Grow Angel Wings from your Spiritual Heart

Thank God for the Ministry of Angels and Spirit Guides!

Every time we ask for assistance they rush to help us, delivering tons of “goodness”.

On one of the moon transmissions which happened on 11-11-11, I invoked Angels, Archangels and Spirit Guides as usual.
This time they shone their magnificence stronger than ever.

I have found myself crying, with tears rolling down my cheeks as their energy was so pure!

They have empowered us and if you were present at the time of the transmission and felt it, you know what I am talking about. Two days after the moon transmission their magnificent energy was vibrating really high!!!

Along with the empowerments they have gifted us with, they also showed me a dynamic heart meditation to sprout wings from the heart center in order to connect with our angel.
I am happy to share this with all.
So check out in the video below, to find out more about this Angel Connection Meditation.
Enjoy it, share with others and leave a comment if it helped you!

Dear Lilly,
For the full moon transmission let me just say that your insights on the angelic realm and angels and the technique regarding growing angels wings on your heart chakra was right on in its effective-ness. I have been doing that since for several weeks and its results are amazing. The spreading of the wings during troublesome emotions reminds you of your true nature as a being filled with light! and helps you shake off any negativity and fly above it with brilliantly shining energy…Its become my favorite technique :)” – Ashley

Angel Blessings,


PS: More info on Moon Transmissions – to receive them sign up our newsletter here:
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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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3 Responses to Grow Angel Wings from your Spiritual Heart

  1. Helen says:

    Lilly, can I also do this exercise while also visualizing the back of my heart, and the heart as a whole so I can incorporate the 2 exercises together?

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