Aloha beautiful beings of light
If you know me for a long time, you remember my feet chakra balancers (orgone) (FCB’s). They had a massive impact on Spiritual Awakening through grounding, earthing, balancing.
I used to
wear them for many years and felt so GOOD! But for a few years, I stopped
wearing them every night.
I felt quite grounded into the Earth and didn’t need any external help.
Few days ago, my FCB’s showed up out of nowhere and kinda winked at me.
I said let me wear them tonight and let me tell you: dreams and messages galore.
I noticed everyone around me being tired, upset or dealing with some yucky issues. I was feeling different, so damn good! Must be the FCB’s (I figured)
The second night
the same thing. I put them on and dreamt away.
Waking up so refreshed, so good, very productive and received great messages.
This time I received a beautiful transmission.
Here it is:
We are being rebirthed as NEW human beings.
We are here to build the New Earth.
We are here to ground ourselves into the New Earth.
Then it hit me: (the FCB’s are here to help us ground into the New Earth reality). That’s why I started wearing them again at night.
So where before we were grounded into the old reality (Old Earth), we are NOW here to ground and earth into the New Dimension, 5D Earth reality.
Beautiful or what?
I find it fascinating… Very simple message with profound meaning.
The V” thing that was “released” last year was to prevent us from ascending (moving into the 5D Earth).
However my Spiritual team says “there is nothing that can stop what’s coming”.
The “V” thing might have just delayed our ascension and messed with our bodies (etheric, mental, physical, spiritual, emotional).
Out of all these bodies, the emotional body is the most important one.
Without emotional maturity we cannot heal, ascend or discern.
Emotions play
our minds big time.
Emotional body sends negative frequencies like fear to the physical body and
blocks connection with the spiritual body.
Then our mental body sees no way out. Then we become sick.
The entire vicious cycle if not “detected” and addressed destroys the ability to heal.
When the “V thing” is debunked, game is OVER.
The moment
you accept the “V thing” in your conscious or subconscious mind, you are
affected. And we all have been, as we all live in the 3D Earth (reality).
Now that we are birthing the new Earth, the “V thing” will remain a thing, just a THING and nothing else.
Grounding is extremely helpful because it calms the brain down, letting go of the crazy activity up in the head area.
The moment you realize your powers over your bodies, ascension is an easy thing.
All the symptoms of ascension are in fact blocks that prevent us from ascending.
(I use the word ‘ascension’ for a lack of a better term).
We are not going up somewhere in Cosmos but we are going in.
Ascension is about being responsible for our own emotions so we can grow spiritually in the most beautiful way possible.
All the fears
projected into us by external forces (dark in nature) are messing with our
emotional body. The “V thing” is being multiplied by our collective thoughts.
And that manifests in the physical dimension and our physical bodies.
Yes the “V thing” exists as we allow it to exist.
Our emotions allowed this game to be played.
That’s why in my healing sessions the main energy goes to the emotional body
You cannot run away from emotions.
They need to be addresses, otherwise they cause illnesses.
Once this is addressed it is easy to manifest health, abundance, joy and all of
the good stuff.
I do LOVE my work, because I get to witness massive transformation and huge “ahaaaaaaa
Once we refuse detrimental programs and ground our emotions we can start healing. We are so trapped into this reality by our emotions that the circle of insane emotional crap never ends.
Repeat after me:“I am willing to let go of detrimental emotions projected into me from external dark sources before birth. I am grounded into the New Earth, I am free. I am here, I have arrived. So be it. Thank you God, Spirit, Prime Creator. “
Grounding Methods
All the
grounding methods that you used before, still work.
Just make sure you replace the Earth (old, 3D reality) with NEW Earth (5D New
Use NEW Awareness – the Awareness of the New Earth. See how things are shifting fast.
body is responding to the New Vibrations of the New Earth.
By grounding into the New Earth we help the emotional body to release years,
even life times of karmic burden and detrimental, negative belief systems.
BTW – our FCB’s (feet chakra balancers – orgone) are on a waiting list so if you want them in your grounding arsenal spiritual tool kit, make sure you put yourself on the list for when they become available again)
If you have them use them, you don’t need new ones.
Just make sure when you put them on remember to connect with the New Earth. Say it out loud or in your mind. “I am grounding into the New Earth via the new FCB’s.”
Easy, fun, cool?
Let me know what you think!
Work with me if you feel it deeply in your heart.
>>> https://www.natures-blessings.org/emotional-healing.htm
Blessings of the New Earth
FCB’s (feet chakra balancers orgone) Waiting List
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Sacred Readings |
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant |
Feet Chakra Balancers |
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Grounding — Earthing – One of the most powerfull healing techniques
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Thank you for your message and clarifying that we need to ground to the NEW Earth. Can you explain what the “V thing” is. I think it is related to the dark energies being cleared. I have foot chakra balancers. I clear them in my selenite bowl during the day. I put them on the bottom of my feet with the smooth bottom of the pendants against my foot, orgonite side down. Is this right or does it matter?
Hi Gayle,
You’re welcome. 🙂
Yes the way you described it, is the right way of wearing your feet chakra balancers (orgone)
Thank you. About the “V thing” – do you have a blog that I can refer to?