Dolphin Power Animal — Totem

Dolphin, Power Animal, Symbol of Breath of Life, Love, Balance and Community

By Ina Woolcott

“Dolphin teaches us that when we live in tune with the patterns and rhythm of nature, we learn how to truly be in touch with, resonate and communicate with All That IS and how to share this sagacity with anyone interested. There are those that believe Dolphins are more intelligent than humans. Especially when it comes to love. They have large brains, superior intelligence and are often associated in mythical lore with higher forms of consciousness. Some believe they are far more evolved than we are, especially on a spiritual level. Some believe they are alien beings from a different dimension.

Dolphins are connected with the power of breath and with emotional release, which are also both deeply connected. One of the most important factors in spiritual growth is to give ourselves the freedom of full experiencing our feelings and emotions. Often negative emotions are suppressed as we don’t want to be a part of them, so we try to stay apart from them. Feelings of sadness, pain, anger, grief. We need to stop doing this, as this only lays the foundation for disagreeable outcomes. We need to feel our feelings, by suppressing these feelings, of course they DO NOT go away. They are still there, subconsciously, manifesting blocked energy with-in, and if these blocks aren’t removed, this can go on to physical imbalances, with-out. On top of this, by blocking these so called negative feelings, this can result in losing the quality of being able to feel at all, losing much of life’s joy. Becoming dead to the world.

Simply stated breathing is conversing with the outside world. When people feel that the outside world is a source of pain, they learn, very frequently at a young age, to constrict their breathing. The diaphragm is built to assist us in breathing and to feel deeply, but it becomes suppressed. When we learn to breathe deeply we can learn to feel deeply, in turn letting go of stifled feelings. One way of doing this is to copy the dolphins pattern of breathing, a superb tension reliever!. Dolphin breathes deeply, holds his breath underwater, then breathes out forcefully. Living in water is an important characteristic of Dolphin, as in many belief systems, including astrology, water is related to feeling and emotion.

If Dolphin swims into your life, he is asking you to relish water both physically and mentally, swimming freely and going along with your natural feelings. He is showing you how to enter the waters of life and then with breath and sound call forth what you most need or desire. Dolphins use a variety of whistles, grunts, clicks, and body postures to communicate. They have unique, personal whistles they give out. If they want to get the attention of another Dolphin, they give out their personal whistle. Sound is the creative life force and a big part of dolphins life, therefore this needs to be a part of your life. Communicate. With those around you and All That Is. Creating inner sounds creates outer manifestations. If Dolphin is your power animal, you may do well using your voice for healing or communicating, whether incorporating this into a job or just as a hobby or in day to day life with those nearest and dearest to you..

Dolphins have a wise, innocent, purity of being which reaches out to our inner nature. Follow their lead and open yourself to the energy of love, harmony and balance. Express your inner truth, be true to yourself. follow your inner joy. Dolphin is asking you to go back to your roots, to the depths of your being and rediscover the Love that you truly are.

Dolphins spend most of their day playing. Their life is lived in joyful harmony with each other and their world. Apparently they have learned the lesson that love is the most important factor in life. If dolphin is your power animal he may be there to teach you how to love yourself and your world more. A big part of Dolphins medicine is living in balanced, harmonious communities. They live in big groups of up to 100. Females will give birth to a single offspring, with several dolphins around her, helping with the birth, pulling the newborn out by its tail. They then protect him or her from any imminent danger. If a dolphin is hurt or ill, other dolphins will tend to them, lifting them to the surface to breathe.

Dolphins Wisdom Includes – Knowledge of the sea, change, patron of sailors, harmony, wisdom, balance, Communication skills, freedom, trust, understanding the power of rhythm in your life, use of breath to release intense emotions, water element magic, unselfishness. Dolphin reminds us to get out, play and most importantly, to breathe. “

Check this beautiful Dolphin Collection

Dolphin Communication Orgone Pendant

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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2 Responses to Dolphin Power Animal — Totem

  1. Chrystal says:

    Thankyou for this I loved reading it it’s beautiful 🙂

  2. Zoe Adams says:

    I have had incredible interactions with dolphins. A number of years ago my husband and I owned and lived on a small trimaran sail boat. It was one of the best times of my life. We would be out sailing on the Pacific and it wouldn’t take long before the dolphins joined us to play.
    Those beautiful children of sea and spirit would swim through the tunnels created between the hull of the boat and the outer pontoons. Two at a time they would speed through the tunnels, one on each side of the boat. When they emerged they’d leap into the air criss-crossing each other. Then they’d turn back around and do it again, and again. Those delightful creatures would also “stand” upright and move around talking to me and each other. They’d invite me to play with them, so with my husband at the helm I’d go out onto the front end of a pontoon, straddle it like a horse and commune with them. Dolphin love people and boats and I love that was able to “live” with them for a period of time.

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