People’s reaction to everything that’s ‘not-true’ create a massive explosion of energy which can be heavy but this is part of the “Ascension”.
As we go through the waves of Ascension we deal with a rollercoaster of emotions that are accumulated in a cloud of detrimental energy created by collective fear and negativity. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and nature’s fury could be the result of accumulated negative thought forms in our collective consciousness.
Some say they cannot stop crying, others have headaches, hard time sleeping, and so on.
I talked with a friend the other day who said she couldn’t stop crying the entire day.
I asked if the sadness she was experiencing was her emotion or other people’s emotions she was picking up?
“Mostly others” she said:
“It’s so hard as an empath to walk among people who are suffering, who are afraid of the future, who struggle. It’s so hard not to absorb these emotions”.
Yes, as empaths we want to help, we want to stop the suffering of the world.
But Can we do it?
I don’t know.
What I know is that Embracing a Sadhana ( spiritual practice) will help us feel at peace with ourselves and that will help throw a small drop of positive vibe into the vastness of Cosmos.
Drama – NOT your guru.
During waves of Ascension situations might feel worse than they actually are.
It’s so much easier to blame or criticize others for what happens to us, but that will only pull our energy down.
We lose energy when we engage in drama, gossip, small talk.
There are two ways of looking at things: blaming and criticizing or working on finding solutions and positive outcomes.
Notice if there is any drama surfacing around you and chose not to participate.
Together we can raise our vibrations and we can positively affect everyone around us.
Our power is immense.
Time spent with and on yourself alone is very beneficial.
That is why personal sadhana is so powerful.
Sadhana – Spiritual Practice
If sadhana in not part of your daily life you might want to get into it.
It will boost your energy, will purify the mind, lead you to self realization, prevents you from suffering.
We can shift habits that are disempowering and enhance our life energy to manifest highest potential.
Your sadhana will become a natural support for you. Where attention goes energy flows.
Before starting your sadhana
Ask Yourself:
What do you want to achieve?
Then set an intention.
It helps if you write it down and make a promise to be dedicated to your daily practice.
Create an altar
Place what you desire on your altar and decorate it with candles, flowers, incense, pictures of anything meaningful to you.
However keep it simple and you focus on one object at a time that will remind you of your intention.
The object can be a statue, icon, picture, crystal, rock, amulet, whatever you are attracted to.
Orgone is a great tool to incorporate in your spiritual practice/altar as it is already energized.
Mantra Recitation/Chanting
Recite, stay with a mantra for 21 days, 30 days or 40 days.
It will empower you; it works great with subconscious mind.
Although Sanskrit mantras are very powerful, if you don’t resonate with them, chose a mantra that you are comfortable with.
An affirmation, a declaration as simple as “I am in perfect health, harmony and peace” would do.
If you can wake up before the sunrise and recite your mantras (108 times) that would be even better as the world is still asleep. (at least in your time zone)
After you finish your mantra, sit quietly in meditation.
Meditation in front of the altar
How much to meditate?
It is totally up to you, anywhere between 2-60 minutes.
Relax and be natural.
During your practice your mind will wander.
And that’s okay, catch your thoughts and focus in the space between your thoughts and come back to your practice. This space is pure consciousness because your thoughts are overlaid on consciousness.
Don’t try to still your thoughts (it takes time to achieve complete stillness of mind).
Do it every day and see how you feel, observe what’s shifting in your life, what is surfacing.
Write in a journal anything that comes to mind and revisit it at a later time.
If you need help and guidance choosing a spiritual practice and mantra for your sadhana, book a session with me.
I will look into your struggles and patterns that are preventing you from achieving your highest potential and together will come up with a personalized sadhana.
Many Blessings and Happy Powerful Sadhanas!!!
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