Wake Up at 3 am, Light Codes, Ascension, Your Liver and Lungs

For the past few nights I wake up around 3:00 am.
I have asked Spirit why I wake up at this time.
Spirit says:
Consciousness wake-up Call!

Any time there is a massive cosmic shift (opening portals and gateways, Schumann Frequencies spikes etc.) we get activated specially during sleep or meditation. If we wake up around 3 am is because we are to receive LIVE activation and that is super potent!

Our bodies might be asleep but our Spirit is wide awake with Consciousness in receiving mode.
People might ask: “what is a PORTAL?”

It is an entrance (mental and spiritual mostly) into a different dimension and when we step into it consciously we receive upgrades, downloads, sacred knowledge and codes of light.

Two nights ago, there was an entrance into a massive portal 11-11-2020. Massive activation of light codes! I woke up just before 3am.
I knew that if I was going to get frustrated it would ruin my activation. So instead I prayed, smiled and allowed the activation.
And boy that was beautiful!

Now codes of light can be received in the form of words, phrases, images, sacred geometry patterns, sounds or feelings.

I received 3 powerful messages (words) that perfectly pertain to these amazing times (and I made mental notes):

I was meditating on these energies for a little bit and then I started receiving visual codes of light. This time they were very vivid images blue/indigo patterns of sacred geometry, flashing one after the other in my third eye. They were about 12 codes with different meanings that only my superconscious mind knows how to decipher.

These codes are gifts from the galatics to update and upgrade our DNA structure. Once we receive them our mission is to share them with humanity.
Just by reading this you are also being activated with similar codes.

Galactics are the advanced versions of ourselves, brothers and sisters that many call Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans and so on.

Usually around these potent times, sensitive and empathic people feel these energies so vivid, so real, so alive and also intense.

Why 3:00 am?
This is the quietest time when the world is asleep and the veil between dimensions is very thin. Interference and noise are almost nonexistent, mind is free of distraction.

This makes us very sensitive to subtle energies and the psyche is the most open to receive spiritual information.

This is the Spiritual Side of waking up at 3 am.

Now the Chinese Medicine tells us that every organ has a maintenance schedule.

1am to 3 am is the Liver maintenance/repair/detox time
3am to 5 am is the Lungs maintenance/repair/detox time

I remember when my mother was ill I would wake up between 3-4 am every night, to later realize that my mom was not only having heart issues but also lung issues.

Sometimes when we are connected and attached to someone close to us we feel their emotions and pains. This is called being an empath.

Waking up during the liver cycle (1am to 3 am) night after night, it might be a signal that liver is imbalanced and we need to work on anger and frustration.

As many of us empaths feel the world’s emotions we might wake up to consciously clean not only our pain and anger but also clean our collective detrimental emotional trauma.

We pick up collective anger and we need to focus on healing and send love to our liver as well as entire worlds’ liver. Just imagine that!
Powerful stuff!

That being said that doesn’t mean we are responsible for everyone’s anger. NO! We are responsible for our own emotional work and by doing that we help the world cleanse and purify. A prayer and energy sent to the world would be sufficient, because our most important mission as a spiritual being is to be awake.
We are to clean the collective anger by cleaning our own emotions.

When your liver is happy, your whole body is happy.

As the liver is the seat of anger and primitive emotions we need to remember these three things:
*Stop, take a break
*Start moving the stagnant energy (exercise, sweating is important to release stuck energy)
*Breathe consciously

If you continuously wake up between 3am to 5 am it might be that there could be an imbalance in your lungs and your breathing. The emotional aspect of lungs imbalance is grief and sadness.

Practicing abdominal breathing helps improve the lung health.
Breathe, long deep breaths, alternative nostril breaths can calm the nervous system (a deep breath in moments of anger can do miracles if you do it consciously)
Breathe into your lungs, replenishing your body with oxygen. Then visualize breathing into the worlds lungs replenishing the entire planet’s Lungs with fresh oxygen.

Book healing sessions or sacred readings with me here:

Many Blessings on your Path,

Lilly Natures Blessings

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Sacred Readings
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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2 Responses to Wake Up at 3 am, Light Codes, Ascension, Your Liver and Lungs

  1. Erin says:

    Thank you, I’m glad you have knowledge of the cosmic events because I only can sense a shift. I’ve been having very unpleasant dreams these couple days, and ive just recently had oral sugery and had to be put under. I didnt want to be put under because i knew I wouldnt be the same, and i wasnt…ive been so angry at the evil in the world that im getting distracted about my light work. And theres this signal I’m recieving to listen to the messages because in it I’ll find the truth of who I am.
    Thank you for your kindness and your wisdom.

    • Lilly says:

      hi Erin, you’re welcome, I appreciate your feedback.
      Agree with you, the evil forces are powerful, but light is always more powerful.
      The Universe is always designed in such way that Good wins…Trust the Divine Plan.
      Our light needs to shine brighter then ever right now.

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