The shift, the cosmic rollercoaster and your participation

cosmic awareness

A multitude of events are happening right now.
There is darkness and light happening at the same time.

There are a lot of ups and downs, confusion, feelings of dying, sudden surges of energy followed by extreme tiredness, winning and losing.
It’s the game of duality.
If you get too excited you win and at the same time you loose.

I keep hearing from friends and clients about the intensity of this Summer that drives them crazy. There is no secret that there is a major shift happening in our human evolution in particular our consciousness.

Be aware of the shift creation that is not only happening on our planet but the entire Universe.

Get Prepared Spiritually:
Go deeper within your spiritual practice. If it’s meditation be more present if it’s cooking, bring more awareness and blessings to the food you cook. When you drink a glass of water bless the water. If you talk on the phone with someone dear, listen with your heart.  Add extra awareness into your daily life.
Make it simple but profound.
Close your eyes and send a blessing to someone in need.

Stay conscious in subconscious mind… if that makes sense.
If you have ever had a dream and you were aware of the fact that you were dreaming in that dream than this is the type of awareness that keeps you alive.

Be aware of your awareness.

Know that there is something going on and adapt to the changes with grace.

Stay away from confrontation trying to prove that you are right. Don’t let your ego win. Remember you are tested and there are lessons to be learned during these intense periods of change.

Know your Gifts
It is your job to wake up to the true you and embrace your gifts. Each and every one of you has a unique gift.
In order to be part of the shift you have to use your gifts. In order to use your gifts you have to know what they are. In order to find out what they are you gotta go deep within and find out.

The easiest way to find out is to Ask!

You already know what your gifts are but by asking you are remembering.

An intelligent, genuine answer is always preceded by a strong intelligent mindful question.
Go into silence for a while and ask spirit to show your gifts and talents.
Put your gifts into service of humanity.

Only by giving and spreading beauty and light this entire planet and galaxy will not only survive but thrive.

Remember all starts with you, with your ability to shine your gifts to the world. All you do and who you are is a blessing to your environment and the world.

If you are a cleaner put some love into your cleaning services. If you are a teacher teach your hearts experience. If you are a healer spread your healing vibes everywhere you go. If you are a leader “be integrity”.

mask offEverything is changing: all masks are required to be removed in order to evolve as human species.

Control your emotional ups and downs, catch yourself when you blame or criticize others. These are so low vibrations that bring disharmony and keep you in ill vibrations. You want to be healthy.  Bless yourself, your water, your food, and others. Give thanks for everything in your life.

Every day is a learning day. If you don’t learn you die. Appreciate your learning lessons. They are for your highest purpose possible.

Stay calm, focused and center no matter what the sun, the earth, the neighbor, the dog, the stock market is doing. These are tests for your mind. There is no winner or loser, there is only learning.

How do you respond to what is happening? What have you learned? How do you shift and how do you stay in your truth? What gifts do you bring to the world? What have you done today to serve?

Stay True,
Lilly Natures Blessings

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Statues on Easter Island have bodies!

I keep getting in my dreams, astral travels, past lives regressions and also progressions (going into the future) new discoveries, artifacts, treasures under water as well as underground, new animal and birds species.
Most of them are In South America: Peru, lake Titicaca and Easter Island.

I was blown away to see this discovery and it’s quite fabulous: The Stone Statues on Easter Island have bodies ! WOW! These statues are absolutely huge!

New energies keep arriving on the planet. This shows that we are not only in the head but also in our body, heart and spirit.
They also have writings on them… Ancestors kept the secrets from us until now that we are ready to embrace these new energies.

Hoping to get more insight from these discoveries.
We’ll see more of these artifacts, crop circles and species of animals, birds and even unknown tribes.

Enjoy the new discoveries pictures:

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How to Still Your Mind – Shift from Mind to Heart Meditation

When we get too busy we forget to ‘feel’ and that leads to depression that disconnects us from the spirit.
Check out how to shift from mind to heart with this sweet yet powerful guided meditation in the podcast below.

Lilly Natures Blessings

“I just woke up not to long ago and decided to try this wonderful guided meditation!
I never really meditate but know I have been needing to for years!!! I loved this and wanted to thank you for posting it was so simple and made me feel great!! Millions of hugs, light, and love!!! “~ Chrissy J

If you like this meditation you might want to try the guided meditations created with special effects to connect the subconscious with conscious mind easily.

If you also find the meditation helpful please post your comments below.

Lily Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Hearing Spirits Singing

Hearing Voices???

Well …  not those kind of voices … 🙂

This one happened while I was hiking with a group of friends.  It was right at the end of a long but very beautiful hike in the gorgeous Red Rock Canyon near Las Vegas.  The desert has a very meditative quality and can make put one in touch with the native ancestors beautifully.
At the end of this hike I started to hear beautiful voices singing.  The chants seem to be out of this world, pure angelic.

I‘ve asked the others I was with if they could hear women singing. My friend said she could hear it too. Sometimes I have hard time distinguishing between psychic hearing (clairaudience) and physical hearing. So when she said she could hear I thought it’s my physical hearing. But then her boyfriend said he couldn’t hear any singing. Hmm.…

After a while as was still hearing and enjoying the chanting I’ve asked my friend if she could still hear the angelic singing and she said not anymore. Interesting, as I kept hearing and it was very clear and quite loud.

The mystical chant stayed with me for about 20 minutes until we left the canyon.
What surprised me is the fact that when I related this to my husband who was also on the hike, he said he has also heard the women (spirits) singing for a little bit.

During this period of chanting I started to ask the spirits questions and this is what I got.
There were 3 spirits (women): spirit of the canyon, spirit of the wind, and spirit of the abundant nature chanting for peace and protection.

They wanted their singing to be heard by the hikers. In the past, mostly ‘psychics’ or ‘mediums’ could hear, see or talk to the spirits, interpreting their messages.

These days everything is changing super fast. Our DNA is being remodeled to channel own truth and connect with the spirit world like never before. The more we awaken the more we can communicate with the spirit world. The veil between dimensions is very thin and people that have never had profound mystical experiences can access what’s behind this veil very easily now in order to follow their destiny, grow and evolve the soul.


As many don’t know what’s going, ignore or deny the unseen world of spirit when it is revealed it might be frightening. However once surrendered to the spiritual experience the truth is revealed, heart opens and fear disappears.

Lily Natures Blessings

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Grow Angel Wings from your Spiritual Heart

Thank God for the Ministry of Angels and Spirit Guides!

Every time we ask for assistance they rush to help us, delivering tons of “goodness”.

On one of the moon transmissions which happened on 11-11-11, I invoked Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides as usual.
This time they shone their magnificence stronger than ever.

I have found myself crying, with tears rolling down my cheeks as their energy was so pure!

They have empowered us and if you were present at the time of the transmission and felt it, you know what I am talking about. Two days after the moon transmission their magnificent energy was vibrating really high!!!

Along with the empowerments they have gifted us with, they also showed me a dynamic heart meditation to sprout wings from the heart center in order to connect with our angel.
I am happy to share this with all.
So check out in the video below, to find out more about this Angel Connection Meditation.
Enjoy it, share with others and leave a comment if it helped you!

Dear Lilly,
For the full moon transmission let me just say that your insights on the angelic realm and angels and the technique regarding growing angels wings on your heart chakra was right on in its effective-ness. I have been doing that since for several weeks and its results are amazing. The spreading of the wings during troublesome emotions reminds you of your true nature as a being filled with light! and helps you shake off any negativity and fly above it with brilliantly shining energy…Its become my favorite technique :)” – Ashley

Angel Blessings,


PS: More info on Moon Transmissions – to receive them sign up our newsletter here:

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

How to shift from ego to heart to manifest internal peace

To me the most powerful investment is in myself, in learning. I am a continuous life learner and LOVE the process of learning, because I grow fast, and the woman I was yesterday I am not today, I keep expanding. The more I learn the more value I add to my offerings and serving others including you.

The month of August was dedicated to a vast amount of learning. I was part of 3 boot camps that happened to be back to back and let me tell you I GREW A LOT! I met amazing people, I made profound authentic relationships and boy it was intense!!!

And if you haven’t noticed yet, this year is the fastest year at all times!!! Technology is skyrocketing and time speeds up like never before.

In my last Newsletter I didn’t want to mention the retrograde as the intention for the last new moon was to go with the flow and be opened to whatever surface. If we stay grounded and shift from Ego to heart nothing can affect us, including the Mercury retrograde.


Was the past month’s energy intense? Absolutely!!!

Energies changed from external chaotic mind, craziness, egoistic energies to internal, grounding, wisdom, joy and learning experiences. Ask yourself what have you learned this past month? You will be surprised with the findings… Just allow the flow of energy to speak through you.

Shift from Ego to heart… Ahhhhhh!!

open your heart

Do you agree that this is the way to find peace in our society? I not only believe in it, I have had a very deep profound experience that enhanced my life learning process… Let me share with you.

As I mentioned in one of my past newsletters the two places of ego reside in either solar plexus and/or third eye (brow) chakras. It’s okay to be there for a while because we are human, don’t need to be hard on ourselves or judge for being mind centered instead of heart centered.

I had the opportunity to sit and be present with people (about 20 people) one on one and look into each other’s souls. Some were functioning from the heart some functioned from the place of ego. The ones that were centered in the heart were so open and vulnerable that we immediately merged our soul energies into one Blissful energy!!!
The ones that were centered in the ego places (either solar plexus or third eye or head area) I would feel and see very heavy and dull energy leaking heavily creating damage to the energetic field. What I have noticed was that immediately I shifted to those centers of Ego when I entered in contact with these people. So be very aware of negativity around you and how can affect you. However, my Higher guidance didn’t let me down. First thing after noticing their energy was to close my eyes and take a deep breath, then shift from the ego place into my heart, being present 100% with them.
Centered in your heart simply means bringing awareness to your heart chakra (the middle point between your nipples or slightly above).

As soon as I shifted into my heart the ones in their Ego that I was sitting with immediately shifted from their place of ego to their heart, opening their heart to unconditional love. Let me tell you, it happened in an instant!!! I could not believe how fast the higher energy influences lower energy into merging with the high one. Tears were present to each and every human being that shifted from ego to heart. For a minute or two, while the soul connection was established the heart was speaking and not the ego. They only shared beauty with me and it was a true authentic beauty and not fluff that ego enjoys.

Intelligently you might know of this feeling, but when you open your soul to strangers and let yourself be vulnerable, miracles happen indeed. Being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness; it only allows the greatness to come into your life. That instant moment becomes history because unconditional love takes over anything and by being opened like this we create beauty in the world; we become part of the higher realms.

Imagine what would happen in the world if heart would be the leader and not the ego… Again Ego has its role in human evolution, being in control of ego and not reacting to more ego instead acting with wisdom that flows from the heart will make the difference in the world, I truly believe it.

Having troubles shifting to your heart? Heart chakra orgone pendant can help open your heart energetic field, spiraling and tingling some juicy energy into your heart.


New Moon Transmission: August 29 at 6:00 am PST:

New Moon in Virgo – the time for new beginning is the time to plan sensibly. What I ask you to do for this New Moon is to tap into your heart, the place of unconditional Love and stay there for as long as you please and let the heart energies fill your entire space with the new moon transmissions. If it is only a minute, please do it, but do it fully with intensity, passion and commitment. You do it for yourself and for the loved ones.

I will just stay in my heart for as long as the Moon Transmission will last. Don’t forget to breathe deeply into your belly and the heart. If you cannot be present at the time when the transmission is send, just tap into the energy after as I will create a ball of energy for you to tap in. The energy (chi) ball will be available 24 hours after the moon transmission has taken place. Sounds good?

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More about Moon Transmissions here

Would love to hear about your experiences…

Have a miraculous New Moon!!!


What happened on the last Full Moon Transmission (August 2011)

I was in Squamish British Columbia, the majestic home of the eagles… The beauty and high energy of this place is absolutely breathtaking. If you are interested in visiting sacred places on Earth, this is one of them…

Power of the glaciers in British Columbia

Channeled messages for us during the full moon transmission:

“Rapid healings happening in Rapid Ways- your time of healing is NOW”

“When you want to be authentic shift energy from heart to your throat and speak the truth – it is the only way”.

“Think “eagles” when you want to tap into the place of wisdom”.

“If you pray from the heart the Mountains will open to your prayers and light will shine through the cracks”

“Ring on your finger means nothing if you don’t shift into your heart”

“Your heart is my heart, my heart is your heart, we are all heart”

“You need your truth Now more than ever”

“There is a ladder for you to climb in order to achieve your life’s purpose. You decide to climb it or not to climb it”

Check out Tools for awakening the heart’s energy field

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