Why more evolved spiritually people suffer or have some kind of illness or disorder?

I saw this question today:
“I’ve noticed that most of the people that are more evolved spiritually have some kind of illness or disorder, or as well, suffered more in life. They also are the ones who understand others better and are kinder than average. Why so much suffering?” from a group on facebook, so I decided to answer.
I see suffering and illnesses more and more everyday amongst spiritual evolved people.
I am also a living testimonial as well.
I have gone through 4 major near death experiences and I learned quite a lot and at the same time I feel like I know nothing. My first close to death experience was early in my twenties, when I was diagnosed with meningitis and sent home to basically die. An energy healer helped me with chakra alignment, high positive vibrations and removal of negative stuff from my energy field. I was perfectly healed in about 40 minutes.

As Spiritual suffering, pain and illnesses are the result of more than one reasons, I will share a few.

Chakra Misalignment (favoring upper chakras over lower chakras)
You would ask: How in the world this could be true, as Spiritual people know about chakras balancing and alignment.
Well Yes and No.
Intellectually we know it but when it’s time to put this into practice we lack awareness for some reason.

Most of the suffering spiritually evolved people operate mostly from the upper chakras (crown, third eye) and that can overpower the lower chakras, that leading to chakra misalignment.
People who function from upper chakras are usually suffering from depression. There is too much energy in the head area, upper chakras working way harder and not letting the lower chakras balance the entire chakra system.
It is a matter of misalignment.

We are spiritual beings who experience human form but also humans who experience spirituality. We need to be aware of both concepts as I see only one being favored.

We need the great marriage of all our chakras. We need to stay connected with the Earth as well as the Heaven. We need both energies in our awareness feminine/masculine.

During my suffering, Spirit gave me the answer that I was looking for.
Grounding/Earthing, working with the feet chakras, root chakra and working on aligning all the chakras.
That’s when the feet chakra balancers (orgone) extremely powerful healing tools came to me and since then I shared them with the world with amazing results.

Challenges – opportunities to grow and evolve
The more we grow the more we are presented with the challenges, specially as healers.
Shamanism is the oldest form of human spirituality.
In the shamanic tradition, shamans suffer with from strong illnesses before they become shamans.

These are challenges in life and without them we cannot really evolve.
But if don’t learn from the challenges we are hit with the same lesson over and over again until we get it.

After 4 close to death experiences, I learned a tremendous lesson each and every time and gained wisdom to heal self and share with others.

But 4 were quite a lot!!!
So I asked Spirit to lessen my evolution or better yet to open myself more spirituality and psychically so I can get the message without so much pain and suffering.

Asking Spirit, Angels and Guides is a very powerful thing to do. Trusting Spirit is such a powerful healing tool.

Light Vs Darkness

Spiritual people tend to work with the light only and darkness shadow aspect is being overlooked.
That again creates an imbalance in the entire energetic system that leads to depletion of resources.

During my awakening working with shamans in Peru, I was just staying in the love and light vibes.
And when the “wounded healer “syndrome hit me I was in so much pain and hated the entire healing process.
Then the shamans told me: “the more you heighten your vibrations of light the more the dark side tries to compensate”.
More astral entity psychic attacks and also physical parasites become more and more present sucking not only the life force out of us but also the nutrients in the body.

The more we acknowledge the darkness/shadow aspect of self and the world the more understating and appreciation towards the light we gain. And No I am not saying to worship darkness, no way. But understand it and be aware so it can be transmuted.

Open your heart but never give it away
Spiritually evolved people give their selves and their hearts to others unconditionally forgetting about their own love and own heart.
Native Americans say to open our heart but never give it away as it takes life times to get it back.
~ Hmmmm…

The energy of healing and love that we channel need to continuously flow freely, so we won’t get depleted.
If one cannot stay in the flow, he/she becomes sick. Then it is time to retract from the spiritual practice and live a human life for a while until the batteries are recharged. Unless one is a saint or a Ghandi with a high level of understating and wisdom who can continually keep the vibration of high love flowing it is almost impossible to not get depleted.

That’s when the concept of SELF LOVE comes into awareness. We need self love in order to love others. We need self healing in order to help others heal.

The bad part here is that there is an ancestral program, mostly religious, that says that self love is all about selfishness. And I am not talking about narcissistic type of love, but the true love.

That detrimental program needs to stop in order to heal and become a true spiritual being in a healthy body.

Only when you experience SELF LOVE you become ONE with all in the Existence.
Then happiness takes over, joy takes over and these are high vibrations that overcome illnesses and suffering. Joy is who we are. We just forgot how to tap into the power of the joyful child.
Wishing Health, Joy, Happy Chakras and Happy Life to ALL!
Post your comments and questions below. Let’s solve this “spiritual evolution problem” together.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Cancel Man Made Evil Contract Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

How to Deal with Angry People: for Empaths


Lovely Empaths,
Reclaim your Space, Reclaim your Power!!! ~ Spirit says 🙂

Empaths can be like a sponge absorbing others negative energy.
They are the ones who feel what others are feeling.
It is a gift, a blessing in disguise which can be painful if not understood and mastered.

Few days ago I went to the park to get some vitamin D from the sun and at the same time get some gentle exercise.
I am in my few weeks of sadhana (spiritual practice/detox) which is about going inward, meditation, contemplation, keeping a very good diet with no diary, no sugar or flour.
As I am about to exit the park I see this young man getting out his car, opening all 4 doors of his car, blasting crazy violent, aggressive music.
I can hear it extremely loud from the distance.

I know who he is. He comes to the park to roller blade and he screams profane, aggressive words while listening to his music.
Ouch! Not again, I thought!!!
So first thing I did, I stopped. Completely.
Then asked Spirit: Okay I am supposed to attract only good stuff. Help me!!!
I had my phone and earplugs with me, I usually don’t take it with me, but this time for some reason I did.
I immediately put on some music and said to myself: keep it grounded, keep it calm, neutral and don’t react to his energy.

I could have chosen to go back or take another route home.

Not this time.
It was a time of empowerment, not fighting but not responding to his energy either.

He is a man in distress with a lot of anger, sadness and suffers extremely.
I could see energy spikes, arrows and fragmented aura.
God knows what’s in his life, but obviously the music is listening to is not helping,
as I see so much anger in his eyes.

When I passed by him I waved “hi” and sang out loud the lyrics of the song I randomly chose on the phone.

Guess what the lyrics were?
“Open up your heart, what do you feel?”
“World Hold on” with Bob Sinclair, a very uplifting song.

In a split second I felt his life’s energy: profound suffering, sadness and anger at the same time.
The moment I passed this man, I felt his higher self saying “Thank you”.

Even if nothing probably has changed at the physical level, at the Spiritual level (where btw all starts here) something has shifted. I could feel it profoundly.
I thanked myself for not reacting or being aggravated and sent some healing light energy his way…
I usually wear orgone pendants, specially orgone protection pendant if I go out.
But this time I forgot the pendant home, although the pendant still offers remote protection and after so much wearing it, you become the orgone – energy of protection.

The world has quite a few of this type of people.
So how in the world, if you keep a spiritual practice, you attract this type of events, you might ask?
Well, at times during our journeys we encounter this sort of challenges.
They are reminders that we live in a real world that still has abuse, violence and low vibrational frequencies.

How we respond to this is important.
Peoples’ hidden anger can be triggered by not being able to communicate their feelings.
No coincidence the lyrics of the song meant for him were: “Open up your heart what do you feel”

It amazes me how Spirit chooses with precision a perfectly crafted message.
This experience was learning/exchange interaction.
I feel I was there to give him the message to trust his feelings and have the courage to open his heart to heal his frustration, anger and sadness. He was there for me to remind me to stay present, grounded and don’t take things personally and pass another test of mastering my empathic skills.

We learn so much from our challengers and challenges, more then we learn from friends or allies.

Two days after this experienced I went back to the park and saw the man again.
A complete different energy!
He was rollerblading and when he saw me he looked down. I felt his humbleness.
And I felt good and smiled at him.
The world can change if we change!

Anger is a powerful emotion. Sometimes a natural reaction and we all experience it.
If it’s not healed it can be very detrimental to our health and dangerous.

And these events are just opportunities for practicing the new age learning.
Spirit puts us through tests every single day.
If we don’t pass them they put us through the same test over and over until we get it.

So here are a few steps to take when you encounter an angry person or someone who shows aggressive behavior.

1: STOP (it is important to stop thinking, yes stop thinking, because the subconscious mind wants to jump into reacting to this type of energy, either aggressively or passively.)

2. Ask Spirit/Your higher self/Higher Intelligence/God for help and take a deep breath in and out.
The moment you ask with passion and urgency (yes here urgency is healthy because you want to counteract this energy immediately) the answer comes immediately. (in my case it was uplifting music).
3. Whatever you do keep calm, don’t take it personally, this will pass, it’s just momentary. Be Proactive instead of reactive.

4. Ask Yourself what the message is. So you don’t have to be put through the same test again.

5. Thank Yourself for passing the test after the situation has passed.


Because it seals the learning lesson.

It is important to not give energy to the situation, instead find ways to counteract it.

This is a great EMPOWERING way that will not deplete your energy, feed the negative energy of the situation or individual. Instead bring your energy to a high level so when you are in this frequency, the energy will be at least neutral if not increased to a higher level.

Sometimes we need to stand our ground and not chose to go back or turn the other way to avoid this type of situations.
In this case the choice to continue my walk was a good way to just give my ego a shock and to give this young man’s ego a shock.
Being aware and considerate towards others takes some effort. But that frees us.

I have encountered many people like this man and I asked them politely to just respect my space.
If you come from a neutral state people will respect it. It is the energy you put out. I even have people trying to become friends with me when I practiced being assertive.

It is time for us empaths to reclaim our space and stop being victims of others. But we can only do it from a place of neutrality and not reacting to harmful energies.
Yes I love yoga and meditation and in fact I teach yoga and meditation but I also love martial arts and I am also black belt in shotokan karate although I have never had to use this art in an aggressive way.
When you are extremely passive or too aggressive, it really back fires on you.
That’s why assertiveness is the perfect answer: balance the yin/yang for perfect harmony.
We have to become responsible.

So What is Assertiveness?
Assertive is not about being aggressive or passive, but being confident, forthright, positive, expressing feelings and thoughts in a direct, honest appropriate way, respecting others and their believes.
By being assertive we can stop bullies, violence and aggressiveness.

Share this article with other Empaths and Let me know how you deal with angry people in the comments below.

Keep practice assertiveness and be safe.

Much love to you and may your heart be open to goodness.

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May we suggest:

Cancel Man Made Evil Contract Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Aura Cleansing: How to Cleanse Your Aura with the Trees


Trees that are so “alive” although they look dry they have so many spirits in them and
beautiful sophisticated and wise characters.

I always have a great time exchanging energy with them.
Trees are true gifts of Mother Nature.

If you pay attention they talk to you, give you messages
they even connect you with your spirit guides and ancestors.

My favorite tree is over 3000 years old which lives, outside Las Vegas, at Mt Charleston.
Every time I approach this tree, I feel chills in my body, because its aura radiates so big and its impossible not to feel humble and gratitude.
Imagine the wisdom that this tree holds. It has been here longer than us.

Trees have the ability to cleanse negativity in the emotional and mental bodies that reflect as tension or pain in the physical body.
They are well known to detoxify negative thinking.
That’s probably why we feel so good in the nature, specially around trees.

To protect your aura grounding is necessary, and trees are extremely grounding, they teach us to be stable and have a solid foundation. That’s why we feel so grounded when we are around trees.

There are many ways and one of the most popular methods is to imagine that you are growing roots from your feet deep into the earth, like a tree.
I love this method because feet are the main points of connection with the Earth.

When you feel heavy, dull, tired and need aura protection imagine that you are merging with a tree.

A lot of us healers or energy sensitive people can easily pick up negative energy from around us.
When people awaken, they face negative issues first and most of the time is not pretty.

This is part of the Spiritual Awakening.
We need to learn how to keep our aura clean without picking up on others energies, instead allow them to experience their own awakening.
This is crucial.

If you start being around trees and connect with them via your awareness you can find and learn the truth.

Trees are sacred.
Treat them with respect.
Trees and humans have a very deep and special connection.
In fact Native Americans refer to the trees as “standing brothers and sisters.”

Set an intention before approaching a tree.
Here I am sharing 6 steps to connect with trees so you can cleanse your aura, heal and receive messages.


Step 1. Intuition
Let your intuition pick a tree.
If there are many trees around or if you are in a forest, just feel what tree is calling you.

Step 2. Ask for Permission
Once you have felt a deep connection within, approach the tree with respect and high awareness… In other words ask permission to enter their energy field. They will always give you permission, but by asking you establish a high connection with them. Be humble in your approach. Trees have told me that when you enter their energy field with a high awareness they will help you not only clean your aura or heal but also teach you and reveal sacred knowledge and give you psychic insight.

Step 3. Talk to the Tree
Ask for healing, cleansing your aura, or anything you need to know. Don’t be afraid to talk to the tree even if might sound weird. I had my round of ridicule comments and laughter about me hugging or talking to the trees but I continued talking and hugging to the trees anyway.
Like Gandhi said: “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
So don’t be shy to communicate with the trees.

Step 4. Physical Connection

Touch the tree, hug the tree, sit under the tree. Make that physical connection.
Personally I like to place my forehead on the tree to receive information from the tree,
and I like to hug the tree for aura cleanse and just show the tree my love and joy.

Step 5. Presence and Let go of negative thoughts
Just be present with the energy of the tree, try to feel its vibrations and allow any information from the tree come to you, be in the receiving, healing and cleansing mode. See if you can let go of negative thoughts and try to see if you can become one with the Tree, merging both energy fields: yours and the tree

Step 5. Gratitude
Say a thank you prayer before you leave the tree’s space and smile at the tree.

Step 6. Tree Connection Aftermath
After you leave tree’s space, look at the tree from the distance and see if you can see, feel or hear any fairies, or spirits of the tree.
There is another chance that you might get a message from the spirit of the tree.
Al trees are cleansing.
They all have spiritual essence and hold different energies and different spirits.
I remember one time I came back from a hike and I counted 100 trees I have hugged on the way down.

Each and every tree had a different energy.
For example some of them reminded me of a dear auntie who passed away and shared with me some beautiful truth and lessons, another one had an energy of a dear teacher, another one the energy of my father that had to share some insight with me… It was such an empowering experience.
My aura was not only extremely clean but I felt so good and joyful…

So go out and Experiment with different trees.

Share this information with others who need a good tree connection and aura cleanse.
Let me know how this works for you.

Tree Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings

Listen to the Audio Version in my Free Podcast below:

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Aura Gem Elixir

Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Aura Gem Elixir
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

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Block in the Solar Plexus Chakra vs. Low Frequency Entities


The other day I had a client who asked me if she had entities in her belly as she was feeling like something inside her wanted to come out.

Although negative entities are real this was not the case.
Although this lady has had a history with entities, I strongly got a “NO” to entities.
There was no entity residing in her solar plexus.

So I asked Spirit to guide us and find what was bothering her.

Usually low vibrational entities speak to people in a very mean and disturbing way using words like: “You are not good enough”, you are ugly, fat, not worthy, looser” etc.

This woman didn’t have the nasty entity speaking to her while the activity was happening in the solar plexus.
This was a different thing: a dense block in her solar plexus that was preventing her from enjoying life.

Her solar plexus was saturated with negative emotional stuff that needed to be untangled and unblocked. As I was scanning her solar plexus I could feel tremendous tension like my stomach became a ‘concrete block’.
She told me she has been through so much in her life…

We all have stories to share… Life happens to ALL of us.
How do we deal with it?

There is a Massive Shift happening in the world, also known as Spiritual Awakening and the cosmic alignments push us to do internal work.
If we don’t do the work we suffer: pure and simple.

I have witnessed many people experiencing ‘the solar plexus tightness’.

When solar plexus chakra wants to tell you to do internal work it will give you some signs like: tingling, buzzing, moving energy inside the stomach, etc.

The solar plexus chakra accumulates negative emotions, trauma and fear from the past. If the solar plexus is weak, this accumulated energy gets stuck in the solar chakra. Then the body naturally wants to get rid of it.
Also what I have noticed is that the belly feels bloated and big.

The more stagnant and negative energy the more discomfort in the belly.

This is a symptom of Spiritual Awakening.

Spiritual Awakening says: ‘hey there is something that needs to be released and solved, so I am showing you where the problem is, so you can take care of it and move on with your life’.

All we have to do is acknowledge the issue and take action to solve it.

In this case I have asked and guided the lady to release this energy through her feet chakras into the earth.
It worked beautifully.

Although the tension was not fully released, she felt immediate relief, as this takes time to heal.
Deep breathing helps with the release…

Solar plexus chakra is the center of will power and if it’s not balanced and strengthened we allow fear, insecurities and low self esteem.

A psychic spiritual tool to help awaken and balance the solar plexus chakra is the solar plexus chakra orgone pendant.

In my Ebook How to Balance your 7 Chakras for Spiritual Awakening, I share techniques and guidelines on how to clean, balance and activate the chakra system.

You can get a FREE copy of my Ebook Here.


May you have a happy and balanced solar plexus chakra 🙂

Share this article with someone who is on the Spiritual Path and needs this information.
Have any comments? Share them below.


Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Sacral Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant

Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant

Awakening Meditation

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Awakening Meditation

Related Articles: Symptoms of Awakening and Healing Crises

Shakti: The Fire of Passionate Feminine Creation

Have you heard of Shakti?

I am personally mesmerized and magnetized by this force!

Shakti is nothing else but the Goddess energy – that fiery energy, that passion, that Life Force which creates, that Sacred Sexuality, that Divine Goddess within.


There is shakti in every man and woman. However in some people the passion is hidden or even lost. That leads to depression and illness.

When this powerful force is unleashed we become Wild beyond pure bliss, we feel empowered and ready to Create instead of compete.

I like the way Deepak Chopra describes Shakti Energy

Shakti is cosmic passion, and whenever you feel passion for anything you are expressing Shakti through yourself.

Don’t let anyone steal your shakti!
Don’t let anyone to tell you how is to be done.
I say Step into your Power and let that light shine magnificently for the entire world to see who you are.
Say YES to expressing yourself freely and beautifully.

Listen to that fire within.
The fire of creation and destruction of stagnant and detrimental believes.

Yes it requires TONS of courage to remove the masks of fear and say YES to Passion.

Spirit sent you here, not only to read this, but also to get Empowered with the Magnificent Energy of Shakti.

Now that’s the heart passion my friend…
Close your eyes for a moment and focus on your heart.
Feel that fire igniting. Feel it burning within.
See the fire, feel the fire.
Connect with the fire.
Become the fire.

Stay in the “FIRE energy” for a few minutes…

When we have this fire going in our lives, we allow the heart to take lead and invite the soul to dance.

Fire is very healing. Yes it destroys. But it destroys the negatives in our bodies, minds and spirit.
When we lose our passion we stop leaving.

Nature takes us back where we belong. Go into the nature and celebrate your passion!

This passionate fire makes one move forward in spiritual evolution.

What I am about to share is funny.

I have a martial arts background and my passionate warrioress / shakti energy can be perceived as ‘quite strong’ by some people.
This happened while I was teaching a workshop on Psychic Awareness.
So during the workshop I shared a little bit about my martial arts background and how this great art helped me increase my Psychic Energy.

The very last part of the workshop I was doing some healing work on a few people while they were in a deep relaxing state. After the workshop some people came to me to share their experiences saying they loved the healing transmission at the end.
There was also a blushing woman who came to me very excited saying that not only she loved it but she was absolutely puzzled.
At first she said she imagined me approaching her with a very strong fiery shakti /warrior energy waiting for a “martial arts energetic kick” but when I touched her feet she melted in an instant.
She said the touch was incredible soft, Angels’ feathers softness, ‘melting butter’ soft.

We laughed and gave credit and honored the Shakti Energy that run through both of us during the transmission.


Shakti Energy is the creative life passionate force that when it is cultivated it can touch ones heart with such gentleness that it ‘melts like butter’ 🙂


Shiv Shakti … Goddess of Power and Divine Energy.’

[ez_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzz4YdBrMWs” width=”440″ height=”200″ autoplay=”0″ autohide=”2″ controls=”1″]

Everyone channels Spirit when insanely connected with Inner Passion…

So what is your Shakti whispering to you?
Leave a comment.
If you enjoyed this article send it along with some Shakti Energy to someone who needs it and subscribe to get updates from a Shakti Lover.
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May we suggest:

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant

Love-Heart Orgone Pendant

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant
Love-Heart Orgone Pendant
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

People Experiencing Strange Electric Phenomena: Sliders


We all know that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, right?

Many people do not realize their super charged energy can cause electronic and electric appliances interferences. Really?
Yes!!! And I want to admit I am one of those people.

Sometimes really WEIRD things happen when I am super excited, charged, loaded with a lot of energy, even when I am super happy or upset, when while asleep or when in the presence of people with high energetic vibrations.


Let me tell you, it can be frustrating, it can get annoying if this type of energy runs for way long,  so it is good practice to get centered, grounded, breath deeply, say a prayer and make peace with these energies, so your energies won’t act up and cause electronic interferences.


Lilly Natures Blessings

Sliders: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena

Despite the name, Sliders phenomena are not limited to street lights only. Often folks who share your “ability” can’t wear watches; they will stop working within a couple of days, regardless of how many new batteries are put in them.

They also affect other electrical appliances such as headlights and alternators in automotive vehicles, lights/light bulbs and computers. Light bulbs may blow every time a “SLIder” touches a lamp or a light switch.
Computers may freeze up or experience other problems. CD players may change tracks suddenly whenever a SLIder is near. Magnetic phenomena may also manifest. For example, SLIders may be unable to use credit cards because the cards become unreadable after they’ve been carried on their person. Your irregular EKG is probably your energy causing the equipment to malfunction.

Those who share these experiences are usually relieved to hear that they are not alone. Most spent years questioning what was happening, until eventually they were convinced that something unusual was going on. Like you, all independently report that high emotion plays a key role in such experiences. When they are upset, angry or simply very excited, the phenomena really kick in.

Super-charged bioenergy fields (auras) seem to be the cause. The human nervous system is chemical and electrical in nature. (Neurotransmitters are electrical impulses). When we are emotionally wound up, our nervous systems light up like a busy switchboard. While in most people this does not affect street lights, etc., in people who already have very high energy, getting revved up can boost them to a level where they actually affect electrical systems around them in noticeable ways. Many electrical appliances are easily affected or damaged by sparks of high voltage electricity. We might say that high energy people who are revved up send off “sparks” that trip or blow fuses.

As for what causes this, the theories vary. On the down to earth side of the spectrum, theorists suggest that these phenomena are entirely explainable in bioenergetic terms, though why some people seem to have higher energy than others, no one knows. As I see it, everything is related, so it’s impossible to explain anything on a purely physical level.
Everything in the universe is energy. Everything that appears to be solid is in fact almost entirely empty space with patterns of energy running through it. Our bodies vibrate at a frequency of approximately 8 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Should our frequency become abnormally high or low, unusual things might begin to happen such as what you describe.

This shift in frequency could have a number of different causes. Many who have had near death experiences report SLIder phenomena ever after. Other SLIders have been struck by lightning or suffered a major electrical shock at some point in the past. Still others claim to have had UFO or alien experiences. Some theorists claim that humans who have lived on other planets in previous lives will be born on Earth with different energy and abilities, including what you’re describing here. For more information, search the ‘net for “star seed,” “Indigo children,” or “Indigo adults.” In any case, it appears that something alters SLIders’ energetic frequencies, thus causing unusual electrical phenomena.

It’s important to note that electrical phenomena following the death of a loved one or following attempts at communication with loved ones in Spirit are often efforts by spirits to get our attention. Just as our own energy can affect electrical systems, so can the energy of spirits. In fact, working with non-physical energy/electricity is the easiest way for them to affect physical reality. Not all anomalous electrical manifestations are SLIder situations.

At the same time, many “electric people” also report a high degree of psychic ability or related experiences. This only makes sense, since “high energy” means “high vibration,” which is the foundation of psychic development. These people not only “transmit” their own energy to other electrical systems, they also “receive” energy from them. They are very sensitive to high energy environments and situations, often painfully so. For example, they may “feel” discomfort if a fluorescent light is on anywhere in the house. As Vick Noble explains it in Shakti Woman, “Whereas it seems that the skin is the boundary of the person in ‘normal’ reality, when that same person opens psychically, the boundary expands. The person feels herself extending out beyond the body, taking up more space, feeling things in an extrasensory way. What we took for granted as a kind of density in the physical realm is suddenly called into question on every level.”

I believe that spiritual “awakening” is the development of heightened awareness of all that is already there. Most people are sleepwalking through life, filtering out all but the most obvious stimuli. When we awaken, we become more aware not only of dense physical reality, but also the subtler energetic reality underlying (and creating) the physical. As we begin to move into this higher level of awareness, we become energetically supercharged and sensitive. In traditional spiritual terms, this might be called a “kundalini experience.” (There’s another good search term for you). Many who experience a surge in kundalini include electrical phenomena in their list of “symptoms.”

As we are ever evolving on an upward spiral, it’s a good idea to learn how to work with your high energy. Since this phenomenon is closely tied to high emotion, one way to try to control it is to simply be calm. Before you go to the chiropractor, spend some time in meditation or yoga cultivating inner peace. If you worry that the machine won’t work again, you’ll only get emotionally revved up and produce the same experience again.

There are many gifts in having a high vibration. I encourage you to research further, and to explore how you might use your “electric personality” in helpful, positive ways.

– Julia


A few Things that can help with this Type of intense energetic transition:

~Peace and relaxation orgone pendant which is effective for relaxing in ordinary as well as unusually stressful situations, promoting harmony and tranquility.

~ blue lotus lily elixir or rescue remedy

~deep breathing

~ grounding and centering, connecting to Earth (feet chakra balancers orgone pieces will not only help with grounding but offer protection) specially during sleep when we are more vulnerable

~ yoga and spiritual practices

~ meditation as mind calms
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Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant
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Cleanse your Aura with Etheric Shower Method: Podcast


“Etheric Shower” is a simple Method to cleanse your AURA


Empathic, sensitive, intuitive, healers, earth angels can easily pick up energy debris from outside their energy field.

Every time one interacts with another, there is an exchange of energy,
which could be beneficial or not. That’s why is important to clean your
aura on a regular basis.

“Etheric shower” is one of few methods to sweep the aura clean, purifying the mind.

Listen to the podcast here:

Enjoy 🙂

Lilly Natures Blessings 
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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Avoid being implanted during sleep


People ask me what to do to avoid getting implanted by dark forces during sleep.

Feet chakra balancers work great in keeping one protected during night. My husband and I use them often, not only for protection but also for connection with the Earth (grounding) – very important in our modern world to be earthed.

I strongly suggest going to bed sober. If you are not sober you let your guard down and it is easy to be attacked or implanted.

For example marijuana is great tool if used as medicine and can be a great teacher but using it for entertainment and to get high might open your crown chakra without being grounded allowing all sort of entities to penetrate your auric field. I personally have a great connection with this amazing plant without smoking it, but connecting with it telepathically.

Same thing with alcohol. Sobriety is a must if you are dealing with dark entities, implants or psychic attacks.

Heavy drugs and pharmaceutical drugs specially antidepressants weaken ones protection field. Use exercise to get rid of depression. Do it, don’t think about doing it.
‘Sweat’ all the negative thinking out of your body, mind and spirit.

Being grounded is super important if you deal with psychic attacks.

Fear lowers vibration. It is easy to penetrate the auric (energy field) while in a state of fear.

Do not go to bed upset. Never. Use this technique ( 68 seconds ) to change your mood. It helps to raise your vibrations.

Surround your bed with crystals, gemstones and orgone (which has such a powerful impact on protecting aura).

Trust your helpers, guides, angels and ask them to keep you safe during sleep.

Related article:  about implants and how to neutralize them:

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Feet Chakra Balancers

Angels of Protection Empowerment

Aura Gem Elixir

Protection Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers (Orgone)

Energy Vampires and How to Deal with Them

EnergyVampireA person that drains your energy is considered an energy vampire.

They are also called psychic vampires or energy suckers. Be mindful and responsible. Do not drain others people energy either.

There are many type of energy vampires, from unconscious to conscious ones.

The unconscious ones are not aware they are energy drainers (vampires). They are not necessarily bad, as they are usually emotionally unstable or ill. They are in need to draw life force from others who have a strong healthy energy field. People who are highly energy sensitive (empaths) will immediately feel drained or dizzy when their energy is being “sucked” by the energy vampires.

Believe it or not there are actually conscious energy vampires. They are trained usually in some sort of dark magic. Why dark? Because it is simple not of light. They do this on purpose to suck the energy of others for various reasons: to gain power, recognition, boost ego and self esteem, get healthier or younger.

Protection is necessary
Practice protection on a regular basis, but do not be obsessed with that as it causes to attract more energy vampirism. Do whatever it takes to practice this skill.  Yes it is a skill, once mastered it comes easy by default. At the beginning you might need to practice some techniques, meditations, prayers and carry amulets of protection or tools that will strengthen your auric field. I have used mine (protection orgone pendant) for many years and saved me from many draining situations.  Many people who have used this amulet of protection reported great results as well.

Solar plexus chakra usually gets drained when the energy is being drained out of your body. Visualize a golden ball radiating solar energy above your solar plexus, or place the amulet of protection or even better a solar plexus chakra  pendant above you navel.

Be aware of giving too much
Giving is a good way of increasing your spiritual growth, psychic awareness and help with your personal evolution.  However be aware of giving without replenishing. There is need of a balance: giving- receiving. When someone gifts you or even pays a compliment be in the RECEIVING mode.  Receive with an open heart and thank gracefully. You don’t have to respond to the compliment immediately. A ‘thank you’ will suffice.

Don’t be a people’s pleaser
It is impossible to please everyone. Don’t even try that. We all vibrate at different frequencies. Similar frequencies attract, others deflect. Understand that.

Be aware of Egotistical people
It is all about them and never about you. In a conversation they will never ask “How are you?”. After you finish a conversation with them you will feel drained. Limit or eliminate contact with these people.

Be aware of needy people
They will do what it takes to get your attention. Even if you want to help and listen to their complains they will never take your advice. If you allow their will waste your time and your energy will be drained. Limit contact with them.

Be aware of drama queens
It is not hard to spot these people. They will always complain about others and everything negative happens to them. They will call you, send you endless text messages, emails and talk to you until you have very little energy left. Just recognize this type and don’t reply, respond to their complains. The faster you remove yourself from their drama the stronger and healthier your energy field.

From my experience, I noticed the clearer and straight to the point I am with people, the less I allowed to be drained of my energy. Clarity and being sharp in communication is very important.

Stand your ground
Learn to say NO to these people. The stronger the NO, the better for you, for them and the environment. That doesn’t have to be rude. Be firm instead. Own your feeling and be honest. Trust me, people will respect you for being firm, even at the beginning they will try to put you down.

Grounding is very helpful to stand your ground. Anything that helps you connects with the Earth and be in the Earth frequencies: walk barefoot, grounding techniques, foot massage.  Feet chakra balancers helped me and hundreds of people reclaim own powers.

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Lilly Natures Blessings
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Angels of Protection Epowerment Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Angels of Protection Empowerment

Aura Gem Elixir

Protection Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Remove Negative Energy – Chakra Clearing Chakra Balancing

There are 3 main reasons which create energy blocks
in the system that lead to illnesses:

– toxins

– detrimental belief systems

– “negatives” (sadness, anger, hatred, resentment, anger etc)
This is a free audio podcast
on how to clear your energy centers and aura for well being.

Here I present some simple and efficient methods for
chakra healing, chakra balancing and chakra clearing to remove
energy blocks from your physical body and heal your energy filed (aura) for self or others.

Check out this podcast here: http://cosmicvibes.podomatic.com/entry/2011-12-08T16_35_35-08_00

In my Free ebook Balance your 7 Chakras for Spiritual Awakening”
you can learn more about what is causing physical and spiritual pain
in the body and mind and how to cleanse the chakras for a great Experience
during Spiritual Awakening.


Click Here to get my Free Ebook.

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May we suggest:

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Angels of Protection Empowerment
Gem Elixirs
Protection Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant