We are not alone. We are connected to our spirit guides and soul tribes.
Higher dimensions are guiding, protecting, assisting.
Magnetic Storms bring upgrades to our bodies, particularly during full moons.
So this is what occurred during one of my spiritual outings on a Full Moon.
I usually send an intention before going on a spiritual journey and chose to wear one of my orgone pendants. That sets the spiritual mood/theme for the day.
This time I picked the Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant.
I love all my pendants and each and everyone holds a dear vibration to me that I need to tune into at a particular time.
My ‘orgones’ behave like spirit guides: taking me places, showing me paths that I need to take, lessons that I need to learn, people that I am supposed to connect with, healing vibes that I need to embrace.
Divine Goddess took me to this Church in Romania which is carved inside of a salt mine.
The saint patron of this church is St Varvara or Barbara.
St Barbara is the protector of the miners, underground workers.
Before building tunnels, construction workers set small shrines to Santa Barbara at the tunnel portals to invoke her protection.
Salt is being considered in many parts of the world the white gold of the Earth.
Salt is used for protection, vitality, longevity, abundance, purification, releasing unwanted energies. It is also known for anchoring spiritual energies.
Take a salt bath whenever you feel you need spiritual purification.
Entering the church I felt the gentle sweet divine feminine energy and remembered I was wearing the Divine Feminine around my neck.
The Icon of St Varvara emanated a very strong energy. The altar, icons and the entire church were vibrating high.
My friend and I were the only ones in the church enjoying its silence, peaceful and purifying energy.
I love to send my Moon Transmissions from Sacred Places, time permitting.
This time the Moon was Full in Virgo and I started sending healing vibes to my family, friends and the world.
If you are not familiar with my Moon Transmissions, check them out: I send healing vibes during Full and New Moons.
The prayers were intense. My hands were tingling; my heart was filled with so much peace and love. I felt goose bumps all over my body, up and down my spine.
The Spirit of St Barbara was present.
Energy feels very cleansing here.
After all we were inside Mother Earth’s womb where there is so much cleansing going on.
As I was taking a “selfie”, my friend was also taking a picture of me. As he was taking the picture he saw something strange moving in front of the camera.
I felt a warm sensation.
When I looked at the picture, I saw these lights forming a ‘mandala’ on my forehead: on the third eye, extending towards the crown chakra.
Someone said to me: “It’s your higher selfie Lilly”… 🙂
Regardless of the origin of the lights, to me this is a synchronistic event, a confirmation of communion with Spirit, in this case Saint Barbara’s Spirit.
St Barbara’s message during these transitional times is filled with grace and love.
She reminds us to stay true to our faith and believe in the higher power, to be gentle in a cruel world, to speak the words of truth and never give up on hope.
Mother Earth and Divine Feminine are speaking to our hearts assisting into moving into the 5th dimension.
We have the assistance of our guides and angels.
We are all part of the Divine. Accept that there is no separation.
Live in the vibration of love and harmony and you will attract goodness into your world.
If millions are aware enough to stay in the heart, the world will respond to prayers beautifully. What we see in our world is the result of our consciousness.
We are going through energies integration.
All the painful symptoms that we are experiencing are purging old energies. We are reaching new peaks of awareness, and we are receiving new downloads.
Pray and meditate to embrace your truth and become your true authentic self.
When we pray with passion and genuine heart, Spirit Guides are answering prayers and help us heal.
I was having a cold, stuffy nose and felt pressure in my head when I arrived to the church. I left healed.
I believe in miracles. Do you?
Santa Barbara is a healer and protector.
Have you experienced similar? I know some people did.
So what do you think? Share your spiritual experiences.
May we suggest:
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