Ascension, Drama and Spiritual Practice

People’s reaction to everything that’s ‘not-true’ create a massive explosion of energy which can be heavy but this is part of the “Ascension”.

As we go through the waves of Ascension we deal with a rollercoaster of emotions that are accumulated in a cloud of detrimental energy created by collective fear and negativity. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods and nature’s fury could be the result of accumulated negative thought forms in our collective consciousness.

Some say they cannot stop crying, others have headaches, hard time sleeping, and so on.

I talked with a friend the other day who said she couldn’t stop crying the entire day.
I asked if the sadness she was experiencing was her emotion or other people’s emotions she was picking up?
“Mostly others” she said:
“It’s so hard as an empath to walk among people who are suffering, who are afraid of the future, who struggle. It’s so hard not to absorb these emotions”.

Yes, as empaths we want to help, we want to stop the suffering of the world.

But Can we do it?
I don’t know.

What I know is that Embracing a Sadhana ( spiritual practice) will help us feel at peace with ourselves and that will help throw a small drop of positive vibe into the vastness of Cosmos.

Drama – NOT your guru.
During waves of Ascension situations might feel worse than they actually are.
It’s so much easier to blame or criticize others for what happens to us, but that will only pull our energy down.
We lose energy when we engage in drama, gossip, small talk.

There are two ways of looking at things: blaming and criticizing or working on finding solutions and positive outcomes.
Notice if there is any drama surfacing around you and chose not to participate.

Together we can raise our vibrations and we can positively affect everyone around us.
Our power is immense.

Time spent with and on yourself alone is very beneficial.
That is why personal sadhana is so powerful.

Sadhana – Spiritual Practice

If sadhana in not part of your daily life you might want to get into it.

It will boost your energy, will purify the mind, lead you to self realization, prevents you from suffering.
We can shift habits that are disempowering and enhance our life energy to manifest highest potential.
Your sadhana will become a natural support for you. Where attention goes energy flows.

Before starting your sadhana

Ask Yourself:
What do you want to achieve?

Then set an intention.

It helps if you write it down and make a promise to be dedicated to your daily practice.

Create an altar
Place what you desire on your altar and decorate it with candles, flowers, incense, pictures of anything meaningful to you.
However keep it simple and you focus on one object at a time that will remind you of your intention.
The object can be a statue, icon, picture, crystal, rock, amulet, whatever you are attracted to.
Orgone is a great tool to incorporate in your spiritual practice/altar as it is already energized.

Mantra Recitation/Chanting

Recite, stay with a mantra for 21 days, 30 days or 40 days.
It will empower you; it works great with subconscious mind.

Although Sanskrit mantras are very powerful, if you don’t resonate with them, chose a mantra that you are comfortable with.

An affirmation, a declaration as simple as “I am in perfect health, harmony and peace” would do.
If you can wake up before the sunrise and recite your mantras (108 times) that would be even better as the world is still asleep. (at least in your time zone)

After you finish your mantra, sit quietly in meditation.

Meditation in front of the altar

How much to meditate?

It is totally up to you, anywhere between 2-60 minutes.

Relax and be natural.

During your practice your mind will wander.
And that’s okay, catch your thoughts and focus in the space between your thoughts and come back to your practice. This space is pure consciousness because your thoughts are overlaid on consciousness.

Don’t try to still your thoughts (it takes time to achieve complete stillness of mind).

Do it every day and see how you feel, observe what’s shifting in your life, what is surfacing.

Write in a journal anything that comes to mind and revisit it at a later time.

If you need help and guidance choosing a spiritual practice and mantra for your sadhana, book a session with me.
I will look into your struggles and patterns that are preventing you from achieving your highest potential and together will come up with a personalized sadhana.

Many Blessings and Happy Powerful Sadhanas!!!

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers

Aura Gem Elixir

Heal the Past Heal your Life Audio

Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone
Aura Gem Elixir
Heal the Past, Heal Your Life Audio
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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The Axis of Earth Titling. Massive Shift. What’s next?

Everything is changing including You!
Our planet is purging, detoxing, shedding skin. We are purging, detoxing, shedding skin.
Earth’s Axis is Tilting, some say 18 degree tilt.

The earth is slowly shifting (thank God it’s not a fast change) and it’s shifting from current field to magnetic field.
The shift is erratic, all over the place, it seems chaotic. We all feel its effect.

We are shifting for many years, but soon will be coming to a point of equilibrium.

This Month the Shift is increasing big time and I personally think/feel we are half way through already. This is why we feel out of sorts and lately it seems like everybody is feeling it. Because of the shift, solar activity is increasing and we experience geomagnetic storms and solar flares.

Do not be afraid!

We are getting help from the forces of light.
A new system is already in place and we are protected. Darkness is almost gone.

Seeds of Awakening have been planted since 2002 by Forces of Light.
This is when I first learned about Orgone.

The forces of light forces thought us how to create and spread orgone to awaken masses’ consciousness. Since then so many of us used orgone to help not only with our own individual growth but also with planetary shift.

The Earth has survived. She will always do, but most important we humanity survived.
We are still here.
Aren’t you grateful?

Why do you think we are going through so many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc and the damage is very little and we don’t hear much about it?

The helpers have been known for many years as White Great Brotherhood, Great Masters, The Galatics, Forces of Light, etc.

Many of us work with them and I believe the White Hats work closely with them.

The Matrix that was operating on greed, mind control and lust is now being restructured where toxic programming of evil forces is now being deleted, canceled, annulled, restored.

Many of us have cancelled our contracts with the dark forces and that created a big glitch in their matrix which allowed the Good Forces to take over.

Last week while I was doing spiritual awakening work in the Matrix with two of my friends something big happened.
One of my friends who is very psychic saw a few flashes of light out of the window.

I said: “these are the good guys working from the invisible world letting us know that something is coming. So let’s see what happens next”. We were getting ‘underground bases’, ‘inner earth’ and ‘shaking of the world’.

After about 20 min I decided to lie down in bed.
and then Boom!
That’s when an Earthquake happened. 4.6 Magnitude!
I asked my friends:
“Did you guys feel it? An earthquake!!”
They said No.
I called my other friends.
No one felt it.
If I wasn’t lying in bed I wouldn’t have probably felt it.

So what happens?
Our Helpers are doing the work behind the scenes, quietly, diligently, without much fuss, so we don’t feel the shift so massively which would create havoc. If we could see what is going behind the scenes we would have a breakdown and that would interfere with the progress and take us back in time.

This is just an example of how our helpers work behind the scenes keeping the fear out of the matrix, so the frequency of planet stays high.

The planet is restructuring, readjusting, resetting. And it’s done with the help of our Brothers and Sisters from other dimensions.
No fear!
Bad Guys are being taken down. Darkness is leaving. We get our integrity back. Cabal almost eliminated.

We are ONE consciousness. (not the fake “consciousness” based on fake reality led us to believe and manipulated by the dark side of the Cabal).

We are One Consciousness emerged from Integrity, common sense, work, love, compassion and Truth.

This is not the time to indulge in drugs and alcohol or any addiction. Be sober; go on a detox with fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, gentle exercise, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, sauna, essential oils, herbs and lots of prayers.

Time to let go of all toxins including toxic thinking and align with the magnetic Earth.

By being grounded, in the heart, fearless, detoxing and trusting the flow of Mama Earth.

By the way we have a special offer of 10% off for our grounding feet chakra balancers until Friday.
Use coupon ‘pisces’. First come first served, as they are handmade and stock is limited.

Next as we grow our awareness, the Forces of Light are working with us diligently to help others awaken to the new dimension of Earth.

We are angels in training.
…we are getting our ‘wings’ accustomed with the upcoming energies of light.
Get ready.

I give Thanks to Everyone who has been part of my Journey.

Have an Easy Shift Everyone.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Related Articles:
300 Earthquakes in 9 days – Archangel Uriel’s Protection
Shifting Energies are Amplifying and How to stay Safe

Dreams and Dark Entity Attacks

If you are a light worker, sensitive, starseed, indigo, crystal, which works continuously with light you could easily get attacked by the dark side.

When do they attack?
All the time, specially during the night in our dreams.
This is not something to be ashamed of or feel guilty.

We need to learn to be aware of the dark ones who pretend to be light, learn to discern and become responsible.

When I get attacked in my dreams (not often though) is when I am not grounded and I don’t wear my feet chakra balancers.

The last pair of feet chakra balancers I have gifted them in one of my last gifting missions. (i strategically place orgone gifts at sacred locations or places of energy that need awakening).

Last night in my dream I got attacked by some weird entities and tried to get out of the situation.
I tried to scream but it was very hard, almost impossible. A very weak noise would come out of my throat.
However I insisted as I knew that if I make noise I would come out of the dream.

Have you ever had a dream when you are conscious that you are dreaming?

My partner woke me up asking if I had a bad dream.
I said “don’t worry I am okay”. I said a prayer and thanked him for waking me up.

Next time I will wear my feet chakra balancers, I said.

They are amazing protectors, specially during night when we are more vulnerable to attacks.
If you don’t have yours invest in them.

So I am sharing 2 powerful tips to come out of a nightmare or when you get attacked during sleep.

1. Ground yourself ( feet chakra balancers, grounding mediations, walk barefoot during the day)

2. Be aware that you can change the outcome of your dream.

If you are aware you will remember this during your dream.

So how can you change the outcome?
By waking up.

How do you do that?
In your dream try to make noise like I did, try to move a finger, hand, leg, neck, etc. You will wake up.

Why grounding through feet is so important?
When we are grounded/earthed we develop a protective filed around feet that will block intrusion of unwanted energies (entities).

We draw energy from earth into our chakra system through feet chakras.

Feet chakras are not only the main centers of vitality and grounding they are also centers of detoxification as energy travels from upper chakras to lower chakras and then down into the earth where energy is being recycled. An imbalanced (blocked) foot chakra will affect people negatively and can become portals of psychic attacks, in particular earthbound spirits.
Sweet and safe dreams.

May we suggest:

Confidence Orgone Pendant Solar plexus Chakra (2nd) Orgone Pendant Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Confidence Orgone Pendant
Solar Plexus(3rd) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Root (1st) Chakra Orgone Pendant
Chakra System Orgone Pendant
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Who are these Beings of Goodness and How they Assist Humanity?

Dark forces exist. They are creating havoc and chaos in the world.

Nowhere is safe but in our very heart.

Just came from a month sacred journey and I got so many messages but the main ones are:

1. There is a invisible force of good that is working continuously with humanity to maintain safety, harmony in this world in spite of all the unleashed fury of darkness

2. Regardless of any circumstances or experiences that radiate negativity, don’t lose yourself in fear.

3. Be aware and conscious about the balance/harmony between feminine/masculine, yin/yang, black/white.

Dark forces are using manipulation to divide.

Being fully in the heart allows for protection.
Take time to breathe deeply to release all the pain accumulated in the heart.

I woke up in a hotel room in Montenegro at 1:54 am on September 23rd.

The light from the ceiling that was flashing woke me up. I didn’t know what to make of it.
I tried to go back to sleep or ignore it but couldn’t.
I turned the lights on, woke up my partner to ask him if he sees what I am seeing.
He confirmed he was seeing the flashing light and went back to sleep.

I felt a sense of urgency and so I started boosting.
Boosting is a way of sending heart energy to a circumstance, situation or person.
Then I heard telepathically the word “redirect” and continue the boosting.
After a few minutes I heard: “redirectedd”. “Mission completed.”

Tears of relief were rolling down my face and pillow.

I looked at the watch it was 2:00 am.

Then I started questioning these invisible beings:

“What in the world was that? Who are you?

Then telepathic answers and messages came in…

It was Sept 23rd when an object/meteorite was supposed to hit the earth.

There is this invisible force of good or light if you will, that works with humanity to help and assist us maintain the balance and harmony on earth.

I am reluctant to give it a name because I am at the point where I don’t trust any organized group any longer.

But I believe there is a higher power that is helping us and one has to feel it and experience it to believe it.

Dark forces are working hard to destabilize peace on earth and create chaos.
So I asked this force of Good (beings of goodness) why didn’t they warn me in advance and left it for the very last minute?

They said these dark forces are extremely intelligent and work with artificial intelligence so they can alter, manipulate and even read thoughts.

There was an object or meteorite that was supposed to hit the earth. Many people knew about it and worked on redirecting it. Forces of good, brothers and sisters from other dimensions using high advanced technology worked on this redirection; however human interaction/heart energy was also needed for this redirection to be completed.

And then I asked: why me?
I got the answer: like many others you are a small piece of the puzzle who signed a contract to assist humanity when needed. Apparently I am on call or work for with these beings part time.

Many people who are healers, light workers or simply just good empathic people are also called to the mission.
We all hear the call in different ways. For me this experience was extremely powerful and wanted to share it with you to remind you that you are also part of this mission to keep the world in balance.

Guess what happened next?
After the redirection/mission completed the ceiling light stopped flashing.

These beings that assist humanity might be invisible to us.
They achieved mastery by cultivating qualities such as humility, love, compassion, kindness, wisdom, understanding. They are dedicated to help humanity through the darkest times and main purpose is Unity.

They work individually yet telepathically they are connected.

When we go to sleep we work with other people and also with these beings.

Most of organizations including Spiritual or new age groups have been infiltrated by dark forces that use manipulation, division and so on.

We have to be discerning and question everything.
However heart must remain open and we need to work on raising our vibrations continuously.

I know you are also called to do this work, so my suggestion is to stay centered, grounded, remember to breathe deeply when you are faced with fear.

Do whatever it takes to raise vibrations and stay in the heart.
Blessings and All Good.

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Abundance Prosperity Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant
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Eclipses surface pain and suffering and the Fasting Message

The dark Forces are leaving.
And when they are leaving they are creating havoc.
Deep breath…

As New awareness is rising, we get to experience an end to a cycle and the beginning of a new one.

The Solar Eclipse (Aug 21st, 2017) was a main turning point for humanity.

I have had such hard time before and during the eclipse.
Many sensitive people also reported having a hard time during the eclipse.
What happened in the Cosmos happened also within us.
The energies of the Cosmos aligned, so did our energies.

While many people were together enjoying the eclipse, I stayed by myself as I needed to spend some time in silence to remove anything that was clouding my perception.
The energy before the eclipse was so intense that I felt the urge to ground and clean myself on a deeper level.

When pain needs healing, it wants to surface

Few days before the eclipse I felt extremely agitated, highly emotional and at some point really nauseated.
I was un-grounded, although I took hikes in nature, I was unbalanced (feminine/masculine) although I was doing all the necessary meditations.
Or was I picking up other vibrations of un-grounding and unbalancing?

I had a few Visions of two spiritual teachers who left this dimension due to depression.
I felt their intense pain. It was the energy of desperation.

Some spiritual teachers in the New Age movement pretend that everything is perfect, while their life sucks.
Darkness is also part of life. It just needs to be acknowledged in order to be healed.

As I felt their pain I asked Spirit why is this happening to me is.
I am not a depressed woman.
However in order to work with my clients who deal with depression I needed to go through their emotions to learn how to be empathic in this respect.

Let me tell you. The energy of depression was nothing I have experienced so far.
I sat down in prayer and asked for help.

The next morning Spirit said: “Fast”.
So I did, for 3 days.

Rewiring thought process in regards to fasting

I juice fasted before but never tried a water fast.

It was hard but I prayed, meditated and used my orgone feet chakra balancers during the night.

I prayed that Christ’s Light will help me cleanse and purge what was heavy in my mind body and spirit.
I prayed that God would help me to resist the temptation of eating.
It wasn’t so hard, at some point I felt quite energetic.

During this time I listened to the powerful guided meditation Shiva Shakti to get back into balance and used my feet chakra balancers to get grounded, detox and sleep well.

For the first time in a few weeks I had a good night sleep without waking up at 3 am.
When I broke the fast I drank water with a bit of lemon. Then I had a ginger/mint tea with lemon and honey. I then went into my meditation (Shiva Shakti) .

After a few hours I made myself a juice: Beetroot, carrots, peaches, parsley root and greens.
What I yummyness! My energy was immediately up!

During this period I was so grateful, the sense of peace came back, the new positive visions came back.
Even my face cleared up a bit.

Studies tell us that fasting for 3 days can reset and rebuild the immune system and even trigger stem cells.
Other benefits are longevity, anti-ageing and cancer prevention.
No I am not a nutritionist or medical doctor.
I listen to my body, Intuition and Spirit. I believe that we should listen to our body; it’s a great messenger from Spirit when we need advice.

We always shift.
Eclipses are well known to bring our “shadow” to the surface.
We are never the same; we are always work in progress.
The purpose of eclipses is to do shadow work and anchor the frequency of love… so we can keep this world going…

Eclipses teach us to be more understanding to each other, to embrace own imperfection, self acceptance and to be okay with what is.
After the fast I felt so refreshed, positive and clear in my thoughts. My psychic vision has increased and all the old trauma and suffering has left.

It was such a deep purge, a deep cleanse.
During the eclipse I was sick to my stomach, extremely agitated, anxious, felt like I was trapped in my body, short of breathe and nauseated.

These are ascension symptoms and some of us feel more. Let’s face it not everyone is awakened and in order to make it as humanity we need to work extra hard for those who are not awakened.

There are many spiritual workers who do their work silently, extremely humble and for that I am so grateful. If you read this send them some prayers as they chose this life to keep the balance for the betterment of humanity.

Feel free to share and comment.
Healing Sessions, Spiritual Counseling available.

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant
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Sophia Frequency and the Andromedans Concerning Earth

No secret: we are in a spiral of continuous shifting.
The next layer of shifting in human consciousness surfaces out of separation/division of worlds.
Wisdom comes from understanding and mastering duality.
From Duality consciousness evolves and healing happens.
Many of you know about my passion of traveling to sacred locations.
(watch video below)

This summer Spirit guided me to Bulgaria in the old town of Nessebar.
We got there in the afternoon.
There were still tourists visiting the old town so we chose to have dinner overlooking the beautiful black sea.

After the crowds dissipated I started the sacred scouting.
We found the ruins of what looked like a very ancient church.

I felt like a kid: so excited to have discovered a mysterious place that emanated spiritual power.
I was like: what is this??!!!

I heard some giggles and followed the giggles.
There were kids playing and taking “selfies” where the altar once was.

Suddenly I felt heat and I thought there must be a steam bath or hot spring around.
I climbed the stairs of the altar, curiously looking for where the heat was coming from.
As I was approaching the main altar the heat was increasing.
I was really expecting to see hot springs. I could swear that there were hot springs. I touched the stones and they were emanating heat.
I felt heat all over my body.

So much Energy in the form of fire element!

Spirit warns us about the element of fire.
We need the balance the fire; if we don’t know how to handle it we either get ‘burned out’ or have a ‘heat stroke’.

The church is located at the center of the ancient city and it is a strong vortex of energy.
Vortexes of energy speak to us in profound ways.

I was called to this place to discover the ancient knowledge that wanted to surface during these times and share it.

As I was tuning into this vortex I looked around and saw two women who were touching the stones. They were so graceful or at least their energy read grace that I thought they were ancient Goddesses .
I realized I was not alone. We are never alone. More sisters are called to spread the sacred message of Sophia.
Sensitives and Earth Angels are called to bring back humanity into balance.

There is division between male and female, left and right, yin and yang.

Women need to work on bringing back common sense and balance through wisdom and harmony not by channeling anger.

Anger has its place because anger makes things move around, but anger can be destructive when becomes excessive.

We have to tap into the wisdom of Sophia to channel strength through compassion and wisdom. We need heart and mind cooperating.
At first I didn’t know what this place was.
I usually get called by Spirit and later find out why the call.

As you leave the ruins there is some information about this place and I found out those were the ruins of St Hagia Sophia Church. Whoa!
Immediately my mind connected this place with Hagia Sophia in Turkey we visited a few years ago.
Sophia!!! The Goddess of Wisdom and Rebirth!

Hagia Sophia means Holy Wisdom!
This is exactly what humanity needs right now in order to ascend: Holy Wisdom!

Nessebar one of the oldest towns in Europe and holds the spirit of different ages – Thracians, Hellenes, Romans, Slavs, Byzantines and Bulgarians.

The heat I was experiencing got my attention because we are experiencing so much heat between masculine feminine.
It is a battle since ancient times that is taking place between both energies. And this is happening within us.

As I travel through the world I still see in the eastern countries the domination of patriarchy.
At the same time I see in the western society angry women propagating division and hatred towards men.

There are feminist programs out there that promote “the feminine”, we must be very careful not to fall out of balance by dominating or ruling man.
Sad but true. Fortunately there is an awakening happening to heal this division.

We are reminded to remain grounded and aligned with Gaia-Sophia, the divine being embodied as the Earth.

We are reminded about respect: a true wise woman who knows how to honor and respect a man and a man who knows how to honor and respect a woman. And it all comes down to respecting and honoring yourself first.
Humility is the highest form of wisdom.

Sophia is described as pure spirit, the wisdom of God, the feminine aspect of God.

Divine Feminine Orgone Pendant
It has been such a crazy ride since the presidential elections in the USA.
The dirty ego battle between the feminine and masculine is sort of insane.
It has been going on for eons, now it has come to the surface in order to heal and bring closure.

I say let the man be a man and let a woman be a woman. Equality yes, in the highest sense of the word.

Sophia teaches not to eat our truth by either remaining silent or getting angry out of control.

Instead tune into the heart, tune into your intuition, focus on solutions, find your compassion and operate from there.

The feminine pain is getting healed by going though and honoring the pain making sure we are not becoming the pain.
A wise woman will serve, will heal, will bring harmony and peace, and will embody compassion and grace.

It is time for the feminine to regain its true power.

Feminine was suppressed for so long. The only way to heal the feminine however is by being assertively compassionate and not angry out of control.

By being angry at men and preaching anger does not make us more spiritual as women.
We are all on our journey and it is the same journey of evolution and growing our wisdom. However we are at different levels.

We have to be very discerning.

Human society is controlled by a force that is non human.
The dark side knows how to manipulate, they use truth concepts such ONESS which is the universal truth but they use it to create the ONE world government to submit us into total control.
Feminists vs sexists, men vs women, gay vs straight and so on. It’s all a manipulative game.

Matriarchy is no better than patriarchy.

The answer is the marriage between the two which creates life, creates the ONE.
This kind of suppressed feminine energy is still present and trapped in many sacred locations of the world and needs women to free it.

The information needs to be brought to people and shared it with wisdom.

Like the prophecy of many native nations of the condor and eagle:

When the condor (feminine energy) and the Eagle (masculine energy) fly together freely in the sky there will be peace.

Our global consciousness is rising to new levels and although at times it seems like we are going nowhere, we are in fact growing towards the light…

The wise woman, the Sophia God Frequency knows how to calm the rage.

Woman of Peace take War from the world.

To you lioness of courage, Woman of grace and love this song is yours.

So during my visit to Nessebar I heard the words “Andromeda”, Jupiter, Sirius.

In fact the entire day I was just getting the word “Andromeda”.
The name of the restaurant we dined is Andromeda.
Andormedans are assisting humanity with Ascension on Earth.

I got some concerns from the Andromedans about our earth movement and shift due to crazy frequencies created by angry humans fighting each other.

Not all extraterrestrials have our best interest at heart and open contact with them requires discernment. No one can save us but us, we have to become responsible, work on ourselves, our introspection and spiritual evolution.

Taking a deep breath and allowing and understanding our so called “enemies”.

The dark forces that are behind the global control play humans against each other and manipulate us into division. Our duty is to forgive and understand one another.
Be more compassionate but at the same time be discerning so we don’t fall into their manipulative games.

Eyes wide open!

Planet Jupiter showed up on my journey so strongly as well so I want to share a few positive aspects of Jupiter with you.

Even if you know them say them out loud and own them, own the energy…

Luck, hope, faith, expansion, success, optimism, development, wisdom, sincerity, compassion, trust, confidence, generosity.

May we suggest:

Feet Chakra Balancers Orgone OM/AUM Orgone Pendant Protection Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Protection Orgone Pendant
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Never Ending Fire, Earthquakes and our Fears

The place where Mama Earth shakes first

Just got back from a journey of fire where we visited a few power spots in Romania in Vrancea Mountains: the ‘Living Fire’ and Nereju.

Sacred spots (power spots) on earth are packed with tremendous spiritual energy and life force. These places lend knowledge and wisdom to the awakened ones.

This trip took place just before a Super New Moon.
During Super Moons energies and emotions are usually amplified.

It felt emotional because this place, Nereju is the main epicenter of the most Earthquakes in Romania.
Also around this area there is a mysterious place called “Focul Viu” – Living Fire where there are natural emanations of gas coming from the Earth.

When flames get as high as 6 feet they indicate an earthquake is ready to happen.

Locals say that Nereju is the place where Mama Earth shakes first.

The flames burn eternally here. If the fire is put off by heavy rains or by man, it starts again.
The flames are considered by locals the protectors of animals.

Fire and the balance of all elements

The elements of fire and earth are very powerful here.
There is also a small river nearby and the element of water is present.
Doing some sacred prayer at the spot, the wind started to pick up.
The perfect balance of 4 elements. Nature is the perfect balance.

Fire spells out the word TRANSFORMATION.

Fire is the element of leadership.
It is masculine in nature, and signifies change, motivation, passion, creativity, will power, drive and sensuality.
It is also associated with faith, inner wisdom, intuition, psychic awareness.

Fire is necessary for digestion to keep us alive.

Fire element can be used to destroy and burn negative thoughts that are not serving us.
Too much fire however can be destructive: too much sex, too much passion, abuse of power, control and so on.

When all the 4 elements are in balance we create harmony, healing and peace in our life, and we can connect easily with the realm of Spirit.
When we have a great individual balance we can help harmonize the worlds’ balance.

The balance of the 4 elements opens you up to new infinite possibilities because it leads to wisdom, understanding and mastery of your own energies.

When we bring just one element into balance, the rest of the elements will come organically into balance.

Use this meditation to bring in balance the 4 elements.

On my way to Nereju I had butterflies in my stomach.
Seismic movements are born here. It’s where the Earth shakes first.
If you are familiar with my work, I use orgone energy for harmony and peace. So I usually make offerings in the form of orgone to many power spots on Earth.

Making an orgone offering was very emotional here. This time it felt like I was releasing not only my own fears and sadness but worlds fears and sadness.

I prayed that Mama Earth forgives us for all the wrong doings, our ignorance, greed, anger and all the negatives.

Earthquakes: the Spiritual Meaning

Sometimes our lives need to be shaken up in order to stop living a life of complacency and start living our truth.
Spiritual earthquakes are coming in our lives often.

If we refuse to go to the root of our own issues and face our fears we either get sick or we lose our happiness.
All fears are just testing our faith in the Higher Intelligence, All that Is.

We are here on Earth to serve, to experience life, and serve others and the Divine Will.

The Earth is evolving, we are evolving.
The Earth is shaking because it is moving into a higher vibration.
We also shake with her.

The shaking is nothing but a wake up call to evolve and transform.
We are put through tests.
Pass them.

Balance of the 4 Elements Meditation

You can book a healing session with me here:

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300 Earthquakes in 9 days – Archangel Uriel’s Protection


A lot is happening in the Cosmos as we end the cycle 9. (2016)

Numerous earthquakes, terrorist attacks, accidents and all the unfortunate events.

There is a Massive Transformation, huge Awakening going on.
300 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or above on Richter scale happened in 9 days!!!
Mother Earth is shaking and it shakes our believe systems, our truth.
This is Big!
This is a wakeup call!

It is the end game for corruption, lies and deceit.
It is the new beginning of truth, integrity, prosperity, health and love.

It is time to embrace Unity, to be compassionate, to be Love, to forgive.

It is time to stop dwelling too much into the ‘death energy’ and focus on celebrating life and being nice to each other.

Do not feed fears, specially fear of death.
Intensify prayers.

The entire day yesterday I felt the entire Earth Moving, shaking. I felt every single tremor on Earth energetically.
My heart was racing.
I asked Spirit to help me slow down. Deep belly breaths and prayers…
I received the message: the entire world is purging right now and this new profound layer of heart opening is necessary.
It requires us to be present, to be in the heart.

Our heart chakra is opening even deeper.

New Moon in Capricorn invites us to open our hearts.
We are required to release, let go, and move on.

Stop holding onto things that are not serving you well.

Let go, let go, let go and then let God.
It is time. The signs are everywhere!
So many people died in the 9 year (2016).

Celebrity’s death is the main subject these days.
Many of them died of heart attacks. Another heart message here.
Send a blessing a prayer to their soul but don’t take it too personally.

After all the cycle/era of gurus and celebrity worshiping is dying.

We are the gurus, our Spirit is the Guru, our breathe is the teacher.
No I am not saying not to have teachers or even gurus or love celebrities.
But stop putting them on the pedestal as they will fall eventually and then you suffer.
Find your own power, don’t give it away to others.
Never ever give your heart away, it takes lifetimes to get it back.

Dark side wants you miserable, distracted, unhappy, depressed.
Do the opposite.
Raise your vibes: Laugh, Smile, Exercise, Dance, GIVE, make love. Be the Light.

Archangel Uriel

Uriel the messenger of divine wisdom is the archangel whose name means “God is my light “and is known for his wisdom.

Archangel Uriel is a teaching archangel.

He is associated with earthquakes, volcanoes and storms and considered an archangel of salvation.

He is a wise protector and keeper of the sacred mysteries, and the world of magic.
Invoke Uriel to help you transform all negative vibes into spiritual awareness and positivism.

In Unity,

Spiritual Tool:
The Loop of Awareness with Archangels Empowerment

Related Articles:
Earthquakes, Stars and Labyrinths: Spiritual Work to release tension in the world

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May we suggest:

Angels of Protection Empowerment The Loop of Awareness with Archangels Empowerment Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant
Angels of Protection Empowerment
The Loop of Awareness with Archangels Empowerment Angel Amulet Orgone Pendant Chakra System Orgone Pendant

Putin, John Kerry, Wine, Earthquakes and the New World Order

Spirit talks in amazing ways.
Last week I visited Cricova (Moldova Republic) one of the largest wine cellars in the world.

Many political figures including Putin keep their wine collections here in the casas (houses).

I was ‘called’ to one casa in particular
and I took this photo: John Kerry’s wine collection.


I felt really weird, creepy energy.
I Sent love and orgone energy to his soul to release that weird energy I felt.

Then today I just heard about New Zealand big earthquake(s) and immediately
I thought of Kerry as he is visiting New Zealand.

quote from stategov site “Secretary Kerry will then travel to Wellington, New Zealand, from November 12-13, where he will meet with Prime Minister John Key and Foreign Minister Murray McCully for consultations on a range of bilateral and global issues. He will also participate in the dedication of the site of the United States Memorial and a wreath laying ceremony at New Zealand’s National War Memorial Park.”

While I was sending good energy to Kerry’s spirit I heard a woman behind me talking about Putin’s casa.


I went to Putin’s casa and stayed there for a while and sent good vibes to Putin while touching his wine bottles.
I didn’t feel creepy energy, I felt giggly.

It was surreal.  John Kerry is the ally of the NWO while Putin is the traitor of the NWO (New World Order).

Furthermore wine has a deep spiritual meaning, it represents sustenance and life.
But at the same time symbolizes blood (red wine).

So what do you think? Coincidence? I don’t think so…

PS: few days after I wrote this article this info came out
I was attacked so hard by the dark side.
Send prayers please and send love, light and truth to this “event”
Was NZ Earthquake Man Made?

“If you were planning to do seismic blasting off the coast of a country, the best time to do it would be with the full moon wouldn’t it? That way people only discuss that as the possible reason for the quake.

The worlds biggest seismic blasting ship the Amazon Warrior was photographed off Rarangi Beach in Cloudy Bay last night. Right on top of a major fault line.

Green MP Steffan Browning reported it on his Facebook page for hours before the giant quakes.

The post has been shared over 400 times at the time of this post.”


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How did we manifest this election Result? 11-11 Portal

“And the Powers of Heaven will be Shaken.”

~ Namaste,

This is what I shared in one of my latest newsletters:

“What is happening with the US presidential candidates is a reflection of our collective consciousness. They play a role to awaken our shadows. Truth about illusion and deception are surfacing. We are distracted and mainstream media does its usual job of manipulating the world into choosing division and separation over unity and love.
This is profound. Awakening is happening, Truth is surfacing.

The prophetic dream that I had a few weeks ago (I shared in one of my latest newsletters) shook my ego, shook my very essence.

I saw this coming… in my dream
“And the Powers of Heaven will be Shaken.”

Information received: “do not be afraid instead be concerned about what is going on in the world.”

Things that we don’t know will surface and that will affect the entire world.

Filter the information that is being fed to us and rely on intuition as truth.

Now who wasn’t shocked with the election results?

Saying it humbly, I saw it coming but couldn’t share it.

I get emails from sad, confused or angry people who ask me how in the world we have manifested this election results?

There is fear, despair, and a lot of negativity happening in the collective conscious right now. But REMEMBER that all of this is happening in the 3rd dimension.  In the 5th dimension the world is a different world that works for everyone and it is based on Light and Unity and Love.

At the same time in the higher dimensions there is MASSIVE Awakening happening with a great amount of light piercing the veils of negativity and illusion.

Many see it very clearly, however for those in a fearful, negative mode it is very hard to see it. Fear vibrates extremely low on the consciousness scale.

I know what fear is because I was there and at times I still flow through it.  We are humans and ego doesn’t exempt us from it. Ego is part of us being human.

What changed the entire fear negative game for me was a deep feeling of knowing that everything will be just fine and trusting and having faith in the Higher Power.

The dream that I had regarding a prominent figure looking at me with piercing eyes that shook my entire ego, made me see things differently, through the lenses of truth.

I am inviting you to do the same.
Do your inner work, chakra work, grounding work, heart work, forgiveness, whatever it takes to step into your powers and not allow negative emotions to control you.

What intrigues me that a lot of spiritual people, even teachers that I know, fall for negativity and add this disempowering energy to this vortex of negativity due to the fact that are ungrounded.

In the messages I get daily, I get reminded of the controlling energies that prevent us from being happy.  If ego rules we cannot be happy.

The old system is crumbling, I have been saying this over and over for many years now, yet it’s hard to grasp the concept.

Dec 2012 was the beginning phase.

And this happens for a great reason, to take power in our own hands, moving away from systems that enslave us instead of empowering us.

Some people are shocked where others are seeing it very clearly.

There are people who are not aware of this awakening or refuse to awaken due to personal suffering, trauma that is happening in their lives.

Healers, lightworkers, earth angels, humans with a beautiful heart, I ask you not to add to the suffering.  Instead Assist and help others who go through emotional suffering.

We are on this planet to assist and help each other, to lift each other up. Chose Love over hatred and fear.

Many people know me for working and creating orgone for many years (more than 12 years now) and know my connection with orgone.

Orgone is a tool of awakening.

Spirit guides Constantin and I to go on orgone gifting missions. These are in fact visits to sacred places on earth. We place these orgone gifts in strategic locations like vortexes, ley lines etc.

I truly believe a mass awakening is happening as a result.

All the orgone gifts spread around the world communicate with each other and create a grid of Spiritual Power that allows the Light to penetrate our beloved planet.

Saying this, if you have our orgone gifts connect them consciously via your thoughts with all the orgone gifts  in the world. I truly believe Orgone/Orgonite is one of the main tools, along with crystals that has been gently, steadily, powerfully and gracefully assisted with the mass awakening.  When we wear our orgone pendants we become orgone (life force) generators.

Those who seek to keep us in low vibrations prevent us from seeing the Light and Truth.
The 11-11 portal that is happening (happened) on Nov 11 is about the explosion of light and truth.
Even if it looks like we live in a world of division and separation,  the “11-11” portal brings Unity.

If you prepared yourself energetically by being grounded, being in your heart, being a true seeker and having faith you are not suffering.

Light is our friend, but if we refuse to see it, we sink into the darkness, we let negativity take over. And then we really need to work hard to learn what we need to learn.
We can choose as humanity to see this situation as a curse or as a blessing.  We are not our emotions.

For life times now we looked at life through filters. Now in a long time we see through lenses of truth.

Division, anger , shock, lead to huge awakening. Chaos precedes change. Chose Love. Remember the ones that are in charge of the energies of the planet are of Light.  There is a Movement that is happening on the planet and the Universe. It is a Movement of Truth and Love and Unity.

Mama Earth is saying Wake Up!

Tune into the highest awareness as veils have been lifted.

We are called to assist, we are called to help, we are called to support others who need our help, who need our prayers, who need our healing energy. We are called to help anchor these new energies that are of light, that are positive that will help create peace and prosperity on Earth. It is Time!

The seeds of positivity have been planted.
Have the courage to look within and have faith, have trust in the higher Power.
Something big has opened up: a major portal of awakening and remains open as – we continue to awaken. Trust your Intuition as this is Massive and extremely Positive.

Have faith!

I would love for you to say these words (or similar in frequency) out loud to yourself.
Say it with passion and faith.

“I have faith. Everything is going to be okay.
I trust that the world is going to be an awesome world and I chose to be part of it.”

So be it, Aho,

In my latest newsletter I shared about the 3 Archangels that were celebrated on the election day: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
And Archangels are known as the “Special Forces” of the Angelic Realms.
They work constantly to help humanity awaken its spiritual powers to improve life.

Call upon them and let them help you.

The empowerment works like magic, very fast and very effective.

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