When someone close to you hurts you: for Empaths

Empaths heads up!
How do you deal with someone close to you who are hurting you?
I just got really frustrated with someone really close to me because of this person’s ignorance.
When you are fully committed in a relationship and the other person is not returning the commitment it kinda sucks.

I have a problem with ignorance, I really do.
Relationships are killed by ignorance and ego.
I usually let go fast when something like this happens, but now it was difficult because the wound was quite old.

At first my frustration was so intense that made me cry.
I couldn’t believe I was hurting. How could this person do this to me? And this is becoming so old. This needs to stop. All sort of thoughts were going through my mind.
How am I going to respond to this situation from my best self?

So I prayed and cried and dag deep into my wounds and waited for a sign.

I was tempted to just use a patch or pretend the wound doesn’t exist.
I wanted out; I wanted closure and realized this was an old wound that was rooted in childhood.
Yes we have these old wounds and are perfectly hidden and when they surface they hurt.
So I did what I do best with my clients and it works perfectly: I cut chords.

So I let myself go deep into this feeling of frustration and hurt and started healing from within.
I’ve asked Spirit and Angels to guide my healing in such a graceful way that no one would get hurt in the process as this issue is so tender.
Forgiveness was the answer. Letting go of what hurts.
I can only do so much.
Next time when a person shows signs of ignorance just release.

When they need you next time make sure you take care of yourself first before you attend to their needs.

Love yourself, honor yourself, be compassionate with yourself.
Empaths tend to be peoples’ pleasers. I am working hard on this issue and making progress.

See where your attachments are, and let go.
We have been holding onto things, old belief systems or unhealthy relationships for way too long.
It is time to honor and give yourself the gift of releasing.

Be neutral and practice non attachment.
Let go of being perfect or rigid.
Let go of being in control. Let yourself be fluid.

Expectation leads to disappointment.
Everything is temporary.

The root of suffering is attachment.
Train your mind to detach with wisdom not with ignorance.
Detachment doesn’t mean you give up on someone or something, it means you let go of expectations and train your mind to flow with what is.

Frustration is a reaction to expectation, trying to force things into a timeframe.
The best thing that heals frustration is patience, and when we focus on that, time just slows down considerably.
Hope you take some time to think deep and next time when someone is trying to hurt remember that you are the one hurting yourself.

Love yourself first; not in a narcissistic way but in a healthy way and you know how to do it. All you have to do is do it.
Much Love and Blessings,

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One Response to When someone close to you hurts you: for Empaths

  1. Nikki says:

    Thankyou 💖 Namaste Beautiful Soul 💜🙏

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