Connect with Angels through Dreams and Intuition

ascensionThis is a great article about connecting with angels when you open channels of intuition and opened to your dreams.

“Two of the ways in which you can connect with Angels is through dreams and being open to receiving guidance through your intuition, the still-small voice within.
Reaching through the veil between realms can be a challenge if you are resistant to raising your vibration. Angels have a very high energy which is why they are difficult to see with physical eyes. It is much easier to see with your inner-sight or sense Angels through emotion and through energy.

It is possible to connect with Angels during your sleep-time when the veil between the Realm of Spirit and the physical realm is thinner, more transparent.
A dream is another type of language, a means of communication by-passing the conscious mind.
One of the best ways to connect with Angels during dreamtime is to meditate just before going to sleep. Try lighting some incense focusing your thoughts on the scent allowing your thoughts to drift softly.
Ask your Guardian Angels to connect with you in a way you can easily understand and recognize, asking for any messages they may have for you while you sleep.
Don’t be surprised if you remember your dreams when you wake. You might choose to have a notebook and pencil to record any thoughts or images before you start your day. Trust what you write down, you can always come back later to ask what the images and thoughts mean to you.

Another way to connect and communicate with Angels is through intuition. Asariel is the Angel of Intuition and Insight, he encourages people to trust their inner-voice and act upon the guidance received. This Angel assists people with developing their creative imagination which is an essential part of manifesting your heart’s desires.
What is intuition? It is a non-thought, a physical sensation which resonates in your Heart or Solar Plexus Chakra energy centers. It is the still-small voice or a thought that just “pops” into your mind.
Intuition is not something that can be validated in the physical realm nor is it easily explained. It is the other voice, emotion or thought that is not from Ego mind chatter.Intuition is a knowing that resonates deep within your heart. It is a sense of absolute trust that what you are experiencing, sensing, thinking or feeling is centered in something, an energy that is not physical in nature. It is the “voice” that nudges forward along your path. It is a way of receiving guidance and messages that are for the most unexplainable.
Whether you choose to connect with Angels through your dreams or choose to develop and expand your intuition, it requires more than practicing meditation. Either choice asks you to trust the information you receive, to have faith as you practice quieting your conscious mind, you open your inner channel connecting you with Divine Source.
Copyright 2011 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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Have fun connecting with Angels,


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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

12 Ways to Raise your Vibrations

This is very high energy video that help you discover 12 powerful ways to raise your vibrations in 2012.

Enjoy raising your vibes!

Which way do you use the most to raise your vibrations?

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What is Sacred Space? Why use it?

Sacred Space makes you BE in the Present Moment: HERE and NOW!

It makes your life magical and purposeful.

If you want more healing in your life, more magic, more fulfillment, more joy, insight, peace creating sacred space is a good start.
There are so many energies available in the World of Spirit. When you access your sacred space you open your channels of intuition and inspiration, not to mention the variety of true friends that are always ready to help and assist you.

Listen to the podcast of how to create sacred space and what elements to invoke, why to create sacred space and more… HERE

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Dec 21, 2012 — What will happen?

I think it’s every individual’s duty to work on their evolution, the spiritual evolution.


“What will happen on Dec 21 2012?”

Only our souls know…
Here is my humble opinion. In one of my travels into the future I have seen more spiritual connections with higher beings of light, and I have seen beyond 2012, parts of the world yes will suffer and some other parts will thrive.


It depends on the mindset of each individual. Yes there is danger in the world; yes there is a lot of conspiracies, chemtrails, implants, dark entities, poisoned waters and food, suffering. But for each and every one of those negative energies there is much more positive, beauty, generosity, gentleness, joy.

It is all up to us to change the vibes, in fact is our spiritual duty to change the vibes and allow transformation instead of fighting the energies. It is about evolving our souls and express our spirituality and it happens fast!
My intuition tells me that there are still more optimistic and great minds in the world than miserable or afraid individuals and I have done a research to back it up with my intellectual mind and found out the percentage: 60% positive vs 40% negative. I am not sure how accurate this is, but I do feel that optimistic people are more than pessimists. Our world is the results of the collective thinking. So thank God for the positive and optimistic people.


Also there is a stronger connection with the world of spirit, angels, spirit guides and the unseen world as the veil between worlds is becoming thinner. New Energies become available to us to access and use for our evolution. That helps us to raise our vibes even more. So staying in high vibrations to be part of the high collective consciousness is the answer. This timing is so special! Lets Embrace it!

So this is my prediction, at least for people in great spirits, nothing bad will happen. If the entire world collapses than there will be no one to remember my prediction. Right?
I hope on that day I will be scuba diving somewhere tropical… enjoying Mother Nature.

Enjoy the New Energies!



What do you think will happen on this day? Post your comments below.

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Negative vs Positive

Negative thoughts are incredible toxic to the physical body.
That can affect the organs, heart in particular and the immune system.
Negative unsupported thinking creates internal madness which manifests into our external world.
By polluting our bodies and surroundings with negativity we pollute our Earth…

If you watch too much TV, specially news or fear based programs your aura will vibrate low and entities will make themselves at home into your energy field.
Change your vibration when that happens!

For every murder, rape, robbery, accident, etc there are thousands of acts of kindness, generosity and love but they are not called the “NEWS”.
Media is polluting our atmosphere! All we need is BALANCE! That’s all!

Our essence is LOVE and the power to change every negative into positive is by tapping into that unlimited source of Love!

Listen to “Negative vs Positive” podcast here


Let me know what you do to stay in high vibrations by commenting below.



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Remove Negative Energy – Chakra Clearing

As many of us I struggled removing negative detrimental energies from my aura and chakras.

So after some work on myself I figured it out.

Here I share Simple and efficient methods for chakra healing, chakra balancing and clearing to remove energy blocks from your physical body and heal your energy filed – (aura) for self or others.

So here 3 main reasons that create energy blocks that lead to illness

– toxins
– belief system
– “negatives” (sadness, anger, hatred, resentment, anger etc)


Check out this podcast here

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Get rid of heavy energy ~ Cancel Evil (Man Made) Contracts

This evil contract cancellation “insight” came when  in a psychic group session.
My psychic seeing was guiding us to a lady (spiritual guide) who gave us “pen and paper” to cancel all the evil/man-made contracts we have signed in this life or previous lives.


This contract helps protect against harmful unseen energies, blocking intrusive vibrations, reclaiming sovereignty over psysical body and subtle body, empowering energetic field, listening to only God’s and intuitive guidance, bringing peace of mind, being true to yourself.
The privacy notice has to be signed in order to be valid and of course the John Doe name has to be changed with your name and make sure you change the date with the present date and also remember to sign it above the line.

Also treat this cancellation with respect and thank our spiritual guides for making it available to all of us.
Many people who have signed this cancellation benefited tremendously, feeling great relief.

Get the Contract Cancellation Here


“Dear Lilly,
I wanted to tell you, I came across the cancelling evil contracts agreement and I was very attracted to it.
Finally I read it as if I was committing to it and , to my astonishment ..some strange and very unpleasant heaviness that had been on my spirit….’lifted’ off…….and has stayed off… what was that? I have since printed and signed it……….Thank you for making it available. ~ L.C.”

Along with this contract we suggest wearing the protection orgone pendant to keep your aura clean free of any psychic attacks and negativity and also the set of feet chakra balancers that work hard during the night to keep you stable, positive and protected while detoxing and healing the body.

May you always be Protected,

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What is Grounding? Basic Grounding…

Grounding technique is simple and profound to help you “ground” your energy field and aura. The chakras in the soles of the feet absorb energy from Mother Earth.

Feet chakras and base of the spine (root chakra) help us to stay grounded and earthed. When you send energy ( boost) or practice healing it is essential that the body energies are grounded and earthed to create a complete circuit for healing and boosting energies.

If sitting, your legs should not be crossed with feet flat on the floor.

Make sure your feet are touching the floor/earth at all times. This brings the spiritual into the physical and earth negative energies into the ground for transmutation. A good visualization is to imagine a cord from the base of the spine going deep inside the earth and/or visualize roots from your feet spreading into the earth.
It is important to be back in your body and grounded after meditation or healing/boosting. Otherwise you can feel floaty and “not quite here”.
Crystals help you to be back in your body, protecting your auric field. Brown, black and green stones ground, energize. Grounding crystals: Carnelian, Hematite, Boji stone, Smoky Quartz, Onyx, Amber, Green Fluorite.

Also wearing orgone generators (orgonite) can be very grounding, creating the feeling of belonging to this earth.

Feet chakras balancers (orgone) keep one grounded and connected to earth, and create a protective filed around feet that will block the intrusion of unwanted energies (entities) into ones energy filed. It also seems that once feet energy centers are unblocked, the root chakra (where kundalini shakti resides) that is associated with abundance, grounding, instinct, security, manifestation becomes balanced and stable. Grounding helps one be center, sleep better and get a clear picture of ones purpose in life.
Stay Grounded,


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Grow Angel Wings from your Spiritual Heart

Thank God for the Ministry of Angels and Spirit Guides!

Every time we ask for assistance they rush to help us, delivering tons of “goodness”.

On one of the moon transmissions which happened on 11-11-11, I invoked Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides as usual.
This time they shone their magnificence stronger than ever.

I have found myself crying, with tears rolling down my cheeks as their energy was so pure!

They have empowered us and if you were present at the time of the transmission and felt it, you know what I am talking about. Two days after the moon transmission their magnificent energy was vibrating really high!!!

Along with the empowerments they have gifted us with, they also showed me a dynamic heart meditation to sprout wings from the heart center in order to connect with our angel.
I am happy to share this with all.
So check out in the video below, to find out more about this Angel Connection Meditation.
Enjoy it, share with others and leave a comment if it helped you!

Dear Lilly,
For the full moon transmission let me just say that your insights on the angelic realm and angels and the technique regarding growing angels wings on your heart chakra was right on in its effective-ness. I have been doing that since for several weeks and its results are amazing. The spreading of the wings during troublesome emotions reminds you of your true nature as a being filled with light! and helps you shake off any negativity and fly above it with brilliantly shining energy…Its become my favorite technique :)” – Ashley

Angel Blessings,


PS: More info on Moon Transmissions – to receive them sign up our newsletter here:

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Healing Mantra ~ Gayatri Matra

The sound-vibration of chants are very healing.
They attract Divine Powers from the Cosmos.

Gayatri mantra is a universal prayer.

This is one of my favorite powerful healing mantras. During one of my remote healing sessions I was chanting this sacred mantra. It was so powerful that at some point I heard celestial sages singing with me. It was magnificent and super powerful!

“Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha
Om Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Naha, Prachodayaat.”

– The Gayatri Mantra

Short meaning of Gayatri Mantra is:

We meditate on the glory of the Creator;

Who has created the Universe;

Who is worthy of Worship;

Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;

Who is the remover of all Ignorance;

May He enlighten our Intellect….

Chanting this Mantra in your heart for a few weeks will help you heal on many levels.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Aura Gem Elixir Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Golden Orb Energy to Manifest Fast and with Ease