When Condor meets the Eagle there will be peace


Before I go to sleep I usually go into a trance where there is
a lot of spiritual insight from the spirit world coming in.

A few years ago, one night before falling asleep I was into this kind
of deep trance where I had a powerful vision.

A big bird came and sat next to my head on the night stand.
I used to be very afraid of birds especially big winged ones:
a phobia that I have carried through past lives.
In spite of my fears I was so calm and very at peace, my spirit recognizing the wisdom of the bird’s spirit.

I asked the bird:
“Are you my animal totem?”

The bird said
“Yes: I am your protection animal totem.  You also have more than one animal totem.”

Then I asked: “What kind of bird are you? You look like a condor.”
“She said: Yes I am a condor.”

Then I asked: “But you also look like an eagle.”
And he replied: “Yes, I am an eagle. “

And then I said:
“What are you then?”
“I am a condor and an eagle.”

I was a little confused at the time as the linear mind wants straight answers.
But I felt at peace knowing that I just have to accept both in my heart as
truth and recognize both birds as one bird or at least a merge, unification between the two.

Next day as I pondered upon my vision and realized this was a protection message
was about recognizing the male (linear world, science, material, physical world)
as well as the female (spiritual, intuition, art, poetry) and their balance.
When we have both we are protected.
When we are off balance, we are not protected.
Since that vision I keep seeing eagles and condors in my life that reminds me
of balance and protection and stay true to my path.

Are you true to your path? Do you resonate?

Today as I was browsing the internet I found this prophecy that made my heart burst
into joyful tears having a huge “A-HA moment”!!!

“When the eagle of the North and the condor of the South fly together, the Earth will awaken.” – Ancient Native American Prophecy

To these days Mother Earth is still abused and trashed and it hurts us all and our beloved Planet.
The message from Mama Earth is that us the awakened ones, the elders, the keepers of peace have to pray continuously for forgiveness and not judge or hate as the condor and eagle have to come and fly together to manifest Peace.


Lilly Natures Blessings

May we suggest:

Heal The Past Heal Your Life Audio Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Shaman Vision Orgone Pendant
Heal the Past Heal Your Life

Aura Gem Elixir

Protection Orgone Pendant
Shaman Vision  Orgone Pendant

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3 Responses to When Condor meets the Eagle there will be peace

  1. Lilly says:

    Just found out there is in fact a Prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle… in nearly every culture
    “It states that back in the mists of history, human societies divided and took different paths: that of the condor (representing the heart, intuitive and mystical) and that of the eagle (representing the brain, rational and material). In the 1490’s, the prophesy said, the two paths would converge and the eagle would drive the condor to the verge of extinction. Then, five hundred years later, in the 1990’s a new epoch would begin, one in which the condor and the eagle will have the opportunity to reunite and fly together in the same sky, along the same path. If the condor and eagle accept this opportunity, they will create a most remarkable offspring, unlike any seen before.”

  2. Fiorina De Santis says:

    Cermonies began in Canada in the 1990’s by the Native GrandMothers and Female Sagas, to activate the Spirit of the Mother to let her know we are aware and ready for her arrival. The Condor and Eagle is used as metaphore representing the divided nations. The Nation of the Eagle which represents money and corruption and sheer ignorance of the earth (the masculine, xy), are totally lost in soul for without heart, intuition and the mystical (the feminine, xxy) all is lost, now ,and in the afterlife. Back in 1992 when I was part of the ceremony for The Condor and The Eagle, The Grandmothers had taken back the Drum from the Native Man, as it belonged originally to the GrandMothers to awaken the earth and summon her spirits. The Abuse of the Drum in Mans hands hasnt changed much since then, nothing really has changed other than Native Women still walk behind Native Men. This is out of order and now is the time to have the GrandMothers and all of women walking infront of the Male Shamans and Chiefs, the attention must go back to Woman for once you accept this ,your bloods memory will flood you with Truth, the Mothers truth. We must witness this shift in order to impress the brain. It is logical and mystical once the alignment happens that the children of the New World will have the Condor and Eagle vibration of heart connecting to brain, Intuition connecting to the rational, and the mystical connecting to the material. I anxiously await the New Worlds children for they are the new souls that know theyre purpose. Its time we start listening to the Children instead of the GrandFathers and Male Shamans, these children need the memory of Mother coming from GrandMothers and Female Sagas, this is what needs to be understood in order for any change to take place ,as ,it is The Mother coming back and Not The Father,,,so boys step aside and let the women do what they know best, and in no way do I mean to disrespect man, only to ask him to let the Mother sit infront instead of them……O MAMMA

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