developed (talking about intuitive, spiritual, intuition qualities in men) have also their cycle that is to be honored.
So lovely women honor your awesome men and respect their moods.
Women who are very in tune with the moon cycles are usually healers, medicine women, psychics, shamans, and wisdom keepers.

Women who have their cycle aligned with the full moon (Red Moon) their focus is not teaching other women how to give birth but focus on empowering women to get in touch with their intuition and develop wisdom and self awareness.

Women who have their cycle aligned with New Moons (White Moon) are more focused on family, nurturing, home and perhaps giving birth to the self.

Miranda Gray in her book Red Moon says: “A woman with the White Moon cycle, bleeding with the dark (new) Moon, becomes linked to the deepest levels of her awareness, reminding her that there exists more than just the world she sees, because she is the carrier of the seed of life. A woman with a Red Moon cycle, bleeding with the full moon, brings the energies and mysteries of her inner darkness out into the world around her as a gift and an offering of the depths of her learning.”

Trying to translate from Spirit language to English: most of all are aware of “the Shift” (mass awakening). In my case, the energies of the Shift are very present and where before as my lunar cycle was aligned with the Full Moon now is aligned with the New Moon. I have noticed that my focus in also changing: from many to the local community.
I am more active in the local community then before.

Also I feel that the poles (earth, sun, cosmic poles) are already settling into the shift and what was North becomes South and what is South becomes North, if this makes any psychic sense…. It is very interesting to observe where this is going. The body has intelligence and once we are aligned with the moon phases we gain a very profound awareness and wisdom… LOVE IT!

If you are a woman and read this what is your lunar cycle aligned with: New or Full Moon?
Something to ponder upon…
Moon Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings

To receive Moon Transmissions make sure you join our newsletters.

Related Articles: Pregnancy – Rebirth: Evolution of Consciousness
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May we suggest:

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant

Divine Feminine Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant
Divine Feminine Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Make your own Gemstone or Crystal Elixir

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGemstones and crystal are the link between the heavens (Angelic Realms) and human beings.
All advanced cultures and civilizations knew the powers of the crystals and gemstones.
One way to connect with the energy of gems and crystals is via elixirs.

Gem elixirs are used to balance your chakras, aura, protect energy field, cleanse your space, open psychic awareness and connect with the angelic realms and much more.

The best time to start making your gem elixir is during New Moons.

Items Needed to Make a Gem Crystal Moon Elixir
Pure, Spring or distilled water
Glass jar, glass bowl, glass pitcher (do not use plastic)
Cover for the jar (might be plastic or lid cover)

How to make your elixir:
Say a prayer/set intention that the energies of the elixir you are making will serve the highest purpose and greatest good. Ask the Moon/Angels/God to bless your elixirs. I like to create a sacred space before I start making my elixirs. The higher the intention and prayer the more powerful the outcome of your elixir.

Wash your crystals/gem first.

Place the crystal/gem in the glass container and pour water over it.

Take your glass containers with gems and place them outside under the sun, moon and stars for 3 days.
After 3 days of capturing the powerful energies of the New Moon, the gems and crystals infused the water with their qualities.

Some people only leave the glass containers for a few hours and then use them immediately in their bath, spray their aura, some even drink the elixir. However caution is needed when ingesting these elixirs because some gems and crystals can be toxic. I like to use them externally to be on the safe side.
After 3 days you can add some strong alcohol to preserve the essence of the new elixir created. Elixirs can be stored for a long time in a dark place.

Enjoy the power of your gem elixirs.

We offer a variety of gem elixirs made with love and very high awareness during powerful New Moon Rituals. Check them out.

Blessings and Peace,
Lilly Natures Blessings

May we suggest:

Aura Gem Elixir Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Aura Gem Elixir
 Gem Elixirs
Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Plants teaching about cold, coughing, lung congestion: Eucalyptus

eucalyptusHow many times you have learnt something valuable after dealing with a challenge in your life?

The beginning of the year the quality of air was terrible. For the ones who know what chemtrails are you know what I am talking about. If not just google the word “chemtrails”.

I heard many people reporting cold, flu, pneumonia, lung congestion and related “dis-eases”. My immune system was low due to once a month sacred feminine cleansing and lack of sleep, so I got hit by the poison.

Cannot stress enough how important sleep is. (for a good nite sleep strongly suggest the feet chakra balancers-orgone – they are real WOW.

So when you are hit by the virus/poison your guard is down. Now while in the poison/virus zone question emotional past issues. Really question them.

Also it’s time for more introspection, meditation, just sitting quietly. This is how I solved my issues fast by first accepting it and then working with the wisdom of plants. There is no pharma medicine in our house, as we believe in plants and natural remedies.

We get our plant elixirs from my dear soul sister Yasmine: her talent of connecting with the plants in a sacred way allows her to extract and combine one of the best natural plant medicine that help people. Her j12 would have helped me probably get faster over this cold, unfortunately we didn’t have it.

Day one
Getting weak, very tired, frustrated, sore throat. Recognizing the poison toxins, as there is no fever involved. Just sipping some ginger tea and use ujai breathing method before bedtime. This type of yogic breath and feet chakra balancers (orgone) helped me sleep good. Healing happens much faster when we rest well.

Day two
Still weak, coughing, irritated, losing my voice. There was a scheduled hike with friends and I didn’t want to back off, so I went on this hike. Really? Hmmm… Although being in the nature, the pace was fast for my condition, very hard breathing, it helped with oxygenating my lungs and brain, but by the end of it I was terrible weak. More ujai breathing and feet chakra balancers helped me sleep.

Day three
Weak, still sore throat… more introspection, hard to tune into my psychic awareness when system is down. Suddenly I ask the kingdom of plants what’s best for this condition and miraculously I got the word “aborigine”. First image that came up was eucalyptus plant.

Have I known about this plant helping with cold issues? Of course I have and my mind went to Peru journey where we encountered eucalyptus trees in one of our plant ceremonies. This was a certain conformation that made me take action fast!

So I created a sanctuary in our bathroom: soft candlelit, hot water with plenty of salt and baking soda and eucalyptus essential oil. My psychic awareness came back as I started to perspire the toxins out of my body. I saw parasitic type of toxins leaving my body thru sweating while inhaling the essence of plant, exhaling its healing to my body After you finish the bath make sure you shower all the toxins of your body. Next day was a new healthy day for me.

Try this: place a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in your palms and rub palms then immediately bring hands together in prayer mudra (seal). Open them slightly, inhale the essence of the plant fully into your breathing system bring hands together again while holding your breath (if you have high blood pressure or heart issues do not hold breath) then exhale all the air into your inner body.

If you connect deeply with the plant and ask for help you will feel the plant working on your system, opening your heart up, decongesting your lungs and sinuses…

If you try listening to them with linear mind, they won’t talk to you. They don’t speak that language; they speak the sacred language of the heart. Plants have amazing “secrets” to teach us if we listen to them with our heart. They have a nervous system very similar to ours and hold an electromagnetic field like ours. Once we get in synch with them, and approach with sacredness, they teach their secrets, by entering our heart with love and awareness.

Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Healing, Manifestation, Awakening Meditations
Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Time for the Elders to Lead and Guide ~ New Earth

EldersSpiritThis is directly from the Spirit of the Elders:
You are required to stay in high vibrations of the New. Old ways and systems are crumbling and it is hard for many to accept the new, but we need to step up and let go of the old that does not work: greed, materialism, unhealthy competition,  war etc and embrace the higher dimensions of consciousness: Love, Unity, cooperation, compassion, understanding.
Time of awakening is NOW.

The illusion and deception are now being busted and new paradigm is emerging where AWAKENING is the New Fashion. No more fake fashion based on fake illusions. It is time for the TRUTH to be unleashed.
Remember order is born out of chaos. 
We have to heal the old wounds and let go of fears.
The ones who have worked hard to raise individual vibrations are NOW the elders, teachers, guides and leaders on this Earth. The spirit of our ancestors is now encouraging the “new elders” to take lead. Elders are not “old people” but are awakened people that have been through a lot of challenges and as a result acquired deep levels of wisdom. They came out of these challenges not only alive but also empowered and committed to live a life of Truth and inspire others to live their own truth.

The boss concept is now replaced with the leader concept which is based on heart and feelings. The boss is the one that tell you what to do, the leader shows you how to do it.
A leader will inspire you, guide you, empower you and make you feel good and worthy. While a boss demands respect, a leader earns it by being in integrity and by being kind and human.
The ones that are still hanging into the position of power based on greed and control for the wrong reasons are very scared. Do not feed their fears. It is theirs. We together can create a new planet based on beauty and integrity and peace.

We might go to rough times but when you look at this with positive eyes you see the beauty hidden under the mask of illusion.

We are going through a massive Spiritual Shift that is unfolding magically. We have so much support and assistance from the Angelic Realms.  Ask for assistance from the Invisible world, from the world of Spirit. Never lose faith.

It is a SPIRITUAL shift and what is unfolding is Magical!

It is time to step up and guide others that are new to the concept of a New Earth and lead from the heart. Lead with passion, teach others how to heighten their vibrations through singing, dancing, art, community etc…

In these amazing times we REUNITE with families and tribes from previous lives. We are asked to go out and find our Spiritual Families and REUNITE.

I have MANY families all over the world and it FEELS tremendously good to be reunited with them. What/Where is your family (s)? Go find out!! It is TIME!
This is one of my native families and I LOVE it. Here we are dancing with Spirit at 11:11 StarKnowledge on Trevor Greens’s “Lonesome Road”…

This is from a kirtan  in Las Vegas. Here I am chanting with a beautiful group of musicians “Anadoham” – I am bliss itself…

Wishing ALL a clear journey filled with Love and Truth,
Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Breathe Awareness and The Angel of Conscious Breathing

Conscious Breathing Pranayama also known as breath control is one of the most powerful arts we can master for own spiritual growth.

I don’t really like to use the word control here, I would use “breathe awareness”, as awareness is a great word of power… I guess it is TIME to change the way we perceive things and adapt and marry the Eastern Philosophies to the Western ways…

Last night in my dream, I was doing yoga under the guidance of a yoga teacher. The teacher came to me to hear my breathe.
She was encouraging me to use ujai breathe – also known as “the sound of the ocean” or “victorious breathe” and was breathing with me to make sure I was breathing deeply…

So it turned out that the teacher in my dream was the Angel of Conscious Breathing to remind me to breathe with awareness during the day.

So I am here to share and also remind you if you read this to breathe deeply, with awareness and enjoy your breathe… Ask this Angel to help you breathe with ease…

Breathe awareness

Breath means life, breath means who we are, breath means health.
We do take in Oxygen but we also inhale prana/ life force/ orgone.
We bath in our own breath.

Breath is the bridge, the connection between our mind and body.
Breath does not happen in the future or in past it happens NOW, in this very moment.
It is extremely important to pay attention to our breath.
Being aware of our breath reminds us of our connection with nature, our human nature.
Everything in this universe moves, pulsates, breaths.
Breathing deeply and smoothly calms the nervous system, calms the brain and subconscious mind, relaxes and eases the body.

It is important to breath in and out for the same length of time, for example inhale for a count of 4 or 5 and exhale for the same count. Find the length that feels comfortable without hyperventilating.
If breathing gets too harsh, it can agitate the nervous system.

Breath plays a major role during my healing sessions: I cannot connect to my higher self without being aware of my breath. Breathing deeply and slowly, keeps me focused on the present, building up and maintaining a high level of energy needed for the healing session.
I always encourage people I help to become aware of their breathing pattern and keep the pattern of inhaling and exhaling the same length of time through the nose.

I experienced great healings taking place just by teaching people the right way to breath.
I have noticed that many people are shallow breathers, their internal organs, blood, brain, etc not getting enough oxygen, enough energy. When they started to breath properly, deep and slow, pains went away, (heart pains, panic attacks, gallbladder attacks etc), tension went away, sensation of calm took over stress and nervousness etc.
Studies show that we use only 10% of our lungs capacity.

First step of becoming aware is to change our breathing from shallow to deep, even, slow.

In yoga, conscious breathing is called pranayama – prana=energy, ayama=extension pranayama=extension of life force.

One yogi said that when belly breathing stops, ageing begins.

Another function of conscious breathing is to prevent the distraction of the mind being focus on our body, being present in the moment, getting to know our body better, becoming aware of what is happening inside ourselves.

Happy conscious Breathing.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Heal The Past Heal Your Life Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Heal the Past Heal Your Life
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Pain, Fear and The Shift


There is no secret that we are going through major changes internally as well as planetary or even more universally.
There is a shift in consciousness and mass acceleration.
Shift sometimes is not an easy process.
It is accompanied by pain: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.
Sometimes it feels like you just want to go home and escape this matrix.

Pain usually indicates that transformation needs to take place.  
Breakdowns lead to Breakthroughs.
 We are changing our structure and for those that think in the 3rd dimension only, it can be hard to digest this concept.
But when you start to become more open to other realities, you start to heal because wisdom and understanding take lead.
Everything is changing.
 The planet is going through a major shift and as we are part of it. We shift, we grow, we expand to new realities with her, Mother Earth.
It is not very intense all the time but when is intense it is INTENSE…
Watch for those cosmic events, like full moons, eclipses, etc. this is where it gets more intense…
Our minds are very strong.
We can easily buy into the drama.
This is a program born into the matrix based on false believes.
Our minds and hearts are so powerful that we can not only survive the pain but we can thrive and transmute it into something amazingly powerful and beautiful.
And perhaps we are supposed to go through pain, to really appreciate our health, our life and the purpose on Earth.
When we start acknowledging our pain, accept it and allow it in our lives, we move towards wisdom.
And when the storm has passed we are charged with wisdom.
And yes there is a dark side and a twisted evil universal mind but that has no power unless we give it away by feeding the fear.
Fear is not going to solve the pain issue.
Please do not feed the fears.
We are here to grow, learn, expand and create a beautiful world for us, the unborn and the planet.
Say out loud and affirm to yourself:
 “I understand the purpose of Life with or without pain.

I accept what is, and who I am.
From here I can only move forward with a smile on my face because I have a deep understanding of my purpose in Life…”

Relax, meditate, pray and allow yourself to just BE…
Peace through the shift,
Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Love Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Crownt (7th) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Love Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Crown(7th) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

White Sage: Spirit medium, protection, health, well being


One of the most potent plants to use as a spiritual and psychic tool is White Sage.

It has a multitude of medicinal properties like clearing respiratory tract ailments,  sore throat, colds.

It is used by shamans all over the world, Native Americans, healers, light workers for sacred ceremonies, rituals for protection and connection with Spirit.

I had the pleasure to talk to Monica Maghiar a monk who lives at a Monastery in California, about her sacred connection with White Sage.

She shares a lot of information on how to use this sacred plant, its medicinal and spiritual properties, how to connect with it and how to make her a friend and ally in order to improve life and evolve on the spiritual path.

Enjoy this wonderful podcast and if you find it useful please share your comments below.

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Peacock Totem Spirit Animal

PeacockWhiteTotem animals represent the sub-conscious mind, giving the information about the energy held.

Any living creature (including trees or plants) can serve as a spirit animal.

Each and everyone of these beautiful powerful animals have medicine powers and knowledge to share in order to learn, grow and expand your consciousness.

If you are reading this you are blessed with the magic of the peacock totem.

If you want others to be blessed with this energy, share this article 🙂

Close your eyes and tune into the power of this glowing peacock and feel its vibration attuning you.

The peacock totem came to me in a vision during a full moon transmission. The visual that I had a time was of very beautiful radiating white bird, assisting us on our journey.

Beauty: within and without

The peacock energy like anything else has a positive aspect and negative one.

Be mindful and don’t step into pride and arrogance, but instead step into your wisdom with dignity and honor.

Peacock reminds us of our hidden beauty that wants to surface. Your qualities, gifts and talents are inborn gifts and your imperfections make you unique and beautiful.  Use imperfections to your advantage.

The peahen is not as beautiful as the peacock, but close your eyes for a moment and visualize its inside beauty. Without the hen there will be no beauty of the peacock.  Treat others with respect and see their inner beauty.

In order to look for beauty in your life, look within and you will see beauty in the world.

Self Esteem ~ Love Yourself

Peacock helps to reclaim your powers and rejuvenate your self esteem.

This animal totem teaches us how to love ourselves.  Whenever I help people with spiritual counseling or talk about self love I am surprised to see a large number of people resisting self love. This might come from a hidden belief system rooted perhaps in previous lives.

Self love is NOT being narcissistic.
Narcissism comes from fear of failure, insecurity, inadequacy. The focus is on the self, and although it is perceived as self love it is not.  It is a false idea of self love, it has to do with vanity. It comes from ego, wanting to be the best without caring about anyone or anything.
Self Love is closely related to self esteem.

Self Love is feeling good about yourself without being vain.  It is about understanding of the self with kindness, appreciation, compassion, gratitude.

Trust yourself and be confident. As long as you don’t harm anyone and treat everyone including yourself with kindness, don’t be afraid to shine your gifts and share them with the world.   If you feel a slightly jealousy towards others think about why you feel that way. You might want to change and celebrate others because if you do so you will invite same energies.

Choose to ACT

If you find you don’t want to be involved with others and community, the peacock has a message for you: “shine, instead of shying away from situations and people”. You are not a victim; share your gifts and talents with the world. If you hide and choose not to be part of what’s happening in your life, in your community, in your world, you let others choose for you. This is not empowering. You have a voice, you have a gift. Use it. Use it with grace, passion and wisdom.


Whenever the peacock totem visits, it is an invite to take charge of own life and step into your leadership. Be the leader in your field. Inspire yourself and inspire others. Leaders lead by example, bosses tell you what to do.

Peacock teaches us to be happy in own skin and shed any guilt we have about who we truly are. Remove masks and be authentic.  Don’t be afraid to be YOU, to dance, sing, express yourself and wear nice colors even if others might seem to be intrigued by your behavior.  Raise your vibrations so others will get inspired and do the same.  Get noticed!

As a leader you might take some risks when you speak your mind. Some people will criticize or judge you. Remember if you are in integrity with yourself and others, if you are honoring others then criticisms and judgment is not about you, is about them. All you can do let people be.  Sooner or later they will have to learn their own lessons in their own time.  Don’t take things personally and move on fast, without dwelling in the low energy vibrations as it slows you down from your own journey.
Don’t hold back, let your heart and creativity be known. It is time for you to shine and radiate your powers and beauty in the world. Be yourself.  The fake Hollywood is slowly started to fade and loses fans because people are headed towards authenticity, transparency and truthfulness…

Healer, shamanic gifts

Peacock as a power animal can get insights into the past lives and the karmic connection to this life. It also symbolizes inner wisdom.

In Shamanic rituals peacock feathers are used for healing, in particular removing energetic pollution from aura. They are believed to have protective powers. If you have peacock feathers, use them to cleanse your aura, if not just imagine peacock feathers over your energy field dusting off any psychic pollution in your aura.


Peacock can be a protector and a guardian. Work and ask the peacock to warn you ahead about any troubles or dangers. Ask to lend you powers to find the truth and discern in any situation that needs clarification.

There is a great spirit within you. There is an artist within you, a shaman, a healer, a poet, ready to emerge from within and show the world your gifts and talents so you can inspire others.

Allow the Spirit of Peacock to grow within you.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest: powerful conscious tools for spiritual awakening

Love Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Crownt (7th) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Love  Orgone Pendant
Love Yourself Meditation
Crown(7th) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

When Problems Become a Blessing


I keep hearing some people saying: “there is no problem, there is no issue, I have no problem”

blah blah blah…

When you look deep at the facts and behavior it becomes super clear that there is a problem. Cannot hide that there is one, cannot run from it or ignore it.

When I was a teen, my parents hired a teacher to help me with math.
The teacher asked me to solve a geometry problem. So I did but my own way” (Like Frankie said 🙂 )
He said I was wrong.
I said he was fired.

I grew up in a communist country where you were not allowed to argue with the teacher.
We were taught to respect our teachers and elders, which I did.
However I didn’t like the fact that we had to do it in such a way that killed creativity.

I got scolded, don’t get me wrong but they eventually hired a new teacher that encouraged me to solve geometry problems in many different ways.
That gave me so much confidence and power to be creative and trust myself.

If people don’t support your highest level of creativity and excellence have the courage to “fire them”.
Just have the courage to say NO to what insults your creativity, truth and passion.

In life we face with problems.
How we face them, solve them is up to us.
There are also different solutions to the problem.
We were conditioned by the society to think that problems are negative in nature.
While they can be unpleasant, they pave the road to becoming more creative, more in tuned with our intuition, higher self and teach us to become stronger.
They are doorways and opportunities to learn, change and expand.
They can be blessings in disguise…

We have our unique gifts and talents.
If all of us would be the same there will be no curiosity, no play, no fun.
And yet we are ONE, part of the ONE source that makes us whole.
We are not separated.
Killing creativity and passion separate us from Source, from our beautiful higher self, from infinite possibilities.

Don’t let anyone scare you, intimidate you, don’t let anyone tell you ‘that’s only one solution’ or ‘it’s the only solution’, don’t let anyone kill your dreams or creativity.
Instead be yourself. Trust your powers; trust your confidence, dare to be different, unique, creative and you will see how much you will achieve…

Strengthen your solar plexus chakra as it is related to courage and willpower.

Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant