Free Will, some call it Karma is “the ability to make choices without external coercion”.
Dark side can manipulate our free will, but it is extremely rare or almost impossible to crush the free will.
Even dark forces know there are Universal Laws that cannot be broken and as a consequence free will is respected.
However the only way to break ones free will is through manipulation.
We allow to be manipulated when we are complacent, when we are in fear, when we lose faith, when we operate in low vibrations of guilt, fear, jealousy, victimhood, greed, etc.
The Universe is built in such a way that Light and Truth prevails. But before we reach the light we go through darkness so we can “earn” the light.
Darkness attacks through different forms: manipulation, programming, amnesia, distortion of truth, hypnosis through mainstream media, chemicals in our food, water and environment to keep us submissive and asleep, alcohol, drugs, psychedelics, any form of addiction etc. The main goal is to keep us asleep so manipulation of the free will is achieved easily.
Being awakened breaks the spell of manipulation and illusion.
Being Aware
Awareness breaks us free from karmic manipulation. The more we go through challenges and learn from them our awareness increases.
True Knowledge prevents manipulation. Knowledge teaches us how to operate from our highest awareness to keep us protected.
Being responsible
We are programmed to criticize, judge and blame others for our own misfortune. That is extremely disempowering.
When you take responsibility for your own action, thoughts and energy you operate from your highest self, and higher self cannot be manipulated by dark forces.
Conscious/unconscious contracts and choices
Our life is the result of choices and decisions we made up to the present moment.
Nobody chose for you but you, whether you want it or not.
Along the years we have signed contracts both beneficial and non beneficial to our free will.
Some contracts we signed being unaware or unconscious, some we signed consciously.
The non beneficial ones we signed allow for crushing of the free will.
The cancellation of evil non beneficial contracts is such a great method to use so you can free the damage done to our karma.
When you sign to cancel detrimental contracts, there is a release happening in the karma and the destiny path as well as cleansing of aura and space around you. Here you can find the contract cancellation.
Fear is such a powerful enemy of the free will and the dark side uses all the possible weapons and methods to make us slaves of fear.
Fear of death is the most powerful of all fears. Once we understand that our spirit never dies and body only goes through transition/transformation we change the entire perception about death.
Fear of death can have many disguises. For example fear of not being accepted by society is another form of fear of death, which in fact is the death of ego.
Fear blocks our navel (sacral chakra)and that interferes with the ability to make right decisions. Conscious work and breathing through the second chakra helps to reawaken and balance this powerful energy life force center.
In conclusion:
Free will is our birthright. By continuous work on the self, increasing awareness, knowledge, operating from higher consciousness we can prevent attacks of the dark entities and forces and we can create a life of beauty and magic that we deserve.
Keep heads up, hearts open and free will alive.
May we suggest:
Cancel ManMade/Evil Contracts |
Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant |
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant |
Awakening Meditation |
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