Your body remembers your ancestor’s stories

Lately a lot of ancestral stuff comes to surface to be addressed and healed.

I worked with someone last night who has having a lot of judgement towards herself.
When we went deep into her story we discovered that her story was in fact her ancestor’s story that was haunting her and was very confusing.
The story was of the witches burned at the stake.

All the anger, fear, and negative emotions from the past were accumulated in her heart chakra and needed to be released so badly.

Like any good movement in this world, witches movement (true healers, nurturers, herbalists who used natural remedies to help people heal) were infiltrated by the bad guys.
This type of infiltration we see nowadays everywhere.

Everything that is good and of light is either being infiltrated, destroyed by manipulation or if it cannot be manipulated the leaders of movements are killed or destroyed emotionally or financially.

Remember this strategy of the dark side.
It has been working for centuries.
Not anymore because now people have awakened and started to have discernment.
Discerning is such a beautiful empowering vibe that belongs to the LIGHT.


The releases of heaviness needed to be grounded through her feet.
Her heart was heavy, and the intense heaviness was carried from the past from her “female” lineage.
The judgement she was carrying was also transferred from generation to generation and she found herself always swimming in this never-ending judgement pool.
She was so ready to “break this pattern” by forgiving her ancestors and by realization of these deep wounds.
She felt an amazing liberation of heart.
She has done so much work on herself and this was the missing link. Heart liberation!!!

Ancestors have stories to tell and they are kept in our bodies.
If the stories are not fun they don’t belong into our bodies. What’s in the past has to stay in the past.
Yes, gratitude for ancestors is what we need to focus on because without it we cannot heal.
At the same time what’s detrimental to our emotions has to be released to explore the depths of our soul and grow it.
Extremely powerful session.

If everyone would do their inner work the entire world would shift overnight.
Ancestors want us to do the work.
Focus on their blessings and not their wounds.

Remember: obstacles and blocks we face are just steps to clear out and detox our shadow side. And when we come to this realization and work through it, we are not only clearing out our own stuff but also our ancestors and world’s shadow. You chose this. We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for.

Healing sessions > Book them here

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Papaya Seeds, Parasites and Spiritual Connection

Papaya – God’s Fruit

First time I discovered papaya on a “spiritual level” was in Peru. I went on a Sacred Journey to Peru to work with shamans and medicine plants (Ayahuasca and San Pedro).
In one of the plant ceremonies I got a message from my higher self: “Papaya Seeds.
I was like: “What?” “Really? Papaya Seeds?” “Why?”
Spirit said: “Third Eye”.
“Use it to increase your Psychic Vision.“

I put a mental note in my mind to remember “papaya seeds“.

It took me years to start eating the seeds, although this message was in the back of my mind and started to add seeds into my orgone pendants.

I regret not eating papaya seeds earlier to benefit from this amazing gift of God.
Hope you are reading this and you’ll not wait to start using these top STAR amazing seeds.

Papaya is also called the fruit of the angels.
When we connect with Papaya on a spiritual level we can call in our angels to assist and guide our spiritual journey.

Papaya is high in Vit C and is one of the richest sources of enzymes to help the digestive system.

Papaya is a Great natural detoxifier. 
Eat papaya to clean the body from the inside.
On the spiritual level it can assist you to get rid of toxic relationships as well as self-sabotaging toxic thoughts.

It helps heal and regenerate the liver (“the seat of anger”).
Eat small amounts of papaya seeds regularly to keep your liver happy.

The seeds are great for removing parasites from your body, a quality not many foods have.
Parasites are everywhere and most of the people have them, regardless of where they live.
At least half of the illnesses we have are due to parasites, and they are very hard to be diagnosed.  Parasites contribute to anxiety, depression and low vibes in general.

On a spiritual level the seeds help protect us from and remove parasitic entities from your aura (energy field).

They are also great to remove pollution from our environment.

Consume papaya seeds to remove parasites.
Start with a small dose (a few seeds) and see how your body responds.
Increase the dose (a teaspoon).
You can swallow the seeds and let the acid of the stomach dissolve them.
You can add them into smoothies.
You can dry them and use them instead of black pepper as taste is similar to black pepper.

Eat the seeds for a week, take a week off then eat again for another week to kill intestinal worms.
Make sure you drink lots of water and eat fiber to keep “things” moving.

Papaya are eaten when they are ripped. It teaches us patience and wisdom.

If we get to connect spiritually with God’s fruit (that’s how papaya is also called) we change perspective and our thoughts can change from low vibration dis-empowering thoughts to high vibrational empowering thoughts.

Hold a papaya in your hands, close your eyes, breathe deeply and try to feel the energy of this beautiful fruit.

Connect your energy to the energy of the fruit and seeds and visualize all the benefits of this fruit entering your energy field.
Give Thanks.

Get my free information on how I got rid of parasites and changed my life completely.

Share this article with others who need this information.

Let me know your results using papaya and it’s seeds.


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Related Articles:
Beets: Alchemical Spiritual Properties
How I Detoxed my Body and Get rid of Parasites, Candida, Toxins

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Grounding into the New Earth, the V thing, Ascension and Emotional Body

Aloha beautiful beings of light


If you know me for a long time, you remember my feet chakra balancers (orgone) (FCB’s). They had a massive impact on Spiritual Awakening through grounding, earthing, balancing.

I used to wear them for many years and felt so GOOD! But for a few years, I stopped wearing them every night.
I felt quite grounded into the Earth and didn’t need any external help.

Few days ago, my FCB’s showed up out of nowhere and kinda winked at me.
I said let me wear them tonight and let me tell you: dreams and messages galore.

I noticed everyone around me being tired, upset or dealing with some yucky issues. I was feeling different, so damn good! Must be the FCB’s (I figured)

The second night the same thing. I put them on and dreamt away.
Waking up so refreshed, so good, very productive and received great messages.

This time I received a beautiful transmission.

Here it is:

We are being rebirthed as NEW human beings.
We are here to build the New Earth.
We are here to ground ourselves into the New Earth.

Then it hit me: (the FCB’s are here to help us ground into the New Earth reality). That’s why I started wearing them again at night.

So where before we were grounded into the old reality (Old Earth), we are NOW here to ground and earth into the New Dimension, 5D Earth reality.

Beautiful or what?
I find it fascinating… Very simple message with profound meaning.

The V” thing that was “released” last year was to prevent us from ascending (moving into the 5D Earth).

However my Spiritual team says “there is nothing that can stop what’s coming”.

The “V” thing might have just delayed our ascension and messed with our bodies (etheric, mental, physical, spiritual, emotional).

Out of all these bodies, the emotional body is the most important one.
Without emotional maturity we cannot heal, ascend or discern.

Emotions play our minds big time.

Emotional body sends negative frequencies like fear to the physical body and blocks connection with the spiritual body.
Then our mental body sees no way out. Then we become sick.

The entire vicious cycle if not “detected” and addressed destroys the ability to heal.
When the “V thing” is debunked, game is OVER.

The moment you accept the “V thing” in your conscious or subconscious mind, you are affected. And we all have been, as we all live in the 3D Earth (reality).

Now that we are birthing the new Earth, the “V thing” will remain a thing, just a THING and nothing else.

Grounding is extremely helpful because it calms the brain down, letting go of the crazy activity up in the head area.

The moment you realize your powers over your bodies, ascension is an easy thing.

All the symptoms of ascension are in fact blocks that prevent us from ascending.
(I use the word ‘ascension’ for a lack of a better term).
We are not going up somewhere in Cosmos but we are going in.
Ascension is about being responsible for our own emotions so we can grow spiritually in the most beautiful way possible.

All the fears projected into us by external forces (dark in nature) are messing with our emotional body. The “V thing” is being multiplied by our collective thoughts. And that manifests in the physical dimension and our physical bodies.
Yes the “V thing” exists as we allow it to exist.
Our emotions allowed this game to be played.

That’s why in my healing sessions the main energy goes to the emotional body healing.
You cannot run away from emotions.
They need to be addresses, otherwise they cause illnesses.
Once this is addressed it is easy to manifest health, abundance, joy and all of the good stuff.

I do LOVE my work, because I get to witness massive transformation and huge “ahaaaaaaa moments”…

Once we refuse detrimental programs and ground our emotions we can start healing. We are so trapped into this reality by our emotions that the circle of insane emotional crap never ends.

Repeat after me:“I am willing to let go of detrimental emotions projected into me from external dark sources before birth. I am grounded into the New Earth, I am free. I am here, I have arrived. So be it. Thank you God, Spirit, Prime Creator. “

Grounding Methods

All the grounding methods that you used before, still work.
Just make sure you replace the Earth (old, 3D reality) with NEW Earth (5D New Reality).   

Use NEW Awareness – the Awareness of the New Earth. See how things are shifting fast.

Emotional body is responding to the New Vibrations of the New Earth.

By grounding into the New Earth we help the emotional body to release years, even life times of karmic burden and detrimental, negative belief systems.

BTW – our FCB’s (feet chakra balancers – orgone) are on a waiting list so if you want them in your grounding arsenal spiritual tool kit, make sure you put yourself on the list for when they become available again)

If you have them use them, you don’t need new ones.
Just make sure when you put them on remember to connect with the New Earth. Say it out loud or in your mind. “I am grounding into the New Earth via the new FCB’s.”

Easy, fun, cool?

Let me know what you think!

Work with me if you feel it deeply in your heart.

Blessings of the New Earth

FCB’s (feet chakra balancers orgone) Waiting List

Sacred Readings Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Feet Chakra Balancers Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Sacred Readings
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Feet Chakra Balancers
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Mercury Retrograde, Grounding and Emotional Healing

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Wake Up at 3 am, Light Codes, Ascension, Your Liver and Lungs

For the past few nights I wake up around 3:00 am.
I have asked Spirit why I wake up at this time.
Spirit says:
Consciousness wake-up Call!

Any time there is a massive cosmic shift (opening portals and gateways, Schumann Frequencies spikes etc.) we get activated specially during sleep or meditation. If we wake up around 3 am is because we are to receive LIVE activation and that is super potent!

Our bodies might be asleep but our Spirit is wide awake with Consciousness in receiving mode.
People might ask: “what is a PORTAL?”

It is an entrance (mental and spiritual mostly) into a different dimension and when we step into it consciously we receive upgrades, downloads, sacred knowledge and codes of light.

Two nights ago, there was an entrance into a massive portal 11-11-2020. Massive activation of light codes! I woke up just before 3am.
I knew that if I was going to get frustrated it would ruin my activation. So instead I prayed, smiled and allowed the activation.
And boy that was beautiful!

Now codes of light can be received in the form of words, phrases, images, sacred geometry patterns, sounds or feelings.

I received 3 powerful messages (words) that perfectly pertain to these amazing times (and I made mental notes):

I was meditating on these energies for a little bit and then I started receiving visual codes of light. This time they were very vivid images blue/indigo patterns of sacred geometry, flashing one after the other in my third eye. They were about 12 codes with different meanings that only my superconscious mind knows how to decipher.

These codes are gifts from the galatics to update and upgrade our DNA structure. Once we receive them our mission is to share them with humanity.
Just by reading this you are also being activated with similar codes.

Galactics are the advanced versions of ourselves, brothers and sisters that many call Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans and so on.

Usually around these potent times, sensitive and empathic people feel these energies so vivid, so real, so alive and also intense.

Why 3:00 am?
This is the quietest time when the world is asleep and the veil between dimensions is very thin. Interference and noise are almost nonexistent, mind is free of distraction.

This makes us very sensitive to subtle energies and the psyche is the most open to receive spiritual information.

This is the Spiritual Side of waking up at 3 am.

Now the Chinese Medicine tells us that every organ has a maintenance schedule.

1am to 3 am is the Liver maintenance/repair/detox time
3am to 5 am is the Lungs maintenance/repair/detox time

I remember when my mother was ill I would wake up between 3-4 am every night, to later realize that my mom was not only having heart issues but also lung issues.

Sometimes when we are connected and attached to someone close to us we feel their emotions and pains. This is called being an empath.

Waking up during the liver cycle (1am to 3 am) night after night, it might be a signal that liver is imbalanced and we need to work on anger and frustration.

As many of us empaths feel the world’s emotions we might wake up to consciously clean not only our pain and anger but also clean our collective detrimental emotional trauma.

We pick up collective anger and we need to focus on healing and send love to our liver as well as entire worlds’ liver. Just imagine that!
Powerful stuff!

That being said that doesn’t mean we are responsible for everyone’s anger. NO! We are responsible for our own emotional work and by doing that we help the world cleanse and purify. A prayer and energy sent to the world would be sufficient, because our most important mission as a spiritual being is to be awake.
We are to clean the collective anger by cleaning our own emotions.

When your liver is happy, your whole body is happy.

As the liver is the seat of anger and primitive emotions we need to remember these three things:
*Stop, take a break
*Start moving the stagnant energy (exercise, sweating is important to release stuck energy)
*Breathe consciously

If you continuously wake up between 3am to 5 am it might be that there could be an imbalance in your lungs and your breathing. The emotional aspect of lungs imbalance is grief and sadness.

Practicing abdominal breathing helps improve the lung health.
Breathe, long deep breaths, alternative nostril breaths can calm the nervous system (a deep breath in moments of anger can do miracles if you do it consciously)
Breathe into your lungs, replenishing your body with oxygen. Then visualize breathing into the worlds lungs replenishing the entire planet’s Lungs with fresh oxygen.

Book healing sessions or sacred readings with me here:

Many Blessings on your Path,

Lilly Natures Blessings

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Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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How to Stop picking up other people’s fears



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Empaths and Solar Plexus Chakra Connection

Empaths are the sensitive ones, the sweet people who want to help and assist others. But they keep forgetting to help themselves.

Due to shifting energies of ascension many empathic people feel tired, exhausted and lethargic.

The problem is that empathic people take on other people issues most of them time unconsciously.

So as a result they feel depleted and they can end up being sick.

Empaths need first and foremost protection.
If they don’t use protection they will risk getting ill.

Protection is not a big deal.
Sometimes protection can be something as simple as covering the solar plexus, a protection prayer or cross their legs and arms.
But if energies are too strong then an amulet of protection is necessary.

Solar Plexus Chakra which is located above navel is the center of determination, self esteem, will power and emotions.

Empaths mostly leak energy through solar plexus chakra as they have a hard time to control their emotions.

Solar plexus chakra is the source of personal power.

When empaths are exhausted due to energy depletion, determination and will power can decrease a lot.

Usually empaths have a weak solar plexus chakra and physical exercise (abdominal exercises) will not only strengthen this chakra but it will also strengthen the aura.

Empaths have a hard time taking action as they are exhausted due to energy leakage.  It can be hard for them to take control of their thoughts, emotions and life in general.  A weak solar plexus could also lead to anger, anxiety or even depression.  It can also affect digestion

Self sabotage will also weaken the solar plexus preventing you to move forward and take action.
Fear can get stuck in solar plexus. Fire provides warmth and comfort, but also can cause fear if is not under control. Use fire energy wisely.

If you want to be successful in life and transforms ideas and thoughts into action you definitely need a strong solar plexus chakra.

Sun is a great solar plexus activator, so spend some time in the sun and connect your solar plexus with sun energy.

The solar plexus orgone pendant is a great tool for strengthening and protection for the solar chakra.

The Solar Plexus Pendant will supercharge your solar plexus chakra and protect from intrusive energies.

When this chakra is balanced and strengthened clarity, success, confidence and wisdom will pour into your life.

Trying new things and hobbies will boost the solar plexus chakra, but many empaths are shy to go out in public or get outside comfort zone.

If you are one of these shy or lack energy let’s work together: book a session with me to give your solar plexus an awesome boost and gain confidence.

This is where you can book a session.

This is where to order a Solar Plexus Chakra Pendant:

To a brave, strong and awesome solar plexus chakra,

Lilly Natures Blessings

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:

How to STOP picking up other people’s fears – Conscious Empathy
Empathy: Know it and Control it

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When someone close to you hurts you: for Empaths

Empaths heads up!
How do you deal with someone close to you who are hurting you?
I just got really frustrated with someone really close to me because of this person’s ignorance.
When you are fully committed in a relationship and the other person is not returning the commitment it kinda sucks.

I have a problem with ignorance, I really do.
Relationships are killed by ignorance and ego.
I usually let go fast when something like this happens, but now it was difficult because the wound was quite old.

At first my frustration was so intense that made me cry.
I couldn’t believe I was hurting. How could this person do this to me? And this is becoming so old. This needs to stop. All sort of thoughts were going through my mind.
How am I going to respond to this situation from my best self?

So I prayed and cried and dag deep into my wounds and waited for a sign.

I was tempted to just use a patch or pretend the wound doesn’t exist.
I wanted out; I wanted closure and realized this was an old wound that was rooted in childhood.
Yes we have these old wounds and are perfectly hidden and when they surface they hurt.
So I did what I do best with my clients and it works perfectly: I cut chords.

So I let myself go deep into this feeling of frustration and hurt and started healing from within.
I’ve asked Spirit and Angels to guide my healing in such a graceful way that no one would get hurt in the process as this issue is so tender.
Forgiveness was the answer. Letting go of what hurts.
I can only do so much.
Next time when a person shows signs of ignorance just release.

When they need you next time make sure you take care of yourself first before you attend to their needs.

Love yourself, honor yourself, be compassionate with yourself.
Empaths tend to be peoples’ pleasers. I am working hard on this issue and making progress.

See where your attachments are, and let go.
We have been holding onto things, old belief systems or unhealthy relationships for way too long.
It is time to honor and give yourself the gift of releasing.

Be neutral and practice non attachment.
Let go of being perfect or rigid.
Let go of being in control. Let yourself be fluid.

Expectation leads to disappointment.
Everything is temporary.

The root of suffering is attachment.
Train your mind to detach with wisdom not with ignorance.
Detachment doesn’t mean you give up on someone or something, it means you let go of expectations and train your mind to flow with what is.

Frustration is a reaction to expectation, trying to force things into a timeframe.
The best thing that heals frustration is patience, and when we focus on that, time just slows down considerably.
Hope you take some time to think deep and next time when someone is trying to hurt remember that you are the one hurting yourself.

Love yourself first; not in a narcissistic way but in a healthy way and you know how to do it. All you have to do is do it.
Much Love and Blessings,

Related Articles
How to Stop picking up other people’s fears: Conscious Empathy
How to Deal with Angry People: for Empaths
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life

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Watermelon Cleanse: Deepen Spiritual Connection

Watermelon Cleanse/Detox works extremely well.

Toxins slow down our metabolism. Cleansing the body gives the metabolism a boost.
When we detox we not only cleanse our bodies but our connection with the Source/God deepens.

Always use intuition and listen to your body as well as consult with your doctor before starting any detox program.

Watermelon is related to the element of water and is ruled by the Moon.

Pisces and Cancer are the signs that rule this fruit created by God to purify our body.

Watermelon is connected with the heart chakra as it brings peace in the heart.

It is also connected with the second (sacral) chakra, related to the womb and has yin-feminine energy.

In men it creates effects similar to Viagra. Ohh My!
So use watermelon to strengthen your sexual/sacred chakra which is such a powerful chakra.

If you feel you need a detox drink watermelon or eat watermelon.
Make sure you use organic watermelon with seeds.
If you make a juice add the seeds as they are excellent source of protein. Just make sure you drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins.

Some of the benefits of watermelon
It is packed with potassium, has a diuretic effect, very alkaline forming, keeps the body hydrated, improves blood flow, antioxidant, reduces inflammation, slows the effect of aging. Less inflammation means lower toxic load in the body.

So here is my 3 days detox experience:

I knew I needed a detox as my body was feeling achy, tired and I felt bloated.
My skin needed a cleanse. My mind felt foggy and my spirit needed a boost.
I usually go on a juice fast but this time I chose just watermelon as it was in season.

First day I really enjoyed the taste of the watermelon!!

Second day however I had a headache. I normally don’t have headaches when I cleanse.
This time I felt I was going deeper into cleansing the cells.

If you want to go deep into cleansing you might want to consider an enema (bentonite clay, coffee ) but do some research. Enemas speed up detoxing process.

I drank loads of water, used meditation, visualization and gentle yoga .
After only two days I felt my skin super smooth and even wrinkles diminished visibly.

Third day I felt so energized, my skin had a nice glow, eyes looked clear, I felt extremely good!

I continued to see benefits even after I finished the 3 day cleanse.

Imagine the watermelon juice you are drinking clears any blockages in your system.

Pay attention to how you feel as emotions in your heart might be surfacing.

Meditation is the best thing you can practice during a cleanse. Many energy sensitive people I know don’t love themselves enough. Use this LOVE Yourself Meditation to flood your mind with the awareness of self love.

Let me know how the 3 day watermelon cleanse works for you.
Many Blessings,

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
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Chakras and Lymphatic System: Detox for optimal health and longevity

Humanity needs a BIG Detox!
You probably know what I am saying.

It is way easier to prevent diseases then work hard to cure the body later.

So many people I know struggle with fatigue.

One of the main causes is a lymphatic system that’s not working properly due to stress, electromagnetic pollution, toxins in food, air, water.

Lymphatic system also known as the ‘sewer system’ of the body is the guardian of our health.

When lymphatic system clogs up we experience fluid retention, fatigue, weight gain, pain, cellulite, brain fog, sinusitis, bloating, stiffness and our immunity is diminished.

The lymph removes toxins continuously from our cells, keeps us safe from viruses and delivers nutrients to our body.

Chakra System and the Lymph
What is the connection?

There is a close connection between the chakra system, glands and lymphatic system.
On the energy level chakra system needs a continuous cleanse and on physical level our lymphatic system needs to be flushed on a regular basis.

Lymph is connected to the water element.
Second (sacral) chakra in the body is also connected with water element.

Imbalance in the sacral (sexual) chakra affects the lymphatic system.
Lymphatic blockages lead to pain and aches in the lower back, hips and legs.

Throat Chakra is also related to the lymphatic system.

A block in the throat chakra might be a suppression of thoughts or expression that can lead to swollen glands in the neck area.

Thymus gland (heart chakra) regulates and controls the lymphatic system.
If we are closing our heart chakra due to suffering, rejection and pain that can lead to clogging up the lymphatic system.

The Lymphatic System has a watery nature, which relates to intuition. The sixth chakra (Third Eye Chakra) is also known to reside in the Lymphatic System.

From the emotional and metaphysical stand point Lymph that is clogged has to do with the inability to receive joy and love, specially from feminine side (women in our life, perhaps mother issues).

Not letting go, holding onto things that are not serving us are also related to the lymphatic system being clogged as lymph moves toxins out of the body.

There is no point in detoxing our physical body if we keep our chakra system blocked or stay in a detrimental state of mind that causes stress.

Chakra Cleanse

3 Lights Technique Meditation is a great spiritual tool to keep our chakras and aura clean.

Orgone Pendants from the Chakra Collection work on strengthening a particular chakra so we can align and balance all chakras.

When we clean the lymph and chakras we feel lighter in the body and mind and we feel better.

Caffeine used in excess upsets the lymphatic system and also dehydrates.

Water we drink has to be clean, free from harmful chemicals otherwise lymph works extra hard to eliminate toxins.

A water fast or a juice fast specially water melon is a great way to flush the lymph.

Good Foods

Raw fruits and veggies carry water. Eat raw fruits on an empty stomach.
Red foods such beetroots keep the lymph flowing.
All citrus are good for cleaning the lymph as well as cucumbers as they are very hydrating.
Other herbs that might help are turmeric, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and flax seeds.

Avoid GMO’s and pesticides and avoid processed foods.

Exercise and Breathing – so IMPORTANT!
In order for the lymph to function optimally it needs to continuously move. Muscles become toxic and lack oxygen if we don’t move.
Any form of exercise is good.
Deep conscious breathing helps.


Yoga in particular is a great way to keep lymphatic system happy.

There are some postures in yoga that cleanse the lymph.
Inversions pull lymph from lower extremities towards the heart.
Even a simple posture like legs up the wall would do. When I feel sluggish I go upside down.

I love handstands and headstands they are fun and keep me young inside.

Twists are very detoxing postures and stimulate the flow of lymph.

Dry Brushing

Dry skin brushing with a natural bristle brush boosts the lymphatic flow. Use it before you shower and brush towards the heart. It’s a great way to get rid of dead skin.

Gentle Massages stimulate the majority of stagnant lymph.

Affirmations and Meditation

Love your Body and use Affirmations daily.

“I love my body simply because I exist, I love my lymphatic system, immune system, I love my liver. I love my spleen.”

Try this guided meditation, a lot of people who used it found it helpful.
Love yourself because you simply exist Meditation.

Pass this on if you find it helpful.

Many Blessings and Health.

Take a look at the Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant and see if you can feel its energy.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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How to Stop picking up other people’s fears: Conscious Empathy

Empathy a gift or a curse?
It can be both.

Empathy is an awesome gift because allows us to be “the nice guy” and help others. At the same time it can be detrimental to our health because it is easier to get sucked into others emotional energies.
That’s why it’s important to master this ability.

The other day I went with a friend to the doctor. As I was waiting for my friend in the waiting room I started to feel a lot of fear in my gut.

I asked myself:” Where this fear coming from?”

First I thought it was my fear of doctors and illness. But my body didn’t agree with this thought.

Then I thought maybe I was picking up the bad vibes from the news as there was large screen TV in front of me. I didn’t get a ‘yes’ on this either.

Then I asked my higher self:  “Is this my fear”?

The answer came immediately.

Right in front of me there was a couple talking.

I looked at the woman and my stomach just churned. OMG! That’s  where the fear is coming from.
She was afraid of having cancer and I could feel her stomach shaking.

Good vibes and prayers went her way while i was doing a ritual of cutting cords with her.

The fear was definitely not mine and immediately I felt much better.

Then another woman came, sat next to me and started a conversation with me. She seemed really nice and out of blue told me all about her issues and asked if I knew anything about her condition.
I gave her some suggestion and she was getting excited.  She felt very optimistic and wanted to try my suggestions.  We were both into sharing natural modalities of healing and very excited about our conversation when suddenly the fear returned.

When I looked up I saw the first woman coming out of the doctor’s office looking so red and worried.

I sent her more blessings and fear disappeared again in a few seconds.

Healers, empathic and sensitive people have a “thinner shield body” than others. That’s why protection is necessary.

We usually hold others fears in our stomach (solar plexus). A good protection amulet to block people’s fears is the solar plexus chakra pendant.

And protection orgone pendant is great to protect the entire aura preventing us from picking up all other people’s emotions.

There are so many techniques that can be used to stop picking up others emotions.

Cutting cords is the one I prefer as it’s fast and efficient.

So wearing orgone and cutting cords when necessary is the key to success (at least for me) in dealing with others emotional energy.
Here you can read more about Cutting Cords Technique.

When Empathy is mastered it can be used as a powerful spiritual healing tool specially for healers as we can feel others emotional energies.

But that requires developing the skill of conscious empathy rather than unconscious empathy.

Many Blessings,

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Natures Blessings, 8106 Merlewood Ave, Las Vegas, NV, 89117, You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact

Cold and Flu Rule. What Would you do?

“What would you do when you want to go skiing so bad!!!!! but you have a cold, sneeze like a kitten and your head feels like a heavy pumpkin on your shoulders?”

I asked the above question on my social media page ‘Psychic Spiritual Healing’.

As I love Nature so much, I developed such passion for skiing.

Many of people who know me are familiar with my orgone work

I travel and gift orgone to locations that need it.
Orgone Energy not only transmutes negative energy to positive energy, neutralizing the bad EMF’s but is also a great tool for assisting humanity with mass awakening (a thing that I am very passionate about).

So as I was doing some cleansing spiritual work with orgone in Ukraine, I took advantage of the weather and went skiing.
The Whiteness of snow takes me to another state of consciousness fast.
It is so calming and purifying. It feels like everything slows down and impurities are being cleansed.

But …. After a few days of skiing I got the flu! Ohh no!

So late at night my partner asked if I was going to ski the next day.
So I said: I will know tomorrow morning how I feel.
The next morning I didn’t feel any better but decided to go.
I wasn’t feeling beat up, just weak.

I went on FB and asked the question.
And of course got quite a few responses.

People are awesome! I love empathic people who want to help out.
Some said Yay, some said Nay!

So here are a few responses:

“Go ski. Joy will cure you”

“Sauna sounds good too! Feel better. ”

“No colds no flu shall ever stop what I am doing good company fun laughing “

“…I chose the latter get vicks inhaler take some pain relief ie: gin and rhubarb juice and skiing lulu awesome x”
“I’d go I mean lol sneezes or not …life is for living after all wrap up, get vicks inhaler …Problem solved x”

“GO!! My way of thinking is its way more fun to go out feeling shitty and enjoy yourself than to stay home and feel worse than shitty! Sweat that out of you!”

“Here’s the rule: if you’re sick from the neck up, hydrate lots and sweat it out.
If you’re sick from the neck down, you may have the flu and you need serious rest.
Take care ”

“Not a good idea to go skiing when you feel like that especially with your head”
“Bundle up and get going!”

“Take a shot of Jagermeister and go skiing anyway!”

“I create Sacred Space for healing and ask, what is it that needs to be cleared?”
“maybe cozy-up in bed and daydream!”

So this is what I did:
Bundled up and went skiing!!! Lol

It was around a powerful full moon and I instructed my orgone necklace to help me with extra boosting energy. It did!
I got enough strength to enjoy my day of skiing.

I think it is a matter of how you really feel in the moment and listen to your inner voice.
There is a time where you need to rest and there is a time when you need to push forward.

Flu is testing if our immune system is working.

Getting a flu or cold is not always a bad thing.
It can make us stop and think, rethink about our health, our nutrition, our spiritual practice.
Have we ignored it lately?

Flu offers an opportunity to get rid of toxins, garbage, mucus, even critters like fungus and bacteria while we renew and boost our immune system.
It gives the opportunity to bring the entire system back into balance.

The detox left me with so much energy.
After I got rid of the flu, I got compliments on how good I look. 🙂

Stay healthy, detox and be happy,
May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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