The Art of Blessing


Blessing is a Spiritual Gift we all have, it is just forgotten.

But now the vibrations of our beloved Planet are raising and the frequencies of Blessings are increasing.
Blessing is an Art.

When we offer a blessing we connect with the Collective Blessing Vibration of the World.

Bless everything, everyone, every day. Your life will become a blessing.

This is such a heartfelt video that will shift and remind you of the hidden power of Blessing.

“To bless means to wish unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart unrestricted good for others”

When you bless others The Great Mystery blesses you.

Make the Art of Blessing a part of your daily Spiritual Practice.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Spiritual Awakening Symptom: Deep Longing to Go Home


One of the most challenging symptoms of Spiritual Awakening is the “deep longing to go Home”.
I have had them, some of my clients and friends had them. The deep longing is an overwhelming desire to leave this planet and go back “Home”.
Mind you. I am not talking about the suicidal thoughts, or wishing you want to die and it is not caused by negative emotions like anger or loss. It is just a very simple feeling of wanting to go home, feeling like you have finished your mission on this planet.

This is usually very strong for those on a very deep spiritual path and went through many life cycles and feel like their karmic cycle is now complete.
This is quite natural and it happens because you are cleansing old illusions while transforming, welcoming the truth.

What is interesting, although you feel like you have completed the karmic cycle in this life you are ready to begin a NEW life. However the new life is still happening in this present life incarnated in this very body.

Some remember previous lives or have flashes of memories from previous lives, some know how is to go between dimensions.

These are the New Light Energies that are coming to Earth and have been roaming the planet for a while and they remind you of home.
And yes sometimes can be challenging and yes sometimes you can feel lonely or depressed. But remember there is a reason why we are here and you we are never alone.

We all have a home. It is our Soul Home, and although your contract is completed your work has just begun.
Spirit is always with you. Angels are always watching over you and guide you. Ask for their assistance when needed it.

Go easy on yourself, go with the flow, RELAX, allow and accept the fact that you go through a Massive Awakening, the biggest of ALL times and it is beautiful.

Lilly Natures Blessings

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment

Deeo Conscious Meditation

Loop of Awareness with Archangels
Deep Conscious Relaxation Meditation Awakening Meditation

Peace Manifestation, RELAX Orgone Pendant

Song of the Whale: The Power of Spirit Synchronicities

whalesMoonThere is a DIVINE Cosmic Order Orchestrated Organically by the Spirit Counsel.
Synchronicity pertains to the Law of Unity. Everything is linked: past, present, future.

Okay maybe that’s too much of a New Age-y wording, but it feels so appropriate for this post.

So Do You want synchronicities in your life?

Then BELIEVE in them.
Feel them intensely in your Spirit… as the Secret is to be Consciously Aware.
So let me share one of many mind blowing ‘synchronicity’ story.
Some of you know that I hold these powerful Moon Transmissions – very healing, very insightful.
So I am preparing for a New Moon Transmission that happened to be also a Solar Eclipse and very close to Grand Cross Cosmic Event, very powerful energetic time in the Cosmic Zone.

The door bell rings and someone at the door asks me to sign for a package. The package was from Lara, customer/client that I have never met but I feel very connected to her, she feels to me like a sister from the same soul tribe. Lara loves my work and she would send once in a while some tokens of appreciation like many other customer/clients that I actually consider friends.

Lara knew my birthday was coming up and she wanted to send me a gift. It is an amazing story that happened perfectly according to cosmic orchestration.

So she asked her Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to choose a birthday gift for me, a blessing that would be from the Spirit Realm which would have meaning for my soul. Few days passed and she forgot about her intention, but the Spirit World did not.

WhaleSongThey chose a Book from Children’s section with text accompanied by beautiful illustrations, as oil paintings.

The book is titled: “The Whale’s Song”.


*** Whales are my mentors, teachers and dearest friends as well as one of my power animals- totems.

When Lara opened the book the first word she read was my name: “Lilly”!!!
This is what Lara wrote on April 22 on Earths Day:
“… and to my utter amazement I discovered… the story about a little girl named Lilly whose heart was so open, pure and vast mirroring the Ocean’s, would listen silently with deep loving trust for the songs of the whales… and as she left gifts from her heart for the whales each moonlit night… (like) a perfect shell, a flower, the whales came back and sang to her…

So while reading about your birthday blessings of the Nautilus shell, I was blown away too by the parallel of this other Ocean bearing birthday gift from Spirit to you as well. “

In the Book Lilly’s grandmother reads the Whale story in a very positive, poetic and beautiful language while her uncle interferes with the magic by saying that whales are used for meat and fat, and not to waste time in stories. But Lilly continues to dream and one night she wakes up and sees and hears whales calling her name : “Lilly, Lilly”

Now that made me cry, and still does…

The universe is talking to you and me, to all of us. Are you listening?

When we listen we find ourselves right in the very middle of Synchronistic Events. And that is SUPER cool!!!

LillyWhaleSong*** As I looked at the oil painting illustration in the book, they took me back in time when I was little. The little Lilly in the book looks like me and my sister when we were little. ~ (Painting by Gary Blythe)
*** My Love for whales and their songs is infinite and the gifts that I have offered in the past (orgone and shells) made them sang for me. I remembered listening to their songs while I was scuba diving underwater in Hawaii… Absolute magic!

*** And to mention the perfect shell, for my birthday this year: The Nautilus.
Whales invited me this year to spend time with them in Hawaii for my birthday. Instead I chose to go to Fiji on an off the grid secluded Island where I received a gift for my birthday after asking Spirit for a blessings. The gift, a Nautilus shell  – was brought by a squid from the depths of the Ocean and given to a man to deliver to me.

Now the powerful shell Nautilus (Golden Mean) together with the Whales are coming from the Depths of the Ocean in these meaningful times to share with us wisdom from the ancient times in the midst of chaotic, unstable times on the Surface.

The Whales are the wisdom Keepers of the planet and they vowed to maintain Peace on Earth. But they cannot do the work for us, we need to also roll our sleeves and do the work.

More spiritual, individual work, more prayers, more ceremonies of purification for our Earth Mother, More heart opening, more forgiveness, more heart and love activism, more and more and more… We can find MANY ways to stay calm and help the Whales to Sing the Song Of Peace to us, to Gaia, to the Cosmos. No excuses. We are asked to do ‘DA WORK’. And So be it…

Isn’t magic how Spirit blesses us when we are open and on purpose on the path?

…so the Secret my friend is to be Consciously Aware…


Lilly as Natures Blessings

Related Article:
The Nautilus, Whales, and Messages from Past Lives… coming soon

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May we suggest:

Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Nautilus Spiral Shell Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Heal Past Life Trauma: Podcast

How do you know you have past life issues?
ONE powerful question to ask in order to heal past lives…

Past lives issues could affect this very present life by caring from the past lives emotional, mental or even physical energy that it is unresolved.

The issues reside in the subconscious mind.
Find out what issues might be carried from past lives and how to heal them by asking one meaningful question.

Lilly Natures Blessings

I am available for healing and spiritual counseling sessions. Book your sessions with me:

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May we suggest:

Aura Gem Elixir Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant

Words of Encouragement from the Spirit

sanctuaryThis came in a profound Moon Transmission where quite a few people tuned in energetically to receive this message from the Great Spirit.
In the beginning of the transmission 18 people showed up at the same time, and then more and more people came and tuned into this amazing Unified ENERGY.

The more of us doing light work at the same time, the more empowered our lives and PEACE making on our beloved planet.
We were asked by the Great Mystery to sit quiet and focus on high vibrational thoughts and affirmations for 68 seconds. It was deliciously beautiful: none of us were connected physically but telepathically. Even if consciously we didn’t know exactly what to do, our souls were connected to the highest levels of awareness and we did an amazing light work as ONE.
68 seconds was enough to shift the energies that needed shifted at that moment in time and tip the scale towards more vibrant and positive life for us ALL.
(Read more about the 68 seconds technique here)

lotusWe were provided with a very beautiful visual for this work: a massive pink lotus flower was placed on the heart chakra to awaken our hearts to deeper levels of awakening and love.
White lotuses were placed on the upper chakras and dark colored lotuses placed on the lower chakras.

You might ask: dark colors? Hmmm…

Regardless of colors the message was of MASSIVE AMOUNT OF LOVE.
“Love is everywhere even in the darkness.”
You might be familiar with the Buddhist story of lotus. It is a very beautiful flower but its journey of growth starts underwater in mud, in not so clean waters, basically in the darkness and in rough conditions.
However despite of these conditions the lotus grows strong and manages to push through the dirty challenges to come clean, graceful and majestic to the surface. Like the lotus we should not be afraid of the darkness, but embrace it, recognize it, acknowledge our obstacles and push through to come to the surface, clean, beautiful and strong, releasing the fears in order to grow, evolve and gain wisdom.  Tap into the infinite potentiality.
The messages about darkness and light being part of ONEness.
Go into the darkness, face your fears, look at your challenges, be grateful they exist, look at them as allies and not enemies because they teach us how to overcome what is stagnant.

We all have different gifts and some of us have a mission to go into the depths of the darkness and find the treasured lotus and bring it to the surface to shine bright.

During a personal retreat in Fiji I was gifted by the Spirit of the Ocean (a squid brought for me on my birthday from the depths of the ocean to the surface) with a huge Nautilus – a rare shell.

Since then, I tune into it daily to receive messages for self as well as share them with the world.

In this transmission the insight received via Nautilus was:

“Keep staying in touch with your light. Keep radiating your internal light. It matters more then you consciously realize. Every single act of kindness, every prayer, every smile, every meditation, every high vibrational thought, every conscious meal you eat, every conscious breathe you take, every good work, deed, regardless of how small it is, it MATTERS and ads to the COLLECTIVE energy of the world.”

The above is very powerful, that’s why the 68 seconds technique is so appropriate and I strongly suggest everyone use it, specially when you find yourself in low vibrational frequencies.

We were reminded to use this mantra to help the shift of the planet and help raise vibrations in the world.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

which means:
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”

Chanting this mantra you attract Angels and Spirits of the high dimensions.

Find ways to stay in high vibrations.

A very powerful guided meditation that is similar in energy with the 68 seconds technique is the Loop of Awareness with Archangels. It was gifted to me in a moon transmission and was guided to offer it. When you do it shifts negative perception immediately, like switching a button off and on.  Very powerful stuff, as Archangels are the highest order of Angels.

Stay more connected with Higher Self, it has so much information to share with you.

Learn to listen more and hear with the heart not just ears.

Stay calm. Do not rush, be active and energetic but do not rush.

Be in the NOW, Be in the NOW, Be in the NOW.

Stay tuned from more updates from the Cosmos.

May the Angels Brighten your day.

Lilly Natures Blessings

More on Moon Transmissions  and to be part of them join our list:

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment

Deeo Conscious Meditation

Protection Orgone Pendant

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Loop of Awareness with Archangels
Deep Conscious Relaxation Meditation
Protection Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Remove Negative Energy – Chakra Clearing Chakra Balancing

There are 3 main reasons which create energy blocks
in the system that lead to illnesses:

– toxins

– detrimental belief systems

– “negatives” (sadness, anger, hatred, resentment, anger etc)
This is a free audio podcast
on how to clear your energy centers and aura for well being.

Here I present some simple and efficient methods for
chakra healing, chakra balancing and chakra clearing to remove
energy blocks from your physical body and heal your energy filed (aura) for self or others.

Check out this podcast here:

In my Free ebook Balance your 7 Chakras for Spiritual Awakening”
you can learn more about what is causing physical and spiritual pain
in the body and mind and how to cleanse the chakras for a great Experience
during Spiritual Awakening.


Click Here to get my Free Ebook.

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Gem Elixirs
Protection Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Omens and Prophecies: Rainbow halo around the Sun ~ Whirling Rainbow

SunRainbowIt is also called Sun dog, Sunbow or Whirling Rainbow.

Nature speaks in magical and mysterious ways if we are willing to listen.
Some say that this circle around the sun is a bad omen, but I would have to agree with the Native Americans:
it is a sign of change.

While we were on a sacred Journey in Fiji, after finishing the second dive (scuba) of the day, I saw a dramatic large rainbow around the sun just above us. I asked the captain of the boat who is a local what the meaning of the sign is.
His reply was simple:
“I don’t know: only the Almighty knows.”

Whoaaa!!! Simple indeed!

I know that this omen predicts the change in the weather.

That morning when I woke up I felt short of breath and tried to understand what happens.
I asked my Intuition to give me some answers.

Later that day I asked locals what was happening. Their answer was that the frequency was very low due to a possible cyclone formation heating the island.
So it made sense as the weather was changing.

What happens in the world is that the weather is changing.
However the change is happening on more profound levels…
For some native people the rainbow around the sun is considered to be a sign from God, marking a time of great change.
The Whirling Rainbow – Prophecy
There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go. Many creatures thought to be extinct or mythical will resurface at this time; the great trees that perished will return almost overnight. All living things will flourish, drawing sustenance from the breast of our Mother, the Earth.

The great spiritual Teachers who walked the Earth and taught the basics of the truths of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy will return and walk amongst us once more, sharing their power and understanding with all. We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner. Men and women will be equals in the way Creator intended them to be; all children will be safe anywhere they want to go. Elders will be respected and valued for their contributions to life. Their wisdom will be sought out. The whole Human race will be called The People and there will be no more war, sickness or hunger forever” ~Ancient American Indian Prophecy

It is TIME to Unite!

Lilly Natures Blessings

Related Article:
Earthquakes, Stars and Labyrinths: Spiritual Work to release tension in the world

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May we suggest:

Protection Orgone Pendant Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Protection Orgone Pendant
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

When will the Golden Age begin?

Lee Harris ~ February 2014 Energy Forecast

Much has been made of the time that we are living in; the concept and idea that 2012 was a turning point.

Many ask, “When will the Golden Age begin?”

But wherever you look right now on the planet, things seem far from golden.

Destruction is taking place at gross levels. This is happening.

We are told stories that are not true, in order to get us to agree to policies and actions that will just bring further destruction.

So why do we agree? When did this begin?

In 2011, I recorded a message called “Year of Illumination”. In that message I spoke about how when things become illuminated, we see everything. We see the shadows as strongly as we see the light.

The most enlightened on the planet are those who have seen the strongest shadows; those who understand the pain and suffering of what occurs on Earth for so many people. And so their focus goes toward creating more light.

We are one – one consciousness, one collective. But we are very divided in our opinions and our ways of seeing the world.

Some who listen to this message will be angry at some of the messages because they will disagree. And that’s exactly what is wanted.

We are wanted as a divided people. For when we are divided, when we fight each other, when we are in fear about what is happening, we are powerless.

And when we are powerless, we do not interfere with things that we are now being called to step up to.

The world is not black and white. And no argument is ever black or white. There are always shades of gray.

And yet we as people have been so trained to be afraid. We are bombarded with images, messages that subliminally make us afraid of our lives and who we are and the world outside us.

We have forgotten our spirit. We have forgotten to tune into the spirit of our heart, our inner body, our inner mind, our higher self.

Many of these statements and concepts will be ridiculed, laughed at, but it’s simple. Inside you there is a heartbeat, and that heartbeat circulates the blood through your body that keeps you alive.

Your spirit has a heartbeat; your soul has a heartbeat. And it’s the part of you that keeps parenting you to greater and greater growth; encouraging you to step forward, become bigger in your life, feel more.

Becoming bigger is an inner process. It is not about external achievement. It is not about being an extrovert rather than an introvert. But it is about allowing yourself to feel – more and more and more.

Many argue they do not want to feel the pain in the world. They do not want to see the suffering. Yet this is where empowerment and enlightenment lie. For they exist, they are here. And if you are recoiling from them, it is because there is a match inside your own body to that very suffering.

This is not surprising. For when you live on a planet with an energy field like this you cannot help but have the whole spectrum of life and feelings move through you.

But a great truth of this time is that we are now being called back inside ourselves, our higher selves, our highest selves.

It is a feeling.

It is the difference between the day you are walking down the street feeling alive, open, gratitude for what is occurring in your life, what you are seeing, experiencing, the trees you may be looking at, beautiful buildings, the nice conversation you just had with a dear friend.

This feeling is what we need to grow – more and more and more, all of the time.

But those who have agendas to bring destruction to the planet, and those people exist, would not want you to be more in your light. They would not want you to be more in your love.

So where they have infiltrated society, and they have been there since the very beginning, they create a fear template that moves through us all.

Many of you listening to this will not like what I’m talking about. You may feel it’s wrong to focus on the negative. But we cannot ignore the negative.

As souls and as spiritual beings we can see all of it as perfect.

We can trust that all of this is a journey and that there is a destiny at work on Planet Earth.

But we also have free will.

We also have the opportunity to show up every day and make not only our lives, but the lives of those around us a little better.

But we only do this when we trust what’s inside us.

And to trust who you are inside, takes incredible awareness, diligence, and an agreement with yourself that you will go back through everything you’ve experienced in your life and feel what you didn’t feel.

But that also today, this very day, you will agree to wake up to see everything that is going on around you.

And if you realize you are too scared to see that, you will be kind enough to yourself to give yourself time; but to hold this as the intention.

2014: The Year of Emergence will ask you to emerge.

For some of you, you will emerge through “emergencies” that you are bringing your energy toward, helping others through, or experiencing in yourself and that will show you strength you did not know you had, an inner life you did not know you had.

The world needs our help. Again, a statement some of you will not like me saying.

You are free to disagree. We’re all allowed to disagree.

But if we try to change the opinions of others because we do not like that they disagree with us, then we are playing out the very war that this planet has been dealing with for centuries.

That energy of war is potent. It thrives on fear and it takes lives wherever it goes.

You cannot always outrun the dark.

Sometimes you may be dealing with a feeling of darkness or an experience of darkness in your life.

But the more you harvest and nurture your own inner light, the stronger a force of light and love you will become.

And this can illuminate all darkness. For darkness thrives on your fear.

We may feel afraid from time to time and process that through our body, but if we act from fear or react from fear we are playing in the energy field of war.

This universe is so vast, and we are one planet within it; one race of people, but there are so many energies that you can feel beyond the human body, beyond the human race.

Some call this “higher self”, some call it “angels”, some call it “Great Spirit”; there are many names. But it’s the part of you that opens your heart on a daily basis to feel more. To feel love or compassion for your neighbor, to do something for someone that you know is in need.

Many of you will have got to a place where this is easier and easier. For you are no longer being manipulated by other people’s desires.

You have learnt to boundary where a boundary is required; if someone is trying to take from you rather than being open to what you can give. There is a big difference between those two.

So trust where you get led this year to bring your energy of service.

Perhaps this year for you will be all about raising your children with as much love as you can, and that will be enough.

Perhaps this year for you will be about helping the environment as much as you can, and that will be enough.

We are a great tapestry of people and between us if we emerge more and more, we can bring more light where more light is needed.

So will you emerge?

Will you emerge into your life and into this world in a bigger way than you ever have before?

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Epowerment Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Spiritual monthly Flow: Cycle aligned with New Moon or Full Moon?

WomanMoon1Each of any of the moon phases has a specific quality and an energetic level.

Women have DEEP connection with the moon.

In my spiritual practice I noticed that every time there is a very powerful Cosmic event my moon cycle will do whatever it takes to align with this powerful event.
This time my monthly flow waited for the New Moon (in Aquarius) where I felt there was a battle between the dark and the light/ good and evil.

Usually the energies of the Full Moon are more intense where New Moons are more subtle energy wise.
However sometimes New Moons can be very powerful and felt more profound.
As my lunar cycle was late, (3 weeks) I asked Spirit what could be the reason, as I knew I was not pregnant. I have had a different experience (very powerful) in Summer of 2012 where Venus Planet was making big waves in the Cosmic arena, so a lot of women were impregnated with the Spirit and in particular with the idea of giving birth to ‘new self’ and Mother Earth.

At the time I was still going insane because I didn’t know what was happening to my body, and after numerous ‘forcing the answer’ I gave up. And when you give up, the answer usually comes. It happened that I was at this large spiritual conference and a lot of women included shaman women, medicine women, psychics went through a very similar experience around this time.

In 2013 we gave birth to a new Spirit and helped our beloved planet Earth to give birth to itself although at times it feels like the planet is dying, due to so many abuses, toxins, pollution.
Anyway this time when I asked Spirit what is happening to my body, I got an answer that was immediate, as I was not forcing the answer. By the way if you need an answer from Spirit keep yourself cool and let go of the idea of getting the answer ‘right now’. It will not happen. You have to let go of the urgency of getting it.

So the answer was to allow and embrace my divine feminine with New Beginnings.
Everything in divine timing. So I did. Just a few hours after the Moon turned NEW in Aquarius I got my moon flow! Celebration! 🙂

When a woman is menstruating her psychic powers and Intuition are heightened.
Honor this time where energies are amplified. Men who have their feminine side well developed (talking about intuitive, spiritual, intuition qualities in men) have also their cycle that is to be honored.
So lovely women honor your awesome men and respect their moods.
Women who are very in tune with the moon cycles are usually healers, medicine women, psychics, shamans, and wisdom keepers.

Women who have their cycle aligned with the full moon (Red Moon) their focus is not teaching other women how to give birth but focus on empowering women to get in touch with their intuition and develop wisdom and self awareness.

Women who have their cycle aligned with New Moons (White Moon) are more focused on family, nurturing, home and perhaps giving birth to the self.

Miranda Gray in her book Red Moon says: “A woman with the White Moon cycle, bleeding with the dark (new) Moon, becomes linked to the deepest levels of her awareness, reminding her that there exists more than just the world she sees, because she is the carrier of the seed of life. A woman with a Red Moon cycle, bleeding with the full moon, brings the energies and mysteries of her inner darkness out into the world around her as a gift and an offering of the depths of her learning.”

Trying to translate from Spirit language to English: most of all are aware of “the Shift” (mass awakening). In my case, the energies of the Shift are very present and where before as my lunar cycle was aligned with the Full Moon now is aligned with the New Moon. I have noticed that my focus in also changing: from many to the local community.
I am more active in the local community then before.

Also I feel that the poles (earth, sun, cosmic poles) are already settling into the shift and what was North becomes South and what is South becomes North, if this makes any psychic sense…. It is very interesting to observe where this is going. The body has intelligence and once we are aligned with the moon phases we gain a very profound awareness and wisdom… LOVE IT!

If you are a woman and read this what is your lunar cycle aligned with: New or Full Moon?
Something to ponder upon…
Moon Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings

To receive Moon Transmissions make sure you join our newsletters.

Related Articles: Pregnancy – Rebirth: Evolution of Consciousness

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May we suggest:

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant

Divine Feminine Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant
Divine Feminine Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Shiva Shakti Sacred Union Feminine Masculine Audio

Make your own Gemstone or Crystal Elixir

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGemstones and crystal are the link between the heavens (Angelic Realms) and human beings.
All advanced cultures and civilizations knew the powers of the crystals and gemstones.
One way to connect with the energy of gems and crystals is via elixirs.

Gem elixirs are used to balance your chakras, aura, protect energy field, cleanse your space, open psychic awareness and connect with the angelic realms and much more.

The best time to start making your gem elixir is during New Moons.

Items Needed to Make a Gem Crystal Moon Elixir
Pure, Spring or distilled water
Glass jar, glass bowl, glass pitcher (do not use plastic)
Cover for the jar (might be plastic or lid cover)

How to make your elixir:
Say a prayer/set intention that the energies of the elixir you are making will serve the highest purpose and greatest good. Ask the Moon/Angels/God to bless your elixirs. I like to create a sacred space before I start making my elixirs. The higher the intention and prayer the more powerful the outcome of your elixir.

Wash your crystals/gem first.

Place the crystal/gem in the glass container and pour water over it.

Take your glass containers with gems and place them outside under the sun, moon and stars for 3 days.
After 3 days of capturing the powerful energies of the New Moon, the gems and crystals infused the water with their qualities.

Some people only leave the glass containers for a few hours and then use them immediately in their bath, spray their aura, some even drink the elixir. However caution is needed when ingesting these elixirs because some gems and crystals can be toxic. I like to use them externally to be on the safe side.
After 3 days you can add some strong alcohol to preserve the essence of the new elixir created. Elixirs can be stored for a long time in a dark place.

Enjoy the power of your gem elixirs.

We offer a variety of gem elixirs made with love and very high awareness during powerful New Moon Rituals. Check them out.

Blessings and Peace,
Lilly Natures Blessings

May we suggest:

Aura Gem Elixir Love Yourself Meditation Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Aura Gem Elixir
 Gem Elixirs
Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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