Putin, John Kerry, Wine, Earthquakes and the New World Order

Spirit talks in amazing ways.
Last week I visited Cricova (Moldova Republic) one of the largest wine cellars in the world.

Many political figures including Putin keep their wine collections here in the casas (houses).

I was ‘called’ to one casa in particular
and I took this photo: John Kerry’s wine collection.


I felt really weird, creepy energy.
I Sent love and orgone energy to his soul to release that weird energy I felt.

Then today I just heard about New Zealand big earthquake(s) and immediately
I thought of Kerry as he is visiting New Zealand.

quote from stategov site “Secretary Kerry will then travel to Wellington, New Zealand, from November 12-13, where he will meet with Prime Minister John Key and Foreign Minister Murray McCully for consultations on a range of bilateral and global issues. He will also participate in the dedication of the site of the United States Memorial and a wreath laying ceremony at New Zealand’s National War Memorial Park.”

While I was sending good energy to Kerry’s spirit I heard a woman behind me talking about Putin’s casa.


I went to Putin’s casa and stayed there for a while and sent good vibes to Putin while touching his wine bottles.
I didn’t feel creepy energy, I felt giggly.

It was surreal.  John Kerry is the ally of the NWO while Putin is the traitor of the NWO (New World Order).

Furthermore wine has a deep spiritual meaning, it represents sustenance and life.
But at the same time symbolizes blood (red wine).

So what do you think? Coincidence? I don’t think so…

PS: few days after I wrote this article this info came out
I was attacked so hard by the dark side.
Send prayers please and send love, light and truth to this “event”
Was NZ Earthquake Man Made?

“If you were planning to do seismic blasting off the coast of a country, the best time to do it would be with the full moon wouldn’t it? That way people only discuss that as the possible reason for the quake.

The worlds biggest seismic blasting ship the Amazon Warrior was photographed off Rarangi Beach in Cloudy Bay last night. Right on top of a major fault line.

Green MP Steffan Browning reported it on his Facebook page for hours before the giant quakes.

The post has been shared over 400 times at the time of this post.”


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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

How did we manifest this election Result? 11-11 Portal

“And the Powers of Heaven will be Shaken.”

~ Namaste,

This is what I shared in one of my latest newsletters:

“What is happening with the US presidential candidates is a reflection of our collective consciousness. They play a role to awaken our shadows. Truth about illusion and deception are surfacing. We are distracted and mainstream media does its usual job of manipulating the world into choosing division and separation over unity and love.
This is profound. Awakening is happening, Truth is surfacing.

The prophetic dream that I had a few weeks ago (I shared in one of my latest newsletters) shook my ego, shook my very essence.

I saw this coming… in my dream
“And the Powers of Heaven will be Shaken.”

Information received: “do not be afraid instead be concerned about what is going on in the world.”

Things that we don’t know will surface and that will affect the entire world.

Filter the information that is being fed to us and rely on intuition as truth.

Now who wasn’t shocked with the election results?

Saying it humbly, I saw it coming but couldn’t share it.

I get emails from sad, confused or angry people who ask me how in the world we have manifested this election results?

There is fear, despair, and a lot of negativity happening in the collective conscious right now. But REMEMBER that all of this is happening in the 3rd dimension.  In the 5th dimension the world is a different world that works for everyone and it is based on Light and Unity and Love.

At the same time in the higher dimensions there is MASSIVE Awakening happening with a great amount of light piercing the veils of negativity and illusion.

Many see it very clearly, however for those in a fearful, negative mode it is very hard to see it. Fear vibrates extremely low on the consciousness scale.

I know what fear is because I was there and at times I still flow through it.  We are humans and ego doesn’t exempt us from it. Ego is part of us being human.

What changed the entire fear negative game for me was a deep feeling of knowing that everything will be just fine and trusting and having faith in the Higher Power.

The dream that I had regarding a prominent figure looking at me with piercing eyes that shook my entire ego, made me see things differently, through the lenses of truth.

I am inviting you to do the same.
Do your inner work, chakra work, grounding work, heart work, forgiveness, whatever it takes to step into your powers and not allow negative emotions to control you.

What intrigues me that a lot of spiritual people, even teachers that I know, fall for negativity and add this disempowering energy to this vortex of negativity due to the fact that are ungrounded.

In the messages I get daily, I get reminded of the controlling energies that prevent us from being happy.  If ego rules we cannot be happy.

The old system is crumbling, I have been saying this over and over for many years now, yet it’s hard to grasp the concept.

Dec 2012 was the beginning phase.

And this happens for a great reason, to take power in our own hands, moving away from systems that enslave us instead of empowering us.

Some people are shocked where others are seeing it very clearly.

There are people who are not aware of this awakening or refuse to awaken due to personal suffering, trauma that is happening in their lives.

Healers, lightworkers, earth angels, humans with a beautiful heart, I ask you not to add to the suffering.  Instead Assist and help others who go through emotional suffering.

We are on this planet to assist and help each other, to lift each other up. Chose Love over hatred and fear.

Many people know me for working and creating orgone for many years (more than 12 years now) and know my connection with orgone.

Orgone is a tool of awakening.

Spirit guides Constantin and I to go on orgone gifting missions. These are in fact visits to sacred places on earth. We place these orgone gifts in strategic locations like vortexes, ley lines etc.

I truly believe a mass awakening is happening as a result.

All the orgone gifts spread around the world communicate with each other and create a grid of Spiritual Power that allows the Light to penetrate our beloved planet.

Saying this, if you have our orgone gifts connect them consciously via your thoughts with all the orgone gifts  in the world. I truly believe Orgone/Orgonite is one of the main tools, along with crystals that has been gently, steadily, powerfully and gracefully assisted with the mass awakening.  When we wear our orgone pendants we become orgone (life force) generators.

Those who seek to keep us in low vibrations prevent us from seeing the Light and Truth.
The 11-11 portal that is happening (happened) on Nov 11 is about the explosion of light and truth.
Even if it looks like we live in a world of division and separation,  the “11-11” portal brings Unity.

If you prepared yourself energetically by being grounded, being in your heart, being a true seeker and having faith you are not suffering.

Light is our friend, but if we refuse to see it, we sink into the darkness, we let negativity take over. And then we really need to work hard to learn what we need to learn.
We can choose as humanity to see this situation as a curse or as a blessing.  We are not our emotions.

For life times now we looked at life through filters. Now in a long time we see through lenses of truth.

Division, anger , shock, lead to huge awakening. Chaos precedes change. Chose Love. Remember the ones that are in charge of the energies of the planet are of Light.  There is a Movement that is happening on the planet and the Universe. It is a Movement of Truth and Love and Unity.

Mama Earth is saying Wake Up!

Tune into the highest awareness as veils have been lifted.

We are called to assist, we are called to help, we are called to support others who need our help, who need our prayers, who need our healing energy. We are called to help anchor these new energies that are of light, that are positive that will help create peace and prosperity on Earth. It is Time!

The seeds of positivity have been planted.
Have the courage to look within and have faith, have trust in the higher Power.
Something big has opened up: a major portal of awakening and remains open as – we continue to awaken. Trust your Intuition as this is Massive and extremely Positive.

Have faith!

I would love for you to say these words (or similar in frequency) out loud to yourself.
Say it with passion and faith.

“I have faith. Everything is going to be okay.
I trust that the world is going to be an awesome world and I chose to be part of it.”

So be it, Aho,

In my latest newsletter I shared about the 3 Archangels that were celebrated on the election day: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
And Archangels are known as the “Special Forces” of the Angelic Realms.
They work constantly to help humanity awaken its spiritual powers to improve life.

Call upon them and let them help you.

The empowerment works like magic, very fast and very effective.
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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

WORK during sleep to keep us and the planet balanced and safe

We do a lot of work during sleep; WE meaning: empaths, sensitives, beautiful souls, light workers, earth angels, healers, nice people.

We interact with other souls: we help, we assist and at the same time we get assistance and help from other souls including our spirit guides.

I say this because with the chaos that happens in the world we need to stay in high vibrations and be protected. We need to remember our light; we need to remember our love.

If you remember the work you do during sleep, that’s awesome because you have an idea on where you need to focus on your life.

If not you might want to work on connecting with and trust your intuition and psychic vision.
Orgone does that. It helps you tune into the Universes’ network and open up our psychic centers.

I get insight about expanding our light everyday.

The shift that we are going through is HUGE!

Lately I feel trapped in my body at times and when I ask Spirit what it is I get the message that the energy that upgrades us is happening so fast that our body has a hard time adjusting.

That’s why we need to move energy by exercising, moving, walking, hiking and specially doing yoga or thai chi.
Old, non beneficial, stagnant energy leaves our body so we can welcome the new healthy, light energies.

And if you are a light worker/empath/earth angel you are helping with the transformation of the old into the new. Old programming that no longer work is being changed into new ways of free thinking for a world that works for everyone.

There are also many dark entities being released into the world to stop this massive influx of light, that’s why we see so much chaos happening at both individual level and global level.

I saw it psychically: the dark entities have power over and feed off negativity, fear and inflated ego. But once they have been hit by light they vanish fast. That’s why our work conscious and unconscious (during sleep) is important to keep the balance of ourselves and the planet.
Expand your energy filed (aura) and send light to these dark entities.

Tip: before you go to bed intend that you will wake up refreshed and revitalized and before you fall asleep send light and love into the world. Fall asleep doing that.

I am very grateful for all the free spirits, light workers, human angles, healers, lovers of life, smiley faces, positive thinkers, peace makers, peace activists, warm hearts for keeping this planet a beautiful place. In this crazy, insane modern world we need to stay positive and in high vibrations. I honor you! THANK YOU for all your work! You know who you are!!! You are unique! You are amazing!
~ Namaste ♥ ☮ ॐ
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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Mantra to Uplift Spirit during intense time

Sometimes darkness takes over our minds and it is hard to see the light again.

I was on my divine journey into the unknown and felt sad, alone and a bit depressed.
So I asked Spirit to give me a new tool to work with.
We are guided to use different tools at different times in our lives.

So the tool was received gracefully.
I heard the Sanskrit mantra: “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” and started to chant it.
All I needed was a spark of light and Boom! Here I was back on my feet again, filled with positive energy, gratitude while I regained my confidence.

Imagine how much awareness and vibrational shift we bring into the matrix if we raise our vibes. Try it. It is absolutely magic!

We help with the consciousness shift as we serve. Seva is the Sanskrit word for “the art of selfless service” or work performed without any thought of reward or repayment.
In ancient India seva helps with spiritual growth.

We cannot allow the negativity to take over our lives. We need to stay present, extremely aware and catch the negative thoughts and be ready to change them immediately. Otherwise we risk falling into the spiral of negativity that hurts our soul. So be mindful of your thinking.

I am inviting you to not only to try but be the mantra. Sing with me (video below)

I believe Spirit wants us to use it during times of intensity. Let’s face it. 2016 has been such an unstable and wild year! Crazy people, crazy world, darkness, fears, high intense emotions surfacing everywhere in the world.

We need to go back to who we are: beings of light. We need to practice being happy.
This Mantra is such a positive mantra that helps you move from the sadness of your soul to the greatest of your soul.

Sanskrit language describes states of consciousness. It is the language of the mystics, the language of thought and consciousness, like poetry but have precision in the words.
Om (AUM) is the sound of the Universe where the word human comes from.
Chants awaken spiritual qualities in us. The energy lifts us above the mind, where thoughts can’t seem to reach us. Worry and stress melt away.

Someone asked me and you probably have asked yourself the same question:
“Do you have the English translation? In order for me to come from a sincere place, it would help if I know and understood exactly what I am saying each time?”

I totally understand, as I was there. First time I participated in a live music kirtan (chanting mantras) I had the same question and my yoga teacher who seemed to have read our minds came up with the answer and invited us to feel the mantra instead of looking for the English translation.

Our ego wants to know all the time, our minds want to be in charge all the time and we forget about how we feel, we forget about how to tap into our heart and let Spirit guide us.
Translations of mantras vary due to the fact that Sanskrit language is a vibrational language that has so many layers of meaning. So here are some translations but then again you have to find your own interpretation that comes from heart and not mind. You have to experience the mantra and feel its transformational power, rather than trying to understand it intellectually.

“I bow to the Lord who lives in the hearts of all”
“OM and salutations to the Indwelling One, substance of the Divine”
“Salutations to the Indweller who is omnipresent, omnipotent, immortal and divine.”

Please let me know what your experience with this mantra is.
Inner Peace,

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May we suggest:

Heal The Past Heal Your Life Love Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Download Confidence Orgone Pendant
Heal the Past Heal Your Life Audio w Special Effects
Love Orgone Pendant
Love Yourself Because You Simply Exist Download
Confidence Orgone Pendant

Aura Cleansing: How to Cleanse Your Aura with the Trees


Trees that are so “alive” although they look dry they have so many spirits in them and
beautiful sophisticated and wise characters.

I always have a great time exchanging energy with them.
Trees are true gifts of Mother Nature.

If you pay attention they talk to you, give you messages
they even connect you with your spirit guides and ancestors.

My favorite tree is over 3000 years old which lives, outside Las Vegas, at Mt Charleston.
Every time I approach this tree, I feel chills in my body, because its aura radiates so big and its impossible not to feel humble and gratitude.
Imagine the wisdom that this tree holds. It has been here longer than us.

Trees have the ability to cleanse negativity in the emotional and mental bodies that reflect as tension or pain in the physical body.
They are well known to detoxify negative thinking.
That’s probably why we feel so good in the nature, specially around trees.

To protect your aura grounding is necessary, and trees are extremely grounding, they teach us to be stable and have a solid foundation. That’s why we feel so grounded when we are around trees.

There are many ways and one of the most popular methods is to imagine that you are growing roots from your feet deep into the earth, like a tree.
I love this method because feet are the main points of connection with the Earth.

When you feel heavy, dull, tired and need aura protection imagine that you are merging with a tree.

A lot of us healers or energy sensitive people can easily pick up negative energy from around us.
When people awaken, they face negative issues first and most of the time is not pretty.

This is part of the Spiritual Awakening.
We need to learn how to keep our aura clean without picking up on others energies, instead allow them to experience their own awakening.
This is crucial.

If you start being around trees and connect with them via your awareness you can find and learn the truth.

Trees are sacred.
Treat them with respect.
Trees and humans have a very deep and special connection.
In fact Native Americans refer to the trees as “standing brothers and sisters.”

Set an intention before approaching a tree.
Here I am sharing 6 steps to connect with trees so you can cleanse your aura, heal and receive messages.


Step 1. Intuition
Let your intuition pick a tree.
If there are many trees around or if you are in a forest, just feel what tree is calling you.

Step 2. Ask for Permission
Once you have felt a deep connection within, approach the tree with respect and high awareness… In other words ask permission to enter their energy field. They will always give you permission, but by asking you establish a high connection with them. Be humble in your approach. Trees have told me that when you enter their energy field with a high awareness they will help you not only clean your aura or heal but also teach you and reveal sacred knowledge and give you psychic insight.

Step 3. Talk to the Tree
Ask for healing, cleansing your aura, or anything you need to know. Don’t be afraid to talk to the tree even if might sound weird. I had my round of ridicule comments and laughter about me hugging or talking to the trees but I continued talking and hugging to the trees anyway.
Like Gandhi said: “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
So don’t be shy to communicate with the trees.

Step 4. Physical Connection

Touch the tree, hug the tree, sit under the tree. Make that physical connection.
Personally I like to place my forehead on the tree to receive information from the tree,
and I like to hug the tree for aura cleanse and just show the tree my love and joy.

Step 5. Presence and Let go of negative thoughts
Just be present with the energy of the tree, try to feel its vibrations and allow any information from the tree come to you, be in the receiving, healing and cleansing mode. See if you can let go of negative thoughts and try to see if you can become one with the Tree, merging both energy fields: yours and the tree

Step 5. Gratitude
Say a thank you prayer before you leave the tree’s space and smile at the tree.

Step 6. Tree Connection Aftermath
After you leave tree’s space, look at the tree from the distance and see if you can see, feel or hear any fairies, or spirits of the tree.
There is another chance that you might get a message from the spirit of the tree.
Al trees are cleansing.
They all have spiritual essence and hold different energies and different spirits.
I remember one time I came back from a hike and I counted 100 trees I have hugged on the way down.

Each and every tree had a different energy.
For example some of them reminded me of a dear auntie who passed away and shared with me some beautiful truth and lessons, another one had an energy of a dear teacher, another one the energy of my father that had to share some insight with me… It was such an empowering experience.
My aura was not only extremely clean but I felt so good and joyful…

So go out and Experiment with different trees.

Share this information with others who need a good tree connection and aura cleanse.
Let me know how this works for you.

Tree Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings

Listen to the Audio Version in my Free Podcast below:

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Aura Gem Elixir

Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Aura Gem Elixir
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Maya Angelou Message Continues after her passing

MayaAngelouJust heard that Maya Angelou has passed.

I haven’t studied her work in depth, but her words had inspired me. I knew deep in my heart she was a beautiful soul.

I felt sad, as I always feel sad when wise souls leave this dimension.

I asked her soul if I can communicate with her.

Soul said Maya has already chosen to share her work and spread her message via intuitive and mediums.
So as was ready to receive the information, I sensed a strong Spiritual energy came to my room.
I asked her soul for permission to post this. So it was a happy Yes!!! ,
This is what she said

 I am very peaceful.  I want you to know that.
I had a beautiful life know that I look back.
Sometimes life happens to you, like it happens to ALL of us.
I want you value your life and don’t take it for granted.

My question to you is this:

What is your LIFE PURPOSE?

Many people ask this question.
Have you asked yourself this question? A lot of you don’t ask this question.
Do you really know what is it?

I encourage you to spend time to THINK and Rethink THIS QUESTION.

It might be a major key to happiness in your life.

Find your purpose I say.
Don’t wait to be happy. Be happy now by knowing what your purpose in life is. Be happy now and purpose comes to you.

Stay with the flow of Nature.
It has wisdom to share with you. Perhaps life purpose has to do with it.

Let go: you know what you need to let go of.
Grudges prevent you from being you.
Just choose to be Free.

I want to close with the word ‘Aloha’ – it has such tremendous peaceful energy.
Aloha and Be Well my friends.

Feeling very humble.
Peace Maya Angelou, beautiful soul.

Would like to close with Maya Angelou’s powerful quote:

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


Lilly Natures Blessings

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Song of the Whale: The Power of Spirit Synchronicities

whalesMoonThere is a DIVINE Cosmic Order Orchestrated Organically by the Spirit Counsel.
Synchronicity pertains to the Law of Unity. Everything is linked: past, present, future.

Okay maybe that’s too much of a New Age-y wording, but it feels so appropriate for this post.

So Do You want synchronicities in your life?

Then BELIEVE in them.
Feel them intensely in your Spirit… as the Secret is to be Consciously Aware.
So let me share one of many mind blowing ‘synchronicity’ story.
Some of you know that I hold these powerful Moon Transmissions – very healing, very insightful.
So I am preparing for a New Moon Transmission that happened to be also a Solar Eclipse and very close to Grand Cross Cosmic Event, very powerful energetic time in the Cosmic Zone.

The door bell rings and someone at the door asks me to sign for a package. The package was from Lara, customer/client that I have never met but I feel very connected to her, she feels to me like a sister from the same soul tribe. Lara loves my work and she would send once in a while some tokens of appreciation like many other customer/clients that I actually consider friends.

Lara knew my birthday was coming up and she wanted to send me a gift. It is an amazing story that happened perfectly according to cosmic orchestration.

So she asked her Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to choose a birthday gift for me, a blessing that would be from the Spirit Realm which would have meaning for my soul. Few days passed and she forgot about her intention, but the Spirit World did not.

WhaleSongThey chose a Book from Children’s section with text accompanied by beautiful illustrations, as oil paintings.

The book is titled: “The Whale’s Song”.


*** Whales are my mentors, teachers and dearest friends as well as one of my power animals- totems.

When Lara opened the book the first word she read was my name: “Lilly”!!!
This is what Lara wrote on April 22 on Earths Day:
“… and to my utter amazement I discovered… the story about a little girl named Lilly whose heart was so open, pure and vast mirroring the Ocean’s, would listen silently with deep loving trust for the songs of the whales… and as she left gifts from her heart for the whales each moonlit night… (like) a perfect shell, a flower, the whales came back and sang to her…

So while reading about your birthday blessings of the Nautilus shell, I was blown away too by the parallel of this other Ocean bearing birthday gift from Spirit to you as well. “

In the Book Lilly’s grandmother reads the Whale story in a very positive, poetic and beautiful language while her uncle interferes with the magic by saying that whales are used for meat and fat, and not to waste time in stories. But Lilly continues to dream and one night she wakes up and sees and hears whales calling her name : “Lilly, Lilly”

Now that made me cry, and still does…

The universe is talking to you and me, to all of us. Are you listening?

When we listen we find ourselves right in the very middle of Synchronistic Events. And that is SUPER cool!!!

LillyWhaleSong*** As I looked at the oil painting illustration in the book, they took me back in time when I was little. The little Lilly in the book looks like me and my sister when we were little. ~ (Painting by Gary Blythe)
*** My Love for whales and their songs is infinite and the gifts that I have offered in the past (orgone and shells) made them sang for me. I remembered listening to their songs while I was scuba diving underwater in Hawaii… Absolute magic!

*** And to mention the perfect shell, for my birthday this year: The Nautilus.
Whales invited me this year to spend time with them in Hawaii for my birthday. Instead I chose to go to Fiji on an off the grid secluded Island where I received a gift for my birthday after asking Spirit for a blessings. The gift, a Nautilus shell  – was brought by a squid from the depths of the Ocean and given to a man to deliver to me.

Now the powerful shell Nautilus (Golden Mean) together with the Whales are coming from the Depths of the Ocean in these meaningful times to share with us wisdom from the ancient times in the midst of chaotic, unstable times on the Surface.

The Whales are the wisdom Keepers of the planet and they vowed to maintain Peace on Earth. But they cannot do the work for us, we need to also roll our sleeves and do the work.

More spiritual, individual work, more prayers, more ceremonies of purification for our Earth Mother, More heart opening, more forgiveness, more heart and love activism, more and more and more… We can find MANY ways to stay calm and help the Whales to Sing the Song Of Peace to us, to Gaia, to the Cosmos. No excuses. We are asked to do ‘DA WORK’. And So be it…

Isn’t magic how Spirit blesses us when we are open and on purpose on the path?

…so the Secret my friend is to be Consciously Aware…


Lilly as Natures Blessings

Related Article:
The Nautilus, Whales, and Messages from Past Lives… coming soon

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Today’s Message: Get up and Smile :-)

Post by Psychic Spiritual Healing.
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Words of Encouragement from the Spirit

sanctuaryThis came in a profound Moon Transmission where quite a few people tuned in energetically to receive this message from the Great Spirit.
In the beginning of the transmission 18 people showed up at the same time, and then more and more people came and tuned into this amazing Unified ENERGY.

The more of us doing light work at the same time, the more empowered our lives and PEACE making on our beloved planet.
We were asked by the Great Mystery to sit quiet and focus on high vibrational thoughts and affirmations for 68 seconds. It was deliciously beautiful: none of us were connected physically but telepathically. Even if consciously we didn’t know exactly what to do, our souls were connected to the highest levels of awareness and we did an amazing light work as ONE.
68 seconds was enough to shift the energies that needed shifted at that moment in time and tip the scale towards more vibrant and positive life for us ALL.
(Read more about the 68 seconds technique here)

lotusWe were provided with a very beautiful visual for this work: a massive pink lotus flower was placed on the heart chakra to awaken our hearts to deeper levels of awakening and love.
White lotuses were placed on the upper chakras and dark colored lotuses placed on the lower chakras.

You might ask: dark colors? Hmmm…

Regardless of colors the message was of MASSIVE AMOUNT OF LOVE.
“Love is everywhere even in the darkness.”
You might be familiar with the Buddhist story of lotus. It is a very beautiful flower but its journey of growth starts underwater in mud, in not so clean waters, basically in the darkness and in rough conditions.
However despite of these conditions the lotus grows strong and manages to push through the dirty challenges to come clean, graceful and majestic to the surface. Like the lotus we should not be afraid of the darkness, but embrace it, recognize it, acknowledge our obstacles and push through to come to the surface, clean, beautiful and strong, releasing the fears in order to grow, evolve and gain wisdom.  Tap into the infinite potentiality.
The messages about darkness and light being part of ONEness.
Go into the darkness, face your fears, look at your challenges, be grateful they exist, look at them as allies and not enemies because they teach us how to overcome what is stagnant.

We all have different gifts and some of us have a mission to go into the depths of the darkness and find the treasured lotus and bring it to the surface to shine bright.

During a personal retreat in Fiji I was gifted by the Spirit of the Ocean (a squid brought for me on my birthday from the depths of the ocean to the surface) with a huge Nautilus – a rare shell.

Since then, I tune into it daily to receive messages for self as well as share them with the world.

In this transmission the insight received via Nautilus was:

“Keep staying in touch with your light. Keep radiating your internal light. It matters more then you consciously realize. Every single act of kindness, every prayer, every smile, every meditation, every high vibrational thought, every conscious meal you eat, every conscious breathe you take, every good work, deed, regardless of how small it is, it MATTERS and ads to the COLLECTIVE energy of the world.”

The above is very powerful, that’s why the 68 seconds technique is so appropriate and I strongly suggest everyone use it, specially when you find yourself in low vibrational frequencies.

We were reminded to use this mantra to help the shift of the planet and help raise vibrations in the world.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

which means:
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

Chanting this mantra you attract Angels and Spirits of the high dimensions.

Find ways to stay in high vibrations.

A very powerful guided meditation that is similar in energy with the 68 seconds technique is the Loop of Awareness with Archangels. It was gifted to me in a moon transmission and was guided to offer it. When you do it shifts negative perception immediately, like switching a button off and on.  Very powerful stuff, as Archangels are the highest order of Angels.

Stay more connected with Higher Self, it has so much information to share with you.

Learn to listen more and hear with the heart not just ears.

Stay calm. Do not rush, be active and energetic but do not rush.

Be in the NOW, Be in the NOW, Be in the NOW.

Stay tuned from more updates from the Cosmos.

May the Angels Brighten your day.

Lilly Natures Blessings

More on Moon Transmissions  and to be part of them join our list:

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment

Deeo Conscious Meditation

Protection Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Loop of Awareness with Archangels
Deep Conscious Relaxation Meditation
Protection Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant