This is directly from the Spirit of the Elders:
You are required to stay in high vibrations of the New. Old ways and systems are crumbling and it is hard for many to accept the new, but we need to step up and let go of the old that does not work: greed, materialism, unhealthy competition, war etc and embrace the higher dimensions of consciousness: Love, Unity, cooperation, compassion, understanding.
Time of awakening is NOW.
The illusion and deception are now being busted and new paradigm is emerging where AWAKENING is the New Fashion. No more fake fashion based on fake illusions. It is time for the TRUTH to be unleashed.
Remember order is born out of chaos.
We have to heal the old wounds and let go of fears.
The ones who have worked hard to raise individual vibrations are NOW the elders, teachers, guides and leaders on this Earth. The spirit of our ancestors is now encouraging the “new elders” to take lead. Elders are not “old people” but are awakened people that have been through a lot of challenges and as a result acquired deep levels of wisdom. They came out of these challenges not only alive but also empowered and committed to live a life of Truth and inspire others to live their own truth.
The boss concept is now replaced with the leader concept which is based on heart and feelings. The boss is the one that tell you what to do, the leader shows you how to do it.
A leader will inspire you, guide you, empower you and make you feel good and worthy. While a boss demands respect, a leader earns it by being in integrity and by being kind and human.
The ones that are still hanging into the position of power based on greed and control for the wrong reasons are very scared. Do not feed their fears. It is theirs. We together can create a new planet based on beauty and integrity and peace.
We might go to rough times but when you look at this with positive eyes you see the beauty hidden under the mask of illusion.
We are going through a massive Spiritual Shift that is unfolding magically. We have so much support and assistance from the Angelic Realms. Ask for assistance from the Invisible world, from the world of Spirit. Never lose faith.
It is a SPIRITUAL shift and what is unfolding is Magical!
It is time to step up and guide others that are new to the concept of a New Earth and lead from the heart. Lead with passion, teach others how to heighten their vibrations through singing, dancing, art, community etc…
In these amazing times we REUNITE with families and tribes from previous lives. We are asked to go out and find our Spiritual Families and REUNITE.
I have MANY families all over the world and it FEELS tremendously good to be reunited with them. What/Where is your family (s)? Go find out!! It is TIME!
This is one of my native families and I LOVE it. Here we are dancing with Spirit at 11:11 StarKnowledge on Trevor Greens’s “Lonesome Road”…
This is from a kirtan in Las Vegas. Here I am chanting with a beautiful group of musicians “Anadoham” – I am bliss itself…
Wishing ALL a clear journey filled with Love and Truth,
Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:
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Angels of Protection Empowerment |
Love Yourself Meditation | Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant | Chakra System Orgone Pendant |
Happy New Year Dearest Lilly!… Love Alicia and Jon _/\_ … Love n Light =)
Happy New Year to you and dear ones! 🙂
~Peace and Blessings,
How does someone know when they’ve met someone from within their “spiritual family”? How does a person even know where to look for them? Even if they did know that information do all those currently incarnated as human have “spiritual family” here incarnated here on earth?
And do you mean to imply the reasoned thinking and logic are in and of themselves bad things or have no place after this shift is complete? And those who’s natural talents lie in science, technology, mathematics, deductive reasoning, logical thinking, must either stop using those talents or face a distasteful even cruel fate as a result of this shift even if the way one would seek to use those abilities to if anything preclude other’s from doing harm?
Do angels normally evoke a sense of fear during interactions be it in dreams, mediation, or other states of consciousness?