Moon Rituals

Moon Rituals

The New Moon

The New Moon (or Dark Moon) is when the moon is completely dark. This is when the sun, moon, and Earth line up in that order and on the same line. That is, the moon is between the Earth and the sun, so it appears completely dark to us, as if it disappeared.

This means there is no moon in the sky during the night. Thus, this is the darkest night of the month. It is said that within 3 days of the New Moon is the best time to feel the energy of this period and work with its strengths. It is during this phase most Pagans go inward. It is a time for rest, regeneration, meditation and the time to realize the possibility of unrealized potential.

The Waxing Crescent Moon

The Waxing Moon is on a journey to brightness, from after the New Moon to the Full Moon. The moon first appears as a thin crescent moon sliver and progresses in size and brightness. The crescent is on the right side of the moon.

This period is especially favorable in matters concerning growth, protection, healing, advancement, abundance, the increase knowledge, Spirituality, and fertility. This is the time for new beginnings of every nature or to draw something to you, in personal life as well as in business and finance. It’s also the best time to plant seeds and new plants.

This is the time to perform rituals which attract your desires to you.

The Full Moon

The Full Moon is when the moon is completely in the sun’s light and appears in it’s fullest and most brightest. It is during the Full Moon is when lunar energy is at its most intense. This affects the ocean tides, animals, plant growth, and human behavior. Magic workings are especially potent at this time. This is always the preferred time for positive spells, particularly those most difficult.

The Full Moon is an opportune time of the month for healing rituals, protection spells and finishing off projects. The light the full moon ‘illuminates’ those things that are interfering with our spiritual advancements.

The Waning Crescent Moon

The Waning moon is when the Moon declines in size from just after the Full Moon to just before complete darkness (New Moon).

The moon first appears with large brightness and gradually decreases into a large crescent which continues to diminish until only a thin sliver of crescent moon is left. The crescent is on the left side of the moon.

This period is especially favorable in matters concerning banishing, separations, endings, eliminations and reversals. This is the time for rituals which see an end to things such as bad relationships, riddance of stress, releasing of addictions etc.. It is an appropriate time for house purification and cleansing.


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