A multitude of events are happening right now.
There is darkness and light happening at the same time.
There are a lot of ups and downs, confusion, feelings of dying, sudden surges of energy followed by extreme tiredness, winning and losing.
It’s the game of duality.
If you get too excited you win and at the same time you loose.
I keep hearing from friends and clients about the intensity of this Summer that drives them crazy. There is no secret that there is a major shift happening in our human evolution in particular our consciousness.
Be aware of the shift creation that is not only happening on our planet but the entire Universe.
Get Prepared Spiritually:
Go deeper within your spiritual practice. If it’s meditation be more present if it’s cooking, bring more awareness and blessings to the food you cook. When you drink a glass of water bless the water. If you talk on the phone with someone dear, listen with your heart. Add extra awareness into your daily life.
Make it simple but profound.
Close your eyes and send a blessing to someone in need.
Stay conscious in subconscious mind… if that makes sense.
If you have ever had a dream and you were aware of the fact that you were dreaming in that dream than this is the type of awareness that keeps you alive.
Be aware of your awareness.
Know that there is something going on and adapt to the changes with grace.
Stay away from confrontation trying to prove that you are right. Don’t let your ego win. Remember you are tested and there are lessons to be learned during these intense periods of change.
Know your Gifts
It is your job to wake up to the true you and embrace your gifts. Each and every one of you has a unique gift.
In order to be part of the shift you have to use your gifts. In order to use your gifts you have to know what they are. In order to find out what they are you gotta go deep within and find out.
The easiest way to find out is to Ask!
You already know what your gifts are but by asking you are remembering.
An intelligent, genuine answer is always preceded by a strong intelligent mindful question.
Go into silence for a while and ask spirit to show your gifts and talents.
Put your gifts into service of humanity.
Only by giving and spreading beauty and light this entire planet and galaxy will not only survive but thrive.
Remember all starts with you, with your ability to shine your gifts to the world. All you do and who you are is a blessing to your environment and the world.
If you are a cleaner put some love into your cleaning services. If you are a teacher teach your hearts experience. If you are a healer spread your healing vibes everywhere you go. If you are a leader “be integrity”.
Everything is changing: all masks are required to be removed in order to evolve as human species.
Control your emotional ups and downs, catch yourself when you blame or criticize others. These are so low vibrations that bring disharmony and keep you in ill vibrations. You want to be healthy. Bless yourself, your water, your food, and others. Give thanks for everything in your life.
Every day is a learning day. If you don’t learn you die. Appreciate your learning lessons. They are for your highest purpose possible.
Stay calm, focused and center no matter what the sun, the earth, the neighbor, the dog, the stock market is doing. These are tests for your mind. There is no winner or loser, there is only learning.
How do you respond to what is happening? What have you learned? How do you shift and how do you stay in your truth? What gifts do you bring to the world? What have you done today to serve?
Stay True,
Lilly Natures Blessings
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