In one of the Moon Transmissions I sent out to friends we have got this powerful message regarding cleansing and releasing our individual as well as mass energetic ‘scars’ on a few levels: history, DNA and ancestral levels.
Apparently a lot of buildings, construction sites, large projects and ancient pyramids around the world were built based on suffering and pain. I had this visual where a lot of people died in the process of building the ancient pyramids and the energy of suffering has been carried through our cells to this day. There were also sacrifices involved including human sacrifices.
Energetic and emotional trauma remains trapped in the body (bones, blood, skin, tissue, cells etc) as I mentioned it can be carried from ancestors or history. If this kind of energy of suffering and pain is not released illnesses can occur. This is one of the reasons some people have heart chakra partially or fully blocked at the historic, DNA or ancestral level. At the body energetic level, heart might be opened but at the history, DNA, ancestral, even soul level heart might be blocked. As we continue to change our cellular structure due to this powerful evolutionary fast transformation we definitely need more heart chakra opening.
Love and forgiveness are the greatest healers.
During the last transmission there was such a powerful heart center cleansing.
We were aligned with the heart center of the earth to encourage us to open our individual heart centers. That’s why I keep sending these moon transmissions out as to me they are gifts from God via Granma Moon. It is also so helpful as we receive not only messages but also tools on how to continue our beautiful work.
During the Moon Transmission we were given a cleansing spiritual technique to use so here it is:
*When you find yourself stressed out by the entire shift/quickening that is happening just close your eyes focusing on your deep calming breaths.
* Turn your left palm up to receiving energy from the Source and with your right hand fingers, circle your heart chakra (middle of chest) until you feel peace in your heart. It is very simple: all you have to do is actually do it.
* It helps if you add some love affirmations.
I like to use this method while listening to this powerful high energy download: “self love meditation”.
A lot of people that I have worked with that had a blocked heart center, their main challenge was opening the heart chakra to ‘self love’. Once you start loving yourself everything starts to make sense, new set of eyes are born, you suddenly understand your soul statement and self healing happens fast. Only when the heart awakens to self love and peace we attract our soul mate (significant other) into our lives. Passion, joy and great ideas are all born from a heart that is balanced and whole. Now that you are reading this, it might resonate true to you and you might want to continue to do deeper spiritual cleansing.
I strongly encourage you to do the technique above and use the ‘Self Love’ meditation download.
If you have the love orgone pendant or heart chakra orgone pendant you can place it on your heart center and circle the pendant as you would circle your heart center.
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May we suggest:
Love Orgone Pendant | Protection Orgone Pendant | Heart Chakra Orgone Pendant |
It’s funny, it says in here “*When you find yourself stressed out by the entire quickening that is happening just close your eyes focusing on your deep calming breaths.”.. but, I have been having an excellent day today! I went outside when the transmission happened (at 6:57am PST, from memory) and all I felt was wonderful! I was trying to find the moon, which I had been able to see half an hour previously, but it seemed to have “set”. All I know is, I believe this whole moon thing is just making me feel wonderful!
Yes Moon feels good, but at times when we feel out of balance we have tools like this technique given by spirit to use and thats the beauty of it.
During the moon transmisions I send out to friends I receive messages and insight that I am happy to share like the technique mentioned above.
I was actaully sleeping in the during that transmission, and had a very weird dream involving some kind of plant being pulled out of my body (because I had physical sensation in this dream I’m glad I wasn’t lucid because I would have stopped it sooner), I don’t know if the dream itself was related to the moon transmission but it does leave me wondering if it was more than a coincidince that my dreams that night were abnormally vivid, or that my dream recall when I woke up was amplified.
This is a really powerful technique and ever since doing this it has set another chapter for my spiritual growth. As I did this technique I had a powerful releasing…my heart felt tight and there was some physical discomfort, I wanted to stop, I felt anger, and a deep layered hurt. Even so I kept getting the message “keep turning” and as I continued the pain, like a throbbing wound began to calm and thats when I got the loud message that there are emotional wounds from my past, ancestors, and pains from childhood that I need to heal…Sometimes as humans we like to think we are A-OK and nothing is wrong…We tend to think “Well I did this, Or I helped with that…surely I’m not the one in need.” Maybe we even believe this so much that it becomes a truth for us…but its only in our minds…I was able to see where I needed to heal and deep cleanse right now for the coming awakening, more than anything the strongest work is on the self and with this cleansing technique and my spiritual guides I have begun a personal purge and its shaky…but the breakthroughs are amazing! Thanks a bunch!
Dear Ashley thank you for the feedback.
Great reminder to use this sacred knowledge more as it also helped me deal with some previous life issues. It is an amazing heart opener indeed… ~ Namaste
When the lower self and higher self work together, we will know peace. When the id, ego and alter ego work together, we will know peace. When our spirit and soul are in agreement and working together instead of against one another, then we will know peace. When we choose to do all things in love, we will know peace. When we choose to be in agreement with spirit and soul and God, or act in alignment for the greatest good of all, we will know peace. When we choose to actively practice peace within, then choose to act on it without by sharing it with others, we will know peace. As within, so without. As above, so below. Choose to love one another as God and Jesus said! Love is the answer. Choose to be peaceful and love yourself as much as others and everything on this planet, including God. Be at peace with everything and we will know peace. 🙂 Love you all! 🙂 <3