The light that is coming through will rock everybody’s world.
The shifts are now extremely fast. Every other day we experience cycles of alternating high energy with low energy.
One day you feel like the world is collapsing (which IT IS btw but it’s the old world as we know it) and the next day you feel like you are the center of the Universe.
We received information during Eclipses Season and Summer Solstice and now it is time to implement.
Remember the OLD doesn’t work anymore.
If you struggle is because you resist the NEW energies.
You gotta let go of the old.
Sleep more, drink more water, flush your system system, drain your lymphatic system, detox.
We need to maintain the highest frequency possible and that can be done easily by getting rid of the detrimental belief systems that make us sick and unhappy.
I sent a moon transmission (Pisces Full Moon) from a mystical place, strong spiritual spot where my friends live. It is a sanctuary and every time I visit, something magic happens.
During the transmission I saw big lights being projected in the trees: from above and from the sides.
My friends could not see the lights which made me really scratch my head because they were mega visible.
Everything seemed so real, it was not my imagination.
Eventually one of my friends vaguely saw some lights.
When I related my experience to Yasmine my dear psychic sister and friend, she said to me: “the light you saw was plasma!”
Our Plasma LightBody is being activated!
That can be intense for some. But I promise you, if you detox it’s much easier!
Plasma field that’s connecting us with Christ Consciousness is activating our DNA and plasma body.
Consciousness is expanding fast as we shift into a higher dimension.
We are being guided into the new Awareness of the Earth.
For many years I have been trying to summit the mountain Peak OMU, in Bucegi Mountains, Romania.
This year the mountain granted me permission.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding this place: underground tunnels apparently linked with the pyramids in Egypt, people feel positive vibes here and some even get cured from certain diseases.
OMU translates as “the Human Being” in Romanian language and it holds the energy of sacred OM (AUM).
It is beyond fascinating.
I had a very powerful experience here.
Spirit guided me into a portal of awareness and got the message to detox any negativity and shift into a higher vibration.
I looked at the clock and it was 11:10 am.
I had only one minute to let go of any negative vibration in order to pass through the 11:11 gate.
I felt nauseated, I felt tired.
In less than a minute I cancelled all my negatives and entered the 11:11 stargate.
I felt a huge positive shift, no more nausea, felt so much power.
If you enter the stargate with a high purified awareness you are gifted new light codes.
The plasma lights that I experienced during Pisces Full Moon were the NEW light codes.
Vibrating high requires cleansing/detoxing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
So when I got home I’ve completed a 3 day watermelon cleanse.
Way cool!
Many of my clients and friends swear by the benefits of detoxing/cleansing.
The benefits of the watermelon detox are amazing! Read about my watermelon detox here:
I hope you feel inspired to go on a cleanse to activate your plasma Light body.
Tune into the nature and rhythm of Mama Earth during this time and focus on healing.
I am vibrating with plasma light and send healing vibes as you are reading this. Allow to receive.
We are all in this together.
Plasma Light Activation Healing Services
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