Sacred Mandala Universal Grid Project


Why Sacred locations (power Spots on Earth) are so important?

Well… because they lend powerful energy in the form of information to be put into practice.

They are POWER SPOTS OF MYSTERY and subtle fields of spiritual energy.

When we visit them we rediscover the Medicine of the Earth and how to work with, respect, honor and heal each other and The Earth.

This year in April Spirit called my husband and I to visit a few Sacred Locations in Mexico (Ruta Puuc) in order to receive Important Insight from our ancestors from Mayan, Atlantean and Lemurian Civilizations.

The information when we visit Sacred Locations and we visited quite a few, is absolutely mind blowing!!! It is filled with truth, crazy powerful Ahhha!!! Moments and a lot of gifts in the form of healing, psychic insight, spiritual empowerment, abundance and much more…

One of the most powerful insights received during this visit transformed into a Sacred Project: ~ Sacred Mandala Universal Grid Project ~

This Project it is about connecting own individual grid (mandala) with the Universal Grid to ACTIVATE Awareness, Unity, Peace, Consciousness, Harmony, Centerdness.

Ancestors are telling us that it is CRUCIAL to develop these qualities in as many people as possible.

Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate, by the way.

The beauty of this is that we can connect with these sacred locations and receive information from advanced civilizations and ancestors.

In this podcast I invited my friend Yasmine to discuss together the Importance of creating our own mandalas to create a spiritual practice that connects with everyone’s practice in the world.

It is TIME!

We are required in these powerful times to create our own sacred locations and connected them with the Universal Grid with the flow of the collective.

Sacred Geometry

Highly evolved civilization like Lemuria and Atlantis used sacred geometry: circles, pyramids, torus, merkaba, Golden Mean, cube, etc.

Nautilus is the perfect example of sacred geometry: spiraling consciousness that moves from higher frequencies to lower frequencies of thought.

Nautilus represents the Golden Mean, the beginning of ALL spiraling beautiful representing the evolution. And what is magical and synchronistic about this is that only two months before visiting Mexico I was gifted with a Spiral Shell of a rare Nautilus in Fiji while visiting another Sacred Spot on Earth. Still to this day I am in such Awe!

So what is a Mandala?

Mandala is a round, circular image representing wholeness.
It is a cosmic design found all around us.
It represents peace, Oneness and harmony.

The insight received was to Create individual grids/mandalas using Sacred Geometry which will eventually become vortexes that connect us with the Divine Spirit, God.

Use any type of mandala you are guided to.
Spirit whispered that the 7 pieces arrangement works for 2014.  However use whatever your intuition, Spirit, Angels are guiding you.

This information waited for the divine time to surface and it is supposed to reach MANY people in order to raise global vibrations and raise consciousness.

Purpose of the Grid

~ rapid awakening – mass awareness.
~ bring feminine energy awareness and balance it with the masculine.
No more wars, harmony instead. Law of Oneness!
~ connect everything to raise vibrations of PLANET, amplifying positive Energies
~ connect with Sacred Locations and become Sacred Locations,
~ create our own sacred circles, vortexes of positive energies
~pull divine energy into the physical world

Steps in Creating the GRID/MANDALA

1. INTENTION/prayer/meditation/thought – it has to be in alignment with Truth, wisdom, peace, Love to serve the Greatest Good. Any intention that comes from power struggle, selfishness, fear and so on, will simply not work. Work light and PASSION!!!

2. Creative Essence:
ask yourself : What do I want to bring into the world?
What is my contribution to the Soul of the planet?
Your talents, your gifts, your hobbies, basically who you are.
Awakening and Activate these Energies

3. Sacred Geometry:
bring intention–we found out the circle is the perfect geometric structure as it represents feminine energy, healing, compassion and has subtle powers. Other examples: Flower of Life, Merkabha, Pyraminds, Diamond, Cube, Triangle

4. Sacred objects used:
symbols that remind you of your sacredness, or divine seeds

Yasmine and I gathered for many years a multitude of sacred objects.
Instead of collecting shoes, makeup, fashionable clothing, we collected and created spiritual sacred objects that we work with and get attuned to their energies: Gemstones, rocks from the tree nations and plant kingdom, Sacred orgone amulets and pendants, crystals, >Lemurian Crystals, talismans, different realms objects: Angelic and Faeries Realm Objects, Dolphins and Whales, Dragons, Fossils, Herbs, elements and elemental objects, psychic and spiritual empowering objects, shamanic objects, sacred feathers, native drums, sacred musical instruments, powerful elixirs from the Earth, blessed water and more.

5. Actual Individual Work

act upon knowledge
Every mandala created is never duplicated.  Mandalas also change.
Individual mandala is created with attention, creativity, uniqueness.
The Beauty is we need very little to do this activity.

6. Actual Connection with the Grid:
via Intention

7. Spreading the Knowledge to RAISE AWARENESS:
post picture, spread the word, so we connect with each other, create your own circle, communities circles, connect with the grid

Facebook: SACRED PROJECT: Create own Mandala and Connect with Universal Grid

We need reminders, we need triggers, we need nudges.


Universal Grid is reminding subconsciously of our conscious.
This is part of evolution, becoming more aligned with our divine purpose.

Working with energies is the Master Key in Spiritual Evolution.

Strongly suggest taking part in this project!!!
It brings so much spiritual growth, psychic insight, amazing ideas, vitality, empowerment and so much good stuff… Totally go for it!

Sacred Grid Blessings,

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Song of the Whale: The Power of Spirit Synchronicities

Spiritual Technique: 68 seconds to shift from negative thinking to High vibrations

This Technique is TRUE Spiritual Therapy.

It is a Spiritual Technique inspired from Abraham Hicks ‘Law of Attraction’ and it’s filled with yumminess, helps raise your frequencies and UPLIFT your Spirit.

I will explain shortly what this technique is all about and what does to your psyche.. and then I will take you to a 68 seconds powerful high positive journey while we are listening to my podcast

Sounds GOOD?

The technique involves focusing for 68 seconds on pure thoughts.
In fact saying your thoughts out loud and writing them down is more powerful then focusing on them mentally.
The goal is that you keep the high frequency of good thoughts for 68 seconds which is enough to shift yourself.

So let me Guide you if I may 🙂

Step 1:
Take a deep breath in and exhale out.. ahaaa..
What this does?
It releases tension and cleanses your system while oxygenating your blood and brain. POWERFUL!

Step 2:
Close your eyes:
If you drive of operate heavy machinery DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES.

Step 3:
Take a few deep calming breathes, centering, grounding, aligning with your higher self.

Step 4:
Saying your thoughts out loud or writing them down.
The goal is that you keep the high frequency of good thoughts for 68 seconds
which is enough to shift yourself.

For 68 seconds use ONLY POWERFUL inspirational, motivational affirmations, declarations.
Make sure for this short period of time you keep your energy high and PASSION to the fullest.
Give it ALL you got!!!

See beautiful passionate fireworks coming out of your heart!!!

Listen to the  FREE podcast  where I am sharing this POWERFUL spiritual technique and guide you through the 68 seconds.

thank you so much for this technique, i could actually dance even with physical pain
thank you so much for your beautiful energy! love and light
Best Wishes and blessings

Few Examples of Affirmations/Declarations to use:
I am such a wonderful human being!
My life is full of goodness, passion, joy and abundance!
I love and appreciate who I am. I am a blessing to the world.
Life is great. Life is full of wonderful surprises. Life is a great adventure!

I feel Good!!!

Let me know if you have great experiences using the “68 seconds” and please SHARE with the world!

Blessings and Good Vibes,
Lilly Natures Blessings

Related Article:

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Simply Because You Exist Uplift Your Spirit Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Love Yourself Simply Meditation
Uplift Your Spirit Gem Elixirs
Protection Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Money Chakras Relationship

If you want to know if your money belief is doing a disservice to you look at your level of abundance.

In this podcast you will get some insight on your money-chakras relationship
Find out which chakras that are out of balance might prevent you from achieving success and create the abundance you want in your life.

This is an uplifting, informative and INSPIRING Podcast according to listeners…

I sometimes listen to it to get my abundant dose of INSPIRATION. 😉

“Lilly, as always informative, uplifting and inspiring. “ ~ Katherine

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Hope you enjoy it and if you find it interesting please share and leave a comment.

Abundant Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings

May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:

How to create your Abundance and Prosperity Corner?

Abundance and Prosperity Teachings from Lemurians

True Abundance in the Hands of the Right People

Ancient Civilizations and Whales

whaleFullMoonOne of the reasons I LOVE Moon Transmissions is the heart base connection with others in the astral realm. Energy can become POWER HOUSE! If you don’t know what Moon Transmissions are check them out.

So this is a report of what happened during Solar Eclipse/ Taurus New Moon Transmission…

At the beginning of Transmission we were greeted by the Spirit of Whales, Eagle Power Totem, Angels, Mother Earth and Nautilus. Some powerful team of High Spirit Allies!!!

There is absolutely no coincidence as less than an hour before starting the Moon Transmission Ceremony, I received a package from a customer and dear friend, Lara.

Lara knew my birthday was coming up and she wanted to send me a gift. It is a mind blowing story of synchronicity that happened perfectly according to Cosmic orchestration. It is about whales. You can read it here: Song of the Whale: The Power of Spirit Synchronicities
WhaleCivilizationsDuring this Moon transmission we received messages of wisdom, blessings and healing from Whales and the magical Nautilus Golden Mean Spiral.

“Peace is around the corner, although it seems almost impossible. Be in the state of awareness… Achieve a within peace state by being in stillness. Only in stillness you receive profound insight and wisdom from Spirit.”

Previous civilizations collapsed due to greed and detrimental ego.   We were reminded not to repeat the same mistake again.

My husband and I returned from Mexico where we were on a sacred journey. There we received some powerful insight regarding ancient civilizations (Lemuria, Atlantis, Mayan).

Whales and the Nautilus witnessed the big fall of previous Empires. Humans who were heart centered and not blinded by greed, corruption and ego made it. They knew before hand about the downfall.

Some of them decided to go underground and others underwater. The underwater people are the dolphins of today. They promised to help the Whales to keep and maintain peace on Earth. Whales promised solemnly that they will do whatever it takes to keep peace on Planet Earth.

The Whales have very advanced wisdom, knowledge and high psychic abilities. They could see into the future and read the Library of the Universe.   If they see war or disasters they work on neutralizing the destruction.

You are reading this for a reason.

Whales are present with you and ask to close your eyes, feel them in your heart and connect with them. Make them your friends. They communicate with humans via Love.

NautilusSpiralNautilus shell has chambers. Whales ask you to go into the Nautilus chamber of “Relationships and LoVE” and spend some time there working on yourself, specially on self love, not the narcissistic type but deep understanding love and compassion for self and humanity.

Whales ask us to send love to ALL relationships regularly. This will help them maintain peace on our planet.
They need your help, they need human help. Peace can be maintained by being LOVE.
Sometimes is hard to love someone who wronged to you, love them anyway so this way you make room for loving yourself more.

Whales also teach that if you are happy with yourself and happy in your relationships with yourself you will be and are successfully happy in any relationships because YOU are the element of power.

Self LOVE and self work are the most important things one can do to help the planet be at peace.

Just picture this baby (calf) whale swimming joyfully around you:
He is saying:
“I am always present next to you, even if you don’t see me. I am always present in your heart and I want you to know that I am always in your heart. I love you”

Peace and Blessings,

Lilly as Nature’s Blessings

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Song of the Whale: The Power of Spirit Synchronicities

The Art of Blessing


Blessing is a Spiritual Gift we all have, it is just forgotten.

But now the vibrations of our beloved Planet are raising and the frequencies of Blessings are increasing.
Blessing is an Art.

When we offer a blessing we connect with the Collective Blessing Vibration of the World.

Bless everything, everyone, every day. Your life will become a blessing.

This is such a heartfelt video that will shift and remind you of the hidden power of Blessing.

“To bless means to wish unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart unrestricted good for others”

When you bless others The Great Mystery blesses you.

Make the Art of Blessing a part of your daily Spiritual Practice.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Spiritual Awakening Symptom: Deep Longing to Go Home


One of the most challenging symptoms of Spiritual Awakening is the “deep longing to go Home”.
I have had them, some of my clients and friends had them. The deep longing is an overwhelming desire to leave this planet and go back “Home”.
Mind you. I am not talking about the suicidal thoughts, or wishing you want to die and it is not caused by negative emotions like anger or loss. It is just a very simple feeling of wanting to go home, feeling like you have finished your mission on this planet.

This is usually very strong for those on a very deep spiritual path and went through many life cycles and feel like their karmic cycle is now complete.
This is quite natural and it happens because you are cleansing old illusions while transforming, welcoming the truth.

What is interesting, although you feel like you have completed the karmic cycle in this life you are ready to begin a NEW life. However the new life is still happening in this present life incarnated in this very body.

Some remember previous lives or have flashes of memories from previous lives, some know how is to go between dimensions.

These are the New Light Energies that are coming to Earth and have been roaming the planet for a while and they remind you of home.
And yes sometimes can be challenging and yes sometimes you can feel lonely or depressed. But remember there is a reason why we are here and you we are never alone.

We all have a home. It is our Soul Home, and although your contract is completed your work has just begun.
Spirit is always with you. Angels are always watching over you and guide you. Ask for their assistance when needed it.

Go easy on yourself, go with the flow, RELAX, allow and accept the fact that you go through a Massive Awakening, the biggest of ALL times and it is beautiful.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment

Deeo Conscious Meditation

Loop of Awareness with Archangels
Deep Conscious Relaxation Meditation Awakening Meditation

Peace Manifestation, RELAX Orgone Pendant

Song of the Whale: The Power of Spirit Synchronicities

whalesMoonThere is a DIVINE Cosmic Order Orchestrated Organically by the Spirit Counsel.
Synchronicity pertains to the Law of Unity. Everything is linked: past, present, future.

Okay maybe that’s too much of a New Age-y wording, but it feels so appropriate for this post.

So Do You want synchronicities in your life?

Then BELIEVE in them.
Feel them intensely in your Spirit… as the Secret is to be Consciously Aware.
So let me share one of many mind blowing ‘synchronicity’ story.
Some of you know that I hold these powerful Moon Transmissions – very healing, very insightful.
So I am preparing for a New Moon Transmission that happened to be also a Solar Eclipse and very close to Grand Cross Cosmic Event, very powerful energetic time in the Cosmic Zone.

The door bell rings and someone at the door asks me to sign for a package. The package was from Lara, customer/client that I have never met but I feel very connected to her, she feels to me like a sister from the same soul tribe. Lara loves my work and she would send once in a while some tokens of appreciation like many other customer/clients that I actually consider friends.

Lara knew my birthday was coming up and she wanted to send me a gift. It is an amazing story that happened perfectly according to cosmic orchestration.

So she asked her Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to choose a birthday gift for me, a blessing that would be from the Spirit Realm which would have meaning for my soul. Few days passed and she forgot about her intention, but the Spirit World did not.

WhaleSongThey chose a Book from Children’s section with text accompanied by beautiful illustrations, as oil paintings.

The book is titled: “The Whale’s Song”.


*** Whales are my mentors, teachers and dearest friends as well as one of my power animals- totems.

When Lara opened the book the first word she read was my name: “Lilly”!!!
This is what Lara wrote on April 22 on Earths Day:
“… and to my utter amazement I discovered… the story about a little girl named Lilly whose heart was so open, pure and vast mirroring the Ocean’s, would listen silently with deep loving trust for the songs of the whales… and as she left gifts from her heart for the whales each moonlit night… (like) a perfect shell, a flower, the whales came back and sang to her…

So while reading about your birthday blessings of the Nautilus shell, I was blown away too by the parallel of this other Ocean bearing birthday gift from Spirit to you as well. “

In the Book Lilly’s grandmother reads the Whale story in a very positive, poetic and beautiful language while her uncle interferes with the magic by saying that whales are used for meat and fat, and not to waste time in stories. But Lilly continues to dream and one night she wakes up and sees and hears whales calling her name : “Lilly, Lilly”

Now that made me cry, and still does…

The universe is talking to you and me, to all of us. Are you listening?

When we listen we find ourselves right in the very middle of Synchronistic Events. And that is SUPER cool!!!

LillyWhaleSong*** As I looked at the oil painting illustration in the book, they took me back in time when I was little. The little Lilly in the book looks like me and my sister when we were little. ~ (Painting by Gary Blythe)
*** My Love for whales and their songs is infinite and the gifts that I have offered in the past (orgone and shells) made them sang for me. I remembered listening to their songs while I was scuba diving underwater in Hawaii… Absolute magic!

*** And to mention the perfect shell, for my birthday this year: The Nautilus.
Whales invited me this year to spend time with them in Hawaii for my birthday. Instead I chose to go to Fiji on an off the grid secluded Island where I received a gift for my birthday after asking Spirit for a blessings. The gift, a Nautilus shell  – was brought by a squid from the depths of the Ocean and given to a man to deliver to me.

Now the powerful shell Nautilus (Golden Mean) together with the Whales are coming from the Depths of the Ocean in these meaningful times to share with us wisdom from the ancient times in the midst of chaotic, unstable times on the Surface.

The Whales are the wisdom Keepers of the planet and they vowed to maintain Peace on Earth. But they cannot do the work for us, we need to also roll our sleeves and do the work.

More spiritual, individual work, more prayers, more ceremonies of purification for our Earth Mother, More heart opening, more forgiveness, more heart and love activism, more and more and more… We can find MANY ways to stay calm and help the Whales to Sing the Song Of Peace to us, to Gaia, to the Cosmos. No excuses. We are asked to do ‘DA WORK’. And So be it…

Isn’t magic how Spirit blesses us when we are open and on purpose on the path?

…so the Secret my friend is to be Consciously Aware…


Lilly as Natures Blessings

Related Article:
The Nautilus, Whales, and Messages from Past Lives… coming soon

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

True Abundance in Hands of the Right People

AbundanceSpiritualThese Messages came in a Full Moon/Eclipse Transmission.
This year for my birthday I received a very precious Gift: a Nautilus. It came from the depths of the Ocean and it has profound messages for the entire humanity.

One of the Nautilus chambers was being activated for all of us. The chamber is the abundance and prosperity chamber.
The Truth about abundance wants to surface. We need to change our perspective and stop supporting the big corporations based on greed and profit only. We need to start supporting business based on heart and truth and true service. So the message was to shift perspective.

We will survive as human species if we know in our hearts that true abundance is a natural state and that there is enough and more than enough for everyone on this planet.

Big corporations create lack, limitations. We need to start growing our own food and share with others. Plant organic gardens, support local farmers, support creative people and cook from the scratch with good real healthy ingredients.

“I am the TRUE Abundance, Prosperity and Wealth” – The Nautilus said.

This way we shift on redistribution from the corporate greed and dirty deeds to small mama and papa businesses, people who work in integrity with heart and Spirit, with righteousness. It is already happening, and we need to keep the momentum going.

Mantra that came in this transmission:

“SatChitananada” which translates to “Truth, Consciousness and Bliss”. These are three main energies that we need to be aware and stay present with on our journey.

Work and be passionate about your work. And Yes! Work is important, part of evolution.
Serve others, do SEVA work.
Find your passion and follow it.
Put yourself out there and offer your gifts to the world.
Meditate on abundance, go within and feel your abundant Spirit.
Team up with others who have the same passion, integrity and Spirit.
Get really busy with what you LOVE to do.
Do it for free first being willing to pay your dues in the Cosmic Arena at first. This way you gain confidence.Then start using exchange energy in a form of money for now for your goods that you create and services you offer to others.
Educate, educate, educate yourself.
Be happy! Abundance and Happiness are closely interrelated.
After all your hard work, leave ALL to Spirit.

Lilly Natures Blessings

Related Articles:
Abundance and Prosperity Teachings from Lemurians
How to Create Abundnace and Prosperity Corner

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May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Today’s Message: Get up and Smile :-)

Post by Psychic Spiritual Healing.
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Full Body Relaxation Technique

~Destructive tension is your enemy, relaxation is your friend~

We live in a “fast food” society.relax

Stress, destructive tension, fatigue are the main causes of discomfort in life.
Healing comes when the body is totally relaxed. Meditation allows the body to relax. There are many meditation techniques, I am offering one of my techniques.

Choose a place where you will be undisturbed.

Lie down on the floor, with arms resting at your sides, assuming a comfortable position with the weight evenly distributed on the floor. Breath slowly and normaly.

Now stretch your arms, legs feet or any part of your body. (choose one). The muscle will contract.
For example: clench your hands then let them unclench (relax) slowly. Do it again but now take your time letting go very slowly. Notice how it feels when letting go. Stop clenching any part of your body and focus on your breathing. Breath in relaxation. Breath out any problems or anxieties.

Focus on your left foot toes. Relax them one by one. Next, move up your foot, relaxing and letting go any tensions. Focus on the ankle and let go. Keep breathing slowly and normally the whole time.

Move up and relax the knee joint. Relax the thigh muscles and the buttocks. Relax the pelvis.

Focus on the right leg and do exactly the same you did with the left leg, breathing slowly, relaxing , letting go.

Focus on the front of the body, relaxing the abdominal muscles, chest muscles and shoulders.

Return to the back of the body, slowly relaxing the lower back, middle back , upper back and shoulders. Spend as much time as you need on the shoulders as here most of the tension gathers.

Relaxing the left shoulder go down to the left arm, relaxing the elbow, wrist, palm and fingers one by one.

Do the same on the right hand.

Return to the neck very slowly , relaxing and letting go. Relax the back of the head.

Focus on the face. Relax the jaw, mouth, nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead and top of your head.

Continue breathing slowly and normally. See if any muscle in your body is tense and relax it.

If your mind starts wandering bring the attention back to your breath and think : ”relax, let go”.

In this state you can bring your attention to your problem areas and focus more on them relaxing and letting go.

You might experience all kinds of phenomena: seeing colors or images, feel your body heavy, light or elongating, falling asleep sensation, sounds etc. Some people leave their bodies and travel astrally. It is nothing wrong with that, in my opinion it’s beneficial. Just make sure you get grounded after you finish the relaxation technique.

Start moving your toes and/or fingers slowly, stretch yourself slowly, moving slowly side to side or whatever feels comfortable. When you are ready turn on your right side and slowly push yourself up.

In a deep state of relaxation healing takes place and the act of letting go allows energies to get balanced.
Enjoy the power of relaxation and don’t forget to look in the mirror after a deep relaxation, you’ll look much more relaxed and younger.

Check out this powerful Deep Conscious Relaxation Meditation MP3 Download that was birthed from Spirit during a powerful Moon Transmission.

Orgone chakra balancers and feet chakra balancers (orgone) are amazing powerful tools which promote very deep states of relaxation.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment

Deeo Conscious Meditation

Loop of Awareness with Archangels
Deep Conscious Relaxation Meditation Awakening Meditation

Peace Manifestation, RELAX Orgone Pendant