Sexual Chakra and the Color Orange

OrangeFlowersOrange color is the color you either absolutely adore or hate.
Orange can bring you vitality, optimism, joy and motivation. It symbolizes intelligence, generosity, self confidence, passion and excitement.

It makes you feel alive and lift your spirits. It is a warming healing color that encourages sensuality and creativity. It is the color of the second (sacral) chakra.

Swadhisthana (sanskrit name) – located 2 inches below the navel) which is the center of gravity is the reservoir of life force (prana, chi, orgone), representing movement, detoxification and cleansing.

The element of this chakra is water – “the essence of life“.

This second chakra is associated with the ability to create and nurture, fertility, family, need for love, emotions, sexuality, developing own personality, individuality.
This sexual chakra can be also locked by fear in particular fear of death. Negative emotion for this chakra is “ignorance”, “lack of passion”.

Imbalances or weaknesses in the sacral chakra can lead to frustration and bitterness and are often associated with fixations on things hard to be admitted and feelings of extreme empathy, which can cause one to be ruled by the emotions of others. Also disturbances in this chakra can cause sexual problems. You have problems to see yourself as “sexy”. You keep attracting the wrong partners in your life that are incompatible for you, wondering if you’ll ever find “the one”.
Take a look at the Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant and see if you can feel its energy.

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant

Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Awakening Meditation

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Awakening Meditation

Bees and Orgone (Life force)


Yesterday as I was working on a unique healing creation for someone with a higher consciousness, I was visited by a bee.

The bee was checking out the orgone healing pendant for quite some time and let it bless the pendant with its energy.

Then the bee left.

At the completion of the pendant while I was infusing the pendant with the last prayers and blessings the bee showed up again for its final pendant blessings.

That was super amazing!
Bees are master healers and messengers from Spirit.  They represent good luck, abundance and wisdom.

Bee medicine like orgone is life force energy. They remind us of our gifts of healing and rebirth.

Bees, birds and animals are very attracted to orgone, as is great life force.


Lilly Natures Blessings

Check out our unique customized orgone healing pendants
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Spiritual Awakening, Symptoms and Solar Flares


Spiritual AWAKENING is a HOT subject these days.

Solar activity has been intensified since summer 2012.
There is a very close connection between solar flares
and spiritual awakening also known as the Shift.

These energies are a blessing in disguise.
Although at times is hard to deal with the intensity of these energies,
the beauty is that we know when they are being intensified and
work with them instead of resisting them.
Also we can be of help and guidance for others, once we have an understanding about what’s going on.
These energies open our psychic centers (chakras);
help us resolve issues from the past so we can heal and move forward with our journey.

Understand we are detoxing a lot of junk: physical junk as well as psychic, spiritual, emotional, mental junk.

Some people feel dizzy, nauseated, have heart palpitations, pain and body aching, ringing in the ears, surges of energy in the body, visual disturbances.  Some have hard time sleeping, shifting between happy to sad/depressed moods. Some are very tired while others are super energized.
I even heard of people fainting.

Sometimes when the flares are very strong if I close my eyes the entire world spins around.
It can be a struggle at times, and I know so many go through these symptoms.  Hang in there if you also feel this intensely.. You are not alone.

How to deal with the intense solar flares:

Make Peace with the Sun and the Sign Leo
When the planet Leo makes its presence, in a zodiacal chart, make peace with it.
Meditation on the energy of Leo as it is the Sun’s ruling planet.

Wake up in the morning and salute the sun.
Do the same for sun set. These times are very potent.
Ask the Sun to lend its power to you to make the ascension easy.

Yoga Sun Salutation or any physical activity is great to strengthen your body.

If you feel tired, rest.

Pyrite and Orgone
Personally I wear an orgone pendant and a pyrite bracelet to ease the electromagnetic shift that is happening.  It helps a lot.
All orgone pendants I create now have pyrite.  In 2011 I received a strong message from Spirit to use pyrite in all orgone creations.
It is a stone of positive vibration and protects on all levels.
What orgone does, it magnifies its effects, so it becomes like a power house generator of protection positive healing energy.

Chant/Recite Mantras

Gayatri Mantra

This mantra is a universal prayer, one of the most ancient ones.
It is Vedic prayer to illuminate the intelligence.  It helps heal the physical and subtle bodies. It is a meditation and prayer at the same time on the Divine Light.

Face the Sun when you recite/chant this mantra.

In my free Ebook I share more about Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening
and the connection with chakras.

Get my Free Ebook about How to Balance your Chakra System for Spiritual Awakening


When is hard to meditate on my own I use guided meditations.
This is one of the very reasons I have started to create meditations and offer them. I knew how hard it was to just sit quietly when I was in pain and tried to meditate.
Guided meditations put me in that clear state of mind so I can go through the day when the shift days are intense.
It is not happening as much as it was in 2012 but when it happens it’s good to have a tool in handy.

Wear Gold and yellow colors.

Drink LOTS of (good) water with lemon.

Here is my favorite drink:

Water (alkaline)
Lemon, Cucumber, Mint, Basil (all organic).
Add a teaspoon of chia seeds as they are good for hydration.

Eat Yellow fruits and vegetables
If you eat corn make sure it’s ORGANIC.
More than 90% of corn on the market in the US is genetically modified which is BAD!
Do your homework and research GMO’s.

A powerful yogic technique to cool the heat in the body

Make a small “O” with your mouth, (slightly opened) and inhale – you should hear a whistle sound and then exhale forcefully through your mouth. Keep doing this for a few good minutes and notice the fast results. If you want to add a mudra (hands gesture) hands should be shoulder level facing each other with thumb and index touching.

Troubles sleeping or sleeping too much

When the solar activity is in full force many people have problems sleeping.
What helps my husband and I with a good night sleep is the feet chakra balancers. He wears them religiously and he sleeps very well. I have to admit, although these are absolutely amazing tools, I prefer not to use them every night. But when I need them, as soon as I put them on I am already snoring… It is absolutely amazing how many times I have done this with the exact same effect.  Strongly suggest them if you have trouble sleeping.

Sleep as much as you need if you are tired.
Your body needs to recover from intense purging and healing.

Laugh, Smile, Feel Good

This way you raise your vibes. Sometimes is hard to do this. Fake it until you make it… 🙂

Wishing you Peace and an Easy Shift,


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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant

Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Awakening Meditation

Related Articles: Symptoms of Awakening and Healing Crises

Dream – Addictions – Spiritual Yearning


Some time ago I had an insightful dream about addictions.

In that dream my spirit guides talked about addictions:  sex addictions and any kind of attraction that’s not healthy.

A lot of people are addicted to celebrities. Mass Media created a cult for celebrity that leads to addictions: addictions to teacher, guru, celebrity etc

Spirit guides showed me this technique and I am happy to share it with you.

Ground your feet on Mother Earth and pull this Earth Energy into sexual chakra (bellow navel). Then stop there for a bit, breathe and acknowledge the “addiction”.

Be brave, it’s okay.

Then move up the energy to your heart center and let it out of your system with forgiveness. Forgive the one you are attracted/addicted to and forgive yourself.

Do this as much as you need it.

Spirit guides also mentioned martial arts people know how to control and balance this chakra, so you might want to consider martial arts if the issue is deep and you need to strengthen this chakra. Martial arts also help with self confidence and grounding.

Yoga and other gentle arts open our channels beautifully but at the same time by being so open we can easily be manipulated unless we are centered and grounded. I know quite a few women who are attracted, some quite obsessed with their yoga, spiritual teachers/gurus. And this is because of not having the lower chakras balanced, in particular feet, root and second chakra.

At the base of each and any addiction is the thirst for spirituality, wholeness connection with divinity, God.

There is something missing that needs to be fulfilled and that’s why we crave what we crave. Almost all of us have addictions: starting from foods, sex, alcohol, drugs to smart phones, technology, gossip, criticism, infatuation, ego etc…

When we have the same habit of doing the same thing knowing that it doesn’t serve us well but we do it anyway, then that’s an addiction. Once we accept and acknowledge that we do have an addiction no matter how minor it might be we can work on minimizing it without suffering.

Spiritual practice is the answer.

Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant

Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Pain in your feet when clearing root chakra?

“Is it normal to get pain in my feet when clearing root chakra?”

Root chakra (located at the base of the spine) is closely related to feet chakras.
Root chakra and feet chakras are about grounding.

Lack of grounding causes adrenalin imbalance, stress, fatigue, insomnia, losing our center/balance.

Also if there are a lot of toxins in the body, feet might slightly hurt during clearing the root or feet chakras. This is how body reacts to toxin removal.

One time a friend of mine asked to lend him my feet chakra balancers (orgone).

These are my favorite detoxing and good nite sleep toys. They were given to me in an extremely powerful channeled meditation by Spirit.
My friend’s body was very toxic due to heavy metals from his amalgam fillings.

While using the feet chakra balancers he noticed at first a buzzing sensation in his feet, then a slight discomfort which emerged into pain. It was funny to watch him as while reporting pain he was also laughing. He couldn’t believe and kept saying ‘OMG’!!!

I suggested not removing the balancers and see if he can stay with the pain for a while. It wasn’t excruciating pain; he described it more like mild electric shocks and discomfort. After about 10-15 minutes the pain subsided and he started to feel sleepy and very relaxed.

His root chakra was getting cleared along with the feet chakras while the entire system was getting a full detox. The next day he felt very good. He ended up getting a set and he is very happy with them.

I also noticed if my root chakra is not so clear and my feet not grounded, I experience a slightly discomfort in my feet and my root during clearing my root and feet chakras while using my feet chakra balancers.

Our root chakra is mostly getting blocked by pollution (any kind) and lack of grounding. We wear shoes most of the time, we sleep away from the earth and we pretty much lost contact with the Earth. There are so many toxins in our food, water and air.

Earthing is what charges and cleanses our root chakra. Feet are our roots into the earth. Root chakra which is the base, is connecting us with our very existence.

When root chakra is blocked the entire chakra system is out of balance.

Grounding by walking barefoot helps connect with Earth and establish the grounding connection.
This is feedback from someone who is wearing the feet chakra balancers orgone

Dear Constantin and Lilly,

I had ordered the Foot Chakra balancers around Christmas time and it has brought a strong measure of relief
from pain that I did not experience with other products
I was using. I have
been suffering from severe foot and leg pain, circulation problems in legs
and regular walking had become very painful for the past few months. I was
using a flower essence—aromatherapy spray for the Foot Chakra and using
crystals for grounding but with no relief. Because of the inability to walk
without suffering a lot of pain, I also felt very stressed out and
vulnerable. I want to thank you for making these foot chakra Balancers. I use them
regularly and walking is so much less painful now. Although my symptoms
haven’t all gone away (it hasn’t been a month yet) my sense of confidence in my body’s ability to deal with
sudden, painful ascension symptoms has returned with the use of this
product. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UNIQUE PRODUCT!!! I place it in my socks at
night, but even during the day, I carry it in my pocket always. Makes it
easier to handle Foot Chakra related issues. I also want to thank Lilly for the
article on the Foot Chakra on your web site. I learnt a lot from it.

Another area in which I have been experiencing problems is in the complete
disruption of my Circadian rhythms as a result of the rapid changes
brought about by Ascension. This disruption has greatly affected the quality of
my daily life. Although I have tried flower essences, essential oils, herbs,
energy healing etc. to deal with this problem, nothing helped. I have
noticed slight changes in balancing these rhythms when I started using the foot
Chakra Balancers. I hope that very soon normal Circadian rhythms will be

I look forward very much to receiving the Protection Orgone Pendant and
the Peace Manifestation Relax Orgone Pendant and deriving great Benefits from
their Use!!!

Thanks also for putting together the Cancel Man-Made
files which I just ordered. I really need them at this point in my
Ascension Journey.

Thanks once again and Blessings of Love, Joy and Peace to both of you at
Nature’s Blessings!!!


Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Radiation Deflector Orgone Pendant

Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Radiation Deflector Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Awakening: Yourself and Entire World

Become more AWARE about what the world is.

awakeningMany people all over the world are going through intense personal changes in their lives which lead to expansion on consciousness. Massive shift in global consciousness happens because of individual awakening.

The ones who are not awakened are blind to the Truth within, blind to the ancient Wisdom and blind to the Greatest Reality.

Most of us wish that our family and friends, people we know would also awaken.

But the secret is that the more we awaken ourselves the more we help others and prepare the path for mass awakening.

Remember you cannot force anyone into awakening. Force will only bring more resistance; instead do your own individual spiritual work.


This meditation was received from Spirit during a New moon transmission. The purpose of this meditation is to work on awakening yourself.
Self awakening leads to mass awakening.

If you want to help others awaken this meditation is going to be very helpful.

If you consider yourself awakened and you want to help others awaken, a friend, member of your family or the entire world, this meditation will help to do that.

So here it is:

Imagine a broom coming from heaven starting to clean your entire aura, dusting off any piece of ignorance that might be present in your aura which is your energy field.

Imagine that dust disappearing into the Earth where it is being recycled by Mother Earth.

Step 2:
Bring your awareness to the Earth beneath your feet. Take a deep breathe into your feet and activate the energy in your feet.  Visualize two small spirals in your feet activating your feet chakras to make room for Earth energy to penetrate your energy field. See the energy entering your feet, carrying the life force throughout your entire body, from feet to the top of your head. This life force is the energy of awakening. The more grounded you are the more awakening happens.

Step 3:
Bring your awareness and life force to the third eye (space between your eyebrows)
See the energy spiraling CCW direction 9 times and then CW 9 times in your third eye.
Now Bring awareness and life force to your physical eyes: first right eye. See the energy spiraling CCW direction 9 times and then CW 9 times in your eyes.

Come back to third eye and just be present in your third eye, enjoy the awakening energy.

Step 4:
Bring awareness to crown chakra and send wishes of awakening into the Universe.

Step 5:
From top of your head bring your awareness to your heart chakra in the middle of chest and allow the energy of awakening to settle in the heart chakra. Open the chest and keep the heart center open in receiving the energy of awakening.

Think of Loving thoughts.

For BEST results we strongly suggest to get the full meditation recording (download) of this meditation (50% for 3 days only). By listening to this audio regularly you’ll notice how your awakening frequency and the awakening of others will increase.

It is a very powerful recording that uses special effects to impress the subconscious mind in very subtle ways in order to tap into the power of Awakening with ease, peacefully without forcing the outcome.


Lily Natures Blessings
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Messages from Spirit via Intuition and Clairaudience

Last  week my husband and I went on 2 different hikes and in each and every hike I received powerful messages from Spirit via animals and  birds.
During one of these hike a bird was screaming so loud that was quite annoying.
This usually means ‘WARNING!’
So I had to stop, connect and ask Spirit:
“What’s the message?”
I clearly heard the bird saying: ”FIRE, GO BACK. FIRE GO BACK” numerous times.
The message was received via clairaudience (psychic hearing).
We are all different, although I believe we are all born with psychic gifts.
Some people feel when something is not right, some people ‘just know’, others have premonitions or visions. Some people receive messages via more than just one psychic sense. In my case I knew that something was wrong (intuition) and I heard the bird clearly (psychic hearing).
Clairaudience is usually the hardest psychic gift to develop.
This was also my weakest gift and now it is developing beautifully. It is connected with the throat chakra. I have been doing a lot of work on my throat chakra lately and I listen to a lot of audio guided meditations, so I believe this is the reason this gift has greatly improved.

So, once I have acknowledged the message, the bird stopped screaming. I have tested my intuition again, by ignoring it, but not for long. I have learned my lessons in the past the hard way by not paying attention to intuition and messages from Spirit. Not this time.  I was prepared and ready to respond immediately. But like many of us wanted a proof first.
So, only a few minutes after hearing the bird screaming, a thunder storm started.
We immediately decided to turn back.  As we were hiking back, the thunderstorm intensified.
The bird was totally right. There was a fire in the mountains which started to grow and by the time we got back to the car we could not only see the smoke but also could smell it. That night the mountain was evacuated and roads to the mountain were blocked.

Intuition is a gift we all have. It is a priceless gift to master.


Many times when we listen to Intuition, we can prevent dangerous situations. It also helps us manifest, become successful, have great relationships and stable. People say to me “yes but you are a psychic, you can see it but I cannot” .  Let me tell you, we can see, feel, hear, know.  It is not easy though, it does require individual work.
Society tries to suppress, hide, ignore or even make fun of the psychic phenomena. Lately, more and more people are awakening to the reality that there is more then the physical eyes can see. There is an invisible world of spirit that is very real but cannot be proven by science. And this world is made accessible via intuition and psychic awareness..

Meditation helps increase very rapidly intuition and psychic awareness.

However many people find it quite hard to meditate.

So, I have developed a few guided meditations that are received straight from the Source and are very helpful in developing the intuition gift. Check out these great MP3 downloads that can help you deepen your spiritual work, connect with your Higher self and Intuition easy while feeling good.

Lilly Natures Blessings
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Messages from animals


Yes! If you choose to listen to Spirit you can shift from low to high vibrations. It is not hard; it is just a matter of your belief system.

deerWent on a very long hike yesterday (over 17 miles with about 5000 feet elevation gain).  It was a hot day and all my thoughts at the beginning of the hike were not so high in vibration. I was watching and listening to myself and caught up saying in my mind: “Ohh… it’s too hot, I am not going to make it, why did I wake up so early? I am so tired…” and such…

BUT and I love when the positive BUT’s intervene:

As I was hiking my intuition guided me to look to my right. There was a deer just looking at us. I stopped and smiled. She was so beautiful. She stared walking slowly and gracefully, passing the trails just in front of us.
I said Thank you and kept hiking. After a few minutes I saw the deer again on my left side, moving up, like saying “come on guys I am here, I am guiding you” … I smiled even more.

We stopped and watched her. She was looking at us and started to move again, going up.
I reached for the camera to take a picture, but couldn’t find it in my backpack. It was not meant to happen.

We started to move again and when I thought the deer disappeared I see her again this time very close to us. She started to jump around inviting us to be happy and joyful like her. It was such a delight to just watch her joy! The moment I saw that my energy shifted immediately:  from being cranky about the hike into being so joyful.

The message she brought to us was: BE PRESENT and Observe the Nature. She has so many treasures hidden and you can see them by just being observant and present. Immediately I started to see with different eyes, like I had HIGH definition glasses on where I could see each and every detail and smell and feel everything. NOW this is the way to live life!!!

We walk in a disempowered state throughout life without really living it. That’s why nature is such a great reminder ‘we are alive’ because it forces us in such a delicate way to see, feel, hear and be in the NOW.

Later that day, we encountered a very loud bird, I mean super loud. I asked: what is the message and the answer was: ‘warning clouds coming ahead’.
The sky was perfect blue with no clouds, but at the end of the hike clouds started to form and after we finished the hike thunders were present.

Messages from Spirit via Animals are very powerful and very accurate.  Next time when you encounter a wild animal or a bird talk to their spirit and ask for the message.  I am always in awe about their messages.

Enjoy Nature and BE in the present moment where LIFE happens.


Lily Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Love Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Crownt (7th) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Love Orgone Pendant
Love Yourself Meditation
Crown(7th) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Mercury Retrograde? Time to chill…


Mercury the planet which represents communication: time to contemplate your feelings and emotions observe your moods and pick up where you left old projects.

Not a great idea to start something new but focus on completing old projects and tasks.
Great time to connect with the source and look deep within to re-connect with own Divine.

When planet Mercury is retrograding it’s a perfect time to learn about ourselves.

Check out the podcast about how Mercury Retrograde affects our lives and how can we work with this energy so we can stay sane. 🙂
Learn about more positive aspects of Mercury Retrograde.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Protection Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Awaken Meditation Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Protection Orgone Pendant
Intuition Orgone Pendant
Healing, Manifestation, Awakening Meditation
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Solar Energies: part of the shift and How to deal with them

goldenMandalaEverything is shifting and changing to an accelerate speed. We become more sensitive to what is happening in the Cosmos. We have to learn how to tap into these cosmic forces, how to recognize them and work with them.
Eclipses, full moons, solstices, planets retrogrades, all affect our energetic field.

Summer time can be intense for some sensitive, empathic people. The energy of the Sun is a strong great energy but combined with environment pollution as well as psychic pollution can have a negative effect on our energetic field.

It is very important to know that you are not alone and many of us were experiencing similar things at the same time, and it is very comforting to know and share with each other how to better serve us as well as other souls who are suffering.

Old habits, patterns, realities fall away. We are transforming, our structure become more crystalline, we get upgraded. The whole planet is changing and we should go with the flow organically, instead of resisting.

People that come into our lives to annoy, irritate, aggravate us are sent to us to show our true self. How do we react to them? We sometimes need to be provoked in order to understand what dwells deep inside us.

How to deal with SOLAR shifting energies

If you are caught in an argument, feel depressed or in bad mood:

Take long deep breaths, keep your tongue against the upper palate, do pranayama- (the yogic science of breath): close the right nostril and breath through your left, this way the yin (feminine/moon channel) activates and keeps you calm.

Water!!! drink lots of water, the body has a tendency to get dehydrated during these intense times.

Avoid spicy foods
during those times as they aggravate the “fire within” (fire is good for digestion, balance and keeps the heart warm but if it gets out of balance, it can become destructive)

Many people use Orgone Energy for Relaxation to help with being balanced and centered. It helps to keep one stress free, uplifts the spirit, allowing to stay in the Now!).

Essential oils like spearmint or peppermint help keeping the Heart chakra centered.

Meditation and deep relaxation help to get your mind to be still, away from the “HOT ENERGY” or destructive thinking. Try this powerful deep relaxation meditation.

A powerful yogic technique

Make a small “O” with your mouth, (slightly opened) and inhale – you should hear a whistle sound and then exhale forcefully through your mouth. Keep doing this for a few good minutes and notice the fast results. If you want to add a mudra (hands gesture) hands should be shoulder level facing each other with thumb and index touching.

May you have a pleasant solar shift,

Lilly Natures Blessings

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