7-7 Portal Gateway 2020 – Collective Consciousness

We are in a massive AWAKENING StarGate with multiple stargates opening so we can receive activation and light codes.

7-7- Gateway into the New Earth (July 7, 2020) is a continuation of the Solstice Gateway, the planetary Alignment, Capricorn Eclipse and Awakening Freedom and Independence Worldwide.

Messages Received

  • Different Predictions are for different timeliness.
  • Integration (the two worlds) old earth and new earth.
    Deceit, manipulation and control >>> get rid of it, cancel, dust it off, release, purge
  • Higher self, higher consciousness Opening and deep connection
  • Portal of many dimensions (demons and angels), polarities, integrate both sides
  • Divine darkness vs divine light
  • You come to a crossroad where you need to pick a road > which one will you pick?

Energies are Intense because so many are awakening…

77 is a very powerful master number, a sacred number, number of perfection

Positive traits is that is extremely spiritual, creative
Negative traits uncertainty and self doubt, fear, restrictions, frustration

77 portal requires to get back on track, discipline and responsibility
77 has a strong meaning in bible, actually this number appears 77 times in the in the old testament.
Secrets are being revealed during this time.
Take a step back and witness what’s happening.

There is light in the darkness and follow the light, stay in the light.
Use LAUGHTER to switch vibration and uplift mood.
68 seconds Spiritual Technique is a game changer. Use it.

77 reminds us about discernment – pray for discernment

77 – intuition and psychic awareness, lucid dreams being amplified

77 –knowing how to RAISE positive attitude but also teach it, as others need it during these times, be brave and be the teacher, the inspiration, the activator

This portal is about opening new ways for baby starseeds to wake up.

Symbols and rituals of the OLD Earth used for dark purposes now are being purified and cleansed. This is because of the New Earth is being birthed.

The symbols now are of LIGHT. Star a new routine to get out of any form of negativity and raise your vibrations. Emotional junk gets stuck in the emotional body.

No matter how much we work on Spiritual and Physical dimensions, unless we release the detrimental programming from emotional body it’s hard to heal.
Sacred Readings are also discounted during Eclipses Season

Stay Blessed,

Lilly Natures Blessings

Book sacred readings or emotional healing sessions with me

May we suggest:

Cancel Evil Contracts
Sacred Readings
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Cancel Evil Contracts
Sacred Readings
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Great Awakening vs Deceit
Mercury Retrograde, Grounding and Emotional Healing
Eclipses surface pain and suffering and the Fasting Message
MAGICAL Connection between STARS, ORGONE and Gemstones.

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2 Responses to 7-7 Portal Gateway 2020 – Collective Consciousness

  1. Marcelle says:

    No wonder why I always see the numbers 0707 very often.

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