“Is it normal to get pain in my feet when clearing root chakra?”
Root chakra (located at the base of the spine) is closely related to feet chakras.
Root chakra and feet chakras are about grounding.
Lack of grounding causes adrenalin imbalance, stress, fatigue, insomnia, losing our center/balance.
Also if there are a lot of toxins in the body, feet might slightly hurt during clearing the root or feet chakras. This is how body reacts to toxin removal.
One time a friend of mine asked to lend him my feet chakra balancers (orgone).
These are my favorite detoxing and good nite sleep toys. They were given to me in an extremely powerful channeled meditation by Spirit.
My friend’s body was very toxic due to heavy metals from his amalgam fillings.
While using the feet chakra balancers he noticed at first a buzzing sensation in his feet, then a slight discomfort which emerged into pain. It was funny to watch him as while reporting pain he was also laughing. He couldn’t believe and kept saying ‘OMG’!!!
I suggested not removing the balancers and see if he can stay with the pain for a while. It wasn’t excruciating pain; he described it more like mild electric shocks and discomfort. After about 10-15 minutes the pain subsided and he started to feel sleepy and very relaxed.
His root chakra was getting cleared along with the feet chakras while the entire system was getting a full detox. The next day he felt very good. He ended up getting a set and he is very happy with them.
I also noticed if my root chakra is not so clear and my feet not grounded, I experience a slightly discomfort in my feet and my root during clearing my root and feet chakras while using my feet chakra balancers.
Our root chakra is mostly getting blocked by pollution (any kind) and lack of grounding. We wear shoes most of the time, we sleep away from the earth and we pretty much lost contact with the Earth. There are so many toxins in our food, water and air.
Earthing is what charges and cleanses our root chakra. Feet are our roots into the earth. Root chakra which is the base, is connecting us with our very existence.
When root chakra is blocked the entire chakra system is out of balance.
Grounding by walking barefoot helps connect with Earth and establish the grounding connection.
This is feedback from someone who is wearing the feet chakra balancers orgone
Dear Constantin and Lilly,
I had ordered the Foot Chakra balancers around Christmas time and it has brought a strong measure of relief
from pain that I did not experience with other products I was using. I have
been suffering from severe foot and leg pain, circulation problems in legs
and regular walking had become very painful for the past few months. I was
using a flower essence—aromatherapy spray for the Foot Chakra and using
crystals for grounding but with no relief. Because of the inability to walk
without suffering a lot of pain, I also felt very stressed out and
vulnerable. I want to thank you for making these foot chakra Balancers. I use them
regularly and walking is so much less painful now. Although my symptoms
haven’t all gone away (it hasn’t been a month yet) my sense of confidence in my body’s ability to deal with
sudden, painful ascension symptoms has returned with the use of this
product. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UNIQUE PRODUCT!!! I place it in my socks at
night, but even during the day, I carry it in my pocket always. Makes it
easier to handle Foot Chakra related issues. I also want to thank Lilly for the
article on the Foot Chakra on your web site. I learnt a lot from it.Another area in which I have been experiencing problems is in the complete
disruption of my Circadian rhythms as a result of the rapid changes
brought about by Ascension. This disruption has greatly affected the quality of
my daily life. Although I have tried flower essences, essential oils, herbs,
energy healing etc. to deal with this problem, nothing helped. I have
noticed slight changes in balancing these rhythms when I started using the foot
Chakra Balancers. I hope that very soon normal Circadian rhythms will be
restored.I look forward very much to receiving the Protection Orgone Pendant and
the Peace Manifestation Relax Orgone Pendant and deriving great Benefits from
their Use!!!Thanks also for putting together the Cancel Man-Made
Contracts files which I just ordered. I really need them at this point in my
Ascension Journey.Thanks once again and Blessings of Love, Joy and Peace to both of you at
Nature’s Blessings!!!Lipika.
Lilly Natures Blessings
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May we suggest:
Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone |
Radiation Deflector Orgone Pendant |
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant |
Chakra System Orgone Pendant |
Great post on spiritual awakening Lilly.
Going to bookmark.