Dismantle the Toxic Matrix and the Guinea Fowls Messages

Constantin and I went on an orgone gifting mission in the mountains of Rodna in Romania. Our orgone gifts awaken and activate the frequencies of the location on a large scale. They bring vibrations of truth to the surface as people awaken.  We have been going on these missions for many years and each and every time we gift a powerful place, truth will surface.

The mountain peak “Pietrosu” (Rocky Mountain) and actually the entire area is a portal of energy.
This place like many others in nature is so beautiful and energizing. We build resilience and endurance when we hike. The energy of the mountain is very empowering and grounding.

The entire hike was a bit challenging energetically, although the beauty overrode the challenges. The more powerful the location the more challenging it seems to be.
We experienced different mixed emotions, pain and discomfort, annoying mosquito bites, a small incident, rain and hail.

As we reached the top of the mountain both of us gifted the peak with orgonite and did our individual prayers and chants on top. A few seconds after we completed our gifting/offering we heard a very loud thunder.  It was a wild “Thank you” acknowledgment and that was the first and last thunder we heard.

After completing the hike we visited a very peaceful and beautiful monastery and we got rewarded with instant peace and lots of wild berries.

Although Romania is known for sacred locations and places of spiritual power there is so much corruption and dirty play at work. In fact not too long ago Romania dismantled human trafficking and human exploitation, mostly minors. (Hint: we have been gifting Romania with a lot of orgone).

After we visited the monastery I decided to shoot a short clip on location about a dream I had a few days before this adventure.

The dream was about dismantling the planetary matrix entangled in corruption and darkness.

Inpangela (Guinea Fowls)
Right at the beginning of shooting of the video a group of very noisy guinea fowls showed up.
I walked away from them and focused on peace and they suddenly became very quiet.

Guinea Fowls known as Inpangele are very powerful protectors and guardians when they show up in our life.

Guinea Fowls are very noisy but when we see them in a shamanic way as totems (spirit animals) they tells us to be vigilant, stay alert to confront any danger, stay focused and work on accomplishing our mission, connect with higher self and intuition and keep our feet grounded in the earth.
Peace is all we need and focusing on peace cancels all the noise and propaganda that exists in the 3D world.

The spirit medicine of Inpangele brings the message of:
 “Now it’s the time to be active, do the inner work, stay alert, stay focused on your mission, roam free and create your own entertainment.”

In fact I meditated this morning and got that we need to use caution, be vigilant, open our spiritual eyes more than ever to see the truth and stop feeding the fake narrative.  We need to use common sense and be cautious during these transitional times.  

When the Inpangela birds show up they remind us of the power of expressiveness. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth.

Close your eyes for a minute or two, take a few deep breaths and allow the Spirit of the Guinea Fowl (Inpangele) to come to you and bless you with its energies.It is said when the Spirit of this bird comes to you it brings magic in your life. So allow to receive the gift.

Matrix Dream

Now coming back to my dream.
In my dream I saw something strange protruding from my left knee: something like a cap or a stopper made out of hard plastic or rubber the size of a nickel.
I said to myself that looks like a nasty implant.

I wanted to get rid of it and I started digging underneath the implant.
As I was digging I saw a mesh made out of plastic/rubbery thing that was spreading out to my entire leg and then my entire body. I woke up, meditated and continued my dream to see where this was going.

I got the message that this is my own matrix which needed to be dismounted as it is connected to the global matrix which is extremely toxic to humanity. If we want to get rid of global matrix that is imprisoning our consciousness we need to get rid of individual matrices first and foremost.

Then I asked spirit how do we do that?

And Spirit answered:
by being aware
by doing personal inner work and
by being in nature.

I saw my entire matrix being vacuumed, disappearing completely (vanished) into the Cosmos and my entire aura clearing up beautifully.

I was ‘aha’!!!
That’s what we need to do to help with transitioning from 3D world based on fear, misery and negative enslaving though forms, to move into the 5D world filled with joy, kindness, prosperity and beauty.

We don’t need the entire world to do that, but the more of us doing the work of awakening, the faster the global toxic matrix is being dismantled as we cut the supply of its “food”.
Without energetic fear based food, the matrix cannot survive.

I was also getting that the entire cell phone, media and social media network is keeping this matrix alive.  But instead of getting rid of the technology we can raise our vibrations and kill the detrimental, toxic energies that want us enslaved in technology and staying isolated. And this is how we cut their power supply.

The implants that are being planted into us ethericaly are actually locations in our body that are weakened by past trauma. The trauma resides in our physical bodies and unless we decide to address our issues on emotional levels we cannot heal.  The moment we work on our individual trauma  we start cleaning our bodies from enslaving matrixes.

We are social beings by nature and we need to get together as tribes and communities and do the work: meditation, dance, laughter, yoga, healing, breathwork, hiking in groups, games etc.

Work doesn’t have to seem a burden but it has to come from a high awareness with high intentions. The work will then seem very easy and flawless.

We have the power to shift to a timeline that is absolutely benevolent, a world that works for everyone, without being in separation but in unity. And that’s when the many of us awaken.

I am sure so much of this is already happening. Matrix is being dismantled as we speak. Just be kind to each other as the toxicity is coming out.

We need to remind each other of the beautiful world that we WANT to create: the one that WE are the creators in it, being responsible, we the organic loving beings that want unity. We are shifting and we are faced with evolutionary opportunities. Each and everyone of us has a piece to the puzzle, we are unique yet we are all part of the ONE Divine plan. We are part of the Great Awakening and we are creating realities that are based on high vibrations.
Being responsible is virtue.
I pray for all the people who are suffering right now to rejoice and reclaim their power. Let’s all reclaim our Power and raise vibrations of our beloved planet.
Let’s return to our essence >>> LOVE.

We can do this!

Have the courage to be part of this work.

I love you,  stay blessed.

Lilly Natures Blessings

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Sacred Readings
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Energy of Pyramids Recovered, Sirius, Lions Gate and the Edelweiss Messages

During Lion’s Gate (8-8 portal) messages and downloads were flowing abundantly:  pyramids, Sirian energy, Sirius Star Gate, the Sphinx, edelweiss flower and more.

The King of the Jungle (Lion) energies are strongly being activated so we can tap into the leader/warrior energy easily.

People hold onto old things because is comfortable.
They listen to the news and to what governments are telling them to do because there is no other alternative for them.

Seeking the truth and being in integrity takes courage.
And Lion is all about courage.

I had to block best friends I know since childhood because sometimes is better to keep your vibrations moving, flowing and creating rather than continuously thinking how not to offend others. Share and spread truth with an open heart and coming from love, without forcing.
Some of them will come back to you awakened or partially awakened.
All we can do is give them space and time and pray. They will come back when they are ready and friendships will be stronger. But not everyone will awaken, that’s sad but we need to move on.

Give them this mediation as a gift if they are opened to receiving:

The Great Awakening Meditation

We are aiming for mass awakening and we are grateful for who is ready to awaken.

When you lose a relative or friend into the pool of deceit and manipulation think about how many people who are awakened and aligned with your frequencies you will meet on your journey.

And when you will meet them you will get plenty of goose bumps because you speak the same language – the language of great awakening.

It happens so often with me.
Stay aligned in this truth and it will happen, I promise.

We are here to assist the birth of the new version of our beloved planet and we cannot do it unless we hold vibrations of truth really high.

We need to stay in integrity and true to the Unified Field.
Lions Gate was a massive portal of awakening sleepers to the Universal truth. During this StarGate old ways, matrix of deceit and programs are being dismantled

I have had such incredible connection with the Sirian brothers and sisters.
For three consecutive nights I woke up and saw the bright beautiful Sirius Star shining its gorgeous light and then went back to sleep knowing I am getting activated.

In fact I had dreams about receiving gifts from them.
Lemurian crystals are getting activated big time and we are reminded to work with them, tune into them and allow the messages to come through.
In one of my dreams I received a small Lemurian crystal and on it there were a lot of inscriptions and sacred knowledge

88 Lions Gate was some sort of new beginning of the Sirian/Lemurian Connection.
If you have any piece of orgone from us use the “circle finger mehod” to tune into the New Awakening energies as our orgone is connected to the Lemurian ancestors and brothers and sisters from the stars.

Lemurian timeline is now being activated and all the sacred information that was hidden for such long time is now coming to light.

Why was the information hidden?

Well because in the previous timelines not so many were awakened.  That was a great advantage for the dark side to get infiltrated in what was sacred so they can destroy, manipulate or use for their dark agenda.

Why is the information now safe to be used?

Dark side is not in full control any longer, the matrix is being dismantled and beings of light, seekers of truth are now in control, not fully though..
We still have work to do. In fact a LOT of work.

Orgone and Great Awakening

The Great Awakening has been the result of many years of work, thank God for white hats, light workers, patriots, starseeds and seekers of truth.

We have been working with orgone for a long time. We have been placing orgone on strategic locations of the world to surface ancient information and take back the energies that were hijacked by the dark side.

Don Croft (God rest his soul in peace) was the one who initiated the orgone/orgonite movment and Wilhelm Reich was the one who discovered orgone energy.  I wanted to mentioned them both and bring their names to light as both passed away in such “weird circumstances”.

8-8 StarGate and the Mysterious Pyramid of Ceahlau

On Aug 8th I went hiking with a group of friend to see the mysterious pyramid of Cheahlau Mountains in Romania.
We started the hike early – 2:00 am to catch the sunrise at Toaca Peak and make sure we witness the unique mystical phenomenon that happens during this time (beginning of August to mid August). The mysterious pyramid is a shadow, a hologram if you will. The explanation would be that there are two shadows of the mountain tops and when combined create this perfect hologram of the pyramid.

Researchers also estimate that one of the energetic axes of the planet goes through this peak. Science and facts aside: the energy is powerful and captures your heart.

 Not everyone who hikes during this time can see the pyramid. You need to be “lucky” to have the perfect weather.
My friends and I were continuously praying to see it and get the activation.

We had such a blast as the shadow of the pyramid was actually showing up not only beautifully but also strongly. She rose from the depths of infinity to radiate its splendor.

We did a small ceremony and some of us split and went back through different trails to continue the sacred journey.

Sphinx is showing up

All sort of rocks resembling the great Sphinx were showing up on our trail.

The Sphinx is the keeper of records and information concerning humanity (the original version of the Sphinx, the uncorrupted one).

Sphinx is a Lion with a pharaoh (king of some sort) head.
We are the true kings and queens; our royal energetic blueprint is getting activated.
And when the Sphinx shows up to you in any shape or form (like now, you are reading this) he is attuning you to its energy.

What information are you receiving regarding humanity?
Are you tapping into the
true leader energies?
Are you following your path?
Are you listening to your higher guidance?

Edelweiss flowers and their spiritual meaning

Edelweiss flowers were everywhere on the trails!!!
They symbolize purity, simplicity and innocence.

Edelweiss comes so strongly during these times to teach us that although we are going through difficult times right now we need to remember that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.
We need to have faith, withstand the tests of time, and build character.

This flower comes to us during these times to reinforce the fact that we are on the right path, we all need to trust the Divine Plan, grow some strength, be clear in our visions, stay pure in the heart and dare to dream big beyond our wildest dreams as golden age is coming. This flower activates the sense of adventure and courage in us.

Emotional Releases

During the Lions Gate there was a lot of purging and releasing of trauma specially childhood trauma and for many sexual trauma.
We are reminded to work on releasing and letting go.

Our physical bodies are being activated, opened and strengthened.
At the same time we need to work on energetic body as there is a lot of trauma that has been unleashed from the cabal as they are fighting for survival.  And when they do that they unleash demonic energies so we really need protection, hold space, hold the light, be centered and grounded to release stagnant energies

These times are actually great opportunities for us to let go of hidden trauma from the past and heal on emotional levels. Some studies go deep into saying that 90% or so of all illnesses are in fact hidden unresolved emotional trauma. That’s why I strongly suggest starting your healing journey with emotional work and then add supplements, nutrition, exercise, orgone, spiritual practice and other alternative therapies.

Reclaiming Pyramids, reclaiming our history and symbols

Pyramids are tools to connect with the brothers and sisters from the stars with our future selves, with Sirians, Lemurians, Arcturians, Pleiadeians etc. 

We get information and downloads as pyramids are getting more activated and radiate more information into the collective. That’s why during this time our dreams are more vivid, more prophetic, intuition and psychic awareness heightened.

Many pyramid structures and symbolism were used by dark forces as this sacred geometry holds a lot of power.

It is NOW time to reclaim symbols, words, structures that were hijacked and stolen from us. It is time to take back our numbers and pyramids; it is time to purify them.

Number 13, 911, 11, 22, 33 even 666 are all power numbers that have been hijacked by dark forces and now are being purified and taken back.

Intention is everything.
Vibrate with the highest intentions to reclaiming what’s ours.

Our journey continues and so much awakening is happening.

Many syncronicities, great connections, powerful dreams, downloads of sacred information, opening of the third eye, DNA activation, solar plexus activation etc..

Make sure you anchor them into the Earth Consciousness and share with others. Pay attention to your intuition and what Sprit is showing to you.

Exposing the darkness is of light.
Keep going. Stay strong, stay in the heart, stay blessed.
~ Lilly Natures Blessings

Healing sessions, emotional trauma release and sacred readings with me available at this time here:


May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Chaos World: System Being Replaced
Great Awakening vs Deceit
All Seeing Eye is now getting back in the hands of humanity

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Lions Gate Portal 8-8 – Time of Great Potential and Power

Peace to you,

We are standing on the cusp of great change.
Lions Gate (August 8th) is a very special time.
It’s an expansion of energy that is happening since the end of July and ending mid August culminating on Aug 8th.

8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal Energy is connected with the fixed star Sirius which is brighter and bigger than our Sun.
In fact last night (early morning) I woke up for a few seconds to see the star of Sirius shining brightly in the sky. It did activate me and I am sure if you tune into it will activate you.

Star Gate is supporting our mission opening up more cosmic energies. It is a doorway in consciousness that makes you understand your soul and become aware of your POWERS.

During this time we are truly entering into an accelerated time. Be ready to receive light codes activation, DNA activation, divine information, downloads.

8-8 is associated with GREAT manifestation, magnetizing, transformation, spiritual and material wealth, abundance and prosperity. Imagine “number 8” over your chakras with the meeting point at heart chakra.

Imagine that anything that is stuck in your chakras is clearing out with the energy of number 8 or infinity symbol.

There is also an activation of solar plexus energy as Leo is connected with fire in the solar plexus.

Lions Gate is an activation and clearing at the same time.

The clearing of energy happens mostly in the emotional body in particular clearing in the maternal lineage.
The maternal lineage energy came in the last healing sessions with my clients releasing and clearing stagnant energy.

I have been working on myself through maternal lineage and a lot comes through via dreams and intuitive hunches.

Release what no longer resonates with you and is not supporting your soul’s growth and your truth.

Clear detrimental ancient programming, cancel contracts, cut cords and heal ancestral energies.

Any detrimental low frequency like anger, guilt, shame etc that was used in your family for generations and was passed to you is clearing out if you allow it and consciously chose to work through it.

There is a lot of healing energy beaming from Cosmos and waits for us to receive it in the form of Unconditional Love.
The energy of the portal will last through September.

Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies are working together supporting each other to create healing.

The Cosmic clearing happens to the entire planet. Notice any visions, dreams, ideas, hunches, pay attention and trust whatever shows up for you.

Be aware of any cycles that you don’t want to repeat.
If you are present in your awareness you can transit through the portal and create a new cycle in your life that is charged with Cosmic Energy.
And because you are reading this, I am confident you will make the transition to a new cycle of Creation.

Your intentions have to be clear and your focus sharp to manifest your life purpose for the next cycle.

For many of us sensitives it can be quite an intense time. If storms happen in your life remember to come back to your essence, hold the peace and stay grounded.

This is the time when you need to care not only for your soul but also for your physical body. Your body might feel tired as it has to go through these intense energies. Relax, rest and mediate, so your body can acclimate to these energies.

Don’t give your powers away to chaos, fear or drama. Stay true to yourself.

We are guided to make new choices that are more in harmony with our higher self so we can move forward creating HEALING, abundance, peace and joy in the New Reality.

Remember who you are and why you are here on Earth to experience.
We are blessed to be awake during these transitional times.
Be awake, be aware, stay empowered, stay blessed.

To book healing sessions or sacred readings with me go here

May we suggest:
Leo Orgone Pendant
Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Leo Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
888 Portal of Awakening ~ New Codes of Prosperity and Abundance
Great Awakening vs Deceit

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Dramatic Shift for the rest of 2020

What the next half of 2020 has in store for us?

“When is the craziness going to end” many people ask.

The entire world is still feeling the intensity of 2020.

The craziness that’s happening in the world is supposed to happen so we can release, transmute and heal. 
The chaos is necessary to destroy old energetic patterns so evolution can take place. Many planets beings retrograde bring to the surface our deepest challenges.

We need to root our thoughts in faith to manifest the Grace of God.

Many are saying this intense period will last and we will go into another period of restriction.

For how long?

Well…  I keep hearing “non resistance

2020 is year of clarity, clear vision with truth finally surfacing from deep sleep. 2020 is split in two energies:  2 meaning restriction, limitation and 0 meaning relaxation, letting go.

For this Question I pulled a card – Lady of Lightning which came Reversed
Unexpected news, unpleasant news, shock, we might feel powerless, challenged, intensity, we might be forced to make changes we don’t like or want, difficult times.

We are in a POWERFUL Thunder Storm. Very powerful energy, very electric in nature.

Storms will always pass.
Imagine the beauty, fresh air, new Life, rainbow after the storms passes.
Relax and wait for the storm to pass.
Have faith that all will be well.

There is such a big positive shift happening and if we don’t see it, is because it’s hidden very clever under world’s drama.

Clients that I work with lately are dealing with a lot of anxiety, depression and anger. That is because the new energies are surfacing things from the past that need healing.  Personal work is a must during this time in particular healing on emotional body.   

Ground any anxiety through feet chakras into the Earth via heart energy center to find peace in the heart.

The second message that came is The Diamond Dreamer a very powerful positive awesome card.
Watch the Video

For the next half of the year we have a Cosmic surprise
Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries for the next 6 months – half of the 2020
Things are changing for the better.
There is nothing that we cannot overcome.

This means we will feel full of energy, passion, vitality.
We will come out of the storm recharged, reenergized, and fresh with a great appetite for life, strong positive energies ahead, karmic rewards for the work we have done on ourselves.

Expect success, miracles, great opportunities.

Our DNA is restructured in order to function at a higher frequency. 

Chaos is about “Coming Alive”.

The word Apocalypse means, lifting of the Veil… The fog is dissipating

Old cycle is getting to an end and the New Reality is dawning.

Before we were asleep and blind now our eyes are wide open.
God has opened are eyes, hearts and souls.
We are destined for the Great Awakening with Golden Years coming ahead.
Bliss, Enlightenment, True Prosperity and Miracles are yet to be experienced.

Work with me > I offer sacred readings and distance healing.

Love and Blessings,


May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Chaos World: System Being Replaced
Great Awakening vs Deceit

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7-7 Portal Gateway 2020 – Collective Consciousness

We are in a massive AWAKENING StarGate with multiple stargates opening so we can receive activation and light codes.

7-7- Gateway into the New Earth (July 7, 2020) is a continuation of the Solstice Gateway, the planetary Alignment, Capricorn Eclipse and Awakening Freedom and Independence Worldwide.

Messages Received

  • Different Predictions are for different timeliness.
  • Integration (the two worlds) old earth and new earth.
    Deceit, manipulation and control >>> get rid of it, cancel, dust it off, release, purge
  • Higher self, higher consciousness Opening and deep connection
  • Portal of many dimensions (demons and angels), polarities, integrate both sides
  • Divine darkness vs divine light
  • You come to a crossroad where you need to pick a road > which one will you pick?

Energies are Intense because so many are awakening…

77 is a very powerful master number, a sacred number, number of perfection

Positive traits is that is extremely spiritual, creative
Negative traits uncertainty and self doubt, fear, restrictions, frustration

77 portal requires to get back on track, discipline and responsibility
77 has a strong meaning in bible, actually this number appears 77 times in the in the old testament.
Secrets are being revealed during this time.
Take a step back and witness what’s happening.

There is light in the darkness and follow the light, stay in the light.
Use LAUGHTER to switch vibration and uplift mood.
68 seconds Spiritual Technique is a game changer. Use it.

77 reminds us about discernment – pray for discernment

77 – intuition and psychic awareness, lucid dreams being amplified

77 –knowing how to RAISE positive attitude but also teach it, as others need it during these times, be brave and be the teacher, the inspiration, the activator

This portal is about opening new ways for baby starseeds to wake up.

Symbols and rituals of the OLD Earth used for dark purposes now are being purified and cleansed. This is because of the New Earth is being birthed.

The symbols now are of LIGHT. Star a new routine to get out of any form of negativity and raise your vibrations. Emotional junk gets stuck in the emotional body.

No matter how much we work on Spiritual and Physical dimensions, unless we release the detrimental programming from emotional body it’s hard to heal.
Sacred Readings are also discounted during Eclipses Season

Stay Blessed,

Lilly Natures Blessings

Book sacred readings or emotional healing sessions with me

May we suggest:

Cancel Evil Contracts
Sacred Readings
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Cancel Evil Contracts
Sacred Readings
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Great Awakening vs Deceit
Mercury Retrograde, Grounding and Emotional Healing
Eclipses surface pain and suffering and the Fasting Message
MAGICAL Connection between STARS, ORGONE and Gemstones.

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By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Natures Blessings, 8106 Merlewood Ave, Las Vegas, NV, 89117, http://www.natures-blessings.org. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact

Capricorn Lunar Eclipse and very RARE planetary alignment

On July 4th/5th we have a very rare planetary alignment and Lunar Eclipse (full moon) in Capricorn which will fall on the Independence Day in the USA and will close the triple Eclipse Gateway.

Eclipses shine a LOT of Light in particular on issues in our life that need work and healing. Working consciously with the energy of Lunar Eclipse is very empowering and healing.

Powerful time to reset.

This planetary alignment is very rare, very auspicious , where planets of the Solar System line up in a row, on one side of the Sun, in the same spot.

This particular alignment happened 765 years ago.

Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune will line up on one side of the Sun at the same time.

This type of alignment of planets occurred in 1982, and the next ones are expected in 2161 and 2492.

If you are conscious you will download new codes to human template with large amount of information pouring in. Tons of energies will be flowing in, continuously removing old detrimental patterns, behaviors, programming and karmic debts.

This is a massive shift pertaining to our ascension from 3D world based on illusion to 5D world based on unconditional LOVE. While some will deny any kind of spiritual work it is TIME to work on the Spiritual You.

• Releasing Old programming, deception and lies and pray for discernment

• Work on getting rid of old structures

• Releases and purging of old karmic programming

• Release and Heal Emotions that are stuck

• Work on internal peace, meditation, introspection

• Change perspective > anger/challenge vs. opportunities

• Work on being Optimistic!!!!

This is a Powerful time to find yourself in alignment with the planets and be one with the Cosmos, as we’ll continuously witness massive awakening, opening of third eye, intuition, telepathy, all sort of upgrades, cosmic awareness, surges of energy.

Make a wish and raise frequency as energies will amplify.

The Solstice Portal 20-21-22 has lead to opening of a Star Gate with many codes being released, more star seeds awakening, many remembering their mission, why they are here on planet Earth. Many of us are here to balance, align and harmonize energies here on earth and anchor crystalline structure.

As a Starseed ask yourself this question: “Why am I here to do? What is my mission?”

The energies are polarizing where Light is extremely bright and dark is quite dense.

Many of us are experiencing right now the mighty UNITY: a lot of dream work, telepathic communication as well as physical connection with conscious or even unconscious light work.

We are ending an era and beginning of a new era.

Capricorn Lunar Energy is all about being responsible, dedicated, determined, commitment, step into the leadership shoes, take action, move and shake things out.

Work to understand the big picture, holistically and grow your wisdom.

As a lot of stuff is being purged, a lot of negativity and darkness is being cleansed, grounding us, teaching us how to deal with responsibilities.

Big changes that are happening are setting us free, while the system is being replaced.

Sometimes the Capricorn can be insecure about their abilities so again the message of being OPTIMISTIC comes in strongly.

Be open to new downloads, and activation codes. Listen to Spirit signs that come through animals, birds, clouds, people, numbers. Nature helps us to navigate these times.

Be aware of the fake narrative that we are being fed. Check how you really feel as the truth is imposed on us. The Cosmic Truth is totally different. Pray for discernment.

Shine light on something you are not aware of. The dark side is losing their control and that’s why it pushes more as more people are waking up and realize that we’ve been lied.


*creating healing

*allowing shifting

*cutting cords with anything that is NOT of truth

*letting go of fears, panic, uncertainty

* feel the truth instead of putting any value on your belief systems

*feeling is so important

*anchoring frequencies of freedom, sovereignty, infinite love

*connecting with high heart

*earthing, grounding, centering, aligning all chakras

* pranamayama, conscious breathing

Mercury is in cancer retrograde, Sun is in Cancer. The energy of the empath, the healer, the nurturer is being amplified but also we need to do some powerful work on increasing Optimism and transmute any negative thoughts to positive optimistic vibes.

Make sure that your intentions, thoughts, words, actions are highly positive as Lunar Eclipse energies will be magnified during this time.


Lilly Natures Blessings

Book sacred readings or emotional healing sessions with me

May we suggest:

Cancel Evil Contracts Sacred Readings Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Cancel Evil Contracts
Sacred Readings
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Great Awakening vs Deceit
Mercury Retrograde, Grounding and Emotional Healing
Eclipses surface pain and suffering and the Fasting Message
MAGICAL Connection between STARS, ORGONE and Gemstones.

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The Dark Cabal Program to Enslave Humanity

Love to you Divine Souls.

We are in for a cosmic ride and this week will be intense culminating to the Solstice.

The cabal is on a mission to bring down the entire tribe of Light Workers, Star Seeds, Healers. Their mission has been amplified lately. And this is a sign of desperation on their part as more and more people are waking up to say: “Enough is enough. I refuse to be manipulated. We are not falling for your lies”.

Meanwhile our mission (Beings of Light) is coming from pure love, highest awareness and a deep level of understanding. I feel we are almost there, some say The Light has WON and this is just the cleanup phase to Awaken the Masses.

Well some would ask: What Cabal? There is no cabal. You are crazy, Ohh you conspiracy theorist!

What if “conspiracy theorists” are in fact highly intuitive, clairvoyant, psychics?


We don’t fall for the division that is instigated by the dark forces.

That’s why it is imperative to pray for discernment during this time.

Everyone is now in purging, cleansing and healing mode. Everyone.

All that is happening, the craziness, the absurdity is really waking people up.

We need to pray and meditate to break the mind control of the Dark Agenda that placed us under a magic spell so we can come together in a beautiful RE-Union: The Reunion of souls.

In fact before you go to bed pray to be reunited in the dream world with brothers and sisters of Light. We don’t only hear truth, we feel truth as it vibrates at a certain frequency.

Do not be afraid, you are NOT alone. We need to stay in the light and speak our truth.

Observe. Observe. Observe.

Take the appropriate action that makes your soul happy: voice out your truth or be silent and work in the background > your choice.

Dark forces agenda is SEPARATION, whether is gender, religion, color, or whatever they might bring to divide us and make us fight with each other. Do not fall for it. We need to stay in our truth and keep our poise.

If you’ve done the work thoroughly and integrated all aspects of yourself you are not affected deeply or getting sucked into the trauma of racism, religion or gender wars that is pushed by The Dark Cabal.

The energy is super STRONG right now.

You choose to be in separation or choose to be in unity.

We hold compassion in our hearts and understand the pain. At the same time we are guided to hold space and empower people without getting entangled into victim mentality. By choosing color or gender as a subject of discussion to argue, is nothing more than fueling the wars that are started by the dirty cabal while feeding victim consciousness.

Blaming or criticizing others for your hurt will only enable you to go through another cycle of insane reincarnation.

It’s a game of war instigated by the dark cabal to separate our spirit. It will diffuse and transcend if you refuse to play the game.

The more you talk about the hurt specially ancestral hurt the more you fuel the hurt. Ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords with the toxic detrimental karma of hurt, heal it, let go, move on. This incarnation is short and it is not meant to be a struggle and a fight. This is Cabal’s intention. The past traumas need to end so they are not passed on to the next generation. Cancel ALL evil contracts you signed consciously or unconsciously.

Guilt is what the dark cabal aims for, as guilt and shame vibrate the lowest on Consciousness Scale. All we have to do is push these dark programmers out of shadow, call them out for who they are so we can ALL see the truth.

Mainstream media is the dark entity that is the upfront for the Dark Cabal. There is going to be a point in time where everybody will come together as ONE voice and expose the evil forces. We are seeing the dark evil agenda and the true enemy. This is the Great Awakening.

We are here to grow our soul and consciousness and not to apologize for who we are.

A beautiful mantra >> I am that am I am that I am. I am LOVE, I am divine, I am joy, I am peace. <<

Be gentle with people who aren’t there yet and most of all Be gentle with yourself.

Blessings and Much Love


May we suggest:

Cancel Evil Contracts Sacred Readings Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Cancel Evil Contracts
Sacred Readings
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Related Articles:
Great Awakening vs Deceit
All Seeing Eye is now getting back in the hands of humanity

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Great Awakening vs Deceit


The eclipses season is here and I was inspired to record some messages from Spirit, to see what’s actually taking place in the collective consciousness.
Eclipses season leads to Deep intense emotions.

Everyone wants justice, everyone wants truth, however many are being played.

There are dark technologies, dark magic spells, dark implants, dark cords, evil contracts, dark AI, heavy energetics implanted on Mother Earth to manipulate us, separate us and control us. 
Dark forces are using all that got to keep us divided.

We need to come together in Unity.

The Great Awakening is in Full Force.
We are being shown manipulation, injustice and deceit. The polarity is strong and a purge is sweeping through our planet. Although energies seem chaotic an upgrade is taking place, our hearts and DNA are getting activated with new codes of Light.
Allow the Activation.

We need our hearts connected with the Heart of Mother Earth. If you get triggered remember your heart, remember Mother Earth’s heart, remember who you are > LOVE.

Light Forces are winning. We are not doomed. We are awakening.

Unity is Humanity.

Connect with the large network of loving beings of light via telepathy and dreams. Imagine us holding hands in unity, imagine joy, imagine laughter, imagine hugs.

There is Glory Ahead. Hold the visual of our Victorious Planet Earth.

We are dealing with solar flares, spikes in Schumann resonance, eclipses and now the Full Moon in Sag. So a lot of cosmic energies to handle. The Sun unleashed a strong solar flare few days ago for the first time in 3 years. Flares are illuminating our thoughts and minds.

We are being upgraded into a higher frequency of our beautiful New Earth.

The third eye is the Lie Detector and if it is closed we allow manipulation and deceit. Once we open it we see the truth.

To open the third eye, imagine you actually opening your eyes while you sit in a meditation with your eyes closed. 
Many prayers are needed. Surround yourself with the full armor of God.

Listen to your body. Sit in silence and allow the blessings.

I am offering Sacred Readings for up to 3 Questions/per session.

Read more about the OFFER here

The Offer is valid for 3 days.
Stay blessed.


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Mercury Retrograde, Grounding and Emotional Healing

emotional healing

Mercury Retrograding can be intense time and heavy on emotions.

Everyone can react in strong emotional ways and energies can be confusing.
However the retrograde time is offering second chances, do over, rethink, readjust, correct.

What lessons need to be learned?
Time for emotional healing, old wounds, even past lives wounds. Be aware of incidents or even accidents. SLOW DOWN!!!

It is not the TIME to be the HERO.
Take it easy, and think twice before you act.
Time for cleansing, specially emotional cleansing.

I know so many of my friends behaving really weird or going through a range of wild emotions during retrograde periods.
Deep breaths, introspection, meditation.

I see again and again how people resist their emotional work.
This is the very reason people don’t heal.
Heal the soul and emotions and watch how the body heals.

The other day I worked with someone who had a large block in the heart due to losing someone dear. She needed grounding big time!
She said that every time she was thinking of that person she would start shaking and feel sick. That led to some other issues.

We started by grounding her emotions and moving them slowly downwards. The block moved from heart into her solar plexus where she had more emotional wounds.
Long story short we managed to move her emotions into the Earth through her feet. She felt a BIG shift and immediately felt better!
Tears on her face followed by a huge smile, deep understanding and gratitude.

By the way during chaotic times we tend to lose our grounding. I see everyone going nuts losing their center.

Mercury Retrograde is really forcing us to do the work on releasing what has been blocked in our psyche for a long time. We think that pills or doctors can solve our issues, where the work is in our emotional body.
It always starts there.
The fastest way to be grounded is to validate how you are feeling.
The only reason we are not grounded is because we don’t want to deal with our emotions. Who wants that? It’s not easy!

But here is the thing: as soon as you give your feelings a chance to be felt, you will understand what’s missing so you can start the healing journey. Or…
Even better the blocks will simply just disappear!

Bottom line we need grounding, we need emotional healing.
Orgone Feet Chakra Balancers are not only amazing grounding tools but also help to relax the body and mind so we can sleep better and heal faster.

Check them out – they are amazing helpers.

For emotional healing work with me go here:

Please take it easy,

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Natures Blessings, 8106 Merlewood Ave, Las Vegas, NV, 89117, http://www.natures-blessings.org. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact

Related Articles:

Mercury Retrograde? Time to Chill

Powerful Grounding Technique


Chaos World: System Being Replaced

Are we living in a Crazy World?
Is the future Safe?
These are the questions we are asking.

So much corruption and mind control being exposed, it makes our head spin. Heavy censorship of truth seekers, healers, light workers. It’s the modern era of book burning.
Spying and tampering of our privacy.
Energies are extreme wild, Schumann frequency is off the chart with long blackout periods.
Volcanoes, wild fires, earthquakes shaking our beloved planet.

5G antennas which are very dangerous are spread everywhere.
Everything is shaken up.
Time is speeding up, pain and aches, pressure in the ears, anxiety, even depression… These are all results of the world going crazy and it’s very easy to get sucked into it.
Things are changing radically: a quantum shift.

Everyone feels it.

It feels like we are being pushed or even forced through a birthing canal where we reborn into the new version of ourselves.
The planet continues her releasing and purging process.

Old system is being replaced.
New system is being built in parallel with the old system.
If the old system was to implode suddenly, it would create so much destruction.

The change is exponentially growing and speeding up.

It feels heavy, unstable, unsafe and dense.


There is such a big positive shift happening and if we don’t see it, is because it’s hidden very clever under world’s drama.

We might think the world is in chaos where in fact the world is changing.

Truth hits every one of us from all angles.
We cannot escape or cheat truth.
It is time.
It might look scary, agree.
That’s why we need to stay grounded.
Tune into Mama Earth’s messages. She has a lot of information for all of us.
Stay positive, stay strong.
Follow your intuition.

We either let go of old paradigms that are not serving us and our environment or we are forced to do it.

We need to learn how to navigate with the elements of chaos to stay sane, as many are losing it.

LOVE is cure
We are ALL beautiful and worthy of LOVE.
Focus on cooperation instead of competing so we can support the greatest good for all.
Be flexible: sometimes what is perceived as destruction and chaos might be translated into new healthy possibilities.

Embrace the “chaos” element in your journey, because without it, there is no lesson.
Order is born out of chaos. 
Step into those moments that make you uncomfortable.
Be brave.  Choose your thoughts carefully.


During transition times we are distracted and pulled off our center.
Stay centered, stay focused and grounded.
Remember to breathe consciously.
Focus on NEW beginnings, ideas. Initiate!
The NEW makes the transition easier.

Watch your diet, time to start eating healthy if that’s not priority (more veggies and fruits).

During the massive transition we need extra detox and water is the main agent for detoxing.
Take breaks during the day to have a glass of good water.

Integration of Soul Fragments

Soul fragments and parts of us that are lost are being found during these chaotic times.  Pay attention to your intuition, it will guide you to find the lost soul fragments.

Then time for reintegration: take all the lessons you have learned from the past and put them together to embrace your healing and grow your wisdom.

Raising Vibrations

Our DNA is restructured in order to function at a higher frequency.  The craziness that’s happening in the world is supposed to happen so we can release, transmute and heal.  This chaos is necessary to destroy old energetic patterns so evolution can take place.

Smile, after all is not that bad.

Inner Smile
When chaotic energies are intensifying, we might be more impulsive than usual.
Some people which consider themselves awakened and centered, can go into anger and anxiety episodes and cannot explain their behavior.
That is because there are hidden stagnant energies that have been suppressed for a long time and need surfacing to be healed.

This is the time to take a moment and look within yourself.
What do you need to transform in your life?
Allow the transformation.

In the midst of chaos and craziness remember the energies that you were gifted with at birth: Peace.
Find your inner smile and use it.


Understand that this transformation brings to the surface a lot of lies, deceit, and darkness. Have patience. We will feel so much better after darkness and corruption are being exposed and purged.

STARS and labyrinths

Star nations are sending light information via STAR symbols and labyrinths.
Many of us might get labyrinth and STAR activations.
The information is about anchoring and centering the energies of the stars to bring balance between human and spirit.
It has been said that labyrinth “reemerges during times of confusion to reorder chaos”.

Call in the power of the labyrinth to create healing and the Power of the Stars for protection.

STAR Orgone PendantSTAR Orgone Pendant

The Universe is built in such way that it always wins.

Some say it is the end of the world.
It might be for many.
Some are fearful of a World War and the Apocalypse.
It is indeed the end of the world as we know it.
Many are having déjà-vues of the New Beautiful Earth.

Star brothers will never allow for the destruction of our human seed.
They are not allowed to intervene unless the seed of life is in danger.
That’s why they assist and help us to go through this transition but they don’t change the world for us.
We need to fix it for ourselves.
That’s why Conscious Leadership is Necessary.

Conscious Leadership

Elders Must Take Lead.

We are witnessing the world going crazy because of two reasons :
first we didn’t know it, all this was hidden from us.
Second although we discovered the truth, we chose to  turn a blind eye, be complacent and ignore it. Some of us had to work extra time to build the great awakening and expose darkness.
Exposing the darkness is of light.
It is NOW time for everyone to become involved.
Sitting on the fence will not do it.

The ones who have worked hard to raise individual vibrations are NOW the elders, teachers, guides and leaders on this Earth. The spirit of our ancestors is now encouraging the “new elders” to take lead. Elders are not “old people” but are awakened people that have been through a lot of challenges and as a result acquired deep levels of wisdom.
They came out of these challenges not only alive but also empowered and committed to live a life of Truth and inspire others to live their own truth.

Breakdown leads to Breakthrough

Between Chaos and Order there is the period of breaking down.  

Something needs to be broken down in order to make way for NEW to come.
And that can be heavy and challenging.

Many are feeling heavy in the heart chakra, with the soul carrying a lot of burden.

Embrace the struggle, because a breakthrough is coming“.

Even if you don’t believe it, repeat this as a mantra daily until it comes into manifestation.
Learn to dance with the struggle; it only brings what you need in your life. You came into this world with a mission. Don’t fight it.  Accept it.
Peace is born out of chaos.
Trials and tribulations have a divine purpose.

We have to heal the old wounds and let go of fears.

Get out of your own way and let Spirit do the work.
Something good is going to happen.
Good things take time…

Chaos is about “Coming Alive”.

Everything is a Gift

If you dig deep into this perspective you put a STOP to struggle and suffering during this time of chaos.
When everything is taken for granted we forgot about gratitude.

If we are not grateful for small things in life we will never be appreciative for bigger things in life. That’s where depression and suffering sets in. And when we miss to see small things as gifts we miss connection with the Source, God of All That Is.

We are to come together in harmony and with integrity to open our collective heart, heal the karma and unleash our miraculous powers.



May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Flying and Currency Exchange Dream: Financial Systems
Earthquakes, Stars and Labyrinths: Spiritual Work to release tension in the world