Flying and Currency Exchange Dream: Financial Systems Replaced?

Hate him or love him, that’s just a lesson to learn.

He might be perceived as evil by some and God’s sent by others.
He could be both as he is a Gemini.
Duality at its best. Yet Duality is part of life.

I like Rabindranath Tagore’s quote:
“Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.”

Last night I had a dream with someone famous.
My dream was Weird!
In my dream he was piloting a small airplane.
It was just the two of us in the airplane.
I was enjoying the flight as I could see the ground from above through very large windows.

We landed in a country that I don’t recall and walked together in a building where he took out a stack of money and asked me: “how much money should we exchange?”
My reply was a small amount.
He put on the table a lot of money, way more than I suggested.
I said: “what are you going to do with so much money!!”
He didn’t say anything and carried on with the exchange.

Money dreams can be hard to be interpreted.

I woke up asking myself:
“What if this has to do with a change in currency or change of financial systems?”

And because this dream happened around a powerful Full Moon it might be prophetic.
We shall see what unfolds.

Dreaming about flying an airplane at high elevation could be interpreted as great awareness and high consciousness.
Money Dreams are not only about material wealth but also spiritual wealth and relate to overall being.

I want to believe that golden age is coming where everyone has enough food on the table, enough water, a roof over their head, be joyful, free and at peace.
I wish this would come true.

In fact how about saying a little prayer right now?
Pray for individual abundance and also the entire worlds’ prosperity and well being.

Money Belief Systems

One belief system (detrimental) is insecurity around money, thinking never have enough, not being able to enjoy anything in life because of always thinking ‘lack of money’ or ‘putting aside’.
This is telling the Universe ‘there is never enough’.

Another belief system which is healthier one could be ‘there is more than enough, plentiful’.
Also being responsible comes to mind. Using money in more responsible ways.
The small amount of money to exchange (in my dream) could mean either a limited belief financial system or a healthy belief system, depends on how we look at the situation.
Some people are happy with more while others are content with less.

The dream was about exchanging money.
Money is also perceived as energy.
Perhaps exchanging energy with others?
Being social, spending more time with family and friends.
Connecting on deeper levels; more in person not only through social media.

May All Beings have enough, be joyful and free.
Much Love,

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One Response to Flying and Currency Exchange Dream: Financial Systems Replaced?

  1. Lebanna says:

    Thanks!!! Gain is my favorite!

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