Bees and Orgone (Life force)


Yesterday as I was working on a unique healing creation for someone with a higher consciousness, I was visited by a bee.

The bee was checking out the orgone healing pendant for quite some time and let it bless the pendant with its energy.

Then the bee left.

At the completion of the pendant while I was infusing the pendant with the last prayers and blessings the bee showed up again for its final pendant blessings.

That was super amazing!
Bees are master healers and messengers from Spirit.  They represent good luck, abundance and wisdom.

Bee medicine like orgone is life force energy. They remind us of our gifts of healing and rebirth.

Bees, birds and animals are very attracted to orgone, as is great life force.


Lilly Natures Blessings

Check out our unique customized orgone healing pendants
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2 Responses to Bees and Orgone (Life force)

  1. Alicia says:

    Dearest Lilly,
    I just wanted to say thank you so much for the healing and blessings you placed within the pendent we purchased. I felt the effects immediately. Your pendents are blessed with a divine spirit that is indescribable in three demensional terms. Thank you for the divine blessings you and your husband create with these magnificent orgone pendents… Namaste! Love Alicia _/\_

    • Lilly says:

      Welcome lovely Alicia! You feel the blessings because you are so open to receive them… Much Love and Peace~ Lilly

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