Physical mind is also called lower mind.
Higher mind sees the LARGE picture where the physical mind sees the ordinary with limitations.
The only limit is the one we set ourselves.
The higher mind sees more than this physical reality.
We are beyond physical beings and once you truly get this concept you connect easily with your higher self/mind.
Expectations are in fact a disservice.
So when we let go of expectations and become more accepting we tap into the higher mind.
Higher mind takes you to great heights
When you are in lower (physical) mind you have fears, doubts, you are unaware.
When you are in your Higher Self you are in the center of the universe.
When you are in your higher mind you are passionate, you are aware, you are full of joy.
Higher mind offers infinite possibilities where physical mind only thinks limitations.
When you function from your higher mind you are your higher self, your spirit self, your true self, infinite self.
It is all about retraining your mind to choose to tap into the higher mind consciously.
Awareness is key.
Retrain the mind by being Aware.
Be focused. Be present. Be aware. Be observant. Breathe consciously.
Check out this podcast on how to tap into your higher mind and manifest fast:
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