I keep hearing some people saying: “there is no problem, there is no issue, I have no problem”
blah blah blah…
When you look deep at the facts and behavior it becomes super clear that there is a problem. Cannot hide that there is one, cannot run from it or ignore it.
When I was a teen, my parents hired a teacher to help me with math.
The teacher asked me to solve a geometry problem. So I did but my own way” (Like Frankie said 🙂 )
He said I was wrong.
I said he was fired.
I grew up in a communist country where you were not allowed to argue with the teacher.
We were taught to respect our teachers and elders, which I did.
However I didn’t like the fact that we had to do it in such a way that killed creativity.
I got scolded, don’t get me wrong but they eventually hired a new teacher that encouraged me to solve geometry problems in many different ways.
That gave me so much confidence and power to be creative and trust myself.
If people don’t support your highest level of creativity and excellence have the courage to “fire them”.
Just have the courage to say NO to what insults your creativity, truth and passion.
In life we face with problems.
How we face them, solve them is up to us.
There are also different solutions to the problem.
We were conditioned by the society to think that problems are negative in nature.
While they can be unpleasant, they pave the road to becoming more creative, more in tuned with our intuition, higher self and teach us to become stronger.
They are doorways and opportunities to learn, change and expand.
They can be blessings in disguise…
We have our unique gifts and talents.
If all of us would be the same there will be no curiosity, no play, no fun.
And yet we are ONE, part of the ONE source that makes us whole.
We are not separated.
Killing creativity and passion separate us from Source, from our beautiful higher self, from infinite possibilities.
Don’t let anyone scare you, intimidate you, don’t let anyone tell you ‘that’s only one solution’ or ‘it’s the only solution’, don’t let anyone kill your dreams or creativity.
Instead be yourself. Trust your powers; trust your confidence, dare to be different, unique, creative and you will see how much you will achieve…
Strengthen your solar plexus chakra as it is related to courage and willpower.
Lilly Natures Blessings
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