The word “Psychic” and the energy around it, still has a bad reputation and is denigrated by the mainstream society. Oh well…
Choosing the Psychic path is a huge responsibility and takes TONS of courage.
Telling someone you are psychic can induce different negative reactions in people: being called charlatan, delusional, mentally ill, crazy, or even being envied for your gifts.
I have to agree that there are charlatans out there who pretend to have super powers. There is always a rotten apple or two amongst a bunch of other apples.
On many occasions I was asked from the get go: “what do you do?” which I find it annoying, as it feels so shallow. I usually respond fast and shocking: “I am a Psychic”. I get in return some grins, funky frowns, eyebrow raises, even arrogant laughter and more questions like: “so can you read my future? and more blah blah’s…
In the past I had my moments of low self esteem and had to do a lot of thinking before coming out as a “Psychic”.
But Spirit said: use it anyway…
The society has brainwashed and controlled society for eons. Luckily there is a mass awakening of truth.
It is very easy to lose confidence in self if you are not standing your grounds. It takes practice, it takes courage and it also takes love to learn to stand your ground.
But when Spirit is stronger than any of the low energies of guilt or shame, the courage and profound understanding takes over.
Like Gandhi said: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 😉
There is so much beauty in the energy of the word “Psychic”.
So what is the definition of the word Psychic?
“The word psychic is derived from the Greek word psychikos (“of the mind” or “mental”) and refers in part to the human mind or psyche… The Greek word also means “soul”. In Greek mythology, the maiden Psyche was the deification of the human soul.”
To me the meaning of the word Psychic is the merging of three powerful energies into one: soul, mind and spirit.
Like any word, psychic word has energy and extreme power. It all depends how the power is used: to create, evolve or to destroy, become stagnant or die.
A lot of people are more comfortable using the word “intuitive” more than Psychic from fear of being judged.
Although Intuition is also a beautiful word, the vibrational word “Psychic” is more profound, hence it holds more power of manifesting. I like to combine it with the word “awareness” ~ “psychic awareness” as it increases the vibration of the soul…
I had people screaming at me, literally, for using the word psychic, and quite a few of “unsolicited advices” to change the work “psychic” with “intuitive”. Sometimes being stubborn sets you on a pioneer journey… Even the world was known to be flat before it emerged into a round world… Right?
I had to stand my grounds and reclaim this word/energy as it holds tremendous power.
If you are psychic, then you know what I am saying, and you might want to take your gifts/ powers back.
Do not be afraid to use this word; in fact use it with confidence. This way we awaken the truth in this energy and stop pretending the world is what we see with our physical eyes only. It is beyond that and our souls know it…
Like many other words of power, its energy was hijacked by the dark side to keep us trapped into the world of illusion… Psychic Energy needs to be reestablished, accepted, embraced, honored, rediscovered.
After all it is of the “Soul”… What is more beautiful than the “soul”?
Seriously… Souls is eternal.
Breathe please as you read this…
Repeat the word Psychic with a high awareness and see how powerful this can be!!! Aha…
My belief is that we all have psychic abilities, which are creative, beautiful gifts from Creation. They come from our Spiritual Nature.
We always had them, before we even came into this life and will always have them as we leave this physical life.
Some of us use, honor and recognize them more than others simply because we have awakened to the reality of who we are, some are still questioning as they are in the awakening process, and some deny them as they are still in the sleepy dimension of illusion.
Some have more advanced psychic abilities, some have less.
Some have the gift of psychic seeing, some have the gift of psychic hearing, some are more in the knowing, some are just feeling…
You obviously came so far reading this article… that means you are vibrating with this energy…
As you are Psychic, use the word psychic more and more…
Let’s change the vibration of this word together! It is TIME!
Much Love and Psychic Blessings,
Lilly Natures Blessings
Tools to assist your Psychic Powers:
~Psychic development and Intuition orgone necklaces – infused with high psychic energy
~Intuition Affirmations Download
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