Who are these Beings of Goodness and How they Assist Humanity?

Dark forces exist. They are creating havoc and chaos in the world.

Nowhere is safe but in our very heart.

Just came from a month sacred journey and I got so many messages but the main ones are:

1. There is a invisible force of good that is working continuously with humanity to maintain safety, harmony in this world in spite of all the unleashed fury of darkness

2. Regardless of any circumstances or experiences that radiate negativity, don’t lose yourself in fear.

3. Be aware and conscious about the balance/harmony between feminine/masculine, yin/yang, black/white.

Dark forces are using manipulation to divide.

Being fully in the heart allows for protection.
Take time to breathe deeply to release all the pain accumulated in the heart.

I woke up in a hotel room in Montenegro at 1:54 am on September 23rd.

The light from the ceiling that was flashing woke me up. I didn’t know what to make of it.
I tried to go back to sleep or ignore it but couldn’t.
I turned the lights on, woke up my partner to ask him if he sees what I am seeing.
He confirmed he was seeing the flashing light and went back to sleep.

I felt a sense of urgency and so I started boosting.
Boosting is a way of sending heart energy to a circumstance, situation or person.
Then I heard telepathically the word “redirect” and continue the boosting.
After a few minutes I heard: “redirectedd”. “Mission completed.”

Tears of relief were rolling down my face and pillow.

I looked at the watch it was 2:00 am.

Then I started questioning these invisible beings:

“What in the world was that? Who are you?

Then telepathic answers and messages came in…

It was Sept 23rd when an object/meteorite was supposed to hit the earth.

There is this invisible force of good or light if you will, that works with humanity to help and assist us maintain the balance and harmony on earth.

I am reluctant to give it a name because I am at the point where I don’t trust any organized group any longer.

But I believe there is a higher power that is helping us and one has to feel it and experience it to believe it.

Dark forces are working hard to destabilize peace on earth and create chaos.
So I asked this force of Good (beings of goodness) why didn’t they warn me in advance and left it for the very last minute?

They said these dark forces are extremely intelligent and work with artificial intelligence so they can alter, manipulate and even read thoughts.

There was an object or meteorite that was supposed to hit the earth. Many people knew about it and worked on redirecting it. Forces of good, brothers and sisters from other dimensions using high advanced technology worked on this redirection; however human interaction/heart energy was also needed for this redirection to be completed.

And then I asked: why me?
I got the answer: like many others you are a small piece of the puzzle who signed a contract to assist humanity when needed. Apparently I am on call or work for with these beings part time.

Many people who are healers, light workers or simply just good empathic people are also called to the mission.
We all hear the call in different ways. For me this experience was extremely powerful and wanted to share it with you to remind you that you are also part of this mission to keep the world in balance.

Guess what happened next?
After the redirection/mission completed the ceiling light stopped flashing.

These beings that assist humanity might be invisible to us.
They achieved mastery by cultivating qualities such as humility, love, compassion, kindness, wisdom, understanding. They are dedicated to help humanity through the darkest times and main purpose is Unity.

They work individually yet telepathically they are connected.

When we go to sleep we work with other people and also with these beings.

Most of organizations including Spiritual or new age groups have been infiltrated by dark forces that use manipulation, division and so on.

We have to be discerning and question everything.
However heart must remain open and we need to work on raising our vibrations continuously.

I know you are also called to do this work, so my suggestion is to stay centered, grounded, remember to breathe deeply when you are faced with fear.

Do whatever it takes to raise vibrations and stay in the heart.
Blessings and All Good.

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

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4 Responses to Who are these Beings of Goodness and How they Assist Humanity?

  1. Dhara says:

    Excellent advice to ‘question everything’ especially if it doesn’t feel right. And yes, it is the practice of the dark forces to infiltrate, manipulate and ego-corrupt organizations whose original intentions were honorable. History is full of examples of this happening, including religions that have no idea how – in the name of god – they are serving the dark forces’ agendas to render our souls powerless.

  2. Julie says:

    Great White Brotherhood; Christ & the Spiritual Hierarchy; Masters o Wisdom — are some of the names given to this Invisible force of Light and goodness.

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