Spiritual Cleansing to Open Blocked Heart Chakra

In one of the Moon Transmissions I sent out to friends we have got this powerful message regarding cleansing and releasing our individual as well as mass energetic ‘scars’ on a few levels: history, DNA and ancestral levels.

Apparently a lot of buildings, construction sites, large projects and ancient pyramids around the world were built based on suffering and pain. I had this visual where a lot of people died in the process of building the ancient pyramids and the energy of suffering has been carried through our cells to this day. There were also sacrifices involved including human sacrifices.

Energetic and emotional trauma remains trapped in the body (bones, blood, skin, tissue, cells etc) as I mentioned it can be carried from ancestors or history. If this kind of energy of suffering and pain is not released illnesses can occur. This is one of the reasons some people have heart chakra partially or fully blocked at the historic, DNA or ancestral level. At the body energetic level, heart might be opened but at the history, DNA, ancestral, even soul level heart might be blocked. As we continue to change our cellular structure due to this powerful evolutionary fast transformation we definitely need more heart chakra opening.
Love and forgiveness are the greatest healers.

During the last transmission there was such a powerful heart center cleansing.
We were aligned with the heart center of the earth to encourage us to open our individual heart centers.    That’s why I keep sending these moon transmissions out as to me they are gifts from God via Granma Moon. It is also so helpful as we receive not only messages but also tools on how to continue our beautiful work.

During the Moon Transmission we were given a cleansing spiritual technique to use so here it is:

*When you find yourself stressed out by the entire shift/quickening that is happening just close your eyes focusing on your deep calming breaths.
* Turn your left palm up to receiving energy from the Source and with your right hand fingers, circle your heart chakra (middle of chest) until you feel peace in your heart. It is very simple: all you have to do is actually do it.
* It helps if you add some love affirmations.

I like to use this method while listening to this powerful high energy download: “self love meditation”.

A lot of people that I have worked with that had a blocked heart center, their main challenge was opening the heart chakra to ‘self love’.   Once you start loving yourself everything starts to make sense, new set of eyes are born, you suddenly understand your soul statement and self healing happens fast. Only when the heart awakens to self love and peace we attract our soul mate (significant other) into our lives. Passion, joy and great ideas are all born from a heart that is balanced and whole.    Now that you are reading this, it might resonate true to you and you might want to continue to do deeper spiritual cleansing.

I strongly encourage you to do the technique above and use the ‘Self Love’ meditation download.

If you have the love orgone pendant or heart chakra orgone pendant you can place it on your heart center and circle the pendant as you would circle your heart center.
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May we suggest:

Love Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Heart Chakra Orgone Pendant

Love Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Heart Chakra Orgone Pendant

Flower of Life Meditation for Heart Chakra

This is a great meditation that opens and balances heart chakra through sound and sacred geometry.

The results are fast, healing and very soothing.


A lot of times I have noticed that people with a blocked heart chakra, lack  Self Love.  When you Love Yourself your heart chakra opens.

This is a great meditation (guided) that I love to listen to when my heart has a tendency to close… I cry everytime I listen to this one. The results are fabulous, with so much opening to positive vibrations and self love.
Here is the Self Love Meditation.

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How to see AURA (energy field)

Your aura (energy field) is continuously transmitting and receiving information from the world around you. Aura can be influenced by others. Be aware of your environment.
How would you choose a teacher?
I usually look for their aura (halo or energy field) around their head. It’s usually yellow- gold.

Watch the video on how to see aura: the most important think is to concentrate without straining.

Let me know what you see…

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Solar Plexus Chakra — DNA Activation ~ Transformation

Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd chakra) or Manipura Chakra in Sanskrit language is the center of your personal power, self esteem, concentration.
The element associated with this chakra is fire: imagine a bright sun in the middle of your body.

When third chakra is weakened or imbalanced one might experience feelings of rejection, fear, fighting with yourself and others, depression, doubt and intense worry which can affect the nervous system. Solar plexus chakra is attacked by negative thoughts.

A lot of people I have worked with that had self esteem, confidence, anxiety and nervousness issues have solar plexus chakra blocked. Also empathic and sensitive people have imbalances in this chakra.
Physical organ associatiate with the solar plexus chakra: adrenal glands, pancreas, liver, stomach as well as the nervous system and the bladder.
This frequency meditation video helps balance the solar plexus chakra.

Solar Plexus Orgone pendant helps awakening and balancing the solar plexus chakra, removing fear and any inhibition.


Lily Natures Blessings

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Throat Chakra (741 hz) Activates Intuition

Throat Chakra Vishuddha in Sanskrit language– “the seat of higher creativity” is associated with self expression and communication.

Once this chakra is activate, we become conscious of our mental body (lower are physical, etheric and astral).

By activating this chakra, the person becomes aware, for the first time, that the internal worlds are real worlds.

The throat chakra also controls that the internal worlds are real worlds.
In addition, the throat chakra controls a person’s ability to express himself or herself creatively and effectively and controls facial expression and the non-verbal. It gives a person the confidence to say no, to disagree in a reasoned way. Fear is transmuted so that one is not afraid to express himself fully in all situations.

This video uses 741 hz that helps activated the throat chakra:

A great way of working in awakening the throat chakra center is by wearing and meditation with the throat chakra (5th) orgone pendant that help release blockages and suppressed emotions in the throat center.

Listen to my podcast: Ways to Awaken and Balance Throat Chakra

Happy throat chakra awakening,
Lilly Natures Blessings

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Heart chakra: center of devotion and transformation

Other Name for heart chakra in Sanskrit is Anahata

This video is on 639 hz frequency that is known to awaken the heart chakra (Relationships & Unification)

“The fourth chakra, the heart chakra, controls the physical body from the area of the collar bones to a point about 2 fingers above the solar plexus. There is a psychological gap b/t the 3rd and 4th chakra, a crossing point. Here a person might begin to recognize that “self” is constantly changing as it adapts to a constantly shifting spectrum of possibilities in life.

The heart chakra is associated with compassion, healing. Green is considered a healing color. Opening the heart chakra, according to Leadbeat, allows a person to sense energy fields and atmospheres. You can also project energy to another person through this center. (My heart goes out to you-could be almost literal.) It is through the heart center and the “3rd eye” center that a person can project rays of energy out to antoehr person. The thymus gland, an actual physical gland located just above the heart, has an effect on the body’s immune system.

The heart center is the regulator of a person’s emotional life. If it is blocked in any way, then emotions will be distorted.”

A great way of working in awakening the heart center is by wearing and meditating with the heart chakra (4th) orgone pendant that help release blockages and suppressed emotions in the heart center.

Happy heart chakra awakening,

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Clearing Yourself Of Other Peoples Negative Energy

Clearing Yourself Of Other Peoples Negative Energy For Healers Physicians Therapists

This is a 60 -90 seconds very efficient exercise with mantra and movement to clear yourself of other persons negative energy.

The Mantra is: “ Har Har Har Haree” and is the numbers 1-2-3-4

From Kundalini Yoga teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

Blessings, Smiles and High vibes,

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Remove Negative Energy – Chakra Clearing

As many of us I struggled removing negative detrimental energies from my aura and chakras.

So after some work on myself I figured it out.

Here I share Simple and efficient methods for chakra healing, chakra balancing and clearing to remove energy blocks from your physical body and heal your energy filed – (aura) for self or others.

So here 3 main reasons that create energy blocks that lead to illness

– toxins
– belief system
– “negatives” (sadness, anger, hatred, resentment, anger etc)


Check out this podcast here

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If it helped you, let others know.
Share and share some more 🙂

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Get rid of heavy energy ~ Cancel Evil (Man Made) Contracts

This evil contract cancellation “insight” came when  in a psychic group session.
My psychic seeing was guiding us to a lady (spiritual guide) who gave us “pen and paper” to cancel all the evil/man-made contracts we have signed in this life or previous lives.


This contract helps protect against harmful unseen energies, blocking intrusive vibrations, reclaiming sovereignty over psysical body and subtle body, empowering energetic field, listening to only God’s and intuitive guidance, bringing peace of mind, being true to yourself.
The privacy notice has to be signed in order to be valid and of course the John Doe name has to be changed with your name and make sure you change the date with the present date and also remember to sign it above the line.

Also treat this cancellation with respect and thank our spiritual guides for making it available to all of us.
Many people who have signed this cancellation benefited tremendously, feeling great relief.

Get the Contract Cancellation Here


“Dear Lilly,
I wanted to tell you, I came across the cancelling evil contracts agreement and I was very attracted to it.
Finally I read it as if I was committing to it and , to my astonishment ..some strange and very unpleasant heaviness that had been on my spirit….’lifted’ off…….and has stayed off… what was that? I have since printed and signed it……….Thank you for making it available. ~ L.C.”

Along with this contract we suggest wearing the protection orgone pendant to keep your aura clean free of any psychic attacks and negativity and also the set of feet chakra balancers that work hard during the night to keep you stable, positive and protected while detoxing and healing the body.

May you always be Protected,
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The Spiritual Molecule – DMT in Ayahuasca

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), is produced by the pineal gland during dream. It is found in many plants and animals. It allows us to perceive and interact with the spirit world beyond the veil of illusion of physical reality.

I was fortunate enough to work with shamans in Peru in a very spiritual environment and experienced the miracles of Ayahuasca that contains large amounts of the spiritual molecule – DMT.

Check out my trips to Peru: 2009 and 2010
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