How to open your Crown Center to connect with The Divine


The following Messages were brought forth during a Full Moon Transmission.

Angels want us to know that we are sacred and we have to start creating and working on our sacred relations, sacred union, partnership, healthy relations that support our growth. We are never alone on our path/journey.
It is time for us beautiful souls to reunite with others from the same soul family, co-create our destiny and help make this world the best world that have ever existed.  Our ancestors are proud of us, our unborn are also proud, we just have to let our light shine brilliantly so others can see it and be inspired to do the same. We are the ones that we have been waiting for! It is TIME!
Say no to Drama, it is very toxic. It is super easy to blame, criticize or be sucked into drama if you are not centered.
Take time and sit down quietly with yourself and Ask Spirit to sit with you. Angels are always present they need a sign from you: Sing a song, dance, make an offering, burn incense, buy flowers, smile. Angels connect with us when our energies are vibrant, joyful and happy.

“Radiate from the heart”

‘Radiance’ was the keyword for the entire moon transmission which was guided by a high hierarchy of angels. Repeat this word out loud or in your mind to connect with the Divine Spark within.

Back of the heart opening
During moon transmission I felt the back of my heart radiating the highest loving energy.  Angels mentioned to make it a daily practice: focus on the back of the heart with LOVE… It will help activate your heart fully and also open the crown chakra to receive direct insightful information from the SOURCE.
There are many ways our Source connection can be blocked (toxins from food and our liquids intake, air pollution due to chemtrails, smog, toxic thoughts can block our energy centers). However Angels mentioned if you open not only the front of heart chakra but also the back of this energetic center we can lessen the negativity created by toxins and open the crown chakra to receive Divine insight.

The feelings that I had during the transmission was overwhelmingly beautiful, it is such a humble feeling to be in the presence of Angels.
My wish is that you connect with the Angelic Realms, open your spiritual heart and find your inner call.



More: Angels Meditations Downloads

Receive Moon transmissions with Lilly Natures Blessings.

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Heart Technique to declutter chaotic energy of the heart


During a Leo Full Moon transmission Spirit gave us a technique that is very potent.

The technique is for opening, clear and ground our hearts.

This technique helps declutter drama, chaotic energy, unbalanced or fearful thoughts that get stuck on top of each other
into your heart chakra and create confusion and misunderstanding.

The drawing above is the visual given during the full moon transmission and if you listen to the (audio) podcast it will make sense.

I listen to it often and I feel tremendous energy. It feels like my burdens disappear and I connect with the Earth is such a loving way.
So Time to declutter and ground heart! Check it out!!!

Enjoy and let me know how it works for you! 🙂

Lilly Natures Blessings

Heart Chakra Orgone Pendant (amulet) is a POWERFUL energy
booster (ENERGY STOREHOUSE) which is designed to help release blockages and suppressed emotions in the heart center.

If you like this meditation you will LOVE the “LOVE Yourself Simply Because You Exist” Meditation

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers  Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant  Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant  Awakening Meditation 
Deep Conscious Relaxation Meditation Heart Chakra (4th) Chakra Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Awakening Meditation

Higher Mind vs Lower Mind


Physical mind is also called lower mind.

Higher mind sees the LARGE picture where the physical mind sees the ordinary with limitations.

The only limit is the one we set ourselves.
The higher mind sees more than this physical reality.
We are beyond physical beings and once you truly get this concept you connect easily with your higher self/mind.

Expectations are in fact a disservice.
So when we let go of expectations and become more accepting we tap into the higher mind.
Higher mind takes you to great heights
When you are in lower (physical) mind you have fears, doubts, you are unaware.

When you are in your Higher Self you are in the center of the universe.

When you are in your higher mind you are passionate, you are aware, you are full of joy.

Higher mind offers infinite possibilities where physical mind only thinks limitations.
When you function from your higher mind you are your higher self, your spirit self, your true self,  infinite self.

It is all about retraining your mind to choose to tap into the higher mind consciously.

Awareness is key.

Retrain the mind by being Aware.

Be focused. Be present. Be aware. Be observant. Breathe consciously.

Check out this podcast on how to tap into your higher mind and manifest fast:


Lilly Nature Blessings

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Quick fix in life? Pain and Suffering?

IamFreeWe are taught to go for quick fixes in life. Take a pill and the headache is gone…


Why suffer?

That’s what they teach us…

Medicine has its own role, don’t take me wrong. Bur for every minor pain we rush into fixing the problem with a pill/drug, something that estrange us from our feelings and emotions.

Suffering is optional however. But pain has a meaning. The body tells you that something has to be changed as it’s not in alignment and agreement with your body and soul. Physical pain can be the reason for unresolved emotional trauma that is based on fear, depression, quilt, anxiety, grief.

Quick fixes will never heal or solve our problems completely. It’s only temporary. And the more we hide the truth and run away the more we prolong our agony. And then we fall into deep depression and illnesses.
Be brave instead and do your shadow work and allow yourself to go through what you go through. You will be happy you did it!

Life is a lesson and the Creation testes us every single day.
Do we pass the tests???

Lilly Natures Blessings

For healing sessions and spiritual counseling contact me:
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How to create your Abundance and Prosperity Corner?

AbundanceCorner1Everything starts in the invisible world. The world of spirit is the world of intentions and prayers.

If you want to manifest abundance in your life start with an intention and bring the physical aspect into the picture (abundance altar).
Choose the North West corner of your house or room (farthest away and to the far left of the front door) to create your abundance and prosperity altar there.

What to use for your abundance and prosperity altar?
Items that you are connect your mind to the vibration of abundance and prosperity.

Statues:   laughing Buddha, Lakshmi – the goddess of wealth, prosperity (material and spiritual), Ganesha – the remover of obstacles

Gemstones and crystals for abundance and prosperity

Abundance yantras (sacred geometry)

Business card if you own a business or a picture representing your work, any picture that represents abundance to you.
AbundanceCorner2Orgone – Abundance and prosperity orgone

I use abundance and prosperity orgone coins and cones. Orgone is an energy generator that amplifies the intentions very powerfully.

Here you can find the abundance and prosperity orgone coins and other orgone goodies.

Spray your altar with holy water or abundance prosperity gem elixir. I like to do that once in a while to enliven and reinforce the energies of my abundance altar.

Make sure you keep your abundance corner clean and add or replace some items as you go along.
Meditate in front of your abundance altar, say a prayer or just smile while looking at it and then go about your day. The abundance frequencies of your altar are impressing upon your subconscious mind and stay with you.

Have patience. Rome was not build over night. I built my altar many years ago and watched how abundance grew and expanded in all areas of my life.   Patience is the main ingredient as it teaches you how to earn and value your abundance.

Abundance altar is just a part of creating your abundant life. It is a very important part as it starts with an intention that impresses upon your subconscious mind.

However you have to do whatever it takes to work on your physical part of abundance.

The last part is to let go of stress and thoughts on lack and poverty. Instead focus on gratitude.

Abundant Blessings,


For abundance counseling sessions with me check out our services
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May we suggest:

Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir Love Yourself Meditation Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Abundance Prosperity Gem Elixir
Love Yourself Meditation Abundance Prosperity  Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Abundance and Prosperity Teachings from Lemurians

abundanceBuddahAbundance is a state within.

The mistake people make is that they focus their entire energies outside of themselves which results in getting off balance.

Focus on what works and replicate that over and over again.  In other words look back in time when you created success in any area of your life, get into that emotional mood and recreate the energy so you can replicate that success in any area of your life.

People think of abundance as money only.
Money is a part of the abundance state as a medium of energy exchange but it is not the entire picture.
Money is a byproduct, a result of the effort, work and energy you put out into the world. However money can create mixed feelings as money was and is still used as a tool of greed, destroying nature and enslavement by lower entities that operate out of fear.

At the same time money is used for great purposes to help and empower humanity.  That is why money has a mixed energetic imprint in your consciousness and you must do individual money consciousness cleansing and healing work on your DNA, ancestral, soul and conscious levels.

Change the vibrations of money energy; see it as your individual value.

How much do you value yourself?

How much do others value you?

How much do you value others?

These 3 questions are very important to ask in order to work on value that is closely connected with abundance.
Another mistake people focus on is the poverty issue.  Focus on “lack of poverty” that creates the opposite which is the state of abundance.

Abundance is the state that Nature exists in.  If you are not connected with Mother Nature you are not abundant.

Think of the trees, animals, birds, plants, mountains, oceans.  See, watch, listen, hear how nature gives birth to itself how it unfolds and learn from it. Let it be your guidance, your teacher, your friend.

Don’t take from the earth more then what is needed. Do not disrespect nature.  Do not waste!
Nature, Mother Earth is a living being. Do not try to change the course of nature.
It has a rhythm, it lives in cycles, respect that.
Respect the low tides and high tides of the rhythm of life.
When abundance moves into the low tide, it is time to go inward, spend less, eat less, perhaps go into fasting mode: physical as well as spiritual. That allows for bringing cleansing into ones thoughts, emotions, mind.
After the cleansing ends, the “fest” begins and you find yourself in the high tides, enjoying your abundance.
Think, rethink, and master the concept of birth, death, rebirth of the nature.
Learn, learn and relearn.

Sharing and giving is allowing the flow of abundance in your life.  If you can give, if you can share you have plenty, you are plenty.

Declutter, let go, release: thoughts, emotions, stuff.  The more you release the more you receive…
Knowing how to manage and be on charge of your abundant life is key. Be wise!

Abundance is about balance: give and receive equally.  Do not be afraid to say NO for the sake of keeping the balance.

Learn to Respect balance: it is closely connected with abundance.
Choose to be happy. Have trust and faith always: you have enough, you are enough.

Message received from Lemurian Nation on Abundance on Dec 28, 2012 Cancer Full Moon – brought forth by Lilly Natures Blessings

For energy healing session, spiritual counseling, work on abundance issues check out Lilly’s services.

Check out our abundance and prosperity orgone pendant which helps put one in the high abundant state of mind.
May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Third Eye Chakra (6th) Orgone Pendant Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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for this new cycle… Happy 2013!


This is from a beautiful woman Lara:

My beloved soulstars, Lilly and yasmine,
For this new dawn….
during these extraordinary times, it matters ever more to connect with and give deep and endless gratitude to The One for life, here and now….. a time to share experiences with each other, and give thanks to all and whom make a difference in our lives, in particular….to those souls whom from the start, chose to help us remember how to soar…how to Be; reminding us that we all have our own wings…
I don’t know if anyone would have known for certain, especially in the past some decades ago, in what shape we would be collectively, to meet this new cycle… how difficult, or easy this transition would be for us….how we would handle, physically and consciousness-wise, such a magnitude of transformation at all the different levels…subtle, cellular…

What is clear though, is that behind the divine workings of all of this, there are those elevated souls who for much time before, and leading up to this threshold…have been the ones to collectively manifest the onset stages of this divine plan into reality here at this material level where we are now.
So much tremendous healing work has flowed from these hearts and higher against all odds, yet still successful in helping to raise us in spirit. And this is a tribute to you all the servants of the divine as angels and light warriors that consciously lived and breathed this higher mission to prepare us for today… Bless you all!!

And the way that the divine realm manifests through you both, not only energetically, but physically too, has been very significant in its deeper message for all of us now, and also telling of how you are truly instruments of the divine….that the volatile health of Mother Earth herself in the throes of her own metamorphosis was played out vicariously through your own bodies at all the different stages of her and our transformation – from death, cleansing…releasing all that which hold us back….rebirthing – mirrored in the ways you yourselves suffered… lack of breath, deathly illnesses, burning fevers, morning sickness…. and Lilly, what you wrote about your physical experience of early stages of pregnancy paralleling the spiritual growth process we all are undergoing, of Mother Earth herself, found me saying to myself in astonishment: “Goodness! she is rebirthing the whole species!!!” as too, you yasmine! with your fevers coinciding with the raging releasing of the hurricane!

It is something really important for you to share because the deeper lessons of these experiences, both communicates the most important message to heed at these times which you always stressed: one of releasing, cleansing all that which does not serve us, surrender to the rebirthing process.
And so extraordinary too, is that in the midst of those near death and physically ill experiences you received a flood of divine inspiration and messages and signs, both prophetic and insightful related directly to these transitions times of this New Dawn…

At that blessed level where you both are, maybe you breathe from somewhere much deeper than your abdomen…..maybe from the inner heart of Mother Earth herself right up to the center of the highest celestial Source.

Like the form and deeper meaning of that twin branched, deeply wise and ancient tree.. there are two ancient twin souls who share a common destiny rooted in the earth and of divine essence and birth from the stars…
and Lilly, all the Moon transmissions from her lunar radiance that you share with, and reverberate to everyone attuned, every single two weeks of the year without fail, without compensation, is testament to the selfless solar and lunar Radiance of your own condor/eagle heart.. in the highest expression of Love as Giving without condition.

There is so so much i have yet, to experience and remember what Is…but one thing i do know from my own experience, is that a soul who is not yet awakened who meets those who are and moreso, who are of one’s same spiritual family, there is something there….maybe some kind of energy flow that at first seems to shortcircuit one’s prior remote-controlled robotic tunnel-existence, and then subtly connect us to a higher frequency of awareness even in an unawakened state – maybe a common chord of soul resonance.
I can’t see this, or explain it well but it is something that i have always felt from both of you whenever and whatever you share… embedded in words, whatever medium….the message stays and lingers on like music – we may forget the exact words but the melody remains. And even when i don’t get the message there is something there that always sends me back either to the message, or to myself, to break down and consciously release those blocks and unhelpful limiting mental dogmatic constructs, habits that continue to separate and limit me.

Lilly and yasmine, thankyou for being a divine mirror for me, reflecting my soul’s core that in this lifetime I can Be..

This time of transitions had, actually, a special resonance for me… For more than a week now – night before the 21st- I’ve been feeling something like pins and needles constantly at the top of my head sometimes it is so strong it feels as if someone is pressing their whole hand down very hard on my head. I don’t know what that is maybe i am now opening up and becoming more sensitive to cosmic energies? i don’t know what it is, but it is a Great feeling! wow! i am beginning to feel truly connected!! and it is not from the mind that these words come 🙂 I am humbled to the core; and I feel so much love and thankfulness to The Beloved for everything!! And thankful too, for your inspiring and loving presence in my life.

My empowerments, that you facilitated for me with discerning mindfulness and such care as soulhealers as you are, would took place also, around the winter solstice – end of one cycle just before the start of the new year…last year.
I am now beginning to truly understand from the heart, what you both would always say: “that there is a deeper meaning to everything that happens to us… a divine timing” in the ebb and flow of our lives… i am just a drop in the ocean but every single drop together makes this endless flow that we are, so powerful and divine.
And at these times when the divine seed planted in all our hearts are readying to bloom, there are others before us and with us now who have nourished that growth in us so that at this time,….we too, can begin to do our part in this cosmic heart expansion that The Creator gave us breath to fulfill.
Lilly….yasmine…your hearts are the ocean…. may you always soar on those waves that never end..
happy new year!

Love, Gratitude and countless Blessings your way……
Lara oox

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New Golden Era: Feminine Energies, New Codes, Lemurian Guidance


New Moon on Dec 13, 2012 was the continuation of the 12-12-12 sacred feminine

The new moon transmission was sent from Arizona’s desert in Carefree location.  I woke up before the sun rise, welcoming the first rays of the sun which are very potent.

The physical place where Spirit wanted me to be for this Moon transmission was in the middle of a large formation of Chrysocolla and Azurite rocks.

Chrysocolla – a stone of conciliation and reassurance, helping with grounding and attuning with the energies of Mother Earth.  It is known to be a great heart opener, and it feels very feminine in energy. Azurite on the other hand is the stone of heaven and has divine masculine qualities which open the third eye.  There couldn’t be a more perfect combination: heart energy combined with mind energy in perfect alignment in this perfect day.

Imagine the energy as I was meditating and sending the moon transmission while sitting on that large energy power house gems!!!

After completing the sacred space I invited Spirit with the message. As soon as I finished the invocation I saw a rabbit passing in front of me.
Spirit said: “Where is the rabbit hole taking you on this powerful day?”

Metaphorically  speaking the rabbit hole is the path which is thought to lead to the true   nature of reality. As Morpheus, from The Matrix is saying: “You   take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
So if you want to know your own truth you have to want it, search it, explore   it, do whatever it takes to find out what is it you want to know.

The rabbit hole took me on a short journey yet super empowering and I am so happy and humbled to share the messages from that unique moment in time that was a big mark on the cosmic calendar.

The rabbit hole guided me to the Lemurians – the ancient civilization which is in continuous communication with people around the world. They are guiding and teaching people from their own experience and help the humanity to move on with the evolution without repeating the same mistakes they did.

All of us were gifted that day with individual codes as well as global codes. I am here to remind you about the global codes. Some of you already had some hunches and knowing after this moon transmission about your individual codes. Now you can connect on a more profound levels and apply the codes in your daily life.
Lemurians have been coming to our awareness lately more than ever.

As I was sending the energies of the new moon to friends my attention was drawn towards the sun.

While welcoming the first rays of sun I see a portal opening that looks like a yellow -gold diamond shape with a beautiful blue color right in the middle of it.
The energy was outwardly beautiful.

FeminineGoldThrough the portal I see a female figure coming to our earthly dimension.  She is the energy of Lady Guadalupe, Mother Mary and Quan Yin or any other female sacred energy you are resonating or believe in.  She comes to the human consciousness to remind of the power of divine feminine: the nurturer, the mother, the forgiving, the blessings, intuition, compassion and Love.  It is time for all of us to embrace and welcome the power of our divine nature as the world is moving towards feminine energies that balance the divine masculine.

There is still a lot of resistance, and if we do not embrace our feminine qualities we suffer. It is time to open our hearts and let the ‘mother’ in.  The shift that is happening is a shift of consciousness.  It will take more years, perhaps as long as 12 years to accomplish what we have been working for many life times. Dec 21, 2012 was a huge shift, as we were preparing and building momentum for many many years. However that day didn’t complete the shift, that day was a moment in time where a lot of people came together in unity and celebrated life. It was the apex of welcoming the shift. For some people it meant nothing, for some it meant everything, it all depends on the level of growth, expansion and consciousness… No matter how old our soul is, we all made it, and this is a great accomplishment. Do not take it for granted.

Messages from the Goddess (Lady Guadalupe, Quan Yin, Mother Mary)

“Your codes that you are looking for, the knowledge that you are searching for is all within you. Teachers and helpers in your life are there for you to remind you that. You are the true essence of God. There are many distractions and obstacles on your path to prevent you from being your true self. They are placed there for a good reason to test your growth and evolution. Have faith and never doubt.

Love Yourself.

Do not try to please everyone with your words and actions. They have their own experiences to go through.  Your sacred duty is to stay true to yourself, raise your own vibrations and stay in high vibrations.
Regardless of your gender, Embrace your feminine side.”

Lilly Natures Blessings

For spiritual intuitive counseling, healing sessions please visit me at:
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May we suggest:

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant

Divine Feminine Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant
Divine Feminine Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Related Article: Emerging of the Sacred Feminine: Mayan Goddess Ixchel Forgives

Can psychics, intuitive people be meat eaters?

I get this question a lot.

SpiritualFoodWell a lot of psychics and intuitive people I know eat meat.

Let me be very clear from the start.
I am not here to tell you what to eat and not eat. It is a personal choice, also do not let anyone tell you what to eat or not to eat.

Either way it’s where you have to be right now.

Your truth is yours and yours only.

I grew up in a country where meat was one of the main ingredients for main meals. My psychic visions and feelings were present since childhood.

My body and intuition told me to stop eating red meat so I did many years ago. I have noticed a lighter body and more increased positive visions. When I gave up meat for good I have started being even lighter in my body and had more clear visions.

Our ancestors ate meat. Native Americans, elders and spiritual people still eat meat. However they do pray over it, bless it and give thanks.

What I personally noticed after I gave up meat was that my heart opened even more and the level of compassion and forgiveness I have experienced was even stronger.

No matter what your preference is make sure that you give thanks for the food you have on your plate, honor it, take time to chew it and make sure it is natural, organic. Cook more from the scratch and put love in your food. Food is spirit.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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8 minutes cosmic consciousness – Dec 21, 2012

Cannot stress enough the magnitude of this cosmic event that is happening.  All of us have been preparing for this event for many many many lifetimes.
Venus, Sun and Earth will be all in alignment.

For the ones that are consciously aware, the experience of this fabulous Cosmic Moment will mean everything, for those who are less aware consciously; Dec 21, 2012 will probably mean nothing.  An amazing influx of light will be happening, but each and every one of us will experience it differently, yet at super conscious levels will be the same… because “The One is All, and the All is One”
There will be a window of 8 minutes of cosmic consciousness coming to Earth which technology is trying to harness really hard…  We humans have the potential to harness it better than technology as our bodies are true miracles. Be present to harness this powerful ray of cosmic consciousness a unique opportunity.
Elders ask us to spend time in ceremony in nature for at least 8 minutes at noon (4 minutes before, 4 minutes after). Make sure you get out of buildings, out of concrete structure, touch the earth, be with family and people you love, meditate, pray, drum, sing, chant, dance, and celebrate!! Also spend time in celebration for the next two days: Dec 22nd and Dec 23rd.
We are totally entering into a new stage of consciousness – “the golden age”. However do not be disheartened or discouraged if the next day, Dec 22 everything will look the same.

Do not judge or blame your brothers and sisters that are unconscious, unaware, or still asleep.  We all have an agreement before we came into this lifetime, we all volunteered to be in this body in this particular cosmic moment in time.  When we raise our vibrations, others will raise them too because of the law of resonance which says that you will attract into your life what is based on the resonance/frequency of the energy that you are in.

And because some of us are aware and awakened is because of seeing the big picture: that we are not separated, that we are one, that we are truth, that we are love.  Our agreement when we came into this body was to experience the darkness of pain and suffering of humanity. We have chosen this in order to rise above this dense vibration and lift ourselves quickly and with our uplifting we help others lift.

In order not to feel too much pain that is happening to us we closed our heart center. That results in closing and blocking the feminine energies. Now because of the shift energies and infusion of feminine energies coming to our planet, we are being helped by divine beings, and angelic realms. The spiritual side of us awakens; hence the heart awakens so the connection with our higher self and divine Presence is being reestablished.

Physical body is not the only reality. We are awakening to see more than just physicality; we are awakening to remembering that we are also spiritual beings.

No one will be left behind: our souls agreed long time ago. Everyone is going to make it through this shift of the ages, thank to the powerful light energy workers around the world and cosmos.  For some it will be hard, for some easier. It depends on our contracts and agreements before we came in this physical form. However we all agreed to embody to this present moment in time to help raise vibration of Earth and Cosmos. It is a true honor to have been chosen to be in human form in this magnificent moment in time.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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