Why I cannot see future timelines? The Master Plan

I woke up around 3:30 the other day with a weird headache. I couldn’t go back to sleep and decided to meditate.

So I asked the Spirit team why my third eye and intuition cannot see the future timelines with clarity like I used to see a few years ago. I can sense and have an idea of what’s happening, but not in detail.

I am usually spot on with other people and clients but when it comes to seeing future events even my dreams are not so prophetic like they used to be.

The Spiritual Team answered:
You are being watched like a hawk by the bad guys.  

Me: Huh?

Spirit Team (ST): Yes, the bad guys want the information as well.  The information is hidden from psychics and seers so the bad guys keep guessing, so they can be misinformed.

You are not supposed to see anything in the future otherwise you compromise the entire master plan and the greatest mission/operation of our times. We are at war and we cannot afford to lose it. This is done for the good guys’ protection as well as yours

Me: Yeah but I don’t talk about these things and I can keep a secret.

ST: Due to the AI technology your thoughts can be intercepted.
Only your superconscious mind knows what’s going on and that cannot be hijacked. Your subconscious and conscious mind however they can be interfered with.

Me: Hmmm. But what about other psychics? How come they are not interfering with the master plan? They are many psychic celebrities that share a lot these days.

ST: Many are being used as disinformation, some are used for awakening the masses, some are involved with healing of the planet, and others are just serving their own ego.

Me: So that means I don’t have to share anything?

ST: Share as usual and don’t beat yourself up for not being able to use your prophetic gifts as you are NOT supposed to do it right now.

We are at the junction of times lines where no one can really see the future because the future is being in the making right now. And the NOW moment is the moment of the GREAT AWAKENING.

Hang in there, conserve your energy for something that is going to be needed soon. Relax, ground yourself, enjoy life in human form and help others.  There will be so much work for all of you in the future. Right now enjoy the present moment and REST!!!

Okay, Thank you.

Transmission completed.

So what do you think???

I feel like Dec 2012 all over again when no one could see the future. What if Mayans meant 2020 and not 2012?
Thank you for being part of my journey and may the New Era bring you infinite blessings.
Let’s do this!

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4 Responses to Why I cannot see future timelines? The Master Plan

  1. Trish says:

    Hi Lily

    I have emailed you once before in the past looking for answers & asking for your insight about Normal bulb lights in my house & mainly fluorescent lights in shops Clinics etc flicking or going out when I am under them .
    You answered with a article about people called Sliders.
    This was very helpful thank you.
    Just reading your latest email above about “ LATELY WHY YOU CANNOT SEE TIMELINES LIKE USED TO IN THE PAST “

    I too can’t either . I use too strongly in the last 5 years. A strong knowing …. and pictures in my mind of asteroids ? Meteors ? etc hitting the earth .
    A STRONG KNOWING of Earths surface collapsing … etc
    It pains me even talking about it.
    I have always since young adulthood had a strange “ knowing “ that the end Was coming from the sky. I never understood why I had these thoughts & I still don’t . But around 2012 I started getting images in my head .
    The Knowing became a sense that earth & other planets around us will move out of alignment . I even feel weird saying it.
    Lately …. over the past year this knowing hasn’t been as strong … yay … I’m sort of relieved .
    It was just interesting that you wrote about this affecting you too lately.
    I am a Sensitive . Very empathetic too. I experience shadow people off & in for many years.
    Sense energies ALOT & sometimes – but rarely see spirits.
    I am aware to try not to listen or be afraid as this feeds the mind control energies that I’ve learnt are around us as well.
    I don’t delve into or focus to much on trying to understand why stuff like this happens to me & has done all my life. I am now age 60,
    I now use a lot of white holy light & ask our higher power for protection constantly.

    This is my life. I’m not a psychic .
    I call myself a sensitive as I’m not sure really what I am .

    • Leslie says:

      The time lines have shifted and we are creating new now. Due to the lightworkers we are on the one and only timeline that the looking glass technology saw. All the others ended in the destruction of earth. I’m so grateful for all those who have constantly put in their efforts for light and love.

  2. Trish says:

    Ohhh also …. in the past 2 years … I now see ALOT of 111 numbers appearing whenever I happen to look at the time .
    It’s uncanny as it happens A lot right when I happen to look up to check the time. It’s either 1.11 or 11.11 Sometimes I get 3.33 or 5.55 But usually it’s the 1 combinations I see.
    I always sense the 1 combinations are a message saying don’t worry … you are being watched & looked after .
    I now feel safe when I see 1 numbers .
    I am not sure about the other number combinations but I don’t read into it really.
    Thought you may want to know that lily. As I find many of your personal experiences similar to mine & very relateable .

  3. Ginger arnold says:

    After reading this it makes a lot of sense I’ve always had dreams of time lines and things that we’re supposed to come true and then the timelines change and I haven’t seen anything for the last two years and I keep asking to see but I see nothing. This makes a lot of sense so I’m just going to tell my guides I get it lol. I’ve always kind of felt like we were supposed to be protected and they were tell us what we needed to know as we needed to know it

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