Be Assertive, Say No when you mean it, Listen to Intuition


In our month long trip to Thailand and Cambodia, we got many messages and lessons and we are still spinning high from the trip… Everything was perfectly magic and beautiful until the last day when we had a motorcycle accident. Ouch!!!

It wasn’t that bad.
But something big surfaced from the entire “thing”.

We decided to go check out a secluded beach and in order to get there we had to go off road. When we got to the top of the hill, we stopped and got off the motorcycle. I told my husband Constantin. “I don’t like it, I don’t feel good about it, let’s go back”.

But he didn’t “hear” me. All he said to me was Let’s go.
I just couldn’t say “No”.

We got back on the bike and went downhill.
Seconds before the accident, I had foreseen it, and still couldn’t say NO.

…and the motorcycle did not stop. We fell.

I hurt my tailbone and scratched my right butt cheek and some other scratches.
My husband got some scratches and bruises, however I was the one in more pain.

After the accident I was upset and angry because I didn’t stand my ground and said NO to Constantin.
My upset came because I could have prevented it.

But then Constantin with a smile on his face said: “well that was all part of the plan. The big plan.”

Deep down I realized that although I saw it coming and let it come it was to realize that I was aware,
awakened, I knew how to be present. I was alert and in control. And that was enough.

Yes we don’t need to suffer and go through pain, but we chose this life, we came into this life with a mission, and whatever is supposed to happened to learn the lesson will happen.

On our life journey we travel from point A to point B in different ways: dancing, spinning, laughing, and smiling or via accidents or challenges. We still get to the destination regardless of the medium of traveling. Perhaps it is time to change the medium into something light and happy.

Its part of Divine plan why we are on this earthly plane.

Lessons Learned – I hope you resonate to some or all:

1. Say NO when you mean it!! Be assertive!
Say No with grace without putting up a fight.
I could have said to Constantin: “Hey I don’t feel good about this, I decided to stop here and if you want to go by yourself then I will wait here.” Period.
No more, no less, no harsh feelings, no taking it personally.
Empathic, sensitive people just cannot say NO when we really mean it.
Although I have been working on this for quite some time, I needed a rude awakening to finally start to say NO to what is not in agreement with my soul and intuition.

2. Listen to that Gift you have: Intuition.
We all have it, yet we don’t listen enough.
Although I received a message in the shower that very morning about the accident I didn’t do anything to stop it.
Do you resonate?
How many times you ignored your intuition and cost you something valuable?

3. Use protection when on a high mission.
The higher the light the more the darkness is trying to balance it.
A day before the accident we received some powerful messages of light from Spirit about working with sacred geometry (sand dollar medicine and 5 pointed star) Powerful stuff, we’ll release soon.

The day we had the accident we completely forgot about protection and left our orgone pendants at the hotel. Although we have an energy protective field around us and angels are always with us, we need to pay attention to common sense, safety and use some spiritual protection.

4. Grounding, Grounding and more Grounding
Tailbone is the root, the grounding chakra.
Sensitives need to ground themselves on a regular basis.
We love roaming in the higher dimensions and it takes a Spiritual Slap to realize that we are still human and we belong to our beloved planet Earth.

When we spend time in high realms, we need to come back to earth and consciously ground ourselves.

Although I had the feet chakra balancers with me on this trip, (we take them everywhere), I was way too comfortable to wear them. Grounding takes work and dedication, but makes an empath’s life easier.
5. Lesson Reinforced:
Be responsible for all your actions, thoughts and behaviors.

6. Manifest with High Precision.
As my tailbone hurt, it was hard for me to sit down.
Let alone sitting for so many hours (24 hours and 3 flights).
So I asked Spirit for solutions. I sent energy out to my goals: manifest extra leg room on all 3 flights.
Everything worked as magic: I got extra leg room seats on all 3 flights!
What was the secret?
Determination and Focus! When your butt hurts like hell you better find the solution!

7. We create our reality – it might sound cliché
As soon as we fell, I heard the word “creation”
Did I create this?
Yes we both did. How?
Some negative vibrations prior to this.
We are human and negativity is part of life.
However we need to have the courage to recognize and break the ‘spell of negativity’ in an instant.

A friend of mine told me: Ask Universe to go through this Awakening Process easier.
And don’t forget that You are the Universe.”

Have you ever learned any of the above lessons? If so which one?
Was it the hard way or the easy way?
Would love to know. Comment below.


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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant
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2 Responses to Be Assertive, Say No when you mean it, Listen to Intuition

  1. Linda says:

    I’m sorry about your accident and hope you recover quickly.
    I have learned so many lessons the hard way, by not listening to my intuition. We are brought up in a society that doesn’t embrace ancient wisdom, so therefore we have to learn all over again. Our own inner voice has something to say!!

    • Lilly says:

      Thank you for your comment Linda. Agree with you about ancient wisdom and I think the wisdom is slowly surfacing as the world is awakening… and it is beautiful…

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