5 G is here. 5 G is everywhere.
5G is a serious spiritual battle in the Spiritual world.
5G is an entirely different from the 4G and is 10 times faster.
5G will not kill but will suppress the immune system.
Then infections, viruses, bacteria, parasites and such will take over the body.
The 5G devices are as small as a smoke detector and are placed roughly every 12 houses.
They are connecting with the ‘home smart devices’ which are continuously pulsing with radiation and we wonder why everybody is sick with: migraines, headaches, insomnia or trouble sleeping, brain fog, fatigue, increased cancer rates, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, difficulty concentrating, light sensitivity, weakness, hormone imbalance, pain in the joins, pain in the muscle.
5 G affects the eye, skin, nervous system and sweat glands experiencing anger, frustration and irritability. They are constant surveillance.
No one can predict the harm this technology is going to cause.
Birds and animals died near 5G towers.
5G causes mutation of our cells and ultimately cancer.
These harmful EMFs are dehydrating our cells and our DNA is under attack.
They want to create a smart grid where everyone and everything is plugged into the Matrix. 5G will be like a spider web all over the planet which is devastating for humanity on mental level, physical and emotional level.
5G is artificial intelligence taking over the human brain to control our emotions and our thinking. It’s used as mass surveillance, global control. 5G technology is created to implement the artificial intelligence and plug you in by force.
5 G is a silent weapon!
It is militarized and China is using it. 6 G apparently is not militarized; others say that 5 G is also used by the deep state.
Note there is no testing of the 5G.
What are the Solutions?
There is always a door way out, always a solution if we chose to focus on that.
Unplug, Unplug, Unplug
Unplug the router when not in use specially at night.
Your phone broadcasts all the time.
Don’t hold cell phone to your head, put it on speaker phone and minimize conversations.
Don’t sleep with phone next to your head. Turn it off when you sleep and take it out of your bedroom.
Remove smart meters if possible, if not place a piece of orgone (5G orgonite EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life) on them to create a safe environment, protecting from negative EMF’s
Spread the word, cooperate with others and start brainstorming.
Become educate, became involved, educate your children.
Don’t be overwhelmed or scared, we are powerful, we need to rebuild our confidence.
Raise Vibrations
Our thoughts and emotions give out a certain frequency.
Meditation is proven to help repair our cells and can raise our vibes so high that can go beyond the mind control.
One of my healing tools that have special effects to impress upon subconscious mind is cellular joy meditation. I use it every night and morning to help repair and detox my cells and heal my body: It’s power house for the mind: Happy Healthy Detoxed Cells Guided Meditation
Build Immune System (Royal Jelly is an immune booster)
Good Foods, organic, non GMO, colorful plate.
Conscious Breathing (pranayama)
Detox –focus on cellular detox
Parasite Cleanse
Parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus thrive on microwave radiation.
(use herbs like clove, raw pumpkin seeds, garlic, oil of oregano, mimosa puddica etc)
Cleanse your Lymphatic System
Lymphatic Massage – you can also do it yourself
Detox Baths (clay baths, ACV and baking soda baths, add essential oils)
Castor Oil Packs
Heavy Metals Cleanse
The heavy metals in us are sprayed through geo engineering (chemtrails).
These new wi-fi frequencies are depleting the Oxygen levels in our body and cells. We are more oxygen deficient and we wonder why we are so fatigued. If you are heavy metal toxic you are more sensitive to EMF’s.
Heavy Metals in the body are like 5G antennas. Address heavy metals.
Grounding, Earthing natural EMFs are healing
Solar energy, planetary, weather events, nature, trees, produce GOOD natural organic EMF’s but those created by man (5G) have a detrimental effects on health.
Number 1 antioxidant in the world is the EARTH.
Take your shoes off and let yourself be grounded in nature. By walking barefoot our bodies receive a charge of energy that can make us feel good.
If you have trouble sleeping I suggest the feet chakra balancers orgone as they are not only very grounding but they help with a good night sleep. They are also great to keep your emotions balanced.
Emotional Health
Pay attention to your body and how you feel in particular emotions. You need to deal and process your own emotions. When you raise your vibrations you are less susceptible to their radiation.
5G is like a forced opportunity to take health and life more seriously.
Emotional Health is crucial as it interferes with the ability to detox.
In order to overcome health issues, emotional health is the first one that needs to be addressed. Make emotional work a priority.
Emotions are just reactions to belief systems or opinions that are rigid and detrimental to health. Emotional blocks come from the past usually from childhood and body cannot get healthy as emotional trauma gets stuck in the body.
People try everything but nothing works for them because they go around and around without addressing the root of the problem.
I offer emotional work healing sessions. Check it out:
Orgonite with Shunghite
Orgonite (orgone energy) is frequency, it is used as a protective shield against harmful EMF and radiation.
Shungite amplifies the energies of orgonite (orgone life force energy).
Shunghite is one of the most powerful stones that cannot be corrupted.
Shungite is always teaching something new. It is a purifier, a cleanser and adds value to orgonite in our world filled with toxicity and pollution. Orgonite transmutes harmful energy into healthy energy.
I have created a protector/neutralizer (EMF- 5G Orgonite (ORgone) Protection Flower of Life) that work on cancelling these harmful EMF’s and it does make a huge difference.
The power is in shunghite and peridot combo along with other gems and essential oils, purified water etc. The shunghite neutralizes the negative effects, dispels the harmful radiation and cleanses through peridot which is such a sweet warm, positive vibration stone, an amazing heart opener and DNA activator.
So this is a great piece to place on a router, laptop, computer, phone, microwave ovens and some newer TV’s as they all emit radiation but the most affecting to human psyche are the routers, smart phones and smart meters.
Take things orally that support the body from EMFs
Propolis which is antimicrobial
Rosemary herbal tincture (minimizes the impact of the EMFs fortifying the body)
Walnuts, Cilantro, Dates
Plants absorb some EMFs
(Place aloe plants in your home as are great for absorbing radiation)
Vitamins and minerals, vit C, D, B vitamins and magnesium which reduces the effects of harmful EMFs)
Support adrenals and endocrine glands
Adaptogenic herbs may reduce EMF induced oxidative stress (I love ashwaghanda and rhodiola rosea)
Exercise, sweating, sauna (specially for heavy metals detox)
Combine exercise and sweating (sauna) with deep rest.
Baking soda helps with radiation
Cancel Evil Contracts
We need to cancel all contracts that are made either consciously or unconsciously with the dark entities and tell them that you we not consenting to their mind control programming.
There is a free will and if they do it by force then they will suffer because we are not consenting.
Sleep is Crucial – it restores hormones
Reduce stress, meditate before you go to sleep, pray, reduce caffeine, stop drinking coffee after 2-3 pm or quit coffee.
Take your electronic devices which emit a red light out of your room or unplug them. Never have a TV in your sleeping room.
Stop 5G/EMF’s the legal way
“There Is a Way to Legally Stop the 5G, under the terms of Assault! And assault is where you cannot enjoy a peaceful life in your own home. We need to find out what constitutes an assault and use that. We need an army of good lawyers”
Microwaves are not allowed in Russia. Brussels, Belgium and Geneva, Switzerland have decided to stop installing the latest 5G technologies until more studies are conducted.
5 G is used also for surveillance.
All this 5 G radiation is pure danger for ALL biological life.
We are going to win this battle but we need to stay focused, healthy, protected and centered to do the good work.
To your health,
May we suggest:
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Confidence Orgone Pendant |
Third Eye (6th)Chakra Orgone Pendant |
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant |
Chakra System Orgone Pendant |
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