How to see aura in 5 minutes


Everything is Energy and energy is everywhere.

Everyone can see energy. Everyone can see aura. All you need is practice and some guidance.

People experience seeing aura for the first time when they didn’t expect it and when their minds were in a very relaxed state.

I suggest to meditate often if you want to see aura.

Here is a video exercise that talks about how to see others aura as well as your own aura.

Have fun and don’t take it too seriously.


Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Clairvoyance Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Awaken Meditation Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Clairvoyance Orgone Pendant

 Intuition Orgone Pendant

Healing, Manifestation, Awakening Meditation
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Spiritual monthly Flow: Cycle aligned with New Moon or Full Moon?

WomanMoon1Each of any of the moon phases has a specific quality and an energetic level.

Women have DEEP connection with the moon.

In my spiritual practice I noticed that every time there is a very powerful Cosmic event my moon cycle will do whatever it takes to align with this powerful event.
This time my monthly flow waited for the New Moon (in Aquarius) where I felt there was a battle between the dark and the light/ good and evil.

Usually the energies of the Full Moon are more intense where New Moons are more subtle energy wise.
However sometimes New Moons can be very powerful and felt more profound.
As my lunar cycle was late, (3 weeks) I asked Spirit what could be the reason, as I knew I was not pregnant. I have had a different experience (very powerful) in Summer of 2012 where Venus Planet was making big waves in the Cosmic arena, so a lot of women were impregnated with the Spirit and in particular with the idea of giving birth to ‘new self’ and Mother Earth.

At the time I was still going insane because I didn’t know what was happening to my body, and after numerous ‘forcing the answer’ I gave up. And when you give up, the answer usually comes. It happened that I was at this large spiritual conference and a lot of women included shaman women, medicine women, psychics went through a very similar experience around this time.

In 2013 we gave birth to a new Spirit and helped our beloved planet Earth to give birth to itself although at times it feels like the planet is dying, due to so many abuses, toxins, pollution.
Anyway this time when I asked Spirit what is happening to my body, I got an answer that was immediate, as I was not forcing the answer. By the way if you need an answer from Spirit keep yourself cool and let go of the idea of getting the answer ‘right now’. It will not happen. You have to let go of the urgency of getting it.

So the answer was to allow and embrace my divine feminine with New Beginnings.
Everything in divine timing. So I did. Just a few hours after the Moon turned NEW in Aquarius I got my moon flow! Celebration! 🙂

When a woman is menstruating her psychic powers and Intuition are heightened.
Honor this time where energies are amplified. Men who have their feminine side well developed (talking about intuitive, spiritual, intuition qualities in men) have also their cycle that is to be honored.
So lovely women honor your awesome men and respect their moods.
Women who are very in tune with the moon cycles are usually healers, medicine women, psychics, shamans, and wisdom keepers.

Women who have their cycle aligned with the full moon (Red Moon) their focus is not teaching other women how to give birth but focus on empowering women to get in touch with their intuition and develop wisdom and self awareness.

Women who have their cycle aligned with New Moons (White Moon) are more focused on family, nurturing, home and perhaps giving birth to the self.

Miranda Gray in her book Red Moon says: “A woman with the White Moon cycle, bleeding with the dark (new) Moon, becomes linked to the deepest levels of her awareness, reminding her that there exists more than just the world she sees, because she is the carrier of the seed of life. A woman with a Red Moon cycle, bleeding with the full moon, brings the energies and mysteries of her inner darkness out into the world around her as a gift and an offering of the depths of her learning.”

Trying to translate from Spirit language to English: most of all are aware of “the Shift” (mass awakening). In my case, the energies of the Shift are very present and where before as my lunar cycle was aligned with the Full Moon now is aligned with the New Moon. I have noticed that my focus in also changing: from many to the local community.
I am more active in the local community then before.

Also I feel that the poles (earth, sun, cosmic poles) are already settling into the shift and what was North becomes South and what is South becomes North, if this makes any psychic sense…. It is very interesting to observe where this is going. The body has intelligence and once we are aligned with the moon phases we gain a very profound awareness and wisdom… LOVE IT!

If you are a woman and read this what is your lunar cycle aligned with: New or Full Moon?
Something to ponder upon…
Moon Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings

To receive Moon Transmissions make sure you join our newsletters.

Related Articles: Pregnancy – Rebirth: Evolution of Consciousness
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May we suggest:

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant

Divine Feminine Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant
Divine Feminine Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Make your own Gemstone or Crystal Elixir

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGemstones and crystal are the link between the heavens (Angelic Realms) and human beings.
All advanced cultures and civilizations knew the powers of the crystals and gemstones.
One way to connect with the energy of gems and crystals is via elixirs.

Gem elixirs are used to balance your chakras, aura, protect energy field, cleanse your space, open psychic awareness and connect with the angelic realms and much more.

The best time to start making your gem elixir is during New Moons.

Items Needed to Make a Gem Crystal Moon Elixir
Pure, Spring or distilled water
Glass jar, glass bowl, glass pitcher (do not use plastic)
Cover for the jar (might be plastic or lid cover)

How to make your elixir:
Say a prayer/set intention that the energies of the elixir you are making will serve the highest purpose and greatest good. Ask the Moon/Angels/God to bless your elixirs. I like to create a sacred space before I start making my elixirs. The higher the intention and prayer the more powerful the outcome of your elixir.

Wash your crystals/gem first.

Place the crystal/gem in the glass container and pour water over it.

Take your glass containers with gems and place them outside under the sun, moon and stars for 3 days.
After 3 days of capturing the powerful energies of the New Moon, the gems and crystals infused the water with their qualities.

Some people only leave the glass containers for a few hours and then use them immediately in their bath, spray their aura, some even drink the elixir. However caution is needed when ingesting these elixirs because some gems and crystals can be toxic. I like to use them externally to be on the safe side.
After 3 days you can add some strong alcohol to preserve the essence of the new elixir created. Elixirs can be stored for a long time in a dark place.

Enjoy the power of your gem elixirs.

We offer a variety of gem elixirs made with love and very high awareness during powerful New Moon Rituals. Check them out.

Blessings and Peace,
Lilly Natures Blessings

May we suggest:

Aura Gem Elixir Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Aura Gem Elixir
 Gem Elixirs
Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Sexual Chakra and the Color Orange

OrangeFlowersOrange color is the color you either absolutely adore or hate.
Orange can bring you vitality, optimism, joy and motivation. It symbolizes intelligence, generosity, self confidence, passion and excitement.

It makes you feel alive and lift your spirits. It is a warming healing color that encourages sensuality and creativity. It is the color of the second (sacral) chakra.

Swadhisthana (sanskrit name) – located 2 inches below the navel) which is the center of gravity is the reservoir of life force (prana, chi, orgone), representing movement, detoxification and cleansing.

The element of this chakra is water – “the essence of life“.

This second chakra is associated with the ability to create and nurture, fertility, family, need for love, emotions, sexuality, developing own personality, individuality.
This sexual chakra can be also locked by fear in particular fear of death. Negative emotion for this chakra is “ignorance”, “lack of passion”.

Imbalances or weaknesses in the sacral chakra can lead to frustration and bitterness and are often associated with fixations on things hard to be admitted and feelings of extreme empathy, which can cause one to be ruled by the emotions of others. Also disturbances in this chakra can cause sexual problems. You have problems to see yourself as “sexy”. You keep attracting the wrong partners in your life that are incompatible for you, wondering if you’ll ever find “the one”.
Take a look at the Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant and see if you can feel its energy.

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant

Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Awakening Meditation

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Awakening Meditation

Pain in your feet when clearing root chakra?

“Is it normal to get pain in my feet when clearing root chakra?”

Root chakra (located at the base of the spine) is closely related to feet chakras.
Root chakra and feet chakras are about grounding.

Lack of grounding causes adrenalin imbalance, stress, fatigue, insomnia, losing our center/balance.

Also if there are a lot of toxins in the body, feet might slightly hurt during clearing the root or feet chakras. This is how body reacts to toxin removal.

One time a friend of mine asked to lend him my feet chakra balancers (orgone).

These are my favorite detoxing and good nite sleep toys. They were given to me in an extremely powerful channeled meditation by Spirit.
My friend’s body was very toxic due to heavy metals from his amalgam fillings.

While using the feet chakra balancers he noticed at first a buzzing sensation in his feet, then a slight discomfort which emerged into pain. It was funny to watch him as while reporting pain he was also laughing. He couldn’t believe and kept saying ‘OMG’!!!

I suggested not removing the balancers and see if he can stay with the pain for a while. It wasn’t excruciating pain; he described it more like mild electric shocks and discomfort. After about 10-15 minutes the pain subsided and he started to feel sleepy and very relaxed.

His root chakra was getting cleared along with the feet chakras while the entire system was getting a full detox. The next day he felt very good. He ended up getting a set and he is very happy with them.

I also noticed if my root chakra is not so clear and my feet not grounded, I experience a slightly discomfort in my feet and my root during clearing my root and feet chakras while using my feet chakra balancers.

Our root chakra is mostly getting blocked by pollution (any kind) and lack of grounding. We wear shoes most of the time, we sleep away from the earth and we pretty much lost contact with the Earth. There are so many toxins in our food, water and air.

Earthing is what charges and cleanses our root chakra. Feet are our roots into the earth. Root chakra which is the base, is connecting us with our very existence.

When root chakra is blocked the entire chakra system is out of balance.

Grounding by walking barefoot helps connect with Earth and establish the grounding connection.
This is feedback from someone who is wearing the feet chakra balancers orgone

Dear Constantin and Lilly,

I had ordered the Foot Chakra balancers around Christmas time and it has brought a strong measure of relief
from pain that I did not experience with other products
I was using. I have
been suffering from severe foot and leg pain, circulation problems in legs
and regular walking had become very painful for the past few months. I was
using a flower essence—aromatherapy spray for the Foot Chakra and using
crystals for grounding but with no relief. Because of the inability to walk
without suffering a lot of pain, I also felt very stressed out and
vulnerable. I want to thank you for making these foot chakra Balancers. I use them
regularly and walking is so much less painful now. Although my symptoms
haven’t all gone away (it hasn’t been a month yet) my sense of confidence in my body’s ability to deal with
sudden, painful ascension symptoms has returned with the use of this
product. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UNIQUE PRODUCT!!! I place it in my socks at
night, but even during the day, I carry it in my pocket always. Makes it
easier to handle Foot Chakra related issues. I also want to thank Lilly for the
article on the Foot Chakra on your web site. I learnt a lot from it.

Another area in which I have been experiencing problems is in the complete
disruption of my Circadian rhythms as a result of the rapid changes
brought about by Ascension. This disruption has greatly affected the quality of
my daily life. Although I have tried flower essences, essential oils, herbs,
energy healing etc. to deal with this problem, nothing helped. I have
noticed slight changes in balancing these rhythms when I started using the foot
Chakra Balancers. I hope that very soon normal Circadian rhythms will be

I look forward very much to receiving the Protection Orgone Pendant and
the Peace Manifestation Relax Orgone Pendant and deriving great Benefits from
their Use!!!

Thanks also for putting together the Cancel Man-Made
files which I just ordered. I really need them at this point in my
Ascension Journey.

Thanks once again and Blessings of Love, Joy and Peace to both of you at
Nature’s Blessings!!!


Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Radiation Deflector Orgone Pendant

Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Radiation Deflector Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Is your solar plexus chakra weak?

solarPlexusSolar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)  “The City of Jewels”
A weak solar plexus chakra will make you shy, experience rejection, fear, doubt, intense worry and unable to say NO to people.

The opposite a super powerful solar plexus will make you fight and compete with everyone, everything and your life.

Solar plexus chakra is attacked by negative thoughts.
A balanced solar plexus allows you to discern what is right and wrong for yourself. When solar plexus is in balance, heart chakra and throat chakra find balance and will empower one to grow in positive ways. It will help digest and assimilate everything in a positive way “including digestion of thoughts”. People with balanced third chakra tend to have healthy emotional lives.

For a weak solar plexus abdominal exercise and deep breaths into the belly help streghten it.
A great tool to balance the solar chakra is the solar plexus orgone pendant

Solar plexus chakra affirmations: I am good to myself. I am at peace. I am strong. I am
confident. Courage flows through me.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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Absorb Energy through your Feet

feet-in-grassGrounding is taking your shoes off and walking barefoot.

Lack of grounding causes adrenalin imbalance, stress, fatigue, insomnia, loose our center, our balance…

So try this:
Take your shoes off and walk barefoot in the grass, feel its green vibration.
You absorb energy through your feet, your eyes and also psychic eyes
(we all have them, trust me).
Absorb the vibration of the baby green into your heart energy center and let it run throughout your energy field. If it’s too sunny, it helps if you look through sunglasses to see the vibrant green.  After only a  few minutes you should feel so good and recharged. Try it!

For more grounding, to improve sleeping patterns, reduce pain in the body in particular legs check out the feet chakra balancers

More grounding techniques:


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How to open your Crown Center to connect with The Divine


The following Messages were brought forth during a Full Moon Transmission.

Angels want us to know that we are sacred and we have to start creating and working on our sacred relations, sacred union, partnership, healthy relations that support our growth. We are never alone on our path/journey.
It is time for us beautiful souls to reunite with others from the same soul family, co-create our destiny and help make this world the best world that have ever existed.  Our ancestors are proud of us, our unborn are also proud, we just have to let our light shine brilliantly so others can see it and be inspired to do the same. We are the ones that we have been waiting for! It is TIME!
Say no to Drama, it is very toxic. It is super easy to blame, criticize or be sucked into drama if you are not centered.
Take time and sit down quietly with yourself and Ask Spirit to sit with you. Angels are always present they need a sign from you: Sing a song, dance, make an offering, burn incense, buy flowers, smile. Angels connect with us when our energies are vibrant, joyful and happy.

“Radiate from the heart”

‘Radiance’ was the keyword for the entire moon transmission which was guided by a high hierarchy of angels. Repeat this word out loud or in your mind to connect with the Divine Spark within.

Back of the heart opening
During moon transmission I felt the back of my heart radiating the highest loving energy.  Angels mentioned to make it a daily practice: focus on the back of the heart with LOVE… It will help activate your heart fully and also open the crown chakra to receive direct insightful information from the SOURCE.
There are many ways our Source connection can be blocked (toxins from food and our liquids intake, air pollution due to chemtrails, smog, toxic thoughts can block our energy centers). However Angels mentioned if you open not only the front of heart chakra but also the back of this energetic center we can lessen the negativity created by toxins and open the crown chakra to receive Divine insight.

The feelings that I had during the transmission was overwhelmingly beautiful, it is such a humble feeling to be in the presence of Angels.
My wish is that you connect with the Angelic Realms, open your spiritual heart and find your inner call.



More: Angels Meditations Downloads

Receive Moon transmissions with Lilly Natures Blessings.

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Heart Technique to declutter chaotic energy of the heart


During a Leo Full Moon transmission Spirit gave us a technique that is very potent.

The technique is for opening, clear and ground our hearts.

This technique helps declutter drama, chaotic energy, unbalanced or fearful thoughts that get stuck on top of each other
into your heart chakra and create confusion and misunderstanding.

The drawing above is the visual given during the full moon transmission and if you listen to the (audio) podcast it will make sense.

I listen to it often and I feel tremendous energy. It feels like my burdens disappear and I connect with the Earth is such a loving way.
So Time to declutter and ground heart! Check it out!!!

Enjoy and let me know how it works for you! 🙂

Lilly Natures Blessings

Heart Chakra Orgone Pendant (amulet) is a POWERFUL energy
booster (ENERGY STOREHOUSE) which is designed to help release blockages and suppressed emotions in the heart center.

If you like this meditation you will LOVE the “LOVE Yourself Simply Because You Exist” Meditation

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers  Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant  Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant  Awakening Meditation 
Deep Conscious Relaxation Meditation Heart Chakra (4th) Chakra Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Awakening Meditation

Kundalini,Thunder, Moon and Earth and 2222 frequencies

Just a few nights ago I had a very powerful experience that I would love to share as it’s a message from the spirit for all of us.

Right before going to bed I saw the number 22:22 on the clock.

Repeating of the number 2 has to do with awakening.
22 is a master number, master builder.
22 22 is a double master builder.
For those of us that pay attention to these synchronicities we consider fortunate as we worked on opening doorways to spirit communication.
And what’s more powerful and beautiful than receiving messages from Spirit? Angels, spirit guides, spirit want to be in communication with us.
So I asked Spirit what has in store for me…
The answer was “walk with the masters”.

As I was going to bed I prayed that an answer will be revealed during my dreams.
In my dream I was doing a moon transmission (ceremony) using drumming. The message received from a spirit of an elder woman was to keep drumming to help bring the energies of the moon and earth together to keep the fire of awakening alive.  So I kept drumming and drumming and drumming.
The beat of the drum matches our heart and Mother Earth’s heart.  This will bring a lot of powerful conscious transformation, healing to us and our planet.

The feminine energy is uniting at profound levels:  Moon represents intuition and Earth is the nurturer, the one that provides food, clothing and shelter.
It was such a beautiful message, very rewarding as new energies that are coming in are feminine and are the energies of the heart. If we resist the awakening of the heart we suffer.  Especially the masculine side: if men don’t open their heart, they might end up having heart problems.  Same thing might happen to women that resist opening their feminine side.
As I was drumming I woke up by the powerful sound of thunder bolt and lightning. The thunder was so loud and so close that made me cringe under my blanket. But I heard the spirit saying: ‘Do not be afraid’.
If you do your work and keep your heart in integrity with your spirit you have nothing to be afraid of.’
Next I felt my crown chakra opening powerfully. Then the other chakras start opening so much one after the other, with the entire spine feeling like ‘being on fire’.

I noticed that a split second before any lightening my chakras were buzzing, being so connected with the energy of the thunder.
The more in tune with our natural surroundings the more gifts we receive:  gifts of awakening, gifts of cosmos, gifts of Spirit. It is so powerful and can get scary, but as the Spirit said: “do not be afraid”…
Power comes with great responsibility. Be aware and never ever misuse the power.
The thunder spirit teaches us that strong negative emotions like anger, fear, and hatred are presented on our path and we have a choice to change the vibrations to integrity, truth, wisdom as we are not afraid anymore, because nothing can touch our souls, as they are eternity.

When the thunder comes to our awareness it’s a reminder to look within and see what we fear, what are we angry about, what needs to be changed and learn to open our hearts more, learn to be more compassionate with selves and others, and learn to respect nature and all her living beings.
When we tune into the vibration of the thunder spirit our kundalini energy awakens, for some of us that we have had earlier awakenings it’s a new opportunity to upgrade to higher levels.
Apparently star nations from other planets and constellations show up when there are thunders storms present to harness this powerful energy for their own use.

Rain that accompanies thunder cleanses any harmful pollution effects on Mother Earth.  When this happens mother earth cries. Rain is the tears of mother earth, and when she cries she cleanses, she releases pollution and harm caused by us humans.  We need to remember who she is and that she is a living being and we need to start respecting all life on Earth.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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