During Lion’s Gate (8-8 portal) messages and downloads were flowing abundantly: pyramids, Sirian energy, Sirius Star Gate, the Sphinx, edelweiss flower and more.
The King of the Jungle (Lion) energies are strongly being activated so we can tap into the leader/warrior energy easily.
People hold onto old things because is comfortable.
They listen to the news and to what governments are telling them to do because there is no other alternative for them.
Seeking the truth and being in integrity takes courage.
And Lion is all about courage.
I had to block
best friends I know since childhood because sometimes is better to keep your
vibrations moving, flowing and creating rather than continuously thinking how
not to offend others. Share and spread truth with an open heart and coming from
love, without forcing.
Some of them will come back to you awakened or partially awakened.
All we can do is give them space and time and pray. They will come back when
they are ready and friendships will be stronger. But not everyone will awaken,
that’s sad but we need to move on.
Give them this mediation as a gift if they are opened to receiving:
The Great Awakening Meditation
We are aiming for mass awakening and we are grateful for who is ready to awaken.
When you lose a relative or friend into the pool of deceit and manipulation think about how many people who are awakened and aligned with your frequencies you will meet on your journey.
And when you will meet them you will get plenty of goose bumps because you speak the same language – the language of great awakening.
It happens so often with me.
Stay aligned in this truth and it will happen, I promise.
We are here to assist the birth of the new version of our beloved planet and we
cannot do it unless we hold vibrations of truth really high.
We need to stay in integrity and true to the Unified Field.
Lions Gate was a massive portal of awakening sleepers to the Universal truth. During this StarGate old ways, matrix of deceit and programs are being dismantled
I have had such incredible connection with the Sirian brothers and sisters.
For three consecutive nights I woke up and saw the bright beautiful Sirius Star shining its gorgeous light and then went back to sleep knowing I am getting activated.
In fact I had dreams about receiving gifts from them.
Lemurian crystals are getting activated big time and we are reminded to work with them, tune into them and allow the messages to come through.
In one of my dreams I received a small Lemurian crystal and on it there were a lot of inscriptions and sacred knowledge
88 Lions Gate was some sort of new beginning of the Sirian/Lemurian Connection.
If you have any piece of orgone from us use the “circle finger mehod” to tune into the New Awakening energies as our orgone is connected to the Lemurian ancestors and brothers and sisters from the stars.
Lemurian timeline is now being activated and all the sacred information that was hidden for such long time is now coming to light.
Why was the information hidden?
Well because in the previous timelines not so many were awakened. That was a great advantage for the dark side to get infiltrated in what was sacred so they can destroy, manipulate or use for their dark agenda.
Why is the information now safe to be used?
Dark side
is not in full control any longer, the matrix is being dismantled and beings of
light, seekers of truth are now in control, not fully though..
We still have work to do. In fact a LOT of work.
Orgone and Great Awakening
The Great Awakening has been the result of many years of work, thank God for white hats, light workers, patriots, starseeds and seekers of truth.
We have been working with orgone for a long time. We have been placing orgone on strategic locations of the world to surface ancient information and take back the energies that were hijacked by the dark side.
Don Croft (God rest his soul in peace) was the one who initiated the orgone/orgonite movment and Wilhelm Reich was the one who discovered orgone energy. I wanted to mentioned them both and bring their names to light as both passed away in such “weird circumstances”.
8-8 StarGate and the Mysterious Pyramid of Ceahlau
On Aug 8th
I went hiking with a group of friend to see the mysterious pyramid of Cheahlau
Mountains in Romania.
We started the hike early – 2:00 am to catch the sunrise at Toaca Peak and make
sure we witness the unique mystical phenomenon that happens during this time
(beginning of August to mid August). The mysterious pyramid is a shadow, a hologram
if you will. The explanation would be that there are two shadows of the mountain
tops and when combined create this perfect hologram of the pyramid.

Researchers also estimate that one of the energetic axes of the planet goes through this peak. Science and facts aside: the energy is powerful and captures your heart.
Not everyone who hikes during this time can see the pyramid. You need to be “lucky” to have the perfect weather.
My friends and I were continuously praying to see it and get the activation.
We had such a blast as the shadow of the pyramid was actually showing up not only beautifully but also strongly. She rose from the depths of infinity to radiate its splendor.
We did a small ceremony and some of us split and went back through different trails to continue the sacred journey.
Sphinx is showing up
All sort of rocks resembling the great Sphinx were showing up on our trail.
The Sphinx is the keeper of records and information concerning humanity (the original version of the Sphinx, the uncorrupted one).
Sphinx is a Lion with a pharaoh (king of some sort) head.
We are the true kings and queens; our royal energetic blueprint is getting activated.
And when the Sphinx shows up to you in any shape or form (like now, you are reading this) he is attuning you to its energy.
What information are you receiving regarding humanity?
Are you tapping into the true leader energies?
Are you following your path?
Are you listening to your higher guidance?
Edelweiss flowers and their spiritual meaning
Edelweiss flowers were everywhere on the trails!!!
They symbolize purity, simplicity and innocence.

Edelweiss comes so strongly during these times to teach us that although we are going through difficult times right now we need to remember that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.
We need to have faith, withstand the tests of time, and build character.
This flower comes to us during these times to reinforce the fact that we are on the right path, we all need to trust the Divine Plan, grow some strength, be clear in our visions, stay pure in the heart and dare to dream big beyond our wildest dreams as golden age is coming. This flower activates the sense of adventure and courage in us.
Emotional Releases
the Lions Gate there was a lot of purging and releasing of trauma specially
childhood trauma and for many sexual trauma.
We are reminded to work on releasing and letting go.
Our physical bodies are being activated, opened and strengthened.
At the same time we need to work on energetic body as there is a lot of trauma that has been unleashed from the cabal as they are fighting for survival. And when they do that they unleash demonic energies so we really need protection, hold space, hold the light, be centered and grounded to release stagnant energies
These times are actually great opportunities for us to let go of hidden trauma from the past and heal on emotional levels. Some studies go deep into saying that 90% or so of all illnesses are in fact hidden unresolved emotional trauma. That’s why I strongly suggest starting your healing journey with emotional work and then add supplements, nutrition, exercise, orgone, spiritual practice and other alternative therapies.
Reclaiming Pyramids, reclaiming our history and symbols
Pyramids are tools to connect with the brothers and sisters from the stars with our future selves, with Sirians, Lemurians, Arcturians, Pleiadeians etc.
We get information and downloads as pyramids are getting more activated and radiate more information into the collective. That’s why during this time our dreams are more vivid, more prophetic, intuition and psychic awareness heightened.
Many pyramid structures and symbolism were used by dark forces as this sacred geometry holds a lot of power.
It is NOW time to reclaim symbols, words, structures that were hijacked and stolen from us. It is time to take back our numbers and pyramids; it is time to purify them.
Number 13, 911, 11, 22, 33 even 666 are all power numbers that have been hijacked by dark forces and now are being purified and taken back.
Intention is everything.
Vibrate with the highest intentions to reclaiming what’s ours.
Our journey continues and so much awakening is happening.
Many syncronicities, great connections, powerful dreams, downloads of sacred information, opening of the third eye, DNA activation, solar plexus activation etc..
Make sure you anchor them into the Earth Consciousness and share with others. Pay attention to your intuition and what Sprit is showing to you.
Exposing the darkness is of light.
Keep going. Stay strong, stay in the heart, stay blessed.
~ Lilly Natures Blessings
Healing sessions, emotional trauma release and sacred readings with me available at this time here:
May we suggest:
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