Constantin and I went on an orgone gifting mission in the mountains of Rodna in Romania. Our orgone gifts awaken and activate the frequencies of the location on a large scale. They bring vibrations of truth to the surface as people awaken. We have been going on these missions for many years and each and every time we gift a powerful place, truth will surface.
The mountain peak “Pietrosu” (Rocky Mountain) and actually the entire area is a portal of energy.
This place like many others in nature is so beautiful and energizing. We build resilience and endurance when we hike. The energy of the mountain is very empowering and grounding.
The entire hike was a bit challenging energetically, although the beauty overrode the challenges. The more powerful the location the more challenging it seems to be.
We experienced different mixed emotions, pain and discomfort, annoying mosquito bites, a small incident, rain and hail.
As we reached the top of the mountain both of us gifted the peak with orgonite and did our individual prayers and chants on top. A few seconds after we completed our gifting/offering we heard a very loud thunder. It was a wild “Thank you” acknowledgment and that was the first and last thunder we heard.
After completing the hike we visited a very peaceful and beautiful monastery and we got rewarded with instant peace and lots of wild berries.
Although Romania is known for sacred locations and places of spiritual power there is so much corruption and dirty play at work. In fact not too long ago Romania dismantled human trafficking and human exploitation, mostly minors. (Hint: we have been gifting Romania with a lot of orgone).
After we visited the monastery I decided to shoot a short clip on location about a dream I had a few days before this adventure.
The dream was about dismantling the planetary matrix entangled in corruption and darkness.
Inpangela (Guinea Fowls)
Right at the beginning of shooting of the video a group of very noisy guinea
fowls showed up.
I walked away from them and focused on peace and they suddenly became very
Guinea Fowls known as Inpangele are very powerful protectors and guardians when they show up in our life.
Guinea Fowls
are very noisy but when we see them in a shamanic way as totems (spirit
animals) they tells us to be vigilant, stay alert to confront any danger, stay
focused and work on accomplishing our mission, connect with higher self and intuition
and keep our feet grounded in the earth.
Peace is all we need and focusing on peace cancels all the noise and propaganda
that exists in the 3D world.
The spirit medicine of Inpangele brings the message of:
it’s the time to be active, do the inner work, stay alert, stay focused on your
mission, roam free and create your own entertainment.”
In fact I meditated this morning and got that we need to use caution, be vigilant, open our spiritual eyes more than ever to see the truth and stop feeding the fake narrative. We need to use common sense and be cautious during these transitional times.
When the Inpangela birds show up they remind us of the power of expressiveness. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth.
Close your
eyes for a minute or two, take a few deep breaths and allow the Spirit of the
Guinea Fowl (Inpangele) to come to you and bless you with its energies.It is said
when the Spirit of this bird comes to you it brings magic in your life. So
allow to receive the gift.
Matrix Dream
Now coming back to my dream.
In my dream I saw something strange protruding from my left knee: something like a cap or a stopper made out of hard plastic or rubber the size of a nickel.
I said to myself that looks like a nasty implant.
I wanted to get rid of it and I started digging underneath the implant.
As I was digging I saw a mesh made out of plastic/rubbery thing that was spreading out to my entire leg and then my entire body. I woke up, meditated and continued my dream to see where this was going.
I got the message that this is my own matrix which needed to be dismounted as it is connected to the global matrix which is extremely toxic to humanity. If we want to get rid of global matrix that is imprisoning our consciousness we need to get rid of individual matrices first and foremost.
Then I asked spirit how do we do that?
And Spirit answered:
by being aware
by doing personal inner work and
by being in nature.
I saw my entire matrix being vacuumed, disappearing completely (vanished) into the Cosmos and my entire aura clearing up beautifully.
I was ‘aha’!!!
That’s what we need to do to help with transitioning from 3D world based on
fear, misery and negative enslaving though forms, to move into the 5D world
filled with joy, kindness, prosperity and beauty.
We don’t need the entire world to do that, but the more of us doing the work of awakening, the faster the global toxic matrix is being dismantled as we cut the supply of its “food”.
Without energetic fear based food, the matrix cannot survive.
I was also getting that the entire cell phone, media and social media network is keeping this matrix alive. But instead of getting rid of the technology we can raise our vibrations and kill the detrimental, toxic energies that want us enslaved in technology and staying isolated. And this is how we cut their power supply.
The implants that are being planted into us ethericaly are actually locations in our body that are weakened by past trauma. The trauma resides in our physical bodies and unless we decide to address our issues on emotional levels we cannot heal. The moment we work on our individual trauma we start cleaning our bodies from enslaving matrixes.
We are social beings by nature and we need to get together as tribes and communities and do the work: meditation, dance, laughter, yoga, healing, breathwork, hiking in groups, games etc.
Work doesn’t have to seem a burden but it has to come from a high awareness with high intentions. The work will then seem very easy and flawless.
We have the power to shift to a timeline that is absolutely benevolent, a world that works for everyone, without being in separation but in unity. And that’s when the many of us awaken.
I am sure so much of this is already happening. Matrix is being dismantled as we speak. Just be kind to each other as the toxicity is coming out.
We need to remind each other of the beautiful world that we WANT to create: the one that WE are the creators in it, being responsible, we the organic loving beings that want unity. We are shifting and we are faced with evolutionary opportunities. Each and everyone of us has a piece to the puzzle, we are unique yet we are all part of the ONE Divine plan. We are part of the Great Awakening and we are creating realities that are based on high vibrations.
Being responsible is virtue.
I pray for all the people who are suffering right now to rejoice and reclaim their power. Let’s all reclaim our Power and raise vibrations of our beloved planet.
Let’s return to our essence >>> LOVE.
We can do this!
Have the courage to be part of this work.
I love you, stay blessed.
Lilly Natures Blessings
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