You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
– Morpheus, from The Matrix
The beginning of 2012 I almost died on a hike: I fell 40 feet… (more details here) The name of the place I fell is called ‘The Rabbit Hole’
Messages from Spirit are everywhere, strong and meaningful.
We need to open our eyes to really see. We don’t open them we suffer, like I did… Did I learn my lesson? Ohhh Yeah! To listen to Spirit when she/he whispers in my ears “Pay attention, Be aware! Stay centered!”… but this is how we grow and upgrade to new dimensions of reality and understanding, perhaps compassion, surrender to what is.. or whatever the lesson is…
Challenges are portals of entering to new opportunities, infinite possibilities… Ahhhhh…
Do you get messages from Spirit and ignore?
I learned not to ignore them of course the hard way. Now I listen to them, after 40 feet fall, suffering and pain I don’t ignore them anymore… they might seem so unreasonable at first, I even shake my head in frustration when I get them, but after a while it hits me and A-ha moments keep coming.
Spirit never chases to amaze me.
It’s so precise, so intelligent, so pure, so wise, so full of LOVE.. She/He/It also has a wild sense of humor; it likes to tease and also teaches patience.
I love Spirit.
Have the courage to go through ‘the rabbit hole’ with awareness and you will open yourself to a new reality. Don’t be afraid of the unknown, but if you are have the courage to step into it, it holds such tremendous power and hidden treasures.
Within the human potential rests Divinity. You are a miracle,
and a spark of the Creator exists inside you.
~ Eldon Taylor
Lilly Natures Blessings
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