How many times you have learnt something valuable after dealing with a challenge in your life?
The beginning of the year the quality of air was terrible. For the ones who know what chemtrails are you know what I am talking about. If not just google the word “chemtrails”.
I heard many people reporting cold, flu, pneumonia, lung congestion and related “dis-eases”. My immune system was low due to once a month sacred feminine cleansing and lack of sleep, so I got hit by the poison.
Cannot stress enough how important sleep is. (for a good nite sleep strongly suggest the feet chakra balancers-orgone – they are real WOW.
So when you are hit by the virus/poison your guard is down. Now while in the poison/virus zone question emotional past issues. Really question them.
Also it’s time for more introspection, meditation, just sitting quietly. This is how I solved my issues fast by first accepting it and then working with the wisdom of plants. There is no pharma medicine in our house, as we believe in plants and natural remedies.
We get our plant elixirs from my dear soul sister Yasmine: her talent of connecting with the plants in a sacred way allows her to extract and combine one of the best natural plant medicine that help people. Her j12 would have helped me probably get faster over this cold, unfortunately we didn’t have it.
Day one
Getting weak, very tired, frustrated, sore throat. Recognizing the poison toxins, as there is no fever involved. Just sipping some ginger tea and use ujai breathing method before bedtime. This type of yogic breath and feet chakra balancers (orgone) helped me sleep good. Healing happens much faster when we rest well.
Day two
Still weak, coughing, irritated, losing my voice. There was a scheduled hike with friends and I didn’t want to back off, so I went on this hike. Really? Hmmm… Although being in the nature, the pace was fast for my condition, very hard breathing, it helped with oxygenating my lungs and brain, but by the end of it I was terrible weak. More ujai breathing and feet chakra balancers helped me sleep.
Day three
Weak, still sore throat… more introspection, hard to tune into my psychic awareness when system is down. Suddenly I ask the kingdom of plants what’s best for this condition and miraculously I got the word “aborigine”. First image that came up was eucalyptus plant.
Have I known about this plant helping with cold issues? Of course I have and my mind went to Peru journey where we encountered eucalyptus trees in one of our plant ceremonies. This was a certain conformation that made me take action fast!
So I created a sanctuary in our bathroom: soft candlelit, hot water with plenty of salt and baking soda and eucalyptus essential oil. My psychic awareness came back as I started to perspire the toxins out of my body. I saw parasitic type of toxins leaving my body thru sweating while inhaling the essence of plant, exhaling its healing to my body After you finish the bath make sure you shower all the toxins of your body. Next day was a new healthy day for me.
Try this: place a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in your palms and rub palms then immediately bring hands together in prayer mudra (seal). Open them slightly, inhale the essence of the plant fully into your breathing system bring hands together again while holding your breath (if you have high blood pressure or heart issues do not hold breath) then exhale all the air into your inner body.
If you connect deeply with the plant and ask for help you will feel the plant working on your system, opening your heart up, decongesting your lungs and sinuses…
If you try listening to them with linear mind, they won’t talk to you. They don’t speak that language; they speak the sacred language of the heart. Plants have amazing “secrets” to teach us if we listen to them with our heart. They have a nervous system very similar to ours and hold an electromagnetic field like ours. Once we get in synch with them, and approach with sacredness, they teach their secrets, by entering our heart with love and awareness.
Lilly Natures Blessings
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