Great Awakening vs Deceit


The eclipses season is here and I was inspired to record some messages from Spirit, to see what’s actually taking place in the collective consciousness.
Eclipses season leads to Deep intense emotions.

Everyone wants justice, everyone wants truth, however many are being played.

There are dark technologies, dark magic spells, dark implants, dark cords, evil contracts, dark AI, heavy energetics implanted on Mother Earth to manipulate us, separate us and control us. 
Dark forces are using all that got to keep us divided.

We need to come together in Unity.

The Great Awakening is in Full Force.
We are being shown manipulation, injustice and deceit. The polarity is strong and a purge is sweeping through our planet. Although energies seem chaotic an upgrade is taking place, our hearts and DNA are getting activated with new codes of Light.
Allow the Activation.

We need our hearts connected with the Heart of Mother Earth. If you get triggered remember your heart, remember Mother Earth’s heart, remember who you are > LOVE.

Light Forces are winning. We are not doomed. We are awakening.

Unity is Humanity.

Connect with the large network of loving beings of light via telepathy and dreams. Imagine us holding hands in unity, imagine joy, imagine laughter, imagine hugs.

There is Glory Ahead. Hold the visual of our Victorious Planet Earth.

We are dealing with solar flares, spikes in Schumann resonance, eclipses and now the Full Moon in Sag. So a lot of cosmic energies to handle. The Sun unleashed a strong solar flare few days ago for the first time in 3 years. Flares are illuminating our thoughts and minds.

We are being upgraded into a higher frequency of our beautiful New Earth.

The third eye is the Lie Detector and if it is closed we allow manipulation and deceit. Once we open it we see the truth.

To open the third eye, imagine you actually opening your eyes while you sit in a meditation with your eyes closed. 
Many prayers are needed. Surround yourself with the full armor of God.

Listen to your body. Sit in silence and allow the blessings.

I am offering Sacred Readings for up to 3 Questions/per session.

Read more about the OFFER here

The Offer is valid for 3 days.
Stay blessed.

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One Response to Great Awakening vs Deceit

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