Dreams and Dark Entity Attacks

If you are a light worker, sensitive, starseed, indigo, crystal, which works continuously with light you could easily get attacked by the dark side.

When do they attack?
All the time, specially during the night in our dreams.
This is not something to be ashamed of or feel guilty.

We need to learn to be aware of the dark ones who pretend to be light, learn to discern and become responsible.

When I get attacked in my dreams (not often though) is when I am not grounded and I don’t wear my feet chakra balancers.

The last pair of feet chakra balancers I have gifted them in one of my last gifting missions. (i strategically place orgone gifts at sacred locations or places of energy that need awakening).

Last night in my dream I got attacked by some weird entities and tried to get out of the situation.
I tried to scream but it was very hard, almost impossible. A very weak noise would come out of my throat.
However I insisted as I knew that if I make noise I would come out of the dream.

Have you ever had a dream when you are conscious that you are dreaming?

My partner woke me up asking if I had a bad dream.
I said “don’t worry I am okay”. I said a prayer and thanked him for waking me up.

Next time I will wear my feet chakra balancers, I said.

They are amazing protectors, specially during night when we are more vulnerable to attacks.
If you don’t have yours invest in them.

So I am sharing 2 powerful tips to come out of a nightmare or when you get attacked during sleep.

1. Ground yourself ( feet chakra balancers, grounding mediations, walk barefoot during the day)

2. Be aware that you can change the outcome of your dream.

If you are aware you will remember this during your dream.

So how can you change the outcome?
By waking up.

How do you do that?
In your dream try to make noise like I did, try to move a finger, hand, leg, neck, etc. You will wake up.

Why grounding through feet is so important?
When we are grounded/earthed we develop a protective filed around feet that will block intrusion of unwanted energies (entities).

We draw energy from earth into our chakra system through feet chakras.

Feet chakras are not only the main centers of vitality and grounding they are also centers of detoxification as energy travels from upper chakras to lower chakras and then down into the earth where energy is being recycled. An imbalanced (blocked) foot chakra will affect people negatively and can become portals of psychic attacks, in particular earthbound spirits.
Sweet and safe dreams.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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4 Responses to Dreams and Dark Entity Attacks

  1. Jamie S. says:

    Thank you for sharing your story Lilly, this was very helpful.

  2. jaycee victoria says:

    Thank you I just had a scary dream about being attacked…. I am so scared :'(

  3. Kaleb says:

    I recently had a dream that felt so real. I was in the kitchen cooking and a dark shadow walked by me. I started to experience sleep paralysis. I’ve had dreams like this often only this time, instead of try to wake, I went back into the dream. I grabbed that shadow by the neck and forced it’s head into the sink. Then I flipped the garbage disposal switch. I conquered the dark shadow and proceeded to have a good dream. Woke up happy. What is the meaning behind this?

  4. Camellie .S says:

    I had this dream last night. I was home alone with my little brothers at night. I was watching some movie with my younger 10 year old brother, while the three year old was sleeping on the couch. We got someone knocking on the door. We knew not to answer it knowing what we have been taught. In my dream I remember just thinking it was some mailman. It seemed like a long time, and the person on the door started fast paced walking on our porch. I only saw he was dressed in black. So I told my younger brother who was closet the window. Knowing no ordinary mail man would wear all black. My younger brother would not close the window so I got up myself to close it, and once I got near the window, I found myself on our driveway, in front of a man-like entity. He was wearing a blank suit, with white skin(I would be able to tell if he was slender man or not, and let me assure you he did not exactly look like him) He wasn’t tall, medium in height. I can’t remember if he had a hat on or what. But I do remember he had, I don’t know if they were eyes, but three black circles on his forehead. That’s was the only thing on his face. He said something, he said: Return of I-a time. And I then woke up, I would like to know an explanation for this, and if anybody as seen this guy before.

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