Capricorn Lunar Eclipse and very RARE planetary alignment

On July 4th/5th we have a very rare planetary alignment and Lunar Eclipse (full moon) in Capricorn which will fall on the Independence Day in the USA and will close the triple Eclipse Gateway.

Eclipses shine a LOT of Light in particular on issues in our life that need work and healing. Working consciously with the energy of Lunar Eclipse is very empowering and healing.

Powerful time to reset.

This planetary alignment is very rare, very auspicious , where planets of the Solar System line up in a row, on one side of the Sun, in the same spot.

This particular alignment happened 765 years ago.

Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune will line up on one side of the Sun at the same time.

This type of alignment of planets occurred in 1982, and the next ones are expected in 2161 and 2492.

If you are conscious you will download new codes to human template with large amount of information pouring in. Tons of energies will be flowing in, continuously removing old detrimental patterns, behaviors, programming and karmic debts.

This is a massive shift pertaining to our ascension from 3D world based on illusion to 5D world based on unconditional LOVE. While some will deny any kind of spiritual work it is TIME to work on the Spiritual You.

• Releasing Old programming, deception and lies and pray for discernment

• Work on getting rid of old structures

• Releases and purging of old karmic programming

• Release and Heal Emotions that are stuck

• Work on internal peace, meditation, introspection

• Change perspective > anger/challenge vs. opportunities

• Work on being Optimistic!!!!

This is a Powerful time to find yourself in alignment with the planets and be one with the Cosmos, as we’ll continuously witness massive awakening, opening of third eye, intuition, telepathy, all sort of upgrades, cosmic awareness, surges of energy.

Make a wish and raise frequency as energies will amplify.

The Solstice Portal 20-21-22 has lead to opening of a Star Gate with many codes being released, more star seeds awakening, many remembering their mission, why they are here on planet Earth. Many of us are here to balance, align and harmonize energies here on earth and anchor crystalline structure.

As a Starseed ask yourself this question: “Why am I here to do? What is my mission?”

The energies are polarizing where Light is extremely bright and dark is quite dense.

Many of us are experiencing right now the mighty UNITY: a lot of dream work, telepathic communication as well as physical connection with conscious or even unconscious light work.

We are ending an era and beginning of a new era.

Capricorn Lunar Energy is all about being responsible, dedicated, determined, commitment, step into the leadership shoes, take action, move and shake things out.

Work to understand the big picture, holistically and grow your wisdom.

As a lot of stuff is being purged, a lot of negativity and darkness is being cleansed, grounding us, teaching us how to deal with responsibilities.

Big changes that are happening are setting us free, while the system is being replaced.

Sometimes the Capricorn can be insecure about their abilities so again the message of being OPTIMISTIC comes in strongly.

Be open to new downloads, and activation codes. Listen to Spirit signs that come through animals, birds, clouds, people, numbers. Nature helps us to navigate these times.

Be aware of the fake narrative that we are being fed. Check how you really feel as the truth is imposed on us. The Cosmic Truth is totally different. Pray for discernment.

Shine light on something you are not aware of. The dark side is losing their control and that’s why it pushes more as more people are waking up and realize that we’ve been lied.


*creating healing

*allowing shifting

*cutting cords with anything that is NOT of truth

*letting go of fears, panic, uncertainty

* feel the truth instead of putting any value on your belief systems

*feeling is so important

*anchoring frequencies of freedom, sovereignty, infinite love

*connecting with high heart

*earthing, grounding, centering, aligning all chakras

* pranamayama, conscious breathing

Mercury is in cancer retrograde, Sun is in Cancer. The energy of the empath, the healer, the nurturer is being amplified but also we need to do some powerful work on increasing Optimism and transmute any negative thoughts to positive optimistic vibes.

Make sure that your intentions, thoughts, words, actions are highly positive as Lunar Eclipse energies will be magnified during this time.


Lilly Natures Blessings

Book sacred readings or emotional healing sessions with me

May we suggest:

Cancel Evil Contracts Sacred Readings Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Cancel Evil Contracts
Sacred Readings
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Great Awakening vs Deceit
Mercury Retrograde, Grounding and Emotional Healing
Eclipses surface pain and suffering and the Fasting Message
MAGICAL Connection between STARS, ORGONE and Gemstones.

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2 Responses to Capricorn Lunar Eclipse and very RARE planetary alignment

  1. Annette Brereton says:

    Thank you so much. Am a Cancerian and I can feel this full moon pulling out my suffering, my pain more. You lifted me up. Lovely. Everything you said was awesome and true. I know I had written to you before and you told me what to do but I feared to try. I pray that soon the courage will come.❤️

    • Lilly says:

      Lovely Annette,
      thank you for the kind words.
      have the courage, be brave. You can do this. 🙂
      Much Love.

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